The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 21, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Syrup-Figs Actffleasaut/y andJhompt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in tAe most acceptahle/orm the Jasatire principles of plants An own to act most Aeneficial/y. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK. N.Y For lain by druggists - price SO* per bottle. Nerves and Heart An whit do the work at lift (or thi ho mo body. II they in itnlaed you (liter; II they an hart you Buffer; 11 they let week yoa lolL Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blend Purifier la tli* most valuable agency known for stimulating the Heart and Nervous Sys tem. Thia la trua; aver fifty yean of in have established it beyond question. It repain the tissue-waste of hard physical labor; it sustains the over worked brain and develops the faculty of thought. It cures Malaria, Debility, Dyspepsia, Low Bpirlts, Insomnia, Poor Appetite. Malnutrition and Stomach Troubles, and builds up the run down or exhausted system. Me and SI a bottle, at druggists. TMK Dll. 4. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE 00., or. .ouis. mo. ****** FOR • W. J. uUTTS, The Druggist. Wall Paper —at the — PAINT STORE, 502 MonklSt. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. Cad b. found in our display Trimmed hats, or quickly developed in our work rooms from the large snd beautiful ai.ortment of Millinery Goods in our ■took. Milliners of artistic tastes and deft Angers produoe hats which equal in style and attractiveness many of the high priced imported models. Our prices are not the least pleasing part of our offerings. MISS KATE SLATER. 604 GLOUCESTER ST., STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stovee and large?, buy and sells second band stoves, 414 Ba street. Bcure YOURSELF \ Use BigO forunntitural diflcharfiCß.lnflHinnisitions, irritations or ulcerations of mucoab meaibi.-.nes. Painless, aod not astrin* , gent or poisonous. Sold by Drasnrfet* or sent in plain wrappe. £7 express, prepaid, foi •1 .00, 0r.3 bottles, |2.76. Circular sent on ro^uest 4HIMB Mercury played Hide and Seek Witli the Hundred Mark. i i I Very Few Bruuswickians Slept at all Sunday Night. To# aver-ge Brunswick bmineii mtii onm dowu to orK ;>’*rdy And in sppeH'ance ’be; resembled a dish rug. Tbe fact of tbe mitt.r ii they did not .I.ep it all Sunday night, it was to warm for that. The mercury 1 played tb. game of bide and aeek with the hundred mark all day long and ones or twice tbe little silver ball came ne.r getting borne. Some stats postively that tbe thermometer regis tered a hundred, others were ready to swear that it went over tbe century mark, but this was probably a mis take. It did rsgiter 99 though and that was certain); enough Brunswick baa been unusually iu ky though because not a singls prostration bas been reported this summer. A gol bre as yesterday cooled things considerably and tbe weather forcsst says today will be pleasant. Let ua hope so. A Monster Devil Fisk Destroying it, victim, is a type ot Consump tion. The power of this murderous malady is felt lon organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There]3 no health till it’a overcome But Dr. King’s New Bile PiUa are a safe and certain core. Best in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 cents at 11 druggists. Some people tieb for compliments with bated breath. QUESTIONS ANWKRED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine Id the civ ilized world. Your mothers SDdgrand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendlcitis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi> geeted food, regulate tbe action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You only need a few doses, of Green's Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satlsiird there is. nothing serious the matter with you Semple bottles at Butte drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be in ever; household mede cine cßbsi. It affords certain relief Blessed is the man who is unsble to o’jtain credit—for he will have no drbto to pay. FATALIIY FOLLOWS FAILURE to ÜB6 FOLEY’S KIDNEY CUBE in time. If taken in ea; lior stages of Bright’s disease and, it is certain cure. You havo noticed the high death rate from thee, diseases, and it is not wise to ignore early symptoms when a medicine like FOLF Y’S KIDNEY CUBE can he had W.J. Butts. FOR SALE.—Four good family 'milch cows. Apply to A. B. Rowe. Telephone 168. It seems rather queer that wash women put out t heir tubs to ca’cb toft water when it rains bard. are dangerous enemies, forth'jare treacherous. That's why all counterfeits o DcWitt’u Witch Hazel Salve are dangeron They look like DeWitt’s, bat instead of the all healing witch hazel, they all contain irgradi ents liable to imitate the skin and poisoning. Fo piles, injuries and skin diseases, use the original and genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. W.J. Butts. Rosr’all’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every bottle guaranteed, For sale by all drnggißts. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-UALL, AUGUST 21, 1%0. MISS WEED DEAD. Seoond Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Weed. The Iri ndsof Miss Irma Weed, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Weed, formeily of this city, will be grieved to learn of her death, which occurred at Savannah tome days ago. The child hood days of the deceased were spent in B untwick, and she was always very very popular among her school mates. Our Greatest Specialist For’j2o years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chrorio diseases that he is acknowledged toi ay to stand at the head of his profession m this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without tbe aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more th&D double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga Any girl o- gbt to be able to do up her hair swvet’y by the aid of a h iney comb. DOES IT FA Y TO BUY CHAEP A cheap remedy for cougbs and colds is all rlgbt, but you want sont thing that wiJ believe and cure the n ost severe and dangorous results n throat and lung trouble, What she dot Go to a warmer and more regula climate? Yes, if possible ; tf cot po sible for you; then In either case tak the only remedy that has been Intro luced iu all olvillved countries with success in sore throat and lung troubles Boschee’s German Syrnp. It not only stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflamatlon and causes expectoration, gives a good night’s rest and cures tbe patient Try one qottle Recommended many years by all druggists Id the world Sample bottles at W. J. Butt* ard Brown Drum* Cos. It eosts only one dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Railway every Sunday. A lame shoulder is usually caused by rheuma tism of the maae’es, and may be cured by a few application, of Chamberlain’s Falu Balm. For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drugstore REDUCED RATES. National Convention of the Christian Church, Kansas City, Mo., October 12tb-I9th, 1900. On account of the above occasion SOUTHERN RAILWAY will sell round rip tickets to Kansas City, Mo., and re turn, from all points on Its lines, at rate ot One First Clan Fare for the round trip, plue |4.00. Ticket* will be sold October Bth, 9th and 10th, with final return limit October 2Srd, 1900, inclusive. P.raoD. at non-coupon .tation. will kindly notify the tioket agent several day. in advance of their contemp'ated depart ure, in order that he may eupply himself with proper form of tickete. Annual Convention, National Baptist As eociation, Richmond, Va., September 12th-20lh, 1900. On account of thie occaeion, SOUTH ERN RAILWAY will tell round trip tick ete to Richmond, Va., and return, at rate of One Firat Cla.. Fare for the round trip, from ell pointe on its lines, except from Washington, D. C., snd Alexandria, Va. Tiokets will be sold September 10th, 11th and 12th, with final limit September 22nd, 1900, inclusive. For fnrtber and detailed information as to ratea, re.ervationa, schedules, etc., call upon or write any agent of the Southern Railway or its connections, or to 8. H. Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. A gent, At'anta, O CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of For Diabetes use STUARTS GIN and BUCHU. Reduced Rates via Southern Railwny* Annual Convention Colored Odd Fellows, Louisville, Ky , Oct. 2od-7tb, 1900. On account of the above occasion SOUTHERN RAILWAY wiil a. 11 round trip tickets from ell stations on its lines to Louisville, Ky., and return, at rale of one first class fare for the round trip. Tickets to be Bold September 29th, 80th and October Ist, with final return limit October 9th, 1900. Persons lobated at non coupou stations should cot fy ticket agent several days In advance of their contem plated departure, so that he mat supply himself with proper f.-rm of tickits. An-nual Meeting Mississippi Valley Medi ical Association, Asheville, N. C., Oc tober 9th-11th,1900. On account of occasion above apecitied, SOUTHERN RAILWAY will aell round trip tickets from all stst’ona on its lines to Asheville, N. C., and return. Tickets will be told October 6th to 9th, inc.usive with final limit October 15lh, 1900 An excellent opportunity to vieit the famous “Land of the Sky.” For further and detailed information, call or write any egent of tbe Southern Railway or its connections. 8. H. Hardwick, AsbL Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ua. Reduced Rates via Southern Railway to Atlanta, Ga. Southern Camp Meeting of tbe Christian Msssionary Alliance, Atlanta, Ga., August 16lh-20th, 1900, On account of this occasion, SOU PH ERN RAILWAY will sell round trip tickets to Atlanta, Ga., and return, from all stations on its lines within the State of Georgia, at rate of On, First Class for the Ronnd Trip Tickets will be eold August 16tb, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, with final limit August 28th,1900. For further and detailed information call on or address any ageut of the South ern Railway or its connections, or 8. H. Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Russell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. Cheap Rates via P'ant System- Richmond, Va.—Annual session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F-, September 17-32, 1900. Tickets Hold September IC, 16, 17, with final limit September 25, at rate of one fare round trip. Detroit, Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights of Pythias, August 27 to September 1, 1900. Tickets to be sold August 24, 25, 26, with final limit Sep tember 5, at rate of one fare round trip. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WREKN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. SUMMER EXCURSION BATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts Via the Plant Bystem. Tickets od sale June 1 to -September 30, with return limit October 31, 1900. Perfect passenger service. Pullman Bleepers on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WRENN, P. T. M-, Savannah, Ga. Deaaly Is Blood Beep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver arid driving all im purities from the bodv. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. In India, the land of famine, thousands die because they cannot obtain food In America the land of plenty, many suffer and die because i hey ch' not digest the food they eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what vou eat. It in stantly relieves and radically cares all stomach troubles. W. J. Butte. A Cfarminglndividud/itp most welcome to the connoisseur rich, dainty and sparklingly brilliant £%untsß>u*b r% ABC (Bohemian “King of all Bottled Beers.” Brewed from the best Canadian and Minnesota barley and the choicest imported Bohemian hops, this beer is a nourishing drink of unequaled purity and excellence. Order from Brunswick Wholesale Wine and Liquor Cos. GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC'Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business Btrietly confidential. En quires conducted with secreev. L. J. LEAVY iyTrpCT* r L. J. Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Hener- J al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents At the Same Old Place" 217 Newcastle St. You Will Find JVI. Isaac, The Merchant Tailor. With anew and complete line of Clothing and Cents* Furnishing Goods. Specially selected to suit all class of trade SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. I just received a full line of the latest and most fash ionable Spring goods. My pnnte pat terns are tbe most stylish in the city. I can please all my customers In price, quality and workmanship. Give me an order for your Spring 8u t and pants. Satisfaction guaranteed. M. ISAAC, The M ERCHANT TAILOR. KIDNEY DISEASES are®* the most fatal of all dis eases. cm CV’C KIDNEY CURE Is a IULI I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. W J. Butts, the Druggist ELI ZISSIMATO, 3021 Newcastle St. Mini.... :.:. Ht ills CIGARS AND.TOBACCO let ;Cream Fresh Ever? hi KilkS Shake Soia Water'. Etc,, All Kinds nf Candy . B PARKER’S AIR BALSAM I p ami >wE,itiii,- tup nah. note* a luxuriant growth P Fails to B'-store Gr*y I to its Youthful Color. . ta Ifsrnlnrff sud hair tailing. Ice Cream. Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Wine of Cocoa GO TO — : ELI ZISSIMAIO r 3024 Newcastle St. *YOBR FACE IS YOUR FOKTUNK. Throw awHYCosmetics. American Women throw aw ay hoventv-fl e million * doll ar# annually for fae _ pow lore, lotions, etc., mo of which are made of pol# 'nous substances and destroy the skin. To secuio a Natural, Rosy ■ Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RURRKR MASK. Restores original contour, f>ermanently re move# pimple#, freckles, blackheads, and all cemplcxional imperfection#. Absolutely harmless. Result# guaranteed. Write for particulars. Price by mall Glove# $2.00 and S2,M). VIRGIN RUBBER C0.,K0 West 14th St N. Y Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts. Brunswick, Ga. at KESSLERS. Dor. Monk and Brant Sts DEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Produce, —Vegetables, etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA Real Estate for Sale. Ws have lot number 17(1 on A street nine lots on Wolt Street, for sale cheap B. H. Daniels & Cos. 810 Nowcast! ht. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests whAt you eat. Itartificlally digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,(.astralgia,Cramps,and all other resu I ts ofi in per feet and igestion. Prepared by E C- Dewitt A Co- Chicago. v. J. Butts, tbs Druggist. H. J. OLEWINE, J Sicyles Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service. We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money- W. R. SMITH’S COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, KY., I* Where manyvvu!T?Tjo4Udn, after investing fiu:n Jag lo S9O for been educated for position* os iJookKfcc-Dcr*. Stenographer*. Itlig raphers. and now receive from syort;> $1,500 salary per year.. Kentucky!llnlvgrsity Diploma Awarded his graduate*. Midnlsttt two World'* to thousand* cesaful graduate*. thi* mo*t Influential yut/thls out for reference. Read jiurlU:- ulor* address only W. R. .Smith. LcxingUni, t.'y. A LITTLE WHISKEY TALK When you want a (good bottle of whis key, two things should be considered quality and price. I carry a full line of Paul Jones, Fremont and Peerless Whis key, Imported Gin, California Wines, and he best of high grade beer. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes, Call on me when you need anythingdu that line. LOEWENSTEIN Monk and Oglethorpe Sts. 7