The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 14, 1900, Image 2

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Kbe Delivered by .00; per week Id i live subjecte riter should ac ione payable in paper ebould be to. Addreaa all e. tot eeem to be rds Pekin. y could ooin There is a SB§jpw|l3’ i PRf j*K, ib' bit ■■ " ro ' Wmjfc took* II t He hey are j nt. The ■nHBHp j||g ■ '; v jmeßaßuetcb of . i#| lU Bryan Wr ,i "' n H(, ' r In br i of I tie speech. The Kit pi i rs endorse jiohi- while the itepub /otn sheet/ajw under off into'souie kind of an unintelligible discourse of the money question aa an taiue. y At tho i<?e*JqkTartr of the Demo oratio coi’gressduale mmlttee there K a feeling of greatest obeerfu’- neae. The in charge of thia department of the Campaign work be leve that thia one speech will do more good in the campaigoLhan any utler- I aoea that have yet baenprinted. Ke publioaoe generally have said that Bryan had no position on the foreign policy of thia govtmmtnt. His posi tlve dtolaration came in the nature of a thunderbolt and ie generally regard ed aa a bold and patriotio aland. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. New York Press. It takes genius to be an old maid. The study of women is only the prim er to study ot men. If women were really angels no man would ever want to go to heaven, i Love is probably called “the tender passion" because it takes legal tender, i, If many poets could afford to fall in love there would not he so much fool poetry written about It. To love a good women is enough re compense for all the ills that have been; to be loved by her is enough reward fur all the ills that will be, SHELL)NO THE LEGATIONS. Tien Tele. Aug. 13, —The Chinese troops are shelling the Pekin legation. Tonight Just before retiring, if your liver is Sluggish, out of tune and you feel dull bilious, constipated, take a dose ol Hood's Pills And you'll be all right in the morning. *‘ITIE BMART SET” FOR AUGUST. ‘■The Master Chivalry,” by Margaret Lee, is the novelette in the August Smart Set. Mias Lee has written many tucceskfui novel*, notably “Divorce'” the praiae of which by Mr. U adstoua, *ome year* ago, aroused dricusstun of the work throughout the world. The latest Story tU©. author aiscrts, i* the strongest tihe lias ever written. W deal* wife a social question of intense interest —of a man’* daring and mag nanimous reparation of another's wrong in the case of a lovely and high bred *irl. Tbe theme atrikee anew note in fiction, and the situations are dramatic and stirring jagg-a '■''A - ' /■ i gl^jSfjS’or the ofliec MTof The Times. * e appreciated tiy Dti fasts Oannot B Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con* dltion of the mucous lining of the Kus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in* flamed, you have a rumbling sound or 1 imf' -feet hearing; and when it is cn closed, deafness is the result, and ss the inflammation can be taken out this tube restored to rormal con ion, hearing wi'l bed m oreytr. no cases out of ten and by ca ‘ ' .rrh, which is noth!' inflamed 'iic mucous . ices. ®P^ glVe Hundred Dollars for fny caslT^L^^*s ß (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for free. V. J.CllKNEYitCO.rqiodo, O tSold by druggists, 76c. \ > llail’s Family Pills are the boat.. brake into your Shoes Allen’* Foot Ease, a powder. It ourea painful, smarting, swollen feet and Ingrowing nails, and intaiiUy£akei the sting out Of corns smlßitiona. it’* the greatest ebwfort disCavory r the age. df-ieo’* Foot-Ease nr fet 1 easy. Sjt'Dyeating, ca‘ nil yfnfc r ~ / Isold by all druggists ar ,#a. pads / / Wan wfatle rita! energy ami Stefln* the ' gor feal la/.y. To maiataln ' .energy, use Phiok w Am f j£ the friend of indus try. v / ;i. - ■ V ■ - jfr to Cure Backache. .a are caused by disorder in. i- Folry’a Kidneys CiwLwaA j make fhf-<ight. Take no suheha jl?. I W. J. Butts. A lame shoulder is usually caused tyl,*., „ llam of the imuc'n, and may he cored t.y a tew application*of Chamberlain's I’iiln Balm Kor aale by Dr. Btahop'g drug store CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought In India, tho land of famine, thouaaiiqK' % because they ouunot obtain food. In AmeSPC lb land of plenty, many aufl'cr and die became they cannot digest the food I bey eat. Kodol I>ypepala Cure digest* what you eat. It in etnntly relieves and radically t tees all stomach troubles. ft'. J. tiutta. Hustling young man can make ,ACO per month and expense*. Permanent position. Kxperiecce unnecessary. Write quiok for particular', Clark* Cos., 4th * {Locus Streets, Philadel phia,-I’a. i Southern Kailway annouuoee rat# of oue dollar for rouud trip to Sav&n' iiah every Sunday tickets limited to date of aale. Notice ia given that no baggage will be checked on excur aicn tickets sold at rate of $1 for round trip via Southern Kailway: I The wolf in tbo fable put on sheep's clothing because If be traveled on Ida own reputation he couldn’t accomplish hi* purpose. Counter fellers of Dewitt’s Witch llaael Salve couldn’t sell their worthless salves on their merit*, so they pot them in boxes and wrappers like De- WiU’s, Look out Lr them. Take only De- Witt'c Witch llasel Salvo. It cures piles and all skin diseases. W.J. liults. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES, TUESDAY MORNING AUGUST 14, 1900. U/hpll IliP accompanied by tviicii me ““,j?K chesm the mouth, erup- Uoifw ro||p tions ore the skin, ■lull lullwl sore throat, copper HUH IUIM colored splotches, Allfe sw ollen glands, aching muscles lllil and bones, the disease is making rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the cases thoroughly and permanently. MgCMlUldl COUld Icontracted BlooS I 3 poison. I tried Have feett No Worse. -S&K did me no good; I was getting worse all the time : my hair came out, uic* appeared in my ’throat and mouth, my liody was almost covered with copper colored splotches and ofTcnrive sorea. I suffered severely from rheutnatic pains In my shoulders and arm* - My condition could have been no worse ; only those afflicted all was can understand my Bufferings. I had about lost all hope of ever being well agala when I decided to try 8. 8. 8, but mast confess I had sPyßSafco little faith left in any W t * Ba *sj3Rt .■ After takinj w jag* fkml* 'flils'waamifyen tm'neif'to'give 8. Kb a that time on tliv Improve seemed to have the dis control; the sores and JPfatgSW'diraßPf ulcers healed and 1 a< am free from all I / BfjJFf of the disorder; I have WOl l * been strong and healthy ever since. 1,. W. Smith, bock Bo* dti, Nobtesvllte, Ind. mum istheonly purely vege g 1 9H table blood.purifier V V % lino<n. SI,OOO 19 I, Jf •. k offered for proof that ■■* it contains a particle of mercury, potash or'other mineral poison. Send for our free hook on Blood Poison; it contains valuable information alxmt this disease, witli full directions for self treatment. We charge nothing for medi cal advice; cure yourself at home. THE BWFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, OA. NEW YORK NAVAL MILITIA. New York, Aug. 13.—Tbs naval militia of tfit* tt wbiob did not go out summer a* ususl on tbe J|i**r Prairie, sailed this tlw New Hamp shire for a si* days’ tour of duly. - 'fhe greatest fskin specialist in America origiuaibe the formula for Banner Halve. Koiall skin diseases, all cute or sores, and for piles, it's the most healing medicine. W. J. Butts. “AMTS' FOLLOWS FAILURE v OLKY’S KIDNEY tTffeS In tints. If Her at ages uf Bright’a diamae And d*“ Ttaln cure. You have ndticcil ;h death rats r,„ m these diseases, and it A wise to Ignore symptom* when * Heine like FOLEY’S ORE can be had W. J. Botls Chinese are dangerous enemies, fur the y *vs treacherous. That’s why pH counterfeits o ’lieWitt’s Witch Basel Salve are dnngerou They look like DcWltt’s, but instead of the *ll - witch hats), they all contain Ir grail - ents liable to irritate the skin and cauu* tiood poisoning. So plies,tnjntlemHid skin diseases, use the original and genuine DeWill’s Witch Itaael Balsa. W. J. Mutts.: £ -f* v For Di abates,jjse , ; GXJS and ..jL .. ■ whi'AnKi ~ -a--3&-I——. Notice, ~l ai pLifita is hereby given a meet ing uf (he stocVhi Iters of the Sou’.h rtateru Fair Association will be held KwlfConrl horse on Ffidsy, August high, Bp. m At this time reports will be ma 1 -*ry and treas urer ant man : f, and such other business - .. transacted as msy properly op*ie before that nicety log. J. A. Butts, I*rrt> i Sooibeastern Fair Association, V B, Conklin, BowersviUe, 0., says: “1 re ceived more benefit, from FOLKT’S KIDNEY CURE than from months of treatment by phy sicians." Take no substitute. W. J. butts. J|FOR SALE—A flue piece of prop erty, good business place right in the heart of the city, cheap. Apply at 221 Newcastle street,Brunswick,C-leor gia LADIES | The best and quiokeat preparation Ifot cleaning ["gloves is the Laßelle cleaner. For sale by H, V. Ad- Try it. \ TbeSlck of euergy you feel the baokaoheS and a run down condition generally) all mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidney Cure will restore yoikr strength amKvigor by nuking the kidneys well. no substitute. VV. J. Butts. \ It costs odlv to Savannah and return via Southern Railway every Sundiy.J For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. Look out for malaria. It is seasonable now. A few doses of Prickly fisn Bitters i- a sure preventive. W. J. Butts. J. W. Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. THE SHIRT WAIST MAN. Hot Weather Forcing Members in the Anti-Coat Company. The shirt waist man is being hastened by lb© weather. There were a nurnbet of eoaTess individuals cn the sun 1 ast week, but the true shirt .waist man has not come to Brunswick .Lecause tbe masculine shirt waist has not vet been introduced here. The shirt waist mutu seen on Ercn&wiA'e'SM'fflindMfaimpiy a coatless man, be tbe pioneer in a dress reform. *■-- —*- Men about town arc divided upon the question of whether iho shirt waist for men is a g'otl thing. Ladies are inelin* ed to condemn it. In the hotels the Bhirt waist man will have a liat<l row to travel. Some of the ho.els will bar him out. But the weather of the past few days has been enough to drive everybody in to the fiver and the coatless man if sensible. Prsvsatsd a Tragsdy. Timely information given Mrs. Oeorge Long, of New Straitsvllle, Otiio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough bad long kept her awake every night, Bhe had tried many remedies and doctors, but ateedtly grew worse until urged ta tqy Hr. Klng’a King’s New His oovery. One bottle wholly her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of pneu monia. Buob curee are positive proof of tbe matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, ohest and lung trou bles. Only Wets, end $1 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. wanted, Arteai'au wells to drive at f’iSO each. Rise and capacity guarantied will also guarantee to complets wells in 15 days. Call on or address A. 11. Baker, •205 fllouceslsr street. When in need, call on J. *W. Watkins. He loans mo* <\ey on personal property. '<§ U Savsd His l>sg. P. A.i -forth, of lAGrange, ua., tuffer •d inten* six months With a fright ful runtiii < his log, but writes that Buokl gait's cured in ten day*. For l end*, Bums, Bolls, Pain, or Pilei the best salve in the Onregt attleed. OnlyliSc Sold by all druggist*. Bismarck's Iron Nsrv* Was the result of hi* splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy (pre riot fougrfrhcre Stomach, Liver. Kid neys and Bowel* are out of order. If you want these (jualit'ee and the euc 'ess they Bring, use Dr. King'* New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c. at all drug stores WANIED. A lady desireu of earning a good income to solicit life insurance in Brunswiok for an established compa ny. A splendid opportunity for an energetic lady. Address, Insurance’ This office. Birth-marks which mark and mar the outside of the body are a grief to every mother whose children may bear them. But for every child who bears a birth-mark on the skin, there are many who bear an indelible birth-mark on the mind. Ner vous mothers haTe nervous children, and many a man apiLwoman owes an irritable and despondent temperament to those days of dread when the hour of her maternity. The nse of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription strengthens the mother for hir trial. With strength comes a buoyaucy of spirits and quietness of mied, which is one of the happiest gifts a mother can bestow on her offspring. By giving vigor and elasticity to the delicate womanly organs, ' F„vori,e Prescription’" practically does away- with the pain oi maternity and makes the baby’s advent as natural and as simple as the blossoming of a flower. There ia no opium, cocaine or other narcotic contained in ‘‘Favorite Pre scription.” For Whooping Cough. “Both my children were taken witl whooping cough,” writes Mrs. O. E Dutton, of Dsnv.lte, 111. “A small bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar gave such relief that I used a 50 oent bottle* which aaved me a doctor’s bill.” W. J. Butts. PALMER EXHONORATED- / Did Not Have to Pay Expenses of the Brunswick Team. The Atlanta! Journal of Saturday said: l ‘‘Audley }■!. Palmer, who lisa do it more than, ny other man to g ve At lanta a- good baseball team this y-cr wps arrested yeaterdiy after neon charged with being a comm n cheat and swindler. _ When sr-a god before Just e* of the Peace Orr this morning he ia lirtCbarged because, as be explain'd, he was not laid culpable for t e sl legid charged bj Henry llirsoh, tbe manager of tie Bruns wick baseball team, who made the charg*. Asa matter ol fact, Justice Orr said, Mr. Palmer was llot held re popstble in any way, but wks clearly exbooora **• : : x “Wheb the tfr Jos wick basebsll ag gregation tame here, Mr. Palmer guarantied their expenses, prov.deo there was no rain When the A'ltiita i bunch met the If untmok oiub lltare were about oerel people and a dog there. There was no improvement ia tbe orowd on tbe fescond dsy, and fear ing tbe worst, Manage Uirtcb bad Palmer arrested, boj ing to obtieot the guarantee. Mr. Palmer refu tng to make good, arrest. YV hep lbs oasajjame befo; e Justice Orr this mt rn ngjjie refuaed U> act be cause he raid there was no evidence. Asa matter of fact the guarau er was no’ due until thi* afternoon, af er the propustd series of three gapiee, tht-re fore Jua'ioe Orr <Mrm esed the ge * 3 ' *%...... The Hsafeh Problem *' ia muclieimpler Jian is eometimtssup posed. Health dep|nds chiefly upon per feet digestion ar.d? pure blood, and tbe problem is solved Ary‘readily by Hood * Sarsaparilla. You oiky keepwell by taking it promptly for auyVtomaeh or blood dis order. Its cures of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, dyapepsia. theumatism and otheV disease ■ are numbestd by the thousands. The favorite family cathartic Is Hood's Fill*. Tbs Remedy for Stemaoh and Bows! Troubles •‘1 have been iu the drag business for twenty years, anil ,have sold moat all of the proprietary medicine* of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Hiardioea Uemcey for all stomach and boufjt’t troubles,” says O. VV. Wakefield, of Columbus,-Oa ”Ttiij remedy cured two fcvere case* of cholera morbus iu my faintly, and I have recom mended and sold Sand reds of i, to my customers to their eat ire affords a quickaod sore cure in apb as ant tons. No family should bewi'hnut it. 1 Keep it in my house at all times ” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug s'ore, It lias been truly said that more men fait in love than in war Robert Fk'Urnoy, Brickyard* Ala„ wrote: U I consider no remedy equal to Dr. Tkktujna (Teething Powders) for the irrita tkm® of teeihiug and the bowel troubles of our Southern country. It’s a doctor’s business to study health. Doctors confidently recom mend HARPER Whiskey. JSo’d by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, G<. A worn a a may be beaten, but she rare ly acknowledges it. Bi RTOft, Tens., April IS, isitf. I feel it my duty to tell of the benefit I have received from the use of Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Liter and Kidney Balm. I had rliematism in my back, legs and ankles. My feet were greatly swollen. I could scarcely get from one room to another. I used three bottles of Liver and Kidney Balm together with one bottle of Vol canic Oil Liniment, ami was completely cured. Have gained 23 pounds. Ahoy M. Jones. Foi sale by W. J, Butts, the druggist. It will surprise you to experience the beoetit obtained by using the dainty and famous little pills, known as DeWltt’s Little Early Risers W. J. Butts. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day, and one of the tenuities for violating this law is piles. Keep your bow els regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets w hen necessary and you will never have that severe punisbmen inflicted upon you. Trice, 25 cents. For sale by Bishop's drug store There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cut off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. Ttiftc hundred million Old Virginia Cberoots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 4 Sftjll fiUMor fit Summer J&dfi H Bargains iN Furniture, A clearance sa’e to in ke rcom for new goods. *^| l Parlor bitif, 6 pieces, w >rth |4(>, nuw #2. 1 Oak Refrigerator, w r't j;0 io> fl. t Osk IP and K'lcti] Suit.. puce-, a.'ll, f-'>, now SIS vyfflviw yfyi Bed L-iut g-s, iir h fib, etta fli. Ljc " . leMaMsSSB OatrM Table* 50 cents to SO. ..Ice Cream Fre*sr woflh $-2.50 at $1 US * ' ra Alarge assort meet of Sideboard*. Cupboards j S Prices Below the Market, fepagr C. McGARVEY. -pN. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 GRANT ST. ARNHLITLR, flßw idem Beet, M in Mutton, fresh vegetables, fresh groceries ;Freh Eggs From the Country. * All goods ient out nice and clean, The best of eve rything for the model 4 housekeeper. Plum. HW EVERY BARREL SELECTED has sicrtt.l our quality to come up to ihe required standard means failure to form part of our stock of Wines and Liquors. Only that which is good value for money is off red. F=t. V. DOUGL.AS, 206 Bav Street SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lnke Resorts Vja the Plant System. TicketN on sale June 1 to **r 30, with return limit October 31. 1000. Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. GEO. W. COAT 8, D. P. A., Brunswick. Ga. B. W. W RENN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. Vo other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion,. Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Oastralgia.Cramps,and all other results of imperfeetdigestion. Preoared b,- E C- DelVltt 4Co, Chicago. V' J. Buns, the Druggist. PARKE PTS 1 hair balsam 'i k™ Clean• nr.d beautifies the hair. Prvwnot e a luxuravt growth PE&SBF Never Fails to Restore Gray HSjPEL; : Hair to its Youthful Color. \ r—v .1 ha Mailing. Tntfi nmF ■■“ - at I>rug?tta. f ’ Bmkfasl Fiois for Hot Woailier. Breakfast, is the most im portant meal of the dsy to many business men. The dsy starts w>tb it, sod if thiug. go wrnDg at break fast tiey are spt. to go wrot.g ali day. Huy your breakfast foods here and you will be sure of a good meal aud a good temper. I have Wheat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, l'ettijohn’s Breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, . FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street.