The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 21, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers are always dissatisfied—always trying something new—or something differ ent as there always seems to be some thing wrong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They are always good. Three hundred million smoked this year. Price, 3 for 5 cents. RTPANS find •A Good Prescription For mankind / y**"* l . Generai Store. n4 Barbcra 5** a P* They buuh pain, induce sleep. aad proton ff Hfe. 9** wnrfl No matter what’s the matter, obo will .y* e * l ■* un ptes and oat thunatl imiL ** ' aeal to any address rm roeeipe W h. %*■*!-. lot Cos, *C, BUY HOME QUIT PAYING RENT We can sell you a nice story dwelling for less than $500.00. A small payment down and balance SIO.OO per month. BROBSTON, FENDIG & 0, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. OPEN AGAIN. Jno VeruKi wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. Is now ready for business, We will sell you goods 10 per cent less tnan original cost. 606 Monk Street. THE BRUNSWICK 'TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 21. 1900 n ci ■ Two Picked Teams Will Play Hall. It is a Game For the Benefit of the Brunswic Base ball Club. Tbere will be an interesting game of baseball at tbe fair grounds be tween two picked club* this afternoon beginning at 3:30o’o'ook. Tbe game ia for the benefit of the Brunewiok baseball elub, and every body wbo possibly can should go out and sea it. Tbe club bae lost some money tbia season but it has been ibe aooroe of much amusement, and Brunawiokaina should show tbeir ap preoiation by turning rut in large numbers. The Remady for Sumach and Bowel Tronblos “I have been in the drug business for twenty years, and have sold most all of the proprietary medicineß of any note Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemeey for all stomach aDd bowel troubles,” says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. ‘‘This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleas ant form. No family should be without it. I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, An Interesting table of cun’eii'a tbat of tbe dinner table. Cold Steel or Death. “There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through an operation," was the awful prospect let before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of I.ime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of Electric Bittejß to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she beard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It’s positive ly guaranteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kip ncy troubles and never disappoints. Trice 500 at all drug stores. Compliments are tbe red fires that light np life’s dingy wave . It Saved His Baßy. ‘•My baby was teiribly sick with ttedlor rhrea; wc were unable to cure him with the doctor’s assistance, and, aB a last resort, we tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy,” says Mr. J. H, Doak, of Wil liams, Ore. “I am happy to say it gave imme diate relief and a complete cure.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug soore. Hot words between friends are usu ally followed by a oold wave. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and prompt’y heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Tile cure on leartli. Only 25 cts. a box. Cnre guar anteed, Sold by all druggist. What most people want Is something mild and gentle, when in need of a physio. Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets dll tbe hi to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. For sale by Bisho.’s drag store. Mr. L J. Lesvy, jr,, is in S vtt nsh. Tbe Mallory steamer reaobed port y 'aterday. SSOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Hick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Coatfveness we oannot cure with Livorata, the Up-to-I>atc Littie Liver Fills, when the direc’ions are strictly compiled with. They are purely vege table and never fail to give satisfaction 2 c boxes contain 100 pills, 10c boxes contain 40 pills, 6c boxes contain 16 pills. Beware of sub stitutes and imitations. He tby mail. Stamps taken. HERVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin ton and J tekson Sta .Chlosgo, 111. For sale by Biown Drug Cos . Brunswick, Ua. | After He Comes J? he has a hard enough time. Every £ thing that the expectant mother w can do to help her child she should 2 do. One of the greatest blessings £ she can give him is lie .Ith, but to Jj do this, she must have health her- Jj self. She should use every means to improve her physical condition. W She should, by all means, supply jj herself with | Mother’s Friend. ** take her ! through the crisis I Bpfb ’IB, V Y easily and ' 6/ T/JajiX liniment which i rjf R' ves strength ] WUS. ] and vigor to the ] ■ sense will j stronger the HWI muscles are, - 3 ■■which bear the f / strain, the less j * * pain there will be. j k A woman living in Fort Wayne, j * Ind„ says: “ Mother’s Friend did 2 wonders for me. Praise God for £ your liniment. ” 2 Read this from Httnel, Cal. i £ “ Mother’s Friend is a blessing to Jf all women who undergo nature's j 2 ordeal of childbirth.'' IGet Mother’s friend at the drug store. $( per bottle. THE BRADEICLD REGULATOR CO., j Atlanta, Ga. Write for our free illustrated book, '* Before | Baby is Born.” AGAINST REMOVAL. Ommissiot er Stevens wants the Ex perimsnt Station Remain at Griffin. Atlanta, G., Aug. 17.—Opposition, strorg and determined, baa been bri light. feoe to face with the propo aitien to move the atate experimental station from Griffin to Milledgnvil e, where tbe etale prisoo farm and ILe state sanitarium are looated. Commissioner of Agrioultu’e Si vere staled yaaterday that he was -bojft-JUl.A.eoul against the mivenrent I ( and would do all in bis power to aeieai any plan to change the location of ths station. Burton, Tenk., April 18,1899. I feel It my duty to tell of the benefit I have received from the use of Dr. J. 11. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. I had rhematism in my hack, legs and ankles. My feet were greatly swollen. I could scarcely get from one room to another. I used three bottles of Liver and Kidney Balm together with one bottle of Vol canic Oil Liniment, and was completely cured. Have gained 23 pounds. Andy M. Jones, For aale by W. J, Butts, the druggist. Pride as a beggar is the equal of want—mil a great deal more sauoj. Millions will he spent In politics this year. We can't keep the campaign going without money any more than we can keep the body vigorous without food. Dyspeptics used to starve themselves. Now, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon eat, and allows yon to cat all tbe good food you want. It radically euros stomach troubles. W. J. Butts. Very Low Rates to Chicago and Return. National Encampment, u. A. R., Chicago, 111., August 27th—8ept. Ist, 1900. On account of the above occasion, SOUTH ERNS RAILWAY will sell round trip tickets from all stations on its line to CHICAGO, ILL.f and return, at ESPECIALLY REDUCED RATES. The following rates will apply fiom points named: Athens. Ga., s2l 56 Atlanta, Ga., sl9 36 Augusta, Ga., $23 70 Brupswic ~ Ga., $24 26 Columbus, Ga.,s2l 70 Elbertoi, Ga, S2O 35 Fort Valley. Ga., $22 50 Gainesville, Ga., S2O 95 Griffin, Ga.,s2o 65 Helena. Ga., $24 26 Jesup, Ga., $24 25 Macon, Ga„ $22 00 Savannah, Ga., $24 75 Ticket will be sold from points in the State o Florida on August 21 h and 25th, and from points in all other States on August 26th, 26th and 27th, with final limit Scptembor 3rd, 1900. By deposit of tickets with joint agent of Cen tral Passenger association, at Chicago, prior to 12 00 noon, September 2nd, 1900, and on pay ment of fee of fifty (50) cents in connection with each ticket at tlny> of deposit, the retain final limit may bo extended until Septemlier 20th 1900. Persons located at non-conpon stations should notify agent several days in advance of date they contemplate leaving, in order that he may supply himself with proper tickets. For detailed information relative to rates schedules, reservations, etc., call on or address any agent of the Southern Railway or its con nections. 8. IL HARDWICK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ua. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU; This week our Midsummer Sale is on. We take orders for carpets this week and deliver them in the fall. Uver 100 samples to select from. Lace curtains, porch chairs, portieres, go-carts, carriages, refrigerators and toilet sets will go in this sale with 2J per cent off for cash. H. M. MILLER & SON. ir-^ llll Is o Question I With you as to whether j you need glasses or not k I 1 call on us, and we will j / 1 1 tell y° u • You nev<jr \ J \ \ knew a person to have \ I brain fever.sunstroke, | -|gi v A congestion of the brain \ > k | M or apoplexy, who has | , * - '<*o* never been subject to j‘headache Persons sut ji. to headache, alwayshave k weak eves WpoV oy'-- —tKf, - ~ l ’ •> irnisnine - IxGOtls. nine lots on Woll Street, for sale cheap , uouoic WC Will TCll yOU. EXAM ; IN ATI ON FREE. I KENNON MOTT, | 1 j Jeweler and Graduate Outician. | 215 Newcastle Street, 9 Jspector of Watches for Southern Railway. Time by \\ .re daily fro n Washington NEWEST SHAPES; LATEST STYLES ofliilmr/ Gills Just Received AT E. EARLE ■!, 203 Newcastle St. Also a large assortmeot of children’s ha tsand bonnets, laces, zephyrs, worst ed’ hair goods ami switches made to order a specialty. Bloodworth&Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. F St. PEIFFER & COMPANY, Hay, Grain, and Provisions. Ray GEORGIA—GIy n County. To horn it may concern: John .1 Spears h: 8 applied for permanent letters of administra tion upon the eataU) of John Campbell, of said county, deceased, ml said mutter will l- heard at the September term, 1900, of the court of or dinary of said county. Let objections, if any, be filed on or before Monday, Beptc,mber 3, 19 0 August 6, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary (ilynn County, ‘n. Administrators Notice. GBORGIA—Guynn County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordin irv of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of A mania Hughs und for the payment, of debts of said estate. Haid application will be beard :P. the legu’arlenn of the court of ordinary for said county to he held on the Monday in September, 1900, Thia the 6th day of August, 1900. .1. It. KM IK Administrator Esta'e of Amanda Hughs. Breakfast Foods fir Hot teller. lireakfsst is the most im portant meal of the day to many business men. The day starts with it, and if thiugs go wrong at break fast they are apt to go wrong all day. Buy your breakfast foods here and you will be sure of a good meilanda good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, Pettijohn’s Breakfast Food. r TLIOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street. *LConfound Those Flies * Wby don’t you kill them} C*\ Daisy Fly Kinetf Attracts and kills FLIES bf JT the million* Lasts all iujzuda 15 Cents! \ I i SJ! INCOMES GROW ItrvsT ? MONEY WILL EARN 10* A MONTH. Is LNI . The Investor’s Fund pays semhmoffthly. Tho oldest established in America. No certificate holder has ever lost a cent. Payments made to all Rubscrltiers every 15 days. No trouble. No delav. Money refunded on demand. Write to day for par* tleular.s, fret* to any address. . P. K. M U KKY A CO., Bond Dept. No. 04. Hudson Building, New York* 5