The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 14, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 195 isinm nun The Score Was Five lo Nothing. IAS A BEAUTIFUL CAME A Costly Error Ln the Sec ond Inning Caused Brunswick to Lose. By Louis J. J<- ) AU *' la> ' T ° d,lJ ’‘ i wW the prettiest l have seen •inee the baseball season opened and ’eyiofc aaide the fsotthat had luck followed oar (eim, it is tqual to any in the South. ■ n the first inning: today Selma oit Is one run, in the teoond four and that 1b U. An error in the second allowed four rune, bat the Bruuswiok boys >ot into the came and sburtfll what they oall up bare “the Invinoihles” the other aeren innings, and our team had bard luck. They got on bases but could notcroskthe home plate. Two or three good hits were made, but that ill luck followed us and (be ball land ed right into the bands of left field. w* a big orowd of spectators and ibe Way they guyed us was a cau tiou. Cbue Hall's cow bells and Burr Wmtos’s bora was not a ciroumstsnoe These Selma people went te tbs grounds with bass drums, belle, horns dish pans and every other instrument of noise. The ladle* participated in the rout lug. One little Alabama “peach,” thfl* >• what the was, brought an array of diah pan* that would make a hotel keeper ashamed of himself. She bad all ansa from the little “hand - me-uut” to the family “washing gourde.” McAfee pitched for Selma, and Hen -1 y, Hallowed’* successor, curved the balls for Brumwick. It was a battle of pitchers, and each team made ooly three hit*. We were encouraged to day by a large attendance, and Man ager Hiracfa got a flue rake off. Setting ou today'* game was 2 to 1 and evrti 3 to 1, but on tomorrow’s con'est it is 3 to 3. I believe our club stands a good ■bow of winning. RffllfiL^ Oorrscted.Baily by Cspt. Otto Jtbmtttn Port of Brunisiok, Aug 13, 1900. ABKIV’BD. Husu: an bark Haas, Mackanson, Dar ien, Sclir. Hattie C. Luce, Heal. ht. Thomas. Schr. Goodwin Stoddard, M 11c', Charleston. CITY COURT. Only Two Cases Were Tried Yester day. Only two civil cases were tried by the ct'.y conn yesterday and they occupied nearly the whole in, questicn were brought by against two vessels and the latter won. GENERAL CHAFFEE REPORTS. Washington, Aug,l3.- General Chaf fee wires under date of the tenth as fol lows : “Arrived a>. Has Pi Wu yester day.” Wht most people went Is something mild nd gentle, when in need of a physic. Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablet* fill the bill to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in •®*ct. For sale by Bishop’s drug store. THJE BRUNSWICK TIMES. A GREAT BIG DEFICIENCY War Costs Uncle Sam Qi*# e a Penny. Washington, Aug. 13.—Tae Woill says: “During the first nine days of Augu-t the war deparunmt expended $5,415,060. The total war department expenditures mice the beginning of fhe tlscal year, July 1, have been $24,- 260,124 47. This is an average ex penditure for i acb day department has been a** u since July lofs7l3„> 527 *. I'he total war department ex pense is muoh greater"l baa the ex pense of any branch of ihe gov erntneut,even pensions or the trt men dously big "civil and wisoHlaueou.” item. The cost of the war department has been more than one-third of the entire expenditures of the government this fis cal year^^^^^ The total appropriations for the war department the first rcs.ion of eoneress , - *• which adjourned on June?, last, were $114,220, The campaign in China was not dreamed l of when these appropriations Were made. There will be gp enormous arufy de ficiency at the next session of congrers. Myanvs lie Attends Morning Services at Emanuel Baptist Church. Chicago, Aug 13-AYm. J. Bryan spent yesterday very quietly. In the morning he attended the Emanuel Baptist church, a fact that has not been anuouoofd beforehand, so that the ooi gregatiou was no larger than usual- Mr. Bryan wan recognized, buwtvir, anil was gree ed by a large number of peoj le after the sermon. After church, Mr. Bryan drove to the Cbioogo Beach Hotel, where be took lunch with 8 nator and Mrs. Jone i Mr. and Mrs. C.'iariee A. Tcwte and General Joseph Wheeler. The after noon was devoted to rest and aome necessary letttr writtirig. Mr. Bryan will probably 1 ave fur Lincoln next Wednesday or Thursday. OSCAK ACCEPTS. He Will Arbitrate the Samoan Cases, Washington, Aug 13 -Tue state department was i ffieially not fi and this afternoon that Amg Oscar,of Sweden, has acc pted the position of arbitra'or in the Sstnban claim ca'P*, Atner cs will forward claims at an eany dat to Stockholm. GREAT ELEVATOR BURNED. The Loss Is Estimated At Over a Mil lion Dollars Buffalo, Aug. 13.—The great Da kota elevator was burned this morning. The loss is estimated at not less than one million one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. New York, Aug. 13.—The bursting of a mammoth steam pipe of the New York Steamllealmg Company, caused the death of three today and the injur ing of many more. ALLIES ARE WITHIN TWENTVMILES PEKIN They Should Reach tile Besieged City . Today or Tomorrow. London, Aug. 13, —A despatch from Shanghai re portsAhe allied expedition within twenty miles ot Pekin. It should reach the besieged city tomorrow or Wednesdays Russians Again Defeated fr,' - Paris, Aug. i j.-jAdvicesliere state that thl v ’ sians were again’jßatily defeated at Banchuria. The Chinese drove them trom New Chang, inflicting ter rible loss. 1 To Help the Chinese. London, Aug. 13 r r-Ameer of Afganistan, is/epoi u ed to be mobilized his infantry an advance on the Russian frontier, & It looks from this that the A%hanistans are going to give Russia some serious- Rouble. The Gz# has ' ■ ■ A been.dictating to the country and now 4 jt they are to take sides with the Chinese in fighting troops ©n the fro|itier. * WOMACK IN TROUBLE.' *w*‘ "vajy*—• ~~~ * ' Court Scrape With a Hotel Keeper in Tampa. The following is from the Tamia Tribune. “One of the most interesting cases ever rehearsed in tbo county court was that of yesterday, in which a large board bill and two email grips were tha prin cipal items. Ed Womack, traveling salesman for Lippman Bros., of Savannah, was ac eu*ed by Manager Sum Hannah, of the Arno, of the offense of larceny The preliminary hearing occupied the great er portion of the dayf and Judge Ilairi son held Womack for the criminal court in bail of S2OO The case proved a lively one from start to finish. M. B. Macfarlane at.d M. Henry Cohen ropresenttd the prose cution and M.G. Gibbons the defend - ant. Mr. Hannah alleged that Womack ran up a board bill of $38.41 at Ids hotel He offered a draft on his house for $73, which the home refused to pay. Worn back, said Mr. Hannah gave him his baggage to keep until he could get the money to settle the bil'. Womack then, according to the story of the prosecution, abstracted his two grips from the hotel, after he had pledged them as security. On this the charge of larceny was based. Womack claimed he had a perfect right to his own baggage, and hence arose an interesting legal question, on Brunswick. ga„ TUESDAY MORNING', AUGUST 14, 1900. wliwlt numerous authorities were Wr** :,ySt • (tooted. 1 ’ : W i: After the prosecution bio Introduced its evidence, Attorney Gibbons moved that the cas be dismissed. Judge Har rison overt riled the inotion. Testimony was tlieu intreduced by the defenao. State Health Officer Porter being one of the witnes-es, but his testimnny was not relevant to the Issue. Womack defend ed his actions on the stand. > The drummer was held for trial. He has prominent family connections in Georgia, and a wife in Atlanta. He gave bond.” Womack was formerly a resident o this city. What Not to r° ‘‘l /can’t eat.” Take Hood’a Sarsaparilla and say, “1 am hungry all the time, and food never hurts me.” Never say to your friends that you are as tired in the morning as at night. If hey happen to be sharp, they will tell you Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling. Do not say, “My face Is full of pim ples.’’ You arc quie likely to be told by someone, “There's no need of that, for Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures pimples.” It is improper and unnecessary to say, "My health is poor and my blood is bad.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla will give you good blood, and good health will follow as a natural consequence. Mr, J. 8. Newkirk has purchased the grocery and beef business of J, E. Heidt and will put in a large new stock THE FIRST GUN.' > - Democrat a Begin Work in .ndiana Today. * T~ Jeffersonville, Aug. 13.—The (lemooratio gun of the campaign was fired here tpdtiy. The principal speak er of the occasion was Frank Burke, who is credited with being one of tbe men who wants the nomination for oongre&s from the seventh judicial district, oomposed of the counties of Marion and Johnson, - Mr. Burke, who is a popular orator, has promised to make as many speech es during the campaign as the state central committee deairis. Muoh en thusiasm was displayed at today’s meeting Kartlfy the body to resist malaria germs by pulling tho system In perfect order. Pru ki.v Aan Pittkks is a won ■ derful system regulator. AV. J. Butta. BIG PARADE. /* Labor tfnious to Celebrate y/’LJjfor Day. / It mure than probable '.bat the labor organizations of Brunswick will baye a big parade on I abor Day and some of Brunswick’s most prominent speakers will address the horny-hand ek sons of toil. The total membership of the labor union is about 1800. Bad Blood is a bad thing to inherit or acquire; but bad blood may be made good blood by taking Hood’s Barsaparilla. It expelt all impurities from the blood. SEVENTEEN ! WERE KILLED In a Railroad Accident Near Rome. K.m% Italy, Aug. 14 -A terrible I collision occurred yeßterday on the Salario road between Fioreoce and U.nne in whioh seventeen weio killed and fifty wounded. Owing to the great number of peo ple returning from the king’s funeral, two trains were run instead of one on the same track. The piston rod of the first engine broke and the train catfie to a standsti 1, but the other rolled on and crashed into the rear carriage of the first tram. Tie carnage was smashed into kindling wood. Grand Duke Cater, of Kusair, was on the train ami Bent men for assi tance. Kini, Victor Emanuel and Queen Helena drove to the scene and showed great solicitude. Tha Queen io urned to Rome but King ■named until everyone of t ' cared for. * J FALL OF * - Reunion anil celebration on in Ileaver. • v r ;'v ' Denver, A ll *- 13.—The reunion of the Arm' 0 * th e Philippines promises to be one >’ f the greatest events of tbe ser '°", 'Tomorrow, the principal day, . historical in the second an uul Celebration of the fail oHAfanila. A good representation of tbose\ W bo took part in the various blttles, Lolb before and after.the city cap' / are in attendance.’- irgj. : j-' | i of the Nation I Society Army of the Philippines is I hr/ “''•'■■"■r-ton|Trr of iiusmess- 4fc-be ’ ' rest of the time until tlis ete.ilßj| the ttY'li mil be d< voted to sooiAlwH joy me nt anil excursions to the mount ains. eslimatrd that there .. Jinore than 30,000 visitors in the'dlty,; U?o --erala’Green, Kiug, Whedsr and Hale ■ will sgeak this evening. President McEjnleym^treiones Root ar il Lonir, Generals #j*'A.liTnin, Admiral Dewie.v snif Bryan and Roose velt to attend the reunion, and some of these are expected to be nre*ej-a_bfcL:r< the olOas on tlie 15, <■?>(! Al-, AN D PKttSONAL. The Kaflomen their “lioubo during the early part of Sep tember Co', Kay lctt last night on a A'lanta, Mr,, Z. (SKobc, the genial representa live of the Chattanooga Brewing Com pany, returned to Ills home in Chatta nooga last night. Mr. J. \V. Prior, of Sylvester moth er, and Mq*. C. M Fobee, of Bruns wick, sister of Mr. T. 8. Prior, are visiting relatives is this city.—Fitz gerald Enterprise. KRUIBLE KKROR. t'he J?oo, Aug. 18.—A teriihle mis ake ifoade by the Russians, caused the lojSSof reveuly Americans. The Rus sians thought they wore firing Into the enemy, but instead, It was tho Four teenth regiment “1 am a switchman,” writer A. J. Jennesse, of 9201 Butler St., Chfoago. “and sm out in all kinds of weather! 1 took a odd which settled in my kid ney ami wse in very had shape. I tried scveaal advertised medicines with no bem flr until I was recom mended to take Foley’s Kidney Cure, Two-thirds of a bottle cured me.” W. J. Butts. CAPTURED TBATUN. Shanghai, Aug. 13.—Allies captured Tsantun on their march to Pekin. There are no better . pills made than De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. Always prompt and certain. W. J. Butt's. RUM HI ■up Captain Sip# i Is Cliapes Fej W MED 10 NOj Hospital HurmsggroH fl Norfolk, Va , ,Vijy. ian bark Kotka, f linn just been touSjJ pilot boat, she had chagres 1 most of the crew * fromßrunsiyici i geon is uow or the purpose of n. The Ifotka left Br, :i. Previous to the the vessel was from ville Mij all singing, “W|| “There was a works in B’enandin^^^ li '* hr ’ is rpirod that'ha ci‘^ l ' n * ot 11,11 nj pl* are going 'o plosion their ers. I 1 The home play Fernandi™ next Tuesday at that place amt games here for a bet of $BOO. These two teams will play in Tampa on the 18th for $lOO a side and guaranteed gat/e receipts. * Wiggins, an ex-JaeksonvilU- player, did fine work for the visitors ye i rday. Tlie Fernaudimi team I* icWie 'ided to play here next Wednesday! and Friday afternoons. I TWICE Cl VIT. aWERNOR. Robert Kingston Expired in Ohio Yes terday. Toledo, ()., Aug. 13 —Robert Kings ton Scott, carpet bag governor oC South Carolina, died at his home, Napoleon, Ohio, last night, aged 70. Scott was twice civil governor of the Palmetto state. THE 3CARE OVER. It has now been seven days since a case of fever in Tampa and the scare is about over in that progressive city . Did it ever occur to you that a little Perry Davis’ Pian-K'U i on the end of the finger applied once or twioe to a mosquito bite would conteract the poison nd speedily reduced the swel ling? Pain-Killer will also cure bites and stings of other poisonous insects as well as reptiles, i See directions as to use upon wrapper on each bottle. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’. Price 250 and SOo. BFoK SALE—A floe piece of prop erty, good business place right P the heart of the city, oheap. Apply at 221 Newcastle street,Brunswick,Geor gia