The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Ik Brunswick Times. Established 1889. ”r=r=. . ■ —— ~r.:...r.z=. The Brunswick Call. Established 1892. The Brunswick Times-Call. Published KV'KKY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY sawfcv I in Oglethorpe Block,2llF Street Orr K/H* J IBLJE i>hoM NO SI. AETHUR H. LEAVY Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are requested to notify the office when they fail to get any issue of the Times- Call. Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publishers. The Times-Cull will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. $6.00; per week 16 cents. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Real name of writer should ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address all c munnnications to TilK TIMES-CAU, Brunswick, Ua. Never tell a woman elie is pretty. She knows It. Since his acceptance speech, Bryan stock has advanced considerably. Charleston is to bo pitied. The any clout city lias a sensational preacher. 1 he "Willie and his papa" corto .nist of the Chicago American gold medal. Joo Wheeler saved Bryan's son. Fighting Joe is always on hand when most needed. The business league is dead, but there is some probability of the hoard of trade revival. , Wc want genuine peace or genuine war in China, This would not ho of the Philippine variety, great benefit will come through the Georgia Cotton Growers' Association if properly managed. We are glad to learn that Cumberland Island bas not been sold. It would be a pity to close the popular resort. C. P. Huntington began life as a sev eu-dollai>per month farm hand. He died leaving an estate worth fiTty mill ion. The Macon papors aro doing their share towards making the Btreet fair a success, Newspapers generally hold up their end. The Timkb-Call hos the largest cir culation of any paper ever published In Brunswick. This Is something the mer chant should think about. The First Annual Keuuiou and En campment of lbe Soldiers and Sailors of the Sptnish-American War will be held at Chattanooga, Tenn., on October 8 13. If there was a law lu Georgia com pelling'accusers to pay [all cost in crimiual cases when tltv trials result iu an acquittal. Mr, Krauss would have to hustle. Some of our local minist-irs are not satisfied with the posiiiou of thoTiuns- Csi LOii the Sunday closing agitation. The Times-Call is a liberal newspaper an l believes in a liberal construction of this law, We want to ray that our columns are open for discussion and the ministers are invited to say exactly What they thiuk. A LITTLE PREMATURE. We see by several of the Georgia papers that Hon. Pope Brown will shortly announce for governor in 1902. The trouble with Georgia now is too much politics and we think Mr. Brown might wait at least a year before enter ing the arena. It is foo soon to talk 1902 politics. HAD A GREAT BRAIN. Collls P. Huntington's life shows what a great aracunt ot brains and a little good luck will do. He started as a farm hand and became probably the greatest railroad operator iu the world. The story of Uuntington’s life Is indeed Interesting: The lad; Huntington, was very en gaging, and he formed the acquaint ance of ODe belaud Stanford, a young fellow about his age. Leland Stanford knew a youog man named Mark Hop kins was acquainted with an energetic fortune seeker named Crocker. The four, C. P. Huntington, Leland Stanford, Mark Hopkins and Charles Crocker, trudged across country to Cali fornia, and there talked if their hard journey. They conceived Ihe idea of the Central Pacific, and they set to work to dig gold out of the ground with which to build a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific—a scheme which in those days was considered the wildest dream a vagrant fancy could conceive But the Central Pacific was conceiv ed and built, and it made millions. Then the four partners, now rich beyond the dreams of Avarice, parted, Sanford to go to Washington, Huntington to iden tify himself with St. Louis and New Fork, Hopkins to retire to his magni ficent country home in the Berkshires and Charles Crocker to remain in Cali fornia to instruct his sons In the art of keeping a fortune together. Strange to say, none of the other of these men reared sons iu finance. Mark Hopkins left only an adopted sou, and I.eland Stanford, Josinghis la mented boy at tho in ure ting age of 16 years, left his money to the university named after him. Excess ot money briugs excess of trouble, and Mr. Huntington found that an active busmens life meant litigations, for hie estates had become so, spread, ami his interest so great that disputes were inevitable. In 1880, in his ,60th year, he removed to New York, and soon after built the magnificent house on the corner of Fifili avenue and Fifiy-aov entb street, which, for strange reasons, ho has occupied scarcely at all since it was built. Tho populists ct Wayne county have uomiuatcd a county Uncle Ben Mlllikin's crowd absolutely refuse Jto die. u NOT CONSTITUTIONAL. The supremo court of Georgia has just rendered a decision which declares that Atlanta's priutiug ordinance allow ing i tty printing to be done by union printers only it illeeiU and unconstitu tional. The ordinance as adopted lu A'lauta prevented the non-union printers from bidding for the city printing, and it was for this reason that the tight was made. The content'on of the non-union print ers was that the ordinance was uncon stitutional and the supreme court sue taiued the contention, afilrmiug the de cision of Judge Lumpkin According to the decision the uon-union printers THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 17, 1900. can hereafter bid for the city work. Mr. Justice Lumpkin, rendering the decision of the court, said: "A munici pal corporation, though not required by its charter to let contracts for its public work to the lowest bidders, and though clothed as to such ma'ters with the broadest discretionary powc-, has ho authority to adopt an ordinance pre scribing that all work of a designated kind shall he given exclusively to per sons of a prescribed class. Such an or dinance isultrayires and illegal, because It tends to encourage monopoly and de feat competition, and all contracts made in pursuance thereof are void.” Judgeit affirmed. All concurring. An undertaker opened a business in Brunswick some time ago, and after re maining here two months removed to Pernamlina. We are casting no re flections on the little Florida city. HOW LONG? The war in the Philippines has been going od now for just one year and a half. For eighteen weary mouths the best blood of the United States has been drained into a repulsive and apparently bottomless swamp of guerrilla fighting that leads to nothing, and we haye spent on the wretched job more money than the democratic party undtr Jefferson and Monroe needed to triple the area of the republic. When we began the war witli Spain a nation of eighteen million people, with & considerable navy and army that could call upon a million tra ned men, a treas ury and a complete organized govern ment, we fought her to a standstill in three months and a half, and we never put more than 20.000 men on our fight ing liue, To suppress 2,000,000 unor ganized Tagals, in wlia’ we have never recognized as a war, we are using 05,- 000 men, and after eighteen months of fighting we do not seem much nearer success than we were in the beginning. J Docs not this imply atrocious mis nSißgcmen?BomcwhcreV And how long is it to be gt pt up?., UChina proper, the "Middle Kingdom,” is divided into 18 provinces, each gov erned by a governor, more commonly spoken of as a viceroy, who is directly responsible lo tbe emperor who appoints him, for all tho administration of his province, civil, military, judicial and financial. Prof. L. O. Howard, of the Agricul tural Department, is quoted as saying that the twelfth census will show an "astonishing development” of the api arian industry in this country, Some of the facts that he states in evidence of tho present importance of the in dustry, will. themselve* .astonish most •ite . -*•*>.*. - people in ilus beeless part of the coun try. The race for epeaker protein of the house of represenatives this jear will be very warm. There are three cai didates for the place—M. I, Johnson of Bartow, N. A. Moiris of Cobb, and Fondren Mitchell of ThomasviUe ' 44 The Prudent Man Sctteth His House in Order/" Your human tenement should be given even more careful attention than the house you live in. Set it in order by thoroughly renovating your whole system through blood made pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then every organ will act promptly and regularly. SaUafmii&i Springtime Is the sweetest season in human life, aa it is in Nature generally. It is the time of promise. As the young girl draws near to that mysterious line "Where womanhood and girlhood meet,” her whole destiny is in a measure being de termined. How ________________ often the sweet ttV s" young girl, under the influence of L JaAMy/cyVjjrA the change, with- r\ ers and droops like some blighted C bud. Nature gen- flk A erally needs some s! little help at this iS w //f J//V(?FY‘ N critical period, and Si ''! ' this help in its In j best form is con- > i.iWCA tabled in Doctor MaVItWV \ Pierce’s Favorite ilv- i Cj Prescription. It -VdCs/ establishes regu- pSareraSmiye' larity, and gives ■ the vigor of per- ’ y." ■ v \ feet health to the \ womanly organs. \ It contains no al- Vs ®SsEi!3y . \ cohol, neither opi- . I . \ uni, cocaine, nor ij J ♦ K .Jr 1 other narcotic. / / V* Miss Emma I,ee, of Williford. Sharp Cos., IA ' j V* 1 Ark., writes: "I was j H'l) l .’# ,\ r. suffering severely and \yy yjd 1 H .(\ > tried several doctors’ lA'W’l yd/wffi -J If - remedies, but received ’A V* eAf.qqf | only very little relief; ' c'C\ /e’ id therefore. I feel it my -e , . duty to write and let other sufferers know what your ' Favorite Pre scription ‘ and 'Golden Medical Discovery’ and ■ Pleasant Pellets,' have done for me. I took eight butties of ‘ Favorite Prescription' and ‘Golden Medical Discovery,' six vials of the ‘Pellets,’ also one bottle of your ‘Compound Extract of Smart-Weed.' As soon as I had taken the first bottle I could see that the medicine was helping me. I hail disease of internal or gans with bronchitis and catarrh. I also used the locat treatment you suggested." The sluggish liver can he cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrt. Alfred Cornell fell from the piszza yeeterday and breks her arm. Phyri mans were hastily turnin'ned and dressed the broken limb. Deafness Osnnot Be Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the eir There is only ore way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is eausid by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining ol the Kits tacliinn Tube. When this tube gets in flamed, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing; and wbin it is eii tirely closed, deafness is the lesult, and unless ihe inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its noimal con dition, hearing wi’l he destroyed forev- r. Nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Do lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Cos , Toledo, O Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. Borne men are shortsigb'ed who don’t wear glasses. A Minister’* Good Work* “I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy, took two doses anil was en tirely cured,” says Rev. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. w My neighbor across thest eetwas sick for over a week, had two or thiee boitles o medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then calh and in auothoi doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1 went over lo Fee him the next ir.on.iug, He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had be* n r.inning off so long that it was almost bl >ody flux. I asked him if he had tri and Cham berlain's Colic, Choleic and Dlarrluea Ken edy, ami he said, *No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gy e him otu and se; told him totaKO another d*se iu flfteen or twenty min utes if he did not And relief, but he took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it the best medicine I have ever tried." For sale by l>r. Bishop’s drug store. A cycler may be Indefatigable with out being tireless. It’s a doctor’* business to study health. Doctors confidently recom mend HARPKR Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, tig. $47.50 •Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chainless Bicycle. $37-50 Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25-50 Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle- This is something nice- Try one —buy one! sls OO tO $20.00 W ill buy a good Ladies’ or Cents’ Bicycle, at the DOWNING CO. W. 11. BOWEN. J. N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, ANO E3l I H OEIRS Of Stone. Brick and Frame Buildings Manufacturers of Cement. Tile and;Artilieial Stone. CWitfMnr (§t Summer * 4kM . * bargains™ Furniture, A cleaiance sa'e to make room for ne* goods -1 Parlor Suit, 5 piecep, worth $lO, now $29. 1 Oak Rvfrigpraror, worlti S2O now sls. a 1 Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 piece-, worth $25, now $lB •ted Loung°s, worih $lO, now sl2. Oentre Tablet 5) cents to SG. loe Cream Frfezrs dor'll $2 .50 it $1 os A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards Bp Prices Balow tlia Market. MEM- C. McGAHVEY. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889, CHUE HALL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 QRANT ST, EVERY BARREL SELECTED has s'ood our quality test. Failure to come up to 'herequired standard means failure to form part of our stick of Wines and Liquors. Ouiy ibat which is good valut for money is offered. F=?- V. CDCD l_J C3 L.AS, 206 Bav Street. Mil SEMINARY ££&&•£& Macou and Baltimore Woman’s College. Primary, Acad. nUc, Music, Arr Elocution and Business courses. Small classes. Individual work.’ New building. Home life. Pupils enter Yassar, Wellesley and Rindilpb-Maoou 0 n certificates. Next session begins September Gtb. For illustrated catalogu address Mrs. W. T. Chandler, Principal,Llewllyn D. Scott, Associate Pri ncip