The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 22, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Theßee Hive. The Bee Hive. bee" hives UNLOADING SALE OF Summer Goods [now ON! | The Bee Hive. j The Bee Hive. PhilS. Fanner, Proprietor. 213 Newcastle st., Brunswick, Ga. Coney & Parker DEALERS.IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime,,Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY -216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. Ladies’ Waists A few colored ones left, 75c to $1.50 kind. They are all treated alike —the price now is 50c! Some white Waists and wash Skirts left —any of them AT COST- Straw Hats at Halt Price LEVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 22, 1900, TODAY’S GAME. The following is the line up for to day’s ball game: Professionals Amateur Sullivan o Billsntyne Henley p Wolff Villenau Ist base r oleman Harper 2d base... .TsnUersley Garret 3rd base Mallard Oottingbain ss Nightengale naphan R Arid Walker Uoland C field Cramer Philips I. field Arnheiter TRY ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken Into your shoes. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking eaiy. Cures swol len, sweating feet, ingrowing nail*, blisters and callous spots. Relieves ooma and buoions of all pain, aod gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists arid shoe stores for 25 cents. Trial picage free. Ad dress Alleu S. Olmitrd, M. Y. i IMES-CALL JOB OFFICE. Those who waut the best work, at the lowest figures, should bring it to this ifiioe. On large dodgers, our prices and work will make you a con stant customer, if you will give us the first job. Ring up 81, and solicitor will call. King up phone 109 when in need of the finest goods. W T . H. Devoe. ** m n And you will have no other. Libby’s Wafer Chip ped Beef per can 15c' Phone IW. The Hustler, THINGS IN GENERAL. Nows Notes and Comments of An In teresting Character. The weather of the past few days' has been simply burning, and the av erage Brunswickian has been com pelled to sit up every night arid fan. Talk about tba coatless man, wby a prominent young society leader came out last night in anew rig. He wae shirtlesr. “Mr. Judge,” .aid a prospective groom, dikfd out in anew suit and fancy shirt, to Judge Dart, yesterday, “I want to get married; the ‘lady’ is down etairs, and between ua we have only $l5O, The judge smiled, and you all know what a broad, dry grin be oan give, and said, “a man who is real anxious to get married and can’t raise the email sum of $2.00; well that surprises me. The prospeotiv" went down stairs, onn-ultef bll lady love and returned with tb extra fi y cents and remark: 'Judge, dat wo man down stairs said she would pawn her shoes to marry me. I knowed she had dat fifty cents, and I thought I’d start right by keeping books on tbe jump.” Wbee tbe ceremony was performed and Judge Dart aotu&lly look and dim fled, be told tbe groom tbs' tbet cere mmy would be completd by a stlu e, tad tbeir Bps met. Those one pound tbiD, delicate lips ectually came to gether and tbe performance was over. Uncle Horace, or when be is perform ing a ceremony ‘Judge Dirt*-, realiy enjoys a maviage uf this kind and (o a reporter it beatejajgood minstrel per formance. R .ce riots have ocoured r ceatly in Cblcag) and New York and tbemgro fared w mse than be does bere in the South. Some ot the northern papers should have som •thing to say on this aubjeot. MANY TEAMS TOENIER. Ciptaio Cann Expects Twenty-E'gbt Id the Contest. The Savannah News of yesterday said : “Col. George T. Cann, state in spector general of rill* practioe, stated yesteiday that he bad received assur ances from company commanders throughout tbe state tbet ju-tified him in the belief that twenty-eigh' company learns would oompste for tbe DeSoio cup in the rifle and carbine oontests of next monlb. Every company, troop and battery of tbe Georgia State Troops in SavaD nab will be represented on the range. The Chatham Artillery has s cured tbe loan of a sufficient number of rifles from the Guards to permit the prac tice of its men on the range, and will from now on seek to aohteve a degree of proficiency with the infantry arm. The Cbatbams number some good sbota, and though they labor under disadvantages tbat are not present with tbe iDfantry and cavalry com mands. are reasonably oertain to make a creditable showing when it comes their time at tbe butts. For the finest grades cf Pickles Cakes, Preserves, eto., call at D*Voe’s Weak fenoea suffered last night aud the carpenters will now have plenty of work. Everything in tbe grocery lire to be fourd at W. H. DcVoe’n. Jim Carter does the best work when it comes to cleaning clothes, Nice, yellow Yams, to be found at f DeVoe s. j Disinfect Your Homes Choloro-Naptholeum, A Safegua and to Disease. We Sell in Any Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” We Owe Money • and must have money to meet our bills, therefore it behooves us to push collections with a ven geance, which we propose to do on the first. No more CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash. BROWN DRUG CO. Keep Coo! These Hot Summer Nights Our window suggests how. It is filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to $1.50. See Them. THE PALMER SHOE CO When Mm (4~ ff" Use any of my brands of WINES AND ¥ /% LIQUORS and nature will be greatly IKSgilctg' I \ agsisted in the work of recuperation. ' . v -V-, \ M My goods are of excellent quality, ar.d *=*-1 have been bottled and matured under / El our immediate supervision, Each ,>TQi| brand has been sol cied because of some 1 special merit. Find out which suds. A I PRICES TO SUIT. J \ A T. NEWMAN, |mL if Bay Street, Brunswick, Ga. .Jr '■*" ‘ t ; J!SS!f*JAiLi——~— -- . ga We know it—Thousands know it. But do you know BfCiliS “M OF KENTUCKY’' whisky _hU;he peer of all whis- Because it is absolutely pure, Because it has a yery fine aroma and liavor. Because it is smooth and palatable. JmXy'#}?©'AlWßa Because it is THE WHi&K If for Medici- Ay. TKY IT AND BE CONVINCED. '. l S'k Look for our Trade Mark on the label. I. TRAGER & CO., Distillers, Cincinnati, Ohio. • R. V. Douglas, 2UB Bay street, General Agent.