The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 17, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Theßee Hive. The Bee Hive. #A Complete Assortment of the Defenfler MaifacWi Coipany’s IIIGJI GRADE CotO^O o\ Muslin Sheets 'll. and Pillow Cases always in stock. We are endeavoring to show you the newest in Mid-Summer Novelties. See the new POLKA DOT VELVET RIBBONS! Comes in black and Royal Blue, satin backs. Nos. 12 width, suitable for Belts, per yd 2£c. Nos. 5 width, suitable for Ties, per yd 15c New Ribbon Belts. We show exclusively the new Velvet Ribbon Belts! Black Velvet Ribbon Belts: made of No. 22 black velvet ribbon, satin back, with strings of No. £ ribbon, each 50 Cents. THE LATEST-ONLY A FEW TO SELECT FROM. VELVET KIBBON BELTS. VFLVET RIBBON BELTS. Made of two strips No. 5 Satin Back Velvet Rib- made of three strips No. 5 Satin Back Velvet bon with embroidered white silk oord edge s Ribbon with embroidered white silk cord edge EACH COo. , EACH 750. New line all silk Satin Ribbon Belts each 35c. | New line ail Slk Taffeta Ribbon Belts, each 600 Nickel and Black Rings, suitable for making Pulley Belts, per pair 3c. The Bee Hive, j The Bee Hive. Phil S. Farmer, Proprietor. 213 Newcastle st„ Brunswick, Ga. J. J. LISSNER, WIIOI.ICSAI.E Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. Ladies’ Waists A lew colored ones left, 75c to $1.50 kind. They are all treated alike—the price now is. 50c! Some white Waists and wash Skirts left —any of them AT COST- Straw Hats at Half Price LEVY’S THE [BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAIL, AUGUST 17, 1900, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Capti A. F. Churchill oame over from Savannah yesterday. The amusements at the fair grounds today will begin at 3:30 o’clock sharp. NO BASEBALL NEWS. I The Times-Call’s Staff Correspondent 111 in Selma. Whether or not the Brunswick base ball club played in Selma yesterday is not known as nothing was heard from them yesterday. Mr. Louis J. Leavy, Jr., the corre spondent of the T iMjrs Cali, was taken suddenly ill in the Alabama city, and n > report was receiyed. The club may nave decided not to play the last game and in that event thoy will be home today. “PALACE OF SWEETS.” Notice is directed to the “ad” of this enterprising establishment on the 6tb page of this issue. This is a home Institution, and should reoeive the patronage of the public. gl m. ]{ And you will have no other. Libby’s Wafer Chip ped Beef per can 15c' Phone 159. The Hustler. nun J!B filiations for tie M Ml At SavaimaL RULES ARE SIRIN6ENE Contest to Begin on Sept. 3rd, and is Confined to the Georgia Troops. Atlanta, Aug. 15. —The rifla and carbine c intest, to take pises on the range at Savannah, September 3rd and 4th, is attracting a good deal of atten tion among the expert shots conneoted with the Georgia state troops, and the men who propose taking part in these contests are devoting a good deal of their leisure time to praotioe. Savan nah has had a floe rifle range for many years, and at other points in the Slate where such a thing is needed, steps are being taken to seoure a rifle range for target practic*. The meet at Sa vannah, in September, wil', in sli probability, show material for a half dozen Sea Girt teams. A'lanta will send two teams. Macon, it is said, will send at least three, and Albany three. Savannah can be relied upon to have at least four teams oo the range, and it may be that the Macon itea will also show up with ■ meciauk shots. The Atlanta marksmen are oo tbeir range early and late theao warm days, and it is said that the orack of the rifle will soon be beard on au up to-date range at Macon. For the ben efit of the military of the State, and particularly those members of it. who propose eoteriog the contest, Times Cali, publishes below the general order from the adjutant-general of the state authorizing tbs shoo*, and the rules for conducting the same, carefully prepared by George T. Cann i inspeotor-general of rifle praotioe in this State, who is conceded to be one of the finest rifle shots in the Sou' h : State of Georg a, Adju’aiit-Genersl’ Oflice. Atlanta, G., Aug. 8, 1900 Generals’ Orders, No. 14. 1. The s coud aunual rifle and oar bine competition for the Georgia state troops will be held at the state range, at Savannah, September 3rd and 4 b, inclusive, under the direotion of the inspto'or-general of rifle praotice. 2. Regimental, or company, com manders will make details of competi tors from their organizations, not to exoeed five men from any company, and forward notice of the sime to the inspector-general of riflu practice, at Savannah, at least tbrae days before September 3rd. Any number if teams of tlve from any regiment or company may eiiter the competitioo, but. trans portation and per diem will not be al lowed except for one team of five meo from any company. 3, A sum of money, which, in the opinion of the inspeotor-geoeral of rifle practice, is amply suflicent to pay transportiun and per diem for two days at 73 cents per day for each man of teams of not more than five from each oompany has been set aside for trasportation and per diem. I Sbould suob amount be Insufficient for] Disinfect Your Homes WITH-a— Choloro-Naptholeura, A Safegua and to Disease. We Sell in Any Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” We Owe Money and must have money to meet our bills, therefore it behooves us to push collections with a ven geance, which we propose to do on the first. No more CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash. BROWN DRUG CO. Keep Cool These Hot Summer Nights Our window suggests how. It is filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to $1.50. See Them. THE PALMER SHOE CO ’ We know it—-Thousands K£<?ks\ know it. But do you know jjFjwswfg W hat the CsMd ““MKENir the peer of all wliis- Becauseit has a very flue aroma and flavor.' _' Bei ause it is smooth anil palatable. i-tVrVrv litcmse it is THE WillsKY for Medici- TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Look for our Trade Mark on the label. I. TRAGER & CO., Distillers, Cincinnati, Ohio. R. V. Douglas, 2uß Bay street, General Agent. such purposes each oompany contest ing will reoiive only its pro rata of suob fund acc rJing to the distance traveled from home station. Accounts for transportation and per diem under this paragraph will be paid through the adjutant-general’s office when duly certified tu by inspector-general of rifle praotice. 4. Team captains will report to the inepeotor-general of rifle practice im mediately after reaching Savannah. 5, The regulations in full for the government of the competition, prepared by Col. Gso. T. Cion, in spector-general ot rifle practioe, are hereby adopted and published for the guidance of all concerned. 0. Information as to railroad rates for transportation can be bad by ap plying to Col. Geo. TANARUS, Cano, inspec tor-general of r fls praotice, Savaonab, til. By order ot the governor. Rhii G. Bybd, Acting Adjutant-General.