The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 23, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. A If 11 IS i IN The State Departmeit Gires Out a Hunt. SOME CHINESE NEWS Minister Conger Heard From Again Yesterday Morning—Chinese Reassembling. Washington, Aug, 22.—The plan of this government for a solution of the Chinese problem is tbe setting up of anew ruler to take tbe place of tbe present empress. Washington, Aug 22.—Conger sends the following tods;,dated Pekin, Aug, 19: Entire oity, with tbe exception of tbe imperial city, is ocoupted by Japanese, Russian, British, Ameri cans and Frenob. They are being ap portioned into districts for polios supervision. Tbe Chinese army fleJ. Imperial family oourt gone westward No representatives of (be Chinese gov ernment in sight of Pekin Condition chsotio. Palao* expected to be taken Immediately, many mieeiooaries start ed for borne, while others remain in obtrgs of Christian refugees cumber ing about a thousand, Washington, Aug. 22.—After a oon ferenoe betwaen Uokinlsy, Root and Adas the following statement was is sued late this afternoon: “Acting secretary of etate authorizes state ment that a reply wee made today to Wu’a two telegram* from Chang, dated respectively sixteenth end twen ty-tlrat, relative to a cessation of hos tilities and tba appointment of rapre sentativta to negotiate with China* Correspondence will not bs made pub lic uutil tomtrrow meroing.” Tien Tein, Aug. 17.—Chinese are re ported to be resembling around Pietang, forty ml es from here in tLe rear of the allies army which la now in Pekin. They may try to cut oil the relief col umn. Five thousand Chinese troops hate started from Sung Lu Ching for Pietang; two thousand other Chinese hurrying to Tung Choo. Believed that laige force of Chinese troops are in the field between here and Pekin and active preparations are being made to guard the lines of communications. Boston, Aug. 32.- American board of foreign missions received today a cable gram from Chee Foo, that Pekin and Tung Chow missionaries are saved. London, Aug. 22. —Offloi&l despatch from Tien Tain of August 20 received trom Tokio, reports that the Japanese occupied the Imperial palace at Pekin. Che Foo, Aug. 21. —It is reported here that the dowager, emperor and ministers left Pekin with troops. Supposed desti nation 1* Sian Fu. Pekin, whioh is in great confuaion, is being divided into several districts, half the Tartar city NUMBER 7. ADMIRAL REMEY SENDS IMPORTANT CABLEGRAM Says the Armed Christian Chinese Greatly As sisted the Allies, "Washington, Aug. 22.—The navy department has received the fol lowing dispatch from Admiral Remey: Che Foo, Aug. 21, via Taku.—Dickens’ command is landing today. Pekin, Aug. 16. —All except Imperial City cleared of Chinese troops. American troops were the first to enter Imperial City, Have pene trated to the gates of the palace. Captain Reill, with artillery, killed on 15th. Morning of the 19th Fifth cavalry and about 450 English and Ja panese dispersed about 1,000 boxers eight miles outside of Tien Tsin. About 100 Chinese killed, 5 Americans. Chaffee’s losses, 6 killed, 30 wounded; 2 days’ fighting. Remey. placed in control of Japanuae. Commit tees of Japanese, Americana, Ruseiana, British and French offlcera were appoint ed to maintain ordar. A detachment of Japanese troops rescued the foreign missionaries and Chinese convert* who had been imprisoned In palace. Two hundred Japanese killed and wounded so far TO ARRIVE SOON. Eipert trom the Guarantee Company Will Examine the Books. An expert from the guarantee compa ny will arrive in the city within the next few days tor the purpose of exam ining the books of Treasurer Harvey, and it will take him only a short time to say where the mistake was made. One thing is certain, Mr. Haryey will come out all r'ght. His thousands of friends sre hoping for an early examination so that he can he set right as soon as possible. KOREA NOW. Yokobomo, August 22. —An offloiel despatch from Korea says a thousand rebels bsvj attacked Sung Chang, burning government buildings there. Situation is oritioal. A Big Increase, Washington, Aug. 22.—The census bureau gave out today the population of Philadelphia and it is as follows: 1,- 293,697, Inert a e 246.733, or 23 57 per cent. A Marriage. Mr. L. R. Kemp and Mies Bailie Bush were united in marrisge yestrdsy by Judge J W. Conoley. Cotton Marsei. New York, Aug. 22.—August 0.03, September 8.77, Oetober 53, November 52, Jaoosry 49. Mr. J. J. Lissner will go to Savan nah todsy to see the lat 11 til time BRUNSWICK, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1900. CHRISTIANS AID ALLIES Those Who Were Armed Did Some Good Fighting. London, Aug. 22. —In the news that reaches London this morning direct from China there is nothing to confirm the report that the empress dowager has been run to earth. The foreign envoys, according to the Shanghai correspond ent of the Daily Pi ess, are proceeding to Tien Tsin. The same correspondent avers that the sacred city was entered on August 15, two days earlier than Rear Admiral Bruce reported. "The flags of the allies,’' says the Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Mail, wiring yesterday, “are now floats ing over the imperial palace, Street fighting, however, continues. “Considerable assistance in the capt ure of Pekin was rendered by four thou sand armed native chriitians. The le gations wars enabled to hold out by purchasing ammuni.ion from the Chi nsse.” American action in refusing to deal with Li Hung Chang in the peace pro posals meets with unanimous approval at the bands of the mo-ning papers. The Standard says: "We imagine that other powers will take the samu course; at any rate, until Earl Li produces satisfactory evidence of of his authority to negotiate ’’ The Daily Chronicle says: “Mr, Con ger has at last op.ned the eyes of the stats department to the real character of Orientals.” The Dally Express prints this morn ing a long letter said to have been writ ten by Vice Admiral Seymoar in which he stoutly defends his action in advanc ing to the relief of tbs legations when ho did, saying: “Two or three times our prospects were very dark and disaster seemed probable. Yet I have regretted that I bad started, as 1 cou'd have respected myself if I had not done so. ’ Referring to the difficulties of con trolling mixed troops and to their char' acteristics, he says: The Germans were admired most; but for dash and go none surpassed or perhaps equalled the Americans. The French had no particular approachment wi’h any other nationality. The Gerinani an and Rus sians were inclined to hold together; but the Americans were with us al ways. Advices from the provincial capitals Bhow that the attitude of the southern manderins has been far more friend y since the allies reached Pekin. Some of tbe magistrates have been is suing proclamations commanding tbe Chinese to attend to business, to avoid sedition, and acknowledging that tbe invasion of the foreigners is justified. The following dispatch has been re ceived from Rear Admiral Bruce: “Taku, Aug, 19 —The allies are re ported to have entered the sacred city of Pek’n August 17.” ONLY EIGHT. It seems now that a very few Knights of Pythias will make tbe trio to Detroit. A prominent member of the lodge sad last night that only eight would go It is said that a number of ladies will ac company them. per HIM OUT Shirt Waiat Man Could Not Remain in a Theatre, Columbus, Ga,, Aug 22.—The man with the shirt waist has been brought to a halt in Columbus, and the question has now ariseD wbat is the costless horde to do about it. A prominent young business man en tered the opera house, where the season opened laat night in the conventional August costume. lie was minus bis coat, vest and sus penders, his vissble dress consisting of a shirt, trousers, and a belt. He did not go to a conspicuous part of the house, but he bad not been seated long before Lieutenanl Denson of the police force, went to him and told him tha', he would either have to put on his coat or leave the theater. He refused to don his coat he had none-and said that ha would be put out and would make a test case of it. He was escorted out, but the of ficer refused to make a case against him, The gentleman did not return In aide. “COIN” HARVEY TO SPEAK. Crawfordsvilje, Illd., August 22. One of the most evtensive political de monstrations in the history of Mont gomery county will open here tomor row. Tbe eveDt is in connection with the Ninth district Democratic Con gressional convention, and there has never been so many men of national prominence in the city before on any occasion. “Coin” Harvey, of Chioago, principal speaker; George Fied Wil liams will also speak, MAKING A TOUR. The colored baseball club of this city defeated Waycroas Tueaday by a score of 20 to 6. The club is now in Albany, where it will play some games. The Brunswick base ball club will disband after the Savannab gamrs. PRICE FIVE CENTS. filS Bryan fill Be NolM By Poplisls Today. IRK WILL HEAR HIM A Number of Prominent Speakers Will Be Heard at This Meeting. Topeka, Kansas, August 22.-The formal notification to tbe nominees of tbe Populist party will be made here tomorrow. Vast numbers of visitors have arrived, and the meeting bids fair to be the most enthusiastic political galb - ering ever held iu Kansas, and the Populistic element hopes to galu great poll ical advantage thereby. Tbe speeches of notification will be on tbe State House grounds. Tbe stand will will bn erto'ed at the east entrance of tbe State House. Tom Patterson, of Denver, will make tbe initial notifica tion speech. After bis acceptance, Bryan will address audiences in vari ous parts of the oity . Ober orators billed are General James B, Weaver, “Cyolone” Davis and Webster Divis. KANSAS POPULISTS Will Endorse Donnelly for Vioe President. Topeka. Kani., Aug. 22.—A slste oonvenlion of tbe mikd!e-of-lbe-rojd populists will meet here tomorrow for tbe purpose of putting a foil state and and presidential ticket in the field. Tbe representation is the same as that of llu populist oonven2ion at Fort Tbe m.ddle-of-tbesroaders were not disposed to put a ticket in tbe field at. first, believing that the populists st Fort ScotHwould break away from the democrats and gi it alone. But as soon as tbe dicker was completed for a fusion ticket at Fort Scott the inul dle-of-thu-roaders decided to put up s s ra'gbt populist ticket. The conven tion will endorse the Omaha ar,d Cin nati platforms and the nominations of Wharton B.ker for president and Ignatius Dsnneliy for vice president. TURKISH INDEMNITY. A Movement Made to Colleot the Same. Washington, Aug. 22—It Is author itatively stated today from the navy department that the new European station will b* thoroughly sstablisbed by the end of the present week. The new battleship Kearsarge has bsen ohosen for the flagship, and the pen nant of Hear Admiral Rodgera will probably be Hying over it in a day or iwo. Toe establishment of the Euro pean etation is looked upon here ns a move in tbe oolleoting of the indem nity due from Turkey. The depart ment will gradually be increased in strength, and it is openly said that in the fall a oruise will be made into the Mediterr* naan, By that time, unless the Porte manifests a wlllingceia to pay, a considerable display of force is calculated on.