The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 12, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 194 818 nn Our Clot Treated Badly lo Atlanta. WARRANTS SWORN OUT Manager of the Atlanta Team Fails to Keep His Contract. The following eery interesting item it from yesterday's Attest* Cop dilation : < TiyMesed game of baseball between % viek at Bnebine perk yesterday wound up with • warrant sworn out ageiaet Audlej Pal mer. manager of the Atlanta team, Trie warrant wae iworn out by Henry Hireen, manager of the Brnnawlek tram, the eberge agelnet Manager Palmer being thet be waa a common eneat end swindler. Manager P lmer ii end to have P'omierd Manag r Hiraob “expect-* and half the gate rece pts." Half the gate receipt* were not enough to fur i“th Manager Hiraob with tootbpioka, and the expanaaa, which were over 100 wire out p-id by Manager Pal war. - ■-itfftfager Hiraob tbioka Manager Palmer la trying to koook him out oo a foul tip, and Manager Palmer d olarea that Manager Hireob miauoder atood the oontraot and bealdta tbia, that be put on too muib atjle for a baaeball club. Sha matter retched a climax at Bris bioe piA* yesterday afternoon afthe the second of the Atlanta Brunt wiok aarlaa of games bad ended in a row and a fiasco tn tbe third inning l Atlanta waa ply,ng with tba reek leaaneaa and abandon of a lot of aobool boy a, while Brunswick uiad tba diamond for a merry-go-round Io the third inning, white Brnnawick waa at tba bat, the aoora atood aonue thing like 20 to 8 in fayor of the visi tors and the bases were all full with nobody out and the runs being piled up as high as Mount Olympus-.' Suddenly one of tbs Atlanta playara got the ball, probably io a basket, and threw it far over tbe fenos, Tbia broke up tbe game. Mtftnqgggr Palmer was at tbe gate office, counting the money, a job n’t bays requjred two or ihrse minutes. Tbe day before the total gate receipts had been $lB.lO. Yester day afternoon the receipts were not nearly so heavy. HOW HI WAS Ol’T Maneger Hirsch saw that “half tbs gate receipts” was too small a thing to haggle oyer, to he demanded his ex penses op to da'e, inciting about S9O. Kr railroad fare and over S4O hotel bill. Manager Palmer couldn't catch onto Manager Hirsch’s financial figures. Man ager Birsch said he was out—sloo—and out on a foul. Be waa willing, be said to make the home run at his own ex penae provided the fare to Atlanta and the Kimball bills were paid. Added to this little episode row over the game and the demand that some of the spectators made for their money. They declared they had paid good money to see good ball and they witnessed a walking match around the bases and a wild throw by an Atlanta player. gTATBMHKT FROM MANAGER PALMRR. Manager Palmer made a statement to a reporter of the Constitution. Be said tbat tbs whole matter was dua ts THE 'BRUNSWICK TIMES, a miaunderataodiog on the part of Manager Hiraob. “I promitad Manager Hiraob ex penaea and balf tb* gat* reoeipts,” aaid Palmar, “but tbe axpeoeea meant, aa 1 understood It, * payment of hole bill* provided it rained aod there waa no game. If tfaera waa a gam* than the Brunswick team bad to taka ita obanoe* like mine by a division of tb* gate raoaipta. Tbeo, juat Ibiok of Manager Hiraob aekiog me to pay bia expanse* when he earns bar* and put up at tbe Kimball bouse. Whoever heard of baaeball playera getting to be awel ? I have put money In tb* At anta team. 1 bought fifty abaree In tbe etook at a saorlfioe, You ae, F. M. Foater oame bera to get up tbe South ern league. He did not do uiuoh with tb* matter and 1 agteml to ptst tamts money in tbe Atlanta tagp I waa made secretary. Jplajed three game* vrtMr tha Atlanta amateurs.: Tb',i I corresponded with tbe Hrena vriok team and vrg were to play three games, The troth three' player* here boarding at oar expanse. It waa for the purpose of getting aome money to pay :b* hotel bill and start over fresh that I arranged to have eome good games of ball. Man ager Hiraob misuoderatood my oon traot. I bars done nothing dishonest and have aotad in good faith. Our crowds have been ridiouluutly imall and we Itst money.” tositiox. Manager Birsch was seen at the Kim ball house. He said he had brought 11 men to Atlanta on a telegram from Pal mer, who agreed to pay all expenses and give half the gate receips. Uirach produced the telegram and said: '•1 acted on this. I have paid out stso for railroad fare to get here and will hare to pay (bat amount to get bach to Brunswhfkr. Jfy expenaea er SIOO. I have agreed to tikn Ahetare here and the hotel bill and pay my own way back home. A* to Palmer saying he meant to pay my expenses only anould it rain, why, I honestly behave if it had rained today our crowd of spectators would have been larger, for some people might have gone there to get out of the shower. "1 believe Palmer intend, and to swindle me and I have sworn out a warrant. If he or his friends will pay what I aik, and it is in reason, I will withdraw the warrant. WHAT rOSTSB THINKS ABOTT IT. F. U. Foster, who has been in tbe oity about three weeks trying to form a southern league and whose .name waa mentioned by Palmer, waa seen and asked wbat be thought of the af fair, Herepllad: “ I know very little about it. I tried to form a league and failed. Palmar took bold of the olub for Atlanta and he ia the only person known In the oontraot wltb tbe Brunsvriok team, I don't think Palmer knows rnueb about ba ebtll matters, Taia morn ing be sent word to Mr. Hirscb tbat be (Hirscb) mast turnieb tbe ball* for this afterncou’s gute. X don’t think be m ant to do anything that waa criminal. He is honest, 1 believe but be justj doesn’t know how to act in each matters. In my opinion tbe affair baa grown out of misunder standing wbiob will doubtless be satirfictorlly arranged right away. SHIPPING REPORT. aily by Oayt. Otto J dunums Port of Bruas .iok, Aug 11, 1900. ARRIVIP. Schr. Richard F. O. Martley, Falker, Portland, FOR RENT.—Neat littla palm oot tage, furnished, on St. Simon, Most delightful apot on island, rigbt near tbe surf and pier. Apply to Oeo. W. Barper, phone 158. PLENTY OF COURAGE IN THE LEGATIONS No Hatter What Happens the Brave Band Will Hold On. Washington* Aug. 11. —Consul McfWade at Can following: “Conger, under date of Aa|pistloth, answering my message,says the legations are under a state of siege by the imperial troops. Lgses in the legations are about sixty killed and one nffnwed wouftded. Some sickness, but nevertheless the general health of the legations continues good. Whatever May be the outcome, we will hold out in definitely. * 'l’ln* Chinese* ndmVer railed at state department inis morning and secretary Adee a communication from viceroys in the southern Ofirifa, asking that the United States use its good influence to pre vent landing of trodjpa ittt Shanghai. The paper declared that reports that troops were to be landed there had already aAW ted the natives many of whom were leaving (he eity. Also that business was becoming demoralized and if troops Were landed such action would probably be followed by an uprising of the Chinese. Washington, Aug. 11.-Remey cables from Taku August 7th, and Gen. Chaffee telegraphs from the front Aug. 8: “Yang Tsung occupied. Casualties about sixty to the dbihmand, two marines were wounded; many prostrated by the heat and fatigue. AroierarcomiirftirfaTng Plflgmlrfront telegraphs that his forces marched from Fiet ii&#itine miles toward Yang Tsung where he formed for an attack with Americans on right and Russians on left. After a rapid* advaifee of three miles under hot rifle and shell fire our troops carried the first line of defense. Casualties about fifty killed or dead from sunstroke. Washinfftoty August 11. —The following despatch message from Conger as sent through Consul MeWade-at Canto'i*,was made by the state department: ’ • ..,r -i. v -jinC' ■ “Conger from date of Tainan Anglo, apwering my message says legations are under siege by imperial soldiers, situation desperate, legations six|y killed, about hundred wounded., some sickness, neverthe less general health cbnditions good. Concludes whatever may be outcome will hold on indefinitely.” Washington, August 11, —Minister Wu, wjhile he has no advices from an official source, thinks it more than likely that Li Hung Chang has been called by Imperial edict to act as mediator with the powers to establish peace, lie said lie Jia4 no news this morning. • f HOT DAY. Thermometer Climbs to % the Highest Ever Known. New York, August 11.—The hot wave oontinuss, while the death re cord promises to eclipse tbat of pre vious summers by a large nuinbor. At 8 o’clock this morning, tbe (her morneter was at 84. Fourteeo people died ye.terday directly from the heat’s effects, aid today prorobes an equally large number —the record at noon (bowing eight dead and a number prostrated. Yesterday the thermome ter went 94, and today it will reach tbat poinr, if oot higher, Tbe weath er bureau does not give aoy hope for an early tfresk in the extreme bet wave now enveloping tbiscouotry, New York, August 11, 2 p. m.—The BRUNSWICK. GA., SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1900. thermometer at this hour bks reached 9(!. This beats the record for August 11th in years previous. Ip 1890 the highest point resobed was 94, and this has been the record breaker until to day. / London, Ajij’. II —lt is reported tbat tbe position of Lord Cbeif Jus tice for succession to Judge Russel has been offerred to Sir Robert Ban nestine Finlay, a Liberal Unionist member of I’arliment from Iverness iiurrough. He will doubtless accept London, Aug. 11,—Lord Roberts cables tbat Gen. Kitcbner engaged Dewets rear guard yesterday near Lindcque and at the same, time be heard the guns of Metbune six miles north. No further particulars. St. Petersburg, Aug. 11.-An official messenger announces tbat Minister Degiers representing the Russian government in China has been ordered by the taar to quit Pekin with his staff uneer a guarantee of safety by the Chinese government. FUNERAL YKSTEHDA V. Mr. D. P. Jones Laid to Rent. The funeral of Mr. Daniel P, Jones occured ye.tcrdsy afternoon at 4 o’clock from hit residence on 1) street and the following acted as pall bearers: 8. M. Cornelius, J. J Spears, E. K. T. Muday, Geo. Asbell, A. G. Bernoy/ Sr., Capt, K. Peerson, j' Tlie deceased had as many frU'-ada as any man in Glynn county. Tie has hern suffering ■vfer a long time .from an aooiijli ntel wound inflioted by a pistol ball and this oom- bined with his advanced age proved too much for bis heretofore strong constitution. lie was one of Glynn county’s oldest oitizens anil had many friends here and olsewhere. Kev. W. F. Hollingsworth conducted tbe fu neral and the interment took place in Palmetto cemetery. HOASTKp THE CLITB. 'Tbe Turn s-Umon Talks to Maxwtlls Meu Very The Tiuiea-Uoion andCitz-n gave the basball team of that oity an awu~ tul roast oo the game Friday. Fol lowing U a part if the item: “If the Fernandina baseball plsyers ever played good hall, ;tbe played it yesterday arternoon. and if ever the home steam allowed how not-'-i; play the national ge-vo- it was their lire the grand etand a last-., 0 f it yesterday. It is needless to ay y ihat Fernandina won.'and the soore waa 14 to f>. “Fully 1,500 people turned out to tee the Jacksonville players go to sleep, aud the trance lasted frt in the lirst to the llnal inning There was positively no excuse for the poor ex hibition by the home team, and if sev erol releases are not tiled the support ers (Tuthe club will quit patronizing tbe games and the association might as well pull down the blinds. ■'Easy inllritd drives want out for a bit.' Halls which tbe Fernaodina short stop picked up with esse went by Hutchins, and base runners trotted home without, an offer". Even O’Neil, usually in the game from start to fin ish, let easy oenterfleld Hies fall with in tbrie feet if him—Hies that should have bden caught with ease—and still the runners oroiaed the ruober smilr- Ing serum ly and made monkeyi of the Jacksonville men. It was whispered that M uagei JJgaxwell put them all io bed at 10 30 Thursday night. If he did, he forgot to wake them up Friday morning, and they were still dream ing. while Ftrnandina k was playing b.,b.” ■ HE ELECTED VlOtt-PRIBIDENr. Or. W. 15. bin rough, lias asiurned from Pub!in w here be annual meeting of the State AJg’v&An turafSociety. Ur. Burroughs waa re j eleoiedvioe president for the Eleventh district tor the sixth oonsecutneVtime and he will prove his eminent, fitness for the pfsitinn of honor in tbe future as be lias always in the past. ffiSS. DAY. jßase Ball, Races, Dancing and Otherr Amuse meats. ,S viral days ago Captain Tobias Newman secured some looei talent from among the business and profes sional men of Brunswick and under (lie names and weights of Ihe Fats and the T. ins a gome of baseball was played at Hie paik. Tlie suocese of this i>, tine was rip-roaring and the spectators enjoyed every moment of it. The large attendance and fun produced lias ennourrged Up f . Now man to/Arrange a (Jala Bay for next week and be is now getting up a pro gram Which will prove very attractive for all tbe stay-at homes. This pro gram will include a baseball game by the Fats and the Leans, horse races, foot races, greasy pole contest, buck and wing dauoing, qusrtettV singing and other forms of amusement suuli as >erve to pass tbe time[away pleasantly. The merchants of Brunswick will be asked to give their clerks and employ ees a half bolliday and the attendance at the grounds is expeotrd tube large. Proceeds from the day will devoted to liquidating some of the debts of the Association. LOCAL AND PERSON & I*. Messrs.'R C. Baumgartner & Cos. are baying building on the corner of Grant and Monk streets repaired and will move there as soon as tho work is completed. Mr. Lloyd Lofton leaves tomorrow for a visit to his former home in North Carolina. Buck Ilollowell has signed with Jack sonville. lie has been playing with thd Brunswick team. PRICE FIVE CENTS JUS tt iisii Will 111! Fite aid lor letl 11a Saia 111 OF Fin 4r The Y Are In New York and Are- Anxious to Put up \Big Money. New b oi k, Aug. 11,- Champion Jef frics said tonig„ j s ready a nd willug to fight and add ed that lie wmildflHHjoth Fit/, and Slim key during til/,’ ; (|‘ jwoak. Thousands of,/ men who ro utined in this seeing the Fitzsim mons-Kuhlin tight are anxious to put their money ou Boh for the bout with Jeffries. It Is the general opinion amoun those who know what a slugger can do that Filz ijs the best in the world. RUHLIN BAD OFF Result of .Pn-rjlK, Pounding Given the (ame Fighter By Fife- New Yv^j| rs . ■- - • * jjunnuliment rn in tlie tight f ! Vigiliet stood upberork JpV than most of his backers | fcut be nM ed fur his hull dt| in holding on. After leaving ';. :..jW' D S for his hath bouse be went i^9V state of ooU lapse, which was followed by a aerie* of violent and blpidy hemorrhages, blood flowing frrofuaely from the mouth until 8 o’clock tbla morning. After that hour Rublln re covered suflloiently to be [removed Hilly Madden’s bouse in Brooklyn, ,he beat of ... still wsnk from bar, the attending statea that with proper rest, baAli come around a.’J right. J TO WORK FOlt ELK. Mr. Bui Oreenwood, the popular young mixologist who lias - bee n at the Arcade some lime, has resigned his po sition ami will now serve the public at the popular Elk saloon. This young man lias mado a great many friends in Brunswick and all will be glad to learn that lie will now he connected with th Elk. BT. SIMON SUNDAY SCHEDULE. The warm woather of the past few days will cause many to go to St. Si mon tomorrow and the Cumberland Route has arranged the following ex - cellent schedule: Leave Brueswick 9:80 a m ,2 p. m.; arrive St. Simon 10:80 a, m,, 3 p.m. Leave St Simon 11:30, la. nr, (5 p. in.; Arrive Brunswick 12:30 p. m., 7 p. m. DO YOU R FEET ACHE AND BTJHN' Shake into your shoes Allen’s Foot' Ease, a powder for the feet. It cools the feet and makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, SwoW len, Smarting, Hot, Callous, Sore and Sweating feet. Allen's Foot-Ease re leaves all pain and gives rest and com - fort. We lfave over 30,000 testimonials. It cures while you walk. Try it to-day. All druggist and shoe stores sell it, 35c. Sample sent free, Address Alleu S