The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 16, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. mi* EMM Conpr Wires Valuable li formation to flmnint THE SITUATION CRITICAL Says Relief Msget Come At Once If It Comes At All. Wasuiiuton, Aug. 15. —It is offic ially announced that the despatch from Conger yesterday did contain some con fidential military information relative to the defense of Pekin and charges the Chinese goverument with harassing the egations by the firing which is contin ed now at interva's. Minister Conger said that the situa tion was very serious now, more so than it had yet been, and stated that if re lief comes at all, it must be very soon or it would be no use. The last phrase doubtless means that the inmates of the legation will be murderud unless rescued at an early date. Our Chinese repre sentative also told bis government tha* the Chinese government had discon tinued persuading them to leave Pekin but was now endeavoiing to force them out of the city aud to certain death. TROOPS FROM INDIA. English S ldiers Reach Shanghai B it Have Not Landsd. London, Aug. 16,—A despatch from Shanghai says British troops from India bare arrived there but the Vic eroy objects to their landing. It is b-lieved that the Viceroy has been ur*ed to take tb’ course by the French and Russian consul • Vice Admiral Seymour is waiting for lcstruotions from the British gov ernment before taking further action. A BITTER PILL. But France Acctpts Count Wald verse. Paiia, Aug. 15—The French g vern menftoday officially assented to the ap pointmentof Cos nt Von AV&lverse as commander of of the allied forces in China. This was abit'er pill for France to swallow. Dae in the Orient. San Francisco, Aug. 15. The first bat talion of the Fifteenth Infantry, which sailed from here on the Sumner July 17, Is at Taku today so that the American army will be still further augmented by the time the start >o Pekin is well under way. ENVOYS SAFE. London, Aug. 15.—Fore’gu office was • informed today by the Chinese embassa dor that the envoys were safe two day* ago. Foroes in China. London, Aug. 15 —According to the war department the forces in China to day number 70,000 to 80,000. NUMBER 1. THE ALLIED ARMY IS NOW NEAR GATES OF PEKIN. London, Aug. 15, —China has yielded to the demand of the United States. The Imperial government is now negotiating with the com manders of the allied forces at the gates of Pekin for the delivery of the foreigners in the capital to the army. London, Aug. 15 The allied army is now almost certainly in the vicinity of Pekin or else the Chinese government would not be so anx„ ious for peace negotiations. Advices here say that everything retired towards the capital when the allied army approached. Washington, Aug. 15. —Consul Goodnow at Shanghai cabled today: “Distrust all Chinese propositions.” It is believed that the Coodnow message is in the nature of a warn ing. It is understood that Goodnow alludes to the allies being refused admission to Pekin by the powers accepting the Chinese peace propos al through China’s director of telegraphs are made for the sole pur pose of saving Pekin from an attack and the cessation of hostilities. Dispatch From Pekin. Paris, Aug. 15. —A dispatch from the French minister at Pekin says the situation there is critical. The Chinese continue to bombard the le gations, and supplies are short. The dispatch concludes with the fol lowing: “Impossible to quit Pekin without European aid.” No date is given. CHOKED HIS CHILD. Trial of William Ryan Begins Today, New York, Aug. 15 —The examina tion of Willian Ryan, who is charged with choking bis little daughter, Katie, to death, will beg-n tomorrow, It is said that be met his daughter in Esst River Park and beat ber and oboked brr because be oould not get from ber some portion of tbe s4 l week ber godmother, Mrs Wtlkinson, paid ber for ter seivioesas a nurse girl. Mrs. Theresa Taubececk, of No. 1633 Secood avenue, testified sbt saw Ryan is i Katie in Mrs. Wilkinsou’* ballway and beat ber three times. Casper MoebiDg, 15 years old, of No. 1531 Seoond avenue, swore Ryao strangl'd tbe child. The testimony of several oiber wi nesses bare been oolleted by tbe detectives. The funertl expel see of llttl Katie were defray eJ by a purse made up friends sod ueigbors. FOR CHINA Leaveuworrh, August 15—Two com* plete companies of tne first infantry left Fort Leavenswortb today for San Fran cisco, where they will embark for China. BRUNSWICK, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1900. MB Blip IHB There Is a Great Deal of Excitement In Washington At Present. Washington, August 15. —The critical point hns been reaohed. An air of In tense expectance hovers around tbe departments of state, war and navy early this morning. , Secretaries Root and Adee were at their offices, but no bulletins have been posted. Everything seems to center on tbe contents of Conger’s message and the progress of the allies. So far some secrecy is preserved as a result. Semi offi cial rumors are plentiful. The evident importance of the dispatch, coupled with the return of the presi dent twenty-four hours earlier than he expected, is said in some generally well informed circles to_indlcate a special session of congress. The next twenty-four hours will decide definitely the question of war or peace. Not only in China, but even more serious European difficulties will have to be faced or avoided by the United States in particular. Washington, August 15. The bureau of navigation has made public the fol lowing dispatch: "Taku, August 12.—“ Just received an undated dispatoh fiom Chaffee, Natow, yesterday. The opposition Is of no consequence yet. The heat is terrible. Many men were prostrated. Please inform secretary of war. R, Remey.’’ Natow is about eleven or twelve miles beyond Ho-Si-Wu, on tbe road be tween Ho-Si-Wu and Natow, and is indicated on the war department map as the worst tec'ion of the road between Tien-Tsin andl’ekin. DEMOCRAT.-! ACTIVE. New Yorkers Will Hold an Important Meeting. New York, Aug. 15.—The democratic state committee will meet tomorrow at the Hoffman House to select the date and place for the state convention. May or McGuire, chairman of the democra'ic state committee, says he feels very much encouraged over the outlook in the state. Secretary Mason of tbe cam paign committee says 36 German news papers and 12 Irish newspapers which supported McKinley four years arc now supporting Bryan. BERMUDA SUNK. fe? 3 Famous Filibuster We nt Town a Philadelphia. Philadelphia,August 15.—The famous fl.ibustering e'.eamer Bermuda, sank at her dock here this morning from un known causes. A number of her crew were on the boat at the time hut escaped. The Bermuda was formerly a fili busterer to Cuba. Tlie work on Baumgartner’s new stand is progressing rapidly. PRICE FIVE CENTS. mm i 'nit Case Occnpieil Nearly lie Wlole Day. 1 PREACHERS WITNESSES Quotations From the Bible Played A n Important Part In the Case. Mr. J. M.Hcddenpyls wav yester day tried fur violating the Sunday law, and ss has been foroaated in these columns, the jury returned a verdiot of not guilty. Solicitor Col son and Attorney D. W. Krauaa repre sented the state and Mr. A. L. Frank lin ably took care of Mr. Hoddenpyle’a side. AH, with the exception of two local ministers, were present having been summoned by the state. Both Attorney Franklin, for the defence, and Mr. Krauss, for the plantiff, quoted from the Bible and tbe good book oooupied an important part of the much talked of case. After the able charge of Judge Dart tbe jury retired and in a short time returned with a verdict of not guilty. This case was bitterly fought from start to finish and on account of the prominence which has bsen given it, a large crowd went out to hear it. Mr. Franklin made one of the beat speeches ever beard in a Glynn coun ty court bouse end be was warmly congratulated on all sides Tfaue ends the Hoddenpyle case. The oounty is a neat little sum In the hole, and a personal matter not yet settled. MONTERY TO SHANGHAI. The Instrument of Will O) There. London, August 15. It is reported from Hong Kong, under date of Au gust 13th, that United States sea mon itor Monte ry will go to Canton in a few days to relieve Americans Cruiser de Juan de Austria, Chinese, of the Rogue ports, will fire upon tbe monitor, ns the authorities are suspi ■ ciouiis of foreign designs. Activity of Chinese military author ities at Canton is most pronounced. Foreigners there dislike tbe presenos of Chinese troops in vicioity of for eign settlements. They fear that slightest indiscretion will lead to bloodshed, and would welcome arrival of Montery. ITrial Trips. Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 15, —The trial trips of the new Russian battleship and tbe United States battleship Ala bama will take place off here between now and the 20th. Arrangements have been making for some time for this pur pose.