The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, December 24, 1897, Image 4
Royal make* the food pure. wholesome and delicious. . POWDER Absolutely Pure SOYAI BAKING POWDER DO., NEW YORK. Fruit Men Kinking. The local retail fruit merchant* are complaining loudly about the presence of three fruit vessel* in port. The re tailor* oay that the coming of the fruiter* is ruinous to the local trade, as they sell fruit to the merchants and then undersell them at retail from the vessel. The retailers make the point that the money realized by the Nassau fruit men does Brunswick no good, but is taken away. Very pretty cigar moistening oases to keep cigars nice and fresh, at Isidor Mayer’s, “Persistent Raving 1h tho Road to Wealth." =- 'THE: KHISSIB m OF BRUNSWICK, GA. Department of Savings. Deposits of one dollar an and upward received and interest allowed at lhe rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Interest credited quarterly and compounded. . . . Accounts of Women and Chil dren are Controlled by Them selves J. M. Madden, President, A. H. Lane, Vice l’resdt. W. B. Cook, Cashier. ALONG THE BAY. Items of Harbor News and General Shipping Interest. Arrived, Spanish bark Maria Louisa, (563 tone, Captain Alonso, from Val encia, for a cargo of lumber from Benito I’adrosa. Sailed, American schooner William 11. Swan, for Philadelphia, with a cargo of lumber valued at $7,360, from Nils Gregertsen. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to lure. 26 cents. The genuine has L. 15- Q. on each tablet. Fine china at Dunn’s. A large variety from which to select your CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Fine Neckwear, Silk Initials and Plain Handkerchiefs,Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, Plain White Hem- Stitched Handkerchiefs, MANHATTAN White Shirts, Silver Mounted Silk and Satin Suspenders, Path Rohes, Overcoats, Suits, Combination Um brella and Walking Canes, Etc. Our store will be open every night until 0 o’clock, until Christinas. EXCELSIOR’S ENTERTAINMENT. A V*ry Creditable Program Rendered by the Members. The entertainment of the Excelsior Literary society of the high school held in the sooiety ball at the Mans field street school house last evening was a most decided eucoess. Every part of an excellent program was quite successfully rendered by our bright young girls. The recitations by Ida Borchardt, Lydie Jeffers and Rita Mc- Kinnon were particularly good. Miss Borchardt is one of the most graceful girls ever seen on a Brunswick school platform. Clifford Gorton rendered an excellent piano solo and Janie Symons sang very sweetly. The violin playing of Miss Winter was exceedingly artistic. The little farce “Champion of Her Sex,” was worth more than the price of admission. The audience went away charmed with the expressed hope that the entertainment would be repeated and with a longer program. There were about one hundred and fifty in the audience and the perform ance netted nearly >2O for the library. Thu Timks man noted in the audi ence Mayor Johnson and Alderman Fendig. More of our leading men ought to attend these entertainments . What You Need When your strength is gone, you have no appetite, are tired, weak and without ambition, is Hood’s Sarsapa rilla to purify and enrich your blood, stimulate your stomach and give you strength. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’s Pills for the liver and bow els, act easily yet promptly. 25c. If you want the best fruit cake that you have ever made, buy your citron, currants and seeded raisins from A. C. Jeffers, 208 Monk street. Put a Stop to It- The Timks called the attention ol the police a few days ago to the faot that the meetings now ioprogrtst in the gospel tent were being seriously disturbed by the shooting of cannon crackers by certain parties, doubtless with malicious intent. The practice continues, and the police should give it their attention immediately. Fine mixed candy for Christinas trade at 10 cents per pound. All kinds of nuts, raisins, figs, prunes, etc., at lowest prices. A. C. Jeffers, 208 Monk street. Iluyler’s candy for Xmas. W.. 1. Butts, the druggist. Tobacco pouches, match safes, cigar and cigarette cases in endlpss variety, very cheap, at Isidor Mayer’s. The Arab Arrested. One of the Arabs on the steamship Wsanington Hall is now languishing in the county jail, where he was placed yesterday afternoon by Con stable Gaskins. The Arab threatened the engineer of the steamer, and had the appearance of a man who was about to do something desperate. Hence, he was jailed. Fine mixed candy for Christmas trade at 10 cents per pound. All kinds of nuts, raisius, tigs, primes, etc., at lowest prices. A. C. Jeffers, 208 Monk street. The finest line of pocket cutlery ever brought to Brunswiok, cheaper than ever at lsidor Mayer’s. Christmas books at Dunn’s THE TIMES: BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24. 1897. Suggestions for Christmas. We have added for the holidays a large number of nov 'Unsuit able for Christinas and New Year's presents. We have materially strengthened what was before the strongest line of Gents’ Furnishings, by adding the richest and choicest .patterns of the season in Neckwear, scarfs, puffs, bows, four n-hands and ties. Suspenders, silks and satins, plain and < mbroidered, mounted in various ways. Mulllers plain white and colors of the richest effects. 1 Handkerch.efs, linen and silk with and without initials. I Hosiery , lisle thread and silk plait and farcy. Gloves, agents for the celebrated Foster and Wilson Bro. Ku’l Diess Hh.irts, the well known Monarch and Wdaon Bro. Press Suit Gases, in leat her and linen lined. Silk Finbrellas, newest ideas m handles and shapes, natural wood and mounted. Canes, silk mounted ar and plain, natural woods, straight and curved handles. Pocket Books, the very newest things. Card Cases, in Russia leather and seal. Necktie Gases, plain and inlaid pearls Collar and Cun Boxes, in Russia leather arid seal. Shaving Sets, in plain and fancy cases Velvet Vests, in plain and neat patterns. Silk Crash Vests, in all the ne.v shades. Silk Vests, m neat figures and checks. Silver Pocket Knives,and a largo a rtment of other silver novelties. Ladies are especially invited to come and let us offer assistance in selecting presents for gentlemen. L*c 1 P=" 9 B Jr WMar?*ai a m\w& Ba cscfiis/mvjcß ... W, H- HARRIS’ WOSLO FAMOUS Nickel-Plate Show WILL KMiriilT at Brunswick Monday, Dec. 27. 1 00-Famous Performers-100 Elephants f NF'V a pts ) Acrobats Tigers \ NEW Pl 4 1 I:KES \ Two Performances Daily ■ Two and Eight p, m. DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR 11 UiUEli. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK, At Brunswick, in the State of Georgia, r.t the close of business, Dec . 15,1897. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 234,26* 88 Overdrafts, secuied and unsecured.. iO7 :.J IT. S. Bonds to secure circulation 87,5 0 0< stocks, securities, etc 4,it'd so Banking-house,furniture and fixtures 2u,tW ou Other real estate and mortgages owned 13,000 00 Due from National Banks (not Re serve Agents) 1,19 s 1 Due from .state Banks and Bankers.. Due from approved reserve agents.. 22.5 u? • Checks and other cash items isi Notes of other National Banks 1 S • on Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents *. *7 4* Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, vi/.: Specie #21,51*- 10 1 , 0(i . ~, Legal-tender note* 8,500 I*o \ 0 * Redemption fund with l r . s. Treas’r (6 per cent of circulation) 1.0*7 so Total $ 420,084 sti State of Georgia, . Covnty of Glynn, ss. I, E.P. Walter, Cashier of the above natal u, >u>:unh swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge ;;t.l belief. \.\ o. \\ ALTER, Cashier. Subscribed and s.vorn to before me thi ' " ••nber, h-'.i;. EA. FI i ,\<j Ni i,n v Public.Glvnn county,Georgia. ( . DOWNING, ) Correct—Attest: k. 11. MASON, [ Directors. b . 11. FENG AU,) Th. Shoppers' Day- Yesterday was the shoppers’ da and the merchants were kept busy from early morning until Inteat, night. Christmas gifts was the order of pur chase, and everybody bought them tor everybody else. The streets were lively all day and until nearly mid night. Today, it is expected, will show even a greater rush for the stores. For a Xinas preseut a basket of liuyler’s is the proper thing. W. .1, Butts, the druggist. Madisoni&ns Coming. A party of 6ix Madison people, headed by l)r. A. K. Bell and Col. tj. L. Williford, will reach the ci*y on Monday, for a hunting expedition. Arrangements have been made for their pleasure by Mr. Edwin Brobston, who formerly lived at Madison. A treat in store for the visitor,. Onyx.silver and gold-plated lamps, very line, at Ken non Moti’e, u> jeweler. Salon Calmer’* perfume* aid sachet*. W. .1. Butt*, the druggist LIABILITIES. ii npital stock paid in $ 150,000 00 Surplus fund 6,500 00 l ndivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 5,693 09 Bnt! Li! Hank notes outstanding.... 03.750 00 Due !(' titer \atio: al Hanks 8,849 83 Due t >tat* Hanks and Hankers 8,785 37 individual deposits subject to cheek 136.453 76 i esof deposit 10,374 89 lim '(Tliiieates of deposit 31,158 20 ( ei titled checks 357 95 Ca-hier’s checks out tanding 282 30 v oics:ml bill rediscounted 19,280 00 •-ills |...v . 4 ale 15,000 00 Teal $ 420,984 89 Triay Sorely Tried. ' "ay,” said E. J. Triay, the electrio ■m, rs he rushed into ThkTimes office yesterday, ••bow many papers do you circulate iu this city?" He was in formed that the circulation of The Times was all right. “Well”, he con tinued, “I just wanted to know if there is any body in town who knows me that doesn’t read The Times. You pub isl ed a notice in this morning’s ! p rto tin- etl' ct that l was about to ieav.- for I’hila ielphia. You got me mixed with Olewine, the bicycle man. I’ve t‘ . n in trouble all day. One hi. and and people who are interested in ny fn'ure movements have been after m . and I can’t g t time to attend to my business. But it’s Olewine. 1’ :*-e say so. By the way, if I ever want anything I’ll ask for it through l'ui: limks. K erybody reads it.” Be sure and ask for your tickets in our grand free drawing. Keuuon Mott,the jeweler. Sterling fiiver novelties, of all duds, at ienuon Moll’s, the j-weler. Salmi Calmer’* *icliei* aud par-J fume*. \V. .1. Un'ts, the druggist. Henry T. Dunn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine China, Dolls, Toys, Pocketbooks, Pictures, Fireiirka. A beautiful assortment of Christmas and New Year’s Cards, Gift Books, all styles and prices. L Albums, Dressing Cases. Tablets, Etc. All the latest novelties in Iron, Wood and other Toys. The largest assortment, best goods, lowest prices in the city. 21© Newcastle Streaf. The Williams Typewriter Nsw Mels Nos. 2 m 3 for 1900. Liehtsst ns- i Pntllast talk, ning, ball bear- i greatest speed, mg, easiest .I 3 : . ‘,. touch, autu.nat- Ifljfe ? 8S man ic action, line, h r v ■ maa * n2W lock. Attl features. Visible Writing,' " Most Durable-. You can do more work with greater ease, rapidity and accuracy than would be possible on any other typewriter. Best for expert or novice. Catalogue on application. Typewriter supplies. Edison Mimeographs. Second-hand typewriters and exchange. Edwin A. Hardin Company, Sole Dealers for the South, Atlanta, 6a. AGENTS WANTED IN UNOU- aim 1 D PfllU i „*!**, BUI NUVIUK, (JURIED TERRITORY. ItiLL D. IMI ft, LuGfi! rtgl, GEORGIA. California Restaurant CHUE HALL, Manager. BEST IN BRUNSWICK.^ ET-ORDERS TAKEN FOR O- K. LAUNDRY- is/s lj f=* ’T- nr e: mu rootte: MURCOTTE’S * Bonbons, ChociJates, French Delicacies, French Mixture and other Candies from 15c. to 80c. per pound. Kcimy 6k Bailey? 312 Newcastle St. is/i xjrootte: Qur Surprise Will Bs Brsstor, A SURPRISE ~ FLEMING & WAFF - - Newcastle St. ti.iGl> COO KIN a MAKES GOOD EATING. MEALS SERVED TO ORDER. GRANT ST. We have a beautiful assoit ment of Pictures. Gold Pens. Fancy Aim, Games, Blocks, ’XmaslaM Now Year Cards, Gift. Toy and Story Books. Frames Made to jtader. Artist Material , 4- Orders taken for engraved cards, nionogaam work and in vitations. M U ROOT *T“ &Z