The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 18, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 3. in ■ (Mers Her Little Tricks anil Skips. 1 IS AT M SHI A Number of Imperial Troops Are With the Fleeing Ruler. Washington, Aug. 17. —A despatch received at Japanese legation here yesterday from the foreign oifiee, Tokio says at a conference of commanders of the several forces they decided to push on immediately to Pekin. After con ference with Yang Tung August 7th, the Japanese foices headed, followed in order by Russians, British, Ameilcans, French. The troops in adequate commissariate remain Yang Tsung while small bodies of Austrians Italians and (I< rmans turned back to Tien Tsin. The British consul at Tien Tsin says le has been informed from Pekin that Li Ping Heng arrived at the capital with ten thousand troops and after an audience with the Empress left with them for unknown destination. Em press Dowager will, it is believed, tate refuge at Shan Si. Shanghai, Aug. 17.—Torpedo boat was sent to recall British transports which had left with Indian troops for the north and they returned to Wu Sung today. Hong, Kong, Aug. 17.—Customs offi edrs at Canton have received telegrams announcing that Sir Robert Hart, Im perial commissioner of maritime cus toms with staff have left Pekin under Chinese escort. A cruiser will be sent to him when he reaches coast. Shanghai, Aug. 17.—1n advance from Ho Si W'u to Chung Chow the allies easily scattered troops. Geuerals Tung Pugh Sang and Sung Chung allies cap tured eight guns. German guards on P.kln wall heliographed allies at Tung Chow. Che Foo, Aug. 17.—Japanese authoii t’.es Lave received word through spies sent to Pekin, that ten thousand ot Li Ping Heng’s imperial guards were in side the city with thirty modern Krupp guns that Yung Lu with ten thousand Chines* were within the walls of the forbidden city, and that outside of the city wers fifteen thousand, Mancbu and Ho Nan forces making a total of thirty five thousand tioops defending city, ex clusive of r. gular troops and boxers. Washington, Ang. 17.—A high officer is authority for the statement that gov ernment has despatched announcing re lief of Pekin. REPORTS CONFIRMTHE RELIEF OF THE PEKIN FOREIGNERS News From Many Sources Show That They Are With the Allied Army, Shanghai, Aug. 17.--Li Hung Chang has received a telegram an nouncing that Allied forces entered Pekin "Wednesday, August 15th, without opposition. British troops will land here tomorrow. All is quiet here and Yang Tse Valley. London, Aug. despatch confirmed the reports that allies entered Pekin August 15th. London, Aug. 17.--A special from Shanghai says the allies entered Pekin August 15th. Yuan Kais troops have gone thence to Shensi to protect empress wjio, according to reports, received local officials there and left Pekin r 7 ith Tuan, Imperial household and bulk of the army and boxers August 7. They left for Tsian Fu. v New York, Aug. 17.—Journal special Berlin official despatch to the German government from Shanghai announces Pekin was en tered without fighting. Envoys and all foreigners in Pekin have been liberated. ANOTHER DEBT DUE. Armenian-Amerioan Seeks Property Confiscated by Sultan, Paris, Aug. 17.—Dr. Petros F. Nish kian, an Armenian on bis way to Tur key, read a paper before the oongress of onemists here today. He is going to try and recover valuable property of bis family, confiscated during the Armsi im trouble in Turkey in 1896, when bis father, mother and brotbera were thrown into prison at Smyrna on the belief that be was a plotter against the sultaD. Dr. Nisbkian is a prominent chemist of Ksnsa* City. He is a m?mber of the Amerioan Ma sonio Order of the Mystic Shrine. His photograph with the symbolic word “Ararat” on tbe red ftz fell into tbe hands of the Turks, who confounded it with Mount Ararat in Armenia. They professed to believe that be was an agent of tbe Armenian revolution ary plot started in tbe United States. The mistake was explained by tbe state department and tbe innocent people were released after thirty-nine days’ imprisonment. The danger to all Amerioans was so great, however, that the Niehkians abandoned their large tobacco business and tied to America on a man-of-war. Re9ently tbe Sultan issued an ediot that property confiscated would be re stored. Fortified with bis naturaliza- tion papers, tbe doctor will essay tbe recovery of hie family possessions. Most of the 3t. Simon cottagers have returned to their homes. BRUNSWICK. GA., SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 18, 1900. THE TROUBLE IN LIBERTY \S Tiie Situation Is Now Regarded As Very Serious. From a Staff Correspondent. Jeenp, Aug. 17.-11 p. in.— Impossi ble to reach Liberty City before mid night. Sinoe the beginning of tbe riot in Liberty Wednesday, two whites and three b’aoks have been killed. T The negroes are taking to tbe woods and are organizing in tbe swamps for battle. The aterner set of people are sayiDg now that tbe situation is more than oritioal and grave fears are en tertained for trouble tonight. The Leberty Independent troop and tbe Liberty Guards are hurrying to the scene of the trouble. A large posse from Baxley reaobed here a few moments ago and this crowd will be rs-inforoed by a posse of brave men from Jeaup. Three hundred rifles passed tbroug bere today enroute for Liberty City. Women and children nearly dead with fright, and are refugeeing here in large numbers, they are oommg by every oonoeivable route. Miss Hines, a beautiful L berry oounty belle who refuged here, says tbe situatiou is serious and’ further states that men are sendining their families away and are preparing for a war. Sheriff Lyons and a member of tbe posse returned bere bringing with them Col, James Thomas who was seriously injured by an accident al shot from one of the Liberty City crowd. Tbe negroes, last night, burned one store at Liberty City and four at Walthourvill and this leads to fear of a general uprising tonight. Negroes also attempted to wreck a passenger train from Jesup that they supposed Sheriff Lyon’s posse was on, but the sheriff sospeoted this and took a through train and having the conductor put bimjoff, under spe cial orders, at destination. A telegram baa just come from L berty City telling Sheriff Lyons to organize and be ready at a minute’s notice as tha situation is regarded as extremely oritioal. DAVIS MONUMENT FUND. Riohmonn, Va.,.Aug. 17.—The fund for the monument to be erected bere to Jefferson Davis and the Southern Confederacy is growing steadily. It is expecten that tbe contributions which come from tbe people of the entire South will amount to $5,000. The monument will probably be in tbe form of an arch . At the reunion it Memphis tbe veterans will appoint a date for the dedication. Mrs. Palmer Staoy oan furnish board and nice front room to two young mon at 403 Uflicn street. DID HIM WRONG. True Statement About the Atlanta Baseball Affair, That Manager Hirech was treated very badly in Atlanta there ie no doubt now tnat hie side of the case has been beard. Tbe telegram from the managor of the Atlanta base ball club did not say a word about rain but stated In emphatic term* that he would guvrantee exponses nd fifty per cent of the gate receipts Manager Hlrsch did exactly the proper thing In having him arrested and if jus tice bad been done, tbe festive Atlanta manager would have been made to pay the expenses of the Brunswiok team while they were in the Gate City. At lanta may want to arrange a game of some sort with Brunswick at some fut ure date but one dose is enough, TREMENDOUS CIRCULATION. Sinoe tbs consolidation of the two papers, the advertisers have had dou ble tbe circulation they ever had. The Timsh-Cali. prints more papers than any newspaper to this part of the State, and tb* local mernbsnt as well at the foreign advertiser reaps a rich harvest. Advertise in the Timbs-Cau., and send your job work to this office, too. RIGHT FOR BATHING. Tf ose who go to S’. Simon Sunday will Btrlke the surf exactly right as tbe tide will be at its height a few minutes after 3 o’clook. The Cumber land Route ateamer leaves here 9:30 a . m, and 2 pm. PRICE FIVE CENTS. linen ■IIM Air Are Eushine to This Country. SECRET SERVICE HOT An Anarchist From Naples May Have Come to At tack McKinley. Washington, Aug. 17 —Chief Wilkie of the United States secret service, stated this afternoon that two Italians, Natalie Maresca and Michel Guida, hail been detained at the New York quar antine by bis orders and their di pensa tion to Naples would bo recommended, On August Ist this government was advised from Naples that Maresca was an anarchist and was about to leave for the United States ami Ibe advices fur ther stated that he might make an at tempt to attack President McKinley. The authorities are not sure that Maresca is an anaiolust but an examina tion of his record shows that he ib an cx-convict and a bad character gener ally. RAIUOAD WRECK. Fast Mail Jumped tbe Track, Ard Many Were Injured. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 17.—A fast mail train on the Lake Shore railroad, between Chicago and New York, was wrecked this morning at Bay Ridge, seven miles from Sandusky. Five oars left the track, and part of the train rolled down the embankment into the lake. Fourteen passengers in one oar es caped by crawling through the win dows. The express messenger and baggsg-man escaped death by chop ping through the car. Postal clerks Wise, Spaulding and Williams were badly bruised about the baok and are in a oritioal c ndition. Water poured into the postal oar and a great amount of mail ruinid, Tbe traok was torn up s“veral hundred feet. It Is a Dream. The home of the Brunswick Riflemen will now .-how up with that of any mil itary organization in the state. The con pany has just spent a great deal of money in improylng their armory and it is as near perfect as can he. The opening of the headquarters will occur on the evening of September 12 with a big reception. Some of Brunswick’s best orators will make addresses. Kifle Practice. The Torpedo division, Naval Artil lery, held a well attended target prac tice yesterday and some excellent shoot ing was done by the marksmen of the company. The naval artillery, like tbe rest of the Georgia military, is taking a great deal of interest in nfie shooting.