The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 16, 1900, Page 3, Image 3
Mill OMnuglinessy Land to He Occupied. The New York Capitalist Has a Fine Prospect In View. Mr. J. P. O’, hanfeli. noe-y, .he New York ctpitalia who La-, b en closely contented with lb s oily for the past eight years and who owns ab( ut twelve thousand acres of land around Brunswick, advertised some days ago for bids for the timber prioeUges on t‘ie same andb h od that a ’ vertis'.xent there is an interesting s'ory and one that means much to this section. Mr. O’Sbtngbennessy wants to get the land cleared for the purpose of settling oolonies on it, and he is now in Europe working on the prnj ct and it is safe to ear that cur population will soon be increased several hundred by tbs work of Mr. O'Shangbencessy. GET TO WOKE The Ladies of Glynn Should Make an Exhibit at Stale Fair. There w 11 be a special tffort made to have the woman’s department of the Interstate Fair even better this year than it was last. Kow is the time to begin preparations. The la dies of Glynn county ought to be represented. In putting up fruits and vegetables prepare some with a view of sending to the fair. We have wo men who do beauli ul fancy work, and have flue dowers that would show to advantage among the exibits. Lei us not be behind the others. Baseball Game Today, There will bean in'er.eting gam of baseball at the grounds todsy be tween the two ohampioo colored clubs, the Dixies andjtbe Unknowns, aod a number of White people will see the contest, It is said that both c übs are good ones. Ip India, tae (and of famine, thousands die because they cannot obtain food. In America, the land of plenty, many suffer and die because they cannot digest the food they eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It in stantly relieves and radically c ires all stomach troubles. W. J. Butts. CREED REVISION. Sa 1 atoga, N. Y.. Aug. 15 —The com inittee appointed by >he Presbyterian general assemb’y in St. Louis to revise the creed met here today. The lack of energy you (eel the baokache and a run down condition generally, all mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidoey Cure will restore your strength and vigor by m kirg the kidneys well. Take no substitute. W- J. Butts. A BIG REUNION, Ariphat, Cijpe Bre'on, Aug. 15.—A reunion of French Arcadians was held here today. This evening lead ing public men of Canada, including Sir Wilfred Laurie-, made sdfresses CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tlie Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the , // Signature of Oi HELP FOR YQU For honest treatment and a speedy cure write jgmsL or go to Dr. J. Newton Hathaway whose great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of satisfactory results. Consultation o fbymTu Free. Dlmmsl D*ie*H Contacted or Hereld- DIOUU s OlSOn tary Syphlllls In all Its terrible stages, producing copper-colored spots on face or body, little ulcers on the tongue, in the mouth or throat, falling out of the hair or eyebrows, decay of the flesh or hones, completely and forever eradicated without the use of Injurious drugs, leaving the system In a pure, strong and health ful state. Ifor enlarged veins, which VarICuGBIB lead to a complete loss of sexual power; also Hydrocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture and all Private and Venereal Diseases and Weaknesses of men quickly cured. MUST PLAY. Manager Borden Says He Won’t Pull Down Now. When the Fernandma base ball olub played here Iset week, Manager Bor den of that team went to Manager Hirsch and said be wan’ed to with draw the bet of SSCO for the games id Savannah, and asked * permission to withdraw the guarantee. Manager Hirech would not agree to this, but insisted on playing the games. Now the latter wants to withdraw, aod the former will not agree. The following from Manager Borden is self explana tory : Fernandina, Fla., Aug 14.—1 have notioed the recent correspondence in your paper from Brunswick, in whiob j i it is said that my team played two games in Brunswiok, so that I could size up the Brunswiok team. I sim ply wish to say that my club played two games in Brunswick, and we beat I our opponents two straight games, and this is exao ly what I went there to do. Oil my visit there I did ask Msnsger Hirsch to call off the three games, for which SIOO bad been put up by eaoh team, beoause 1 did not want to feel compelled to play, and beoause a backer of my olub bad put up the money without oonsuiting me. How ev> r, Manager Hirsob refused to con sent to call it eff, and I told him I would certainly play his olub as agreed, and now I propose to play these three games in Savannah for SSOO, or he must lose his money al ready put up. 1 am also in reoeipt of a letter today from Mr. Hiraob, taking that we agree to pull down, but he is too late now, and the games must stand as they were arranged and agreed up- n. Thom vs C Borden, Manager Fernandioa Baseball Club. Putting rood into a diseased stomach is tike putting money into a pocket with holes. The money Is lost. All its value goes for nothing When the stomach is diseased, with the allied organs of digestion and nutrition, the food which is pat into it is largely lost. The nutri ment is not extracted from it. The body is weak and the blood impoverished. Southern Railway announces rate of one dollar for round trip to Savan nah every Sunday tickets limited to date of sale. Notice is givsp that qo baggage will be checked on excur sion tickets sold at rale of $1 for round trip via Southern Railway: CASTOHIA. Serna the KM You Have Always Bought *T WANTED. Ar esiau wells to drive at $250 each. Rie and capacity guarantaed will also gutrantee to complete wells in 15 days. Call on or address A. O. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. THE HRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 16, 1900 Kidney and Urinary cult, Too Frequent, Bloody or Milky Urine; all functional diseases of the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomach; also Catarrh, Rupture, Rheumatism, Piles, Fistula and all Blood and Skin Diseases and all Female Diseases treated according to the latest and best methods known to medical science. Home Treatment cessful. Write for free book just published and Symptom blank If you cannot call. l. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway & Cos., ZS Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WRITING. SHIPPING REPORT. Oorreotod Dtilj by Capt. Otto Johanucaeit Port of Bruns iek, Aug 15, 1900. TIDE. i High water on Brunswick bar, J August 16, 1900, 11:17 .m : rife 3,3. WEATHER FORECAST. Georgia- Thursday, fair. L j ght to fresh southeasterly wind. CLEARED. Norw. sbipTtlepon, Monseu Wood berry, England. Soh. Star of the Sea, Pettengall, Philadelphia. SAILED. Bchr. Mirtba S. Bem>nt, Rulon, New York, Scbr. Bsile Wooster, SommerviTe, New York. Sahr. Henry Lippett, Hawes, Bath. LADIES The best and quickest preparation for cleaning gloves is the Laßelle glove oleaner. For sale by H. V. Ad derly. Try it. WAYNE COUNTY POPULISTS. JesuD, Aug. 15.—The populists met here Saturday and nominated a full set of county oflicers as follows; Senator, Alfred Chansey; legislature, Dan R. Johnson; clerk, George McCall; sheriff, W. A. Bell; ordinary, John Masßey; tax receiver, J. A. Bennett; tax collector, D. H, Robertson; treasurer. Jas. W Har per; coroner; J. W. Dumson; surveyor, Sam Atkins; commissioners, P. R. Rich ardson, G, B. Ritch, J. F. Surrency. Berry Morgan and Randal Westherry. W rite Dr. C. J. Moffett. St. Louis, Mo., for bis valuable little Test iiina Waeli-List Book, free TO RETRIEVE LAURELS. Belfa t, Ireland, Aug. 15.—Dennis Horgan, the Irish shot puter and hold er of the world’s record, left Ireland for America today. Richard Sheldon, of the New York Athletic Club defeats 1 Horgan at the last English champion ship. He felt his defeat so much that he is coming back to retrieve his laur els. He will probably become a m tu ber of the Knickerbocker Athletic Club. V B. Conklin, Bowersville, o.,says: ‘‘l re ceived more benefit from FOLEY’B KIDNEY CURE than from months of treatment by phy sicians.” Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. Cotton Margei. New York, Aug. 16.—August .31, September 8.70, October 54, December 37. OASTORIA. Bear* the ltie Kind You Have Always Bought 7 The Woodward-Warren Compiny is playiog in Atlanta. Tbia company opens ibe season here. Mrs. I, 8. Cohen returned from At lanta.last night. ill ■ ■ The Score Yesterday Was Seven to One. Tile Alabama Team Just Siniplay Outplays Uur Hoys. By Liuis J. Leavy, Jr. Selma, Al< , Aug. 15.—the B uue wick ba-eball club was again defeated today by Selma, the rcore beirg 7 to 1 K-phan p : ch,d en excellent game allowing only six Lite, and Bailey ol the Selma's did just as well. Tn. Alabama club made four runs in ibe first inning, but tbe B unswick’s rallied after that and held them dowD very well. In tbe gnme tomorrow M.’Afee will pitch for Selma and Henley for Bruns wick. Td6se sre undoubtedly the two best pitchers in tbe South. As tbe game tomorrow is our last here the boys are going to work hard to win it. Training. New York, Aug. 15—Miss Marguer ite Gast, whose bicycle record of 1,000 miles was beaten recently by Mrs. Lind say began her training today for a jour ney of 2,000 miles, which she is to make in the near future. She expects to re gain her tit'e of champion cyclist in this new venture. There has been much opposition to women endangering their health in till- manner and endeayors were made to stop the practice without success. Both Miss Gast and Mrs. Lindsay suffered extreme exhaustion from their long record breaking rides. Physicians Meet. Lake Keuka, N. Y., Aug. 15.—The second annual meeting of the Associa tion Physicians of the Lake Keuka re gion met here today and will cont’nue through tomorrow. The programme is long and yiried. At this meeting the organization will Ve further perfected by the consolida tion with "the medical associations of Steuben, Ontario, Chemung and Yates counties. REUNION DATES ADVANCED. Augusta, Aug. 15.—The date for the state reauion of confederate veterans in Augusta have been advanced a week to November 1C to suit the convenience of Gen. Clement A. Evans, who had con flicting engagements for the dates first named. Millionaires’ Sons. I'arie, Aug. 15. —William A. Burden, the weli*-known Harvard foot-ball play er, and sr nof I. Townsend Burden; F. L. Higginson, the captain of the Har vard crew, who is just recovering from a broken leg; August Jay, Jr., and J. L. Salterstall, arrived fr. m America to day on a tour of the world. CASTOniA. Bears the Iho Kin(l Y° u Hav9 Always Bought '*T' Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W- Wat Kins. MITCiIEDD m THOMAS. Livery, boarding and Bale stables. Finest turnouts in tbe city. Tel, 97. Newcastle Bt. There are no better ;pills made than De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. Always prompt and certain. W. J. Butt’s. PAW THE FAIR. And Now ihe Kansas Girls Are Home ward Bound. Paris, Aug. 15.--The stud ins s f the Ivausas S ate University who w rked their way to the Par s Exposition sell ing ttereopi.icau views started on their return trip tod y. Anotter unique party from Keuo county numbering about li ty will start tomorrow. They comprise wliat is knowu as the Paris Exposition Club, and they I nemselves have raised the money necessary to take in the exposi tion la May a two years ago, Miss Mamie Davis called a meetinog of her girl chums in the little town of Reno, on the prairies o! Western Kansas. Miss Davis addressed the assembled girls as follow.: '•Girls, we must go to the Paris expo sition, and I have a plan to save enough money to enable us to go. We don’t need anew dress every few weeks be cause our dresses don’t wear out; if is just a chance we want; isn’t it? Now let us change dresses with each other and save the dress money that our folks give us to put it in a common fund to spend on a trip to Paris. The girls decided to form the club, but kept it a profound seeret. They called upon their parents for dress money just the (ame, but they never bought any thing. They just changed dresses with eanh other. The only difficulty eu ceuntered was that Lydia Wilson was larger than any of the rest and it was hhrd to get and of the other girls’ dress es that wonld fit her, but by altering them considerably, the difficulty was overcome. Iu this way each girl saved $250, which is sufficient to show them all the sights of the exposition. Hustling young man can mike S6O per month and expenses. l’erraanent position. Experietca unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4’,h A ILiocua Streets. l’niladel phia,<Pa. FOK SALE—A line piece of prop erty, good business place right in tbe heart of the oily, cheap. Apply at 221 Newcastle street,Brim,,wick,Geor gia A woman may be beaten, but she rare ly acknowledges it. Fortify tbe body to resist malaria germs by putting the system in perfect order. Prick i.v Ash Pittkrs is a won derful system regulator. W. J. Butts’ FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, cool and pleasant for summer, wi’li bath oom. '4OO G street. Chsap Rates Via Sou'hern Railway. Chicago, 111. National Kncnmpmcnt Cl. A. It August 27-Bept. 1 Tickets will be sold August 2G, 211 and 27, will) final limit Sept. 1, at rate of .5 for the round trip. It has been truly said that more men fall in love than in war. Best Way to Cure Backache. Backaches are ciused by disorder in kidneys. Foley's Kidneys Cure will make the right, lake no substitute. W. J. Butte. A lame shoulder is usually caused by rheuma tism of the muse’es, and may he cured hy a few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Halm. For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drugstore • It costs only ons dollar to Havannah ; and return via Southern Railway every Sunday-! For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and IBUCHU. BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the seat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, but are all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons in the blood that irritate and interfere with the proper action of tile skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders and lotions generally used in this class of diseases cover up for a short time, blit cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red, disfiguring pimples. Eternal vigilance Is the prloo of a beautiful complexion when such remedies are relied on. Mr. IT. T. Shobe, 2704 Lucas Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., says : “My daughter was afflicted for year* with a disfiguring eruption on lier face, which resisted all treatment. She was taken to two celebrated health springs, but received no bene fit. Many medicines were prescribed, but witli out result, until we decided to try 3. 8. 8., and by the time the first bottle was finished the eruption began to disappear. A dozen bottles curea her completely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She is now seventeen years old, and not* sign of the embarrassing disease has ever returned?* S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst forms of skin troubles. It is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Bad blood makes bad complexions. Ss|Wj% purifies and invigo igCV rates the old and makes new, rich blood I that nourishes the wSW body and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough and pimply, send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physi cians about your case. No charge what ever for tliis service. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. G*. NEWEST SHAPES; LATEST STYLES ofMillory Goods Just fiecoired AT E. EARLE i, 203 Newcastle St. Also a large assortment of children’s ha.tsand bonnets, laces, zephyrs, worst ed hair goods and switches made to order a specialty. MEXICAN MIXTURE For Men. For Nervousness, Rack-Ache, Despondency, Sexual Impotency, and all diseases resulting from Early Errors and Later Excegnes Over-Work and Worry, which if neglected,com pletely undermine the system, often resulting in INSANITY und DEATH. If you have any of the above symptoms MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CUKE YOU IT HAS NO EQUAL. Develops Youthful Strength and Vigor to ever* part of the body. Avoid quack doctors. Refuse substitutes. Got MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im mediate effects. Permanent results. Recent discovery. Phenomenal success. Hundreds o testimonials. SI.OO per box. G for $5.00. Posi tive guarantee with every $r.,00 order to rerund the money if cure is not effected. It is not a stimulant, but a rebull.ler. Try it and he con vinced, Send stamp fr pampblt.ilA ederss brown Drug ( ; 0., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. Breaklasl Foods for Hoi Wtiihr. Breakfist is the moat im portant meal of the day to many business men. The day starts with it, and if ttnugs go wrong at break fast they are apt to go wrong ali day. Boy yoor breakfast foods here and you will be sure of a good meal and a good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, Wheat Farina, Whcatina, Pettijohn’s breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street. CURE YOURSELF! jfr yjgrci ’l l IJfh Biff €4 for unnatural In It> r, nH diHcharffPH,lnflammation*, (iu*rßDi’cti‘ ■ Irritation* or ulcprutiou* A?**? not t<> ittri ture. of IiIUCOUH niMiibrafiHUs l*r Vi-nt* < ’lita.’lnn. I’aifllf'HH, llfl'l lint ÜBtrlU* gTSytit fcvana Cmemicai Cos. lnt or poisonous. WvC'UCINNtTI.O H Bold by Ururrtsta, I! it a H'-nt in plain wrnppm I‘Y express, prepaid, Sof ji ijottif*. 12. W. Circular a<-ut oa ! 3