The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 21, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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FINE NEW HORSES. Chief Green Hu a Handsome New Pair. Chief John C. Green, nf, the Are de partment, was smiling yesterday a broad pleasing smile wbiob snowed tome’hing bad pleated him very muob, Tbe cause of the Chiefs bappioes. was a handsome pair of new borses for truok number 1. Tbe two floe specimen of burse flesh were purohased from Mess. Mitohell & Thomas and it ia said that they set tbe oity baok about two hundred eaob, but from tbe looks of tbuse excellent horses that was chesp. Mr. Green bitched tbe pair np let nigbt and gave them a drive down Newcastle and they polled the wagon aa easily aa t: e average pair wonld a boggy. Of course it will take aims time to train there horses but when this ia done there will not be a better team in the whole country. If yon wish to cure screfula or salt Wieum permanently, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It ex pels all impurities from the blood. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. SOLD SODA WATER. B itb Messrs, Butt* aud Brown Dis pensed Cool Drinks. Mr. Krame will now bay several to swear out warrant! for new that moat of the soda water and oonfeotionery establishments remained open Sunday. Manager Bnowo, of the Brown Diug Company, announoed in tbe paper that he would tell soda water, otgars, tobaooo, eto„ and thia must have j-.rred Mr. Krauss. Up to a late hour last night not one of tbe dealers had b ei arrested. Go to Jim Carter’s, when you want your clothes cleaned. CASTOHIA. Basra the A The Kind You Have Always Bought EVERYTHING DEMOCRATIC. There Will Be Little Opposition To The Regular Nominees. I-iaomeof the Georgia counties tie nominees of the Democratic party have hot Qght on their bands, but here Giy nr, the gentlemen who were named at the recent primary will have no trouble in getting the dealred’number of rotes at the final election. This is a healthy state of affairs. Toe lack of energy you f.ei the backache and a run down condition generally, all mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidney Cure will restore your strergth and rigor by in. bug tbe kidneys well. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. ENiHUSIaSriC MEETING. Tbe lsb„r day committees from the different unions held an interesting meeting laat night to dssonss plans for tbe Labor Day celebration and many of |tbe details for thiaceiasion were discussed and laid. Committees ware appointed to soliolt funds to de fray tbe expenses for tbe parade. Thie committee w>ll meet daily and public will be fully advised. Cept. G. H. Merrifield, manager of tbe labor day ceitbration, will an nounce the locality of bis headquar ter* tomorrow. Tbe comm ttee will meet again tooignt. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. to Cure Backache. Backaobes are csused by disorder in kidneys. Foley’s Kidneys Cure will make the rigbt. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. MR, CALDERWOOD DEAD. Mr Irvin Calderwood died at tbe res idence of his son-in-law, Mr. G. M. Jones, 709 Howe street, Sunday alter noon at 5:30 o'clock. The funeral ser vices were conducted by J. B. Game, of I the Methodist church, assisted by Rev. ‘ W. M. Gilmore of the Baptist church, trom bis late residence yesterday after noon at 4 o’clock. The services were concluded at Palmetto cemetery by Rev Game. Tbe following acted aa pall bearers: Judga Dillon, Drs. Branham and Blain, Messrs Coney and LaMance and Capt Ingram. A wife and two children, Dr. S. H. Calderwood of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. G. M. Jones of this city, survive him. Mr. Calderwood was a devout member of the Mtthodist church. In 1876 be wag a delegate to the General Confer ence of tbe Methodis* church held in Baltimore, Be held a number of prom inent positions in the state and church of Maine, his native state. Truly, the world was made better by iris having lived in it. His strict hon esty lu business relations, hi* purity of thought and life, won for him the high est esteem and admiration of those who knew him. Tbe Dread of people with weak lungs who suffer with stubborn, eougbs is consumption. Foley’s Honey and Tar, if taken iu time, oures tbe oold, basis the lungs and always oures inoipient Consumption. W. J. Butts. Jim Carter represents Wanamaker& Brown Examine their goods. Everything in tbe grooery line to be found at W. H. DeVoe’a. IT 13 OVER NOW. The Trouble in Liberty is About at an End. From advice* received from Liberty county, It is safe to say that the race trouble there is over. From a gentle man who returned from there some day* ago, tbe Timeb-Cxll is lead to believe that the presence of a few level headed people and the absence of mean whiskey would have prevented most of tbe fra cas. Let it be hoped tbat fighting will not be resumed. rite Dr. C. J. Moffett, St. Louis, Mo, for his valuable little Teethina Wash-List Book, free Among other canned vegetables, you’d And Spinach, wbiob I* better than freab. W. H. Do Vos. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought MUST BE HOT. An engineer on one of tbe railroad* entering Brunswick sccountcd for the delay of his train by saying that it so hot up the rosd that tbe traok was bent and tbe tram crew bad to get off and straigU9n it tefoe tbs train could proced. The quicker you a top that cough the less danger there will be of.fatal lung Jtrouble. Cn One Minute Cough Cure It the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. You will like it. W. J. Butts. Finest line of groceries to be bad, at W. U. DeVoe’s. Call at DeVoe’s wbeo you are in need of something nice in tbe grooery line. ; CASTOUXA. Bears the Tl Kind You Have Always Bought There are no better pills made than De- Witt's Little Early Risers. Always prompt and certain. W. J. Butt’s. King up phone 109 when in need of I tbe fioest goods. W. H. Devoe. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 21. 1900' LA BOURGOYNE CLAIMS. The Cate Will Bo Called In New York Today. New York, Aug. 20 —The hearing of the olaiin* against the French Lin*, whose steamship, La Bourgovne, sank on July 4,1898, off Sabel Island with great loss of life, will begin tomorrow. There are 63 claimants in all. and the claims stated on papers filed amount to $1 206,- 584 75, Twenty-one claims, in which tbe amounts are not stated, will bring tbe sum total up to about $1,500,000. A petition of the French Line prays for a limitation of is liability for loss caused by the collision which resulted In tbe foundering of the French liner The limitation, according to the Fedtra' statue upon which the petition i, made, i* '.he value of the ship and the freight pending. Inasmuch *s all tbat was left of the ship was a boat and a life raft and the freight sunk with the ship, the lia bili’y of the company is practically lim ied to nothing.. These fore all of these claims may be cut off without a cent. The Enigbts of Pythias who take the Detroit trip, are an icipating & pleasant time. Let Jim Carter have one more look at the old summer suit, aud yon wont have to buy anew one till winter. The Clyde Icne steamer will si‘ for Boston this afternoon BURGLAR ARRESTED Had About Twenty-Five Keys in His Pocket. Yesterday tfternoon, Kiohmond Cross,an attache of Judge Lambrlgbi’a court, osp'ured a dangerous negro burglar. Tbe mao was caught eoter inga loaded oar on tbe Plant System traok and Cross immedlaMj started out to And bim. He bad no troable in looatirg bis man but bad a great struggle in getting him to jail Offi cer Isaac Smith, of tbe polioe foroe, came up when tbe struggle was at its height and assisted in landing tbe desperado in the oounty look-up. Oo the aegre’s person wes found a bun oh of about twenty five keys of all deroription, Most of tbe keys stem to be to store doors. Tbe offloers seem to think tbat they have oapursi s dangerous oriminal. Manager Wolffe will return to the city next week and prepare for the open ing of tbe Benson. The Woodward- Warren company is the first attraction, and It is a Brunswick favorite. Dont throw away the old suit until you have seen Jim Carter, More Amerioans. Paris, Aug. 20.—A despatch received here from Shanghai, says that a force of Americans are now landing there. Now is the time to make the old suit do its beat. See Jim Carter. Jim Carter does the best work when it comes to cleaning clothes, ST. SIMON NEWS. Most of tbe oottageri bare returned to their homes and no newooesars coming in. The nights at this placa are delight ful now. While tbe people in the oi y are sweltering, a blanket is not tbe least uooomfortabls. Tbe death yesterday of little Miss Smith bat caused great aorrow, not only at tbe Arnold House, but at tbs Pier and everywhere else. Tbe little girl was a general favorite. Beauty !■ Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Caaearcts, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lasy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. CATMBH The Mother of Consumption. How this Dread Disease May be Prevented and Cured—The Greatest of Specialists Writes on the Subject. Catarrh Is the mother of consumption. By this I do not mean that every case of entarrh de £velopes into consumption, hut I do meun Hint catarrh when un checked. and when Riven the proper opportunities for exten sion from its place of beginning, which is the nasal nasnageß, deeper and deei>er along the breathiDß tract, invariably ends in Consumption of tho Luurr. Catarrh seldom destroys any considerable part of the mucous surface of tbe upper air pass ages; It inflames and congests them, causinß usually a super abundant and offensive die charge; out when It reaches the Intensely delicate lining of thehalr-llke lunß tubes and little lung cells, the mflamatlon and conßestion which it causes, closes these small air passaßes and, allowing the putrid discharßed matter to accumulate, causes a rot ting away of the membrane, resulting in whHt w© call Consumption of the Lungs. THE TENDENCY OF CATARRH. The tendency of catarrh, w hen it has once obtained a foothold In any portion of the mucous membrane which lines every cavity of tho body, is to constantly extend in every direction. Catarrh in almost every instance starts with what Is commonly known as cold In the head. This cold Is added to by another, because of some extra exposure or weakeninß of tbe system and becomes chronic. Nasal catarsh is tho result Unless a radical cure of this condition Is effected, the disease passes rapidly to the throat to the bronchial tubes, and then to the lungs. NEW LUNGS. Consumption cannot be cured. New lungs cannot bo made for a man any more than new fingers or a new nose; but catarrh can be cured In all Its stages except this final and always fatal one. A CERTAIN CURE. In an experience of twenty years, during which time I have treated many thousands of cases of aP forms of catarrh, I have never yet failed to effect a radical and permanent cure. The method I employ Is one exclusively my own, and tho remedies which I use are prepare and under my personal direction In m> own laboratories. Man y people imagine they bare Consumption when In reality the disease hits not quite reached that stage. 1 am treating and curing cases of this sort every day. So long as the process of decay has not begun in the lungs themselves, lean make the patient perfectly well and strong again. BEGIN AT ONCE. Let me once more urge all catarrhal sufferers to begin treatment at once, for a month of treatment now is better than the three months later on. I shall make for the next month a specially low fee for the treatment of catarrh not complicated bv other diseases, making no extra charge for all med icines, etc., that may be required. J. NEWTCN HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Uathaway & Cos., 85 Bryan Street, Savannah, tia. MENTION TIHS TAPER WHEN WHITT NO, SENATOR JOHNSON. Of New Jersey, Appointed First As sistant Postmaster General. Washington, Aug. 20.—Postmaster General Smith this afternoon announc rd the appointment of Slate Senator William M. Johnson, of New Jersey, as first assis'ant postmaster general, made vacant by the resiguatiin of Perry 8. Heath. TIMES-CALL JOB OFFICE. Those who want the best work, at the luweat figures, should bring it to this tffioe. On large dodgers, our prices and work will make you a con stant customer, if you will give us tbe first jib. Ring up 31, aud a silioitor will call. FOR SALE —At a bargain, either cash or installment, the 7-room house on Stonewall, between Mock and Glou cester. known as the Brady or Barrie place. Also the vacant lot corner of Lee and Gloucester, 100x125 feet. Geo T. Bailey, Central Hotel. REDUCED RATES National Convention of the Christian Church. Kantas City, Mo., October lilth-lDth, 19(0. On account of the above occation SOUTHERN RAILWAY will eell round rip ticket! to Kaneaa City, Mo., and re turn, from all point! on It! line!, at rate of One Firit Clasa Fare for the round trip, plua $4.00. Ticket! will be aold October Bth, 9th and 10th, with final return limit October 23rd, 1900, inoluaive. Peraona at non-coupon atationa will kindly notify the ticket agent aeveraldaya in advance of their contemplated depart ure, in order that he may eupply himaelf with proper form of ticketa. Annual Convention, National Baptist As sociation, Richmond, Va., September 12th-20th, 1900. On account of this occasion, SOUTH ERN RAILWAY will aell round trip tick eta to Richmond, Va., and return, at rate of One Firat Clasa Fare for the round trip, from all point! on lta lines, except from Washintfton, D. C.,and Alexandria, Va. Tiokets will be aold September 10th, 11th and 12th, with final limit September 22nd, 1900, inclusive. For further and detailed information as to rates, reservations, schedules, etc., call upon or write any agent of the Southern Railway or its connections, or to 8. H. Habdwicx, Asst. Uao. Pass. Agent, Atlanta. O I For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. 9 oo Drops CASTORI4 AVirgelable i’re panition for As similating ihcFoodandßcgula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Infan ts Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. afOtdDrSAMVELPIIXmiI fomfJun Seal* Alx.Sehtta * RotktlU Sails - Atlist Seed + Aserwwtf - 111 Carbmnbr Soda * HfnpSead- Htwry/wn runw: Aperfecl Remedy forConsliivi Ron , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. Alb months old*;! ]SDO S F S- }JCIN T S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. TANARUS, O’CONNOR Q. L. PITCHER INSURANCE. FIRE. STORM- ACCIDENT, MARINE. T O’CONNOR & CO 310 NEWCASTLE feTKEET. SHORTER COLLEGE, &.; ■ Climate delightful and invigorating. Health record , a unparalleled Home comforts, careful supervision Young girls received. All 1 l —' live with the faculty In the college Kullilliirm worth IIMi.iMHi. Kaulpmont .V excellent, well appointed laboratories, good gymnasium, etc. Faculty, large, 1 1 \ f k a,u * r 11,11 of Able and experienced professors and i I /"A* iTHuß.utFc? l .. ijnriVy-fla ./£*h ment, ensuring students superlative advantages at moderate cost The Trustees , I TT- grant® mimhor of seholmshi| s to deserving young Indies. Art and Elocution flfrHßuttjVritf'il] lIp.AUaV departments aldy con ducted T 1 lisle Faculty unsurpassed in America; musical Ii I mYjWiSsrlv o cijuipnient excellent A PRIZE PIANO 'gift of a generous friend of I dUH | Jl Jr 11 tjM | [tf cd ucationi. to he award- if ' N-l work Ihisis a t wo-1 lion-Mini-dal lur <c^l '2*Rri R'* l t A lnvi Piano perhaps the grand, st musical pri/o ofterd in any college world rin*; the term aM space Ynunn 1 1 Write President Simmons for a catalogue, which will he sent free, postpaid PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. *. ,'N - *""READi DOW'N ~ “ READ lip iTTTT No. 87 Ho; 80. Tims labie Kc. 88. NO.IO !.. . Passenger I Mixed NO. 35 j i Passenger Mixed !!*!!!!!.*!!! Effective Sunday, Daily. Daily. j Daily. Daily. May 2712:01 am 1 7 15am.... sCopm... lv Brunswick ir 11 30pra.... 10 ]sa n... 9 15am.... 800 pm... ar Waycross lv 950 Pm— 716 an... ] 945 pm... 10 89 pm... lv Wayeross ar 7 45pm... 0 45am.... l2 20 pm... 145 am... ar Tifton lv 5 15pm.... 2 15am.... . l2 40,pm... 200 am . lv Tiftton ar 5 10pm. 2 00am.... 1.. 2 10pm... 460 am... ar Albany lv 4 46pm.... 1201am....| 1160pm... 12 10am... ar Savanuali lv 400 pm.... 2 15am !.. .. 419 pm... 628 am... ar Charleston lv .... 11 15mu l2 50am... 10 30pm... ar Jacksonville lv 746 pm.... 6 roan !!!!.!!!!.! iiOpm.V. i 86am.. ar rhonftasvllle lv 5 80pm.... 2 00am.... 9 00pm BCoaj). ar Tampa lv 7 30am.. 7 05pnr " V A WAYCKUsS & M'.)N TItDMKKY . _ 715 am... 6 00pm lv Brunswick ai 111 80 am... 10 15 am 916am... 800 pm... ar , Waycroa* D] 9 60am... 7 16am 920 pm. 8 10am... ai Montgomery D ll 25 am.. 746 pm l3 26a m... II 69 am... ar It rnungham; D|B 4v am.. 4 06 jra 6 60am ... 710 pm... ar Nasnville D 221 am. 9 00am l2 26pm... 280 am... ar Louisville h 918 pm. 265 am 4 06pm ... 705 am... ar Cincinnati D 5 45 pm. 11 00pm HI.. 7 16pm... 720 am... ar St. Leu is lv 828 a in. 8 6opm VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. 716 am.. 600 cm Ev Brunswick kr U2o pin io 16 am 11 69am J 2 10am. Ar Savannah Lv 600 m 2 15ain 489 m.. 6 13am. Ar Charleston Lv 6 50am 11 15pm Bcl am.. 726 i m.. Ar Richmond Lv 648 pm 005 ain 7 10am. 1120 pm. Ar Waabington Lv 307 pin 480 am 8 2oam . 103 am. Ar Baltin ore Lv 146 pm *65 am 10 35 am.. 850 am Ar Philadelphia Lv 1138 am 12 20 am ll6 pm. 653 am Ar New York Lv 855 am 925 pm Direct connection made at Wavcroes with inroi n I'uLmae Sleeping Car* roi Savannah Charleston, and all points North; also fo. Mont-(miry, Rirminghtui, Nashville, St. Louts and all points West, Reeling Chairca s between Waycross and Monlgomer-. via Thornnsville. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. | RETURNING. Lr Port Tampa 10 00 pm Mon. Ttaurs. Sat. I Lv Havana 2 30 pm Mon. Wed. and Sat Ar Key West. 3 0:i pmTuee. Erl. Sun I Ar Key West 9 00 pin Mon. Weil, and Sat. Lt Key West 9 00 pm Tues. Erl. Sunday I Lv Key West 10 00 p m. Mon. W. and. and Sat Ar Havana 6 00 am Wed. Sat Mon I Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Tues. Thur. and Sun ■ ■ 8. R. KNOTT, Vico President,Savannah,Ga. W.u. DENHAM, GKO. WT, COATES. K. W. WBKNN General Bupt Division Pass. Agent. Pass. Traffic Mgr Savannah, Ga Brunswick, Ga. Savannah, Ga emu For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I Signature /%$ j\ Jfv In use U* For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. 3