The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 15, 1900, Image 2

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|,j BBsij|w abccwpT Monday Block, 211 rsttefl f|*'HON* NO 81. WL: B 3mw -- - Editoi It BB M.I •!.({:•' gfl ■•, ..iSB iIPw^RPRo: / Jm*** l * < "••!<’> 3 Tl* ll faff' .jyr ll be r.--.1,•..' . ■ Xhne will b Delivered by M aWI. per year. gJ.OO; per week Di sf*RZ** po ’ )denr * on l;, ° nllte Mm* of writer ehonM r Snbcripllon pityeMe m 10 receive paper be WmMm fßoitu* office. AiMreee nil iy o Th 1 Tim's. Wr THE TIMES CALL Ijßß'gnfihg with tomorrow* Thur* Hue the management will be- morning dully under Timce-Ckll. This is an gr e enient hi. paper*, I he iIMaD-it -it. I !ll ' ;.r> ' r*r■ t 5wM that r-er to were out hLhiil'mi h“i! fur ml '-r ||% found K a? ft 1 11 papers, Hi! the Ollii-r <u s I ri-MMit tin.i'. to , SP |tldgC HlBo ' - * P Ul * l 11 llB " jgj®|&s’.> a* f.,ri ifilj present there n for two nowe ! " '3*S M*l tin pob \ - - J4P*9i tiowepsper, nt n *tr lhe effort of ’ , ofTuft Of * ui bi irawi uuuuie aX]U ura (l u^i fafrt, and Secretary Long must ~f' H 1 V an between the b Jli^Eeeminj^ r it >u o' the Midvale ' oni- 1 V > 4& ,> Vj between a govern ’ that > llf to i. jjf * vn cun't ( l pr,Jf ß which \ B_ TLynl in toe ‘igemeWt to call nttentiolß iinproMJnent in tbe newi^Kof BrUt 'fc^ c^*ince ~le tw <> papers oon- How wtioh bolter tiie new paper, wTSWbj, the otfgrowth of the two, will bA tb e management will laare to tbe pVilio to aee. ’ m. It la with pi A sore that we call at tention to the foreign service that our news •columns are giving d*tl in addition to the full and com plate events of the day and night in the local field. The telegraph service cornea direct to ihla tfflce from one of the largest preaa aascciations in the world, and there la not an item of im- portance that i nbt fully oovered by It. A companion of The Timea-Call with the great dailies of the state will convince our readers of the truth of this statement should anyone doubt it in the least. Of course this is of pri mary Importance to the largo number of advertisers who havs space in our t4 To Err is Human.” c ßcd to err att the time is criminal or diotic, Don't continue the mistake of neglecting your blood. When impurities manifest themselves in eruptions or tuhen tsordered conditions of stomach, kidneys, ’ever or bcrwels appear, take Hood's Sar taparilU. It twill make pure, Irve blood, and put you in good health. columns, for when the paper gives the oewe the people will read it, and the more reader* a paper bee the greater are the benefit* that acorns to it* ad vertising patrons. Kesuils count,and The Times Cal',without blow or bin** >a, will start upon a career of useful ness to thianr-mmunlty that will bring to it in a greater d-gri* than ever the solid support of this community. The management I* for Brunswick first, last and all the time, and will now be in better position than ever to help this port. ▲n eight-page paper ia a step for ward in the looal newspaper Held, but we have an abiding faith in tbe sup port that will be accorded our effort* and wit commence the march of pro greia with a zeal worthy of the oauae and daterving of that support whiob we aspect to have given u, BIDS FOR ARMOR PLATE. The Bethlehem Carnegie combine bas t rival In tbe Midvale Hteel Com pan y, of My vale, Pa, Tbe combine wants gi&laton, wbilo the Midvale Company will furnish plate at 9438 a ton. For class B artnoi tba combine want* *441,30 a ton, and tbe .Midvale Company offer* to furnish it at S3BO a ton. For class C armor the oora biue asks *IOO a ton; the Midvale Company'* bid la not published, <HU made one at all. For thsMiolta and out# needed tbe demands *l9oa ton and tbe Midvale ofTer* to furnish them at $827 a toV>. The com bine impudently make* If a'ftonditlon of Its bi dJjjUfflAggi nflVqgre ha'l nc.l be witch !fs process of making wjfr piste. Both of J|f|jjfP>i<l" are dearly proven *)irttnent lo be at least double „ .1 "9 - job on ' .omTi nter • eat to H wMiHHii p ,r, j ■ If Ibe ' , eil suoie reasons a be needed if the txpayenni^a^m. reootolled to it. If th* charges iu campaign eubior iptions of |)rt*r fsbulou* amount arc tied up i„ t , le pending contract are to then R piain^ |lU po , itlVB will have to be presents, lo lU pub . lie aa a jmtifloatiou of #ot(aD A great government should i£ t such an important matter be at tp. mercy of a oombine, especially i^ e that refuses ty let naval cfficere wati . Hs met bode. Paifneiß Oaanot Be Cured by local applications, a* thoy cannot reach the dixrnacd portion of tho oar. I'hcrc is only one way to cure doafaeas, aud thitl is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by aa iufiamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eua tacliiau Tube. When this tube gets in flainou, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing; and when it is on tirely doted, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its uormal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nino cases out of ten are caused by oa larrli, which is nothing but an inflamed Condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Hollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by 11 all's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Cos , Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family l'ills are the best. It’s a doctor’s business to study health. Doctors confidently reooru mend HARI’ER Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, Ga. THE BRUNrfWICIC TIMES, WEDNESDAY MORNING AUGUST 15, 1900. ON THE RIGHT LINE. Georgia cotton growers are preparing to make an organized fight on the men who will try lo bear fbe cotton market this fall, In telling of their plato, President flarvie Jordan, of the Cotta* Growers’ Protective Association, says; . ~ “I have deemed It best to issue a call asking the cotton growers and business men generally of the state to come to gether at their various county seat* on the first Tuesday in September for the purpose ot completing sub organiza tions of our association In ihe different • Wf j§g* ; * -& W,.*'- coun'.ies. A largo nnmber of counties have already organized and many more have named dates to come together in the near future. “Tbe farmers have it absolutely in their power to coutrol the situation at present and efforts should he made to aid them in the struggle for better and high* r prices. More than 910,000,000 can lie saved to the Georgia farmers if they receive 10 cents per pound for their cotton which will be lost if they rush the crop on the rntrkct and sacri fice it at 7 cents. “The members of tbe Georgia State Agricultural Society, in convention at Dublin last Thureday, unanimously en dorsed the effort of our association in behalf of the cotton producers and agreed lo give their activo co-operation to the movement in making the present undertaking a success this season.. •'4’be Georgia igyjw-flp— oho already guurinitceU,efseir wilTmgness and ability ,lo aid ttfu members of the association as . lo advancing mouey on cotton in stor agsf which would enable the pfedudere to the crop slowly. \ “The cotton mills of the South are na, and all the Hues of basinets trades and professionals arc willing to lend a helping baud toward eccurihg for the farmers a higher price for their staple.” In our judgment, this Is a move In the right direction. •'T*k. H*t4 Will Sartly SpMd.” " llu aura to heed the Brtt ayinpiemauf litdig**- Hon, nervoaaWMM and Impure blood, and thin avoid, chronic- dyaueplln, uervou. prostration, and all tbe evil* produced by laid blood. Hood’a Huraaparuu la your atfvguard. It quickly let* the stomauh right, idrvugihena and quiets tint nc;ven, purKtea.dni lrliea and vilallXes the blood, and keeps up the health tone. All Ityor Ilia are cured by Hood's Pills. sc. L ’ 'nhdSA.* Wlftn in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. Tbe greatest [akin specialist lo America originalbe tba formula for Banner Salve. Foiall akin diseases, all cut* Vir- sores, aud for pila*. it’* tbe most healing medicine. VV, J. Butts. # FATAH l Y FOLLOWS FAILUKK to aae FOLKY’S KIONKY (ltliE in lime. It taken in ontiler slavesof Bright’* .llnenae amt 01 aim tvs, it 1* certain cure. You have noticed the high death rate from theue dlaeaaea, and it Is not wise to ignore early symptom* whjpn a medicine like FOLPY’S KIIINKY CtTKK eanle had. W.J. lintt*. Chinese are daiigerotta enemies, for they are treacherous. Thai’s why all counterfeits o DoWltk’s Witch Hard Salve are dangerou They look like DeWlU's, but instead of the all ■healing witch haael, they all contain lrgreili **la'table to taritate tho akin and Uood poisoning. Ft) piles,lnjuries and skin diseases, tlio original and genuine Do Witt’s Witch Hand Salve. W. J. Jtutts. For Diabetes use STUARTS GIN and BUCHU: V 0. Uonklin, Bowersvill*, 0., ay; “1 re ceived more benefit from FOLEY'S KIDNEY OtTRK than from mouth, of treatment by phy,” Take no .übetliute. W. J. Itnua. LA DIBS The best and quickest preparation for cleaning 'gloves is the Kaßelle glove cleaner. For sale by O. V.\kd derly. Try it. [ 3r- feel'll#. Jack of energy you feel the packache and a run down condition generally, all mean kidney disorder. Foley's Kidney Cure will restore your strergth and vigor by miking the kidneys well. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. It oosts only one dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Railway every Sunday.; For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. Some Chinese Proverbs- Let every man sweep the snow from before his own dupr. and not trouble himself about tbe boar frost on bis neighbor’s files. -Vavtsbment oan oppose a barrier lo open crime, laws cannot reach to secret offenee^X Doubt and are on earth ; the brightness otrlKi in heaven, The tiger does n<S ( w*ik with the bind. A fair wind n. Ivory doe* .not'corns from a rat’s mouth. He seeks tbe aas, and lo! be sits up on bim. If tbe blind lead tbe blind, they will both go to tbe pit. To instigate a vllfn to go wrong is like teaching a monkey to olimb tree*. - / A fish sport* ip tbe keithj., but bis life will not be lo#g<-. v^>-F f The tiger’s oub cannot be oaugbt without going ioto hi a den. U- A Night Of Terrs'. “A w ful anxiety wan fglt for the widow of llie bravo.tisn. Burnham, of Macliirs, Me., when the i • doctors said she could *%t live till inofalu*.' writes Mrs. S. U. Lines,ln, who attended her that fearful yoiVhl, “All thought, she must soon diadrom Pnenrooiila, but she begged fat yt! King’s New Discovery, saying ft had more than ones saved her life and had cured her of eoniuuip'lon. Alter three small dose she resled easily all night, audits further ow i-om|,letelj cured her " This medicine is guar anleed to cure Ml '1 hrwtt, cheat and I.iiuk Ids cakes. Only .'.He slid gl 00. Trial Unities free st all drug Stores. The Mutual Life Insurance Compa ny boasts that it has means aultloleiit at its command to put a tlset of (10 battleships ot the first-olss* on the ocean and oould sweep from (be emu fleet that Host* and levy tribale of destroy every seaport on tbe globs. That |t oould place an army of 600,000 men in tba field aod maintain them one year ; that it oould build a railroad halfway around tba earth; that It oould build the JNicaursgs oanal and buy enough land around It lo start a V s nation as large as New York ; that It could buy at |4.2C an acre as much land at 148 states (be aits of Rhode raised. Vi rllo Dr. C 4- M Hit eft, SI. l-imis, Mo., for hi valuable Utile Tf-kthis* Wash-List Beat Way to Core Backaohe. Backaches are caused by disorder in kidneys. Foley’* Kidney* Cure will rnakfi tba right. Take no substitute. W. J. Butt*. A lame shoulder ii usually caused by rheuma tism of the musc’ca,*ud may Is* cured hy a few applications of Chamberlain's I’aln Halm. For sale hy pr. bishop'* drug store CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of tZL&ffM&fck' In India, the land of famine,thonaanda die lxeause they cannot obtain food. In Amg Wo, the land of plenty, many suffer and die because they cannot digest the food they eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest, what yon eat. It in - atantty relieves and railically c j.-es all stomach troubles. W. J. butts. It lias been truly said that more men fall iu love than iu war. Hustling young man oan mike $6O per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick ftir particulars, Clark A Cos., dtb A |f.ociiYStreets, l’hiladel pbia.’Pa. Southern Railway announces rate of one dollar for round tfip to Savan nah every Sunday tickets, Hi.vtted to date of sale. Notice is given lhai no baggage will be checked on excur sion tickets sold at rate of $1 for round trip via Southern Railway: A woman may be beaten, but she rare ly acknowledges it. If you wish to cure scrofula or *alt rheum permanently, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It ex pels all impurities from the blood. For Whooping Cough. “Both my children were taken with whooping cough,” writes Mrs. O. E. Dutton, of Dtoville, 111. “A small bottle of Foley’s Hooey and Tar gave such relief that 1 used a 60 cent bottle? whiob saved me ;• doctor’s bill.” W. J. Butts. BASEBALL NEWS. The following is from today’* Jack sonville Times Uofm and otjz>n : The Jack-ion villa team. will leave fur Fernandina at 8 :15 Vcloik this morr iog and croea bats with the champions on the grounds in that city. Pritchard and Cuonirghem will ar rive here today too late to accompany the home team to but Witobeo.lHiphant and Holioweli will bs tbs Dew playera in the team today. the two team i will JtSry a gaEe Tn Tampaldr a purse t f $5OO and a guaranteed gate The ex penaea of g- trip to Tampa will be beavy, but the gate receipts in that lively little town on a SuniUy, wben all the cigar factories are closed, will make the'trip a profitably one, nd doubt. Affiagejnejus are being completed for the three, oity league, and no doubt a definite announcement will be made'today when the team returns from Fernandina. J '* !v *■— - Csl4 Steel or Death. "TtrPß is bot ots nnaall cb*ac© to *ave your life ami Ual is through an operation,** wu the *irtu\ pro*ppotl, H. Want, at Kittle, Arrif. v after vainly iryitm to St a frightful cape of stomach Ittt4 i . &.',a s" * *■ ... * ■i' j tWuble -ne.llda't eotuMi ou tlio msrvulon* newer of Elect! Ic Bittej* to cart Stoioscli ami Diver trmililes, hat abe beard of it, took (even bottle*, wan wholly curd, stuiiled sui-xwin’* knife, now tn-ixhi marc sml feels fisUer th:to ever. lt' pi*.itrir< • ly Kuarsntced to cun- -Imns-k, I4vi r SHJtblp ney tfouWei uttil never v )><-*■ *xi at ait <wvg tot ei*, Tha Remtij fur Stemaoh and Bowel TrouWae '•1 have been in the drag business for twenty years, anti have ,'T,l of medicine, tJ& jjgny note. A.wog theoadbh never found anything to equal Chamber lain's Colie.. Omlera and DidTrboea. Ketnecy for all. stomach ami bowel troubles,” say* O. W Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga "TM? remedy cured,two severe eases of cholera morbus in my family, and l have recom mended and sold hundreds of it to oty customers to their untire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleas ant torrn. No family should be without It. I keep it in my house at all linos ” For sale by Dr. Biahop’a-drug store, The wolf in the fable pin on ithetV* clothing because if he traveled on bis own reputation he ooalda't eccomplleh hie purpose. Cmiutes lelters of DeWlU’a Wttcb Haael Salve couldn’t sell their worthies aatvee on their merit*, so they put them in boxes and wrappers like De- WlU’a Look out for them. Take only T>- * \Vilt*H Wtt*h Haxcißaive. It cures ptlttaand a’l skin diseases. W. J. Unit*. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. * A Miniatar’aUeeii Work. •i hal a severe etiaek of Mlfcm* uiic,jaiia. bottle of C bamhei lain's Colie, Cbulcf.l and Diarrhu** Remedy, l<t>k two <!>**> and was en tirely etif’ d.” &#>• li©v. A. A. INnver, <f Kmpo* rii, Kau -My uiigltUor HA'iiHii lh fit net * filek for uVm\a week, hud tro or three hort'eao medicine from the doctor. He ued them foi throe or four day* without relu*i,vhsti call id hi mother doctor who treated him fof some days and gave him no relief* ao diaabargou him. I vrout over to see him the neat morning, We said bis bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off mi long that ft w as almost J bloody flux. 1 askodfhim if he had tried Cham berlain** Colic, Cholera and Warrbtea Remedy, and be said, ‘No.* f went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another doae in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, hut he took no more, and was entirely caret) I think it the )H*et medicine l have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. Bt'RTOV, Tkns„ April 18, lsffek I feel it my duty to tell of the benefit 1 have received from tho use of Dr. J. if. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. I had rhematiam iu my back, legs and ankles. My feet were greatly swollen. 1 could scarcely get from one room to another. 1 used three bottles of Liver and Kidney Balm together with on© bottle or Vul canic Oil Liuiinent, and was completely Cured. Have gained 2U pounds. AsW M. Joshs. For sale by W. J, Butts, the druggist. ll will surprise yon to exp ricnce ttw benefit obtained by using the dainty and famous littlo pills [known as leWUt’s little Kariy Risers W.J. Butts. The laws of health require that the bowoU more once each day, and one of the penalties fur violating; this law is pile®. Keep your bow els regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Idver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punish tuen Indicted upon yon. Prtae, cent*. For sale by Bishop's drug atom A* Will! buy a Model 59 Columbia Chainle's Bicycle. $37-50 Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25.50 W ill buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle- This is something nice- Try one—buy one! $l5 OO tO $20.00 vlf |y a good Ladresf or Gents’ Bicycle, at the bOWNINQCO. W. 13. BOWEN. J N> BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, BU Of Stoner Brick and Frame Buildings aianulatiiiircre <*f C'fmept. Tile and Artificial Stone. fit Summer J * Bargains , N furniture, A. cjearance sa’e to make room for new goods. 1 Carter bait, 5 pieces, worth $4O, now $29. 1 Oak Jk frige rat nr, worth $2O, now $l5. . l o*k Jt. and H orn me, 3 piece*, worth $25, r.ow $lB •fgd Lourg**, .iit ti tit), row yi2. Ok - Atsb&Mts^aig <>ntre Tatile* s’t f-em* to SC. 1* Cream Frieiers worn 2.5() at tl 98 A large a**ortmeiit of Sidebokru*, Cupboards ' | P rices Below the Market. €ili$ 1 C. McGMVEY. M. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALU Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 GRANT EV KitY BAKRKL SELECTED has to come up to ‘he required standard means failure to form part of onr <tock of Wines ami Liquors. Only that which is good value for money is offered. FR. NX. DOUGL.AS, 206 Bav Street. * SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Reaorta Via he Plant System. Tickets on sale June 1 to Septcmlicr 30, with return limit October 81, r.oo. Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. GEO. W. COAT S, D. P. A., Brunswick. Ga. it. W. W It KNX, P. T. M, Savannah, On. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests wfvvt you eat!^i It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gaßtralgia.Cramps.and allotherresultsof iinperfectdigestion. Pr*nard by E. C- DeWUt A Cos.. Chicago. W J. Bui in, the Druggist. ■HT' ‘"HH PARKER'S | IBrec;■ Iriß HAIR BALSAM i HhHßb A Cl^h wi Mud boEutit'.e* tne nail.. a !f.-xur'nt jrrovrth wH Never Fails to Restore Gray fmePe/k k Hair to it* Youthful Col- r. j Ikatolnift and hair ta.hng.i Breakfast Foods for Sit ffeier, llrehkftst is the most im portant meal of the day to many bus.ness men. The day starts w>th it, and if tbiug- go wrong at break fsat rl ey are apt to go wrot g ali day. Buy your breakfast foods here and you will be sure of a good meal aud a good temper. I have or W heat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, Pettijohn’s Breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street.