The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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nil ci The Attendance Was Not Very Large. But Those Who Went Saw Some Real Good Ball Playing, The game of basebill between two picked clubs from members of the Brunswick team and a ftw Iclpi j ers, was ve y interesting fr m start tu tlnioh, and a mie real good bail pitying was done by both teams, The professionals won the gsine by a soure of 7to 2. Woiff and Girrrtt for the Amateur*, and Kaphan and Su l.van for the profesei itial--, w ere the batteries. POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything in sigh: ; so do draatio mineral pills, but bo b are m gbty dangerous. Don’c dynamite tbe delicate machinery of your body calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when I),*. King’s New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer bretze, do tbe work perfectly. Cures headache, c in stipalion. Only 25 cent?, at all drug stores COL. DtltT TO SPEAK The Brunswick Riflemen have invited Col. J. E. Dart to fpeak on tbe night of September 12, when they give their re cep ion, and the invitation has neen ac cepted. Col Dart is one of the leading Georgia orators, and his speech will surely be ag( m. Two or three more good speakers wrll be invit and to addres. the company. Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chrc 1c diseases that he is acknowledged toi ay to stand at the head of his profession ,u this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful' Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Oases pronounced hopeless by othei physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street. Savannah, Gs ASKS A POSTPONEMENT. Home, Aug. 22. Breeci, the aeaas aiD of King Humbert, has asked for s postponement of bis trial un il wit nesses can arrive there from tbe United S a’es. The pocket can be mended. The stomach can be cured. That sterling medicine for the stom ach and blood. Doctor Pierce’s Got 'eu Medical Discovery, acts with pecul ar promptness and power on the organs of dtgei tion and nutrition. It Is a positive cure for almost all disorders of these organs, and enrts also such diseases of the he&n, blood, liver and other organs, as have their cause in a weak or di eased condition of the stomach. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. Fitz-lmmons Sharkey fight. R-uurns from tbe ringside by rounde at El< saloon Friday n ght. • IS BUSY NOW. Clerk Bodet is the busiest man in the city r'gjt kb u! now. He is bott clerk and treasurer and as this is the busy period of the year bes putting in at least fifteen hours daily iSonstspatioßz Headache,biliousness, heartburn, indi gestion, and all liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. > ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND fPairvKite I There Is no kind of pain or ache, internal or exter nal, that Pain-Kilter will not relieve. | LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE ! BEARS THE NAME. I PERRY DAVIS & SON. DR. WILKINSON GLOOMY. He Spends tbe Day at Police Station Crying Bitterly. The Constitution of yesterday said; Since tbe departure of Miss Josephine Packard Dr H. M Wt kinson tas been sitting in bis cell crying bitterly to him self. lie lay quietly on a prison blanket, using his valise, over which was thrown a white sh rt as a pillow. When called on In his cell by a report er for the Constitution Dr Wilkinson said; “This has been tbe most miserable day of my life. Since she has left I feel that I am lone'y and without consolation. If they bad only allowed me te speak one word to her or let me even catch a glimpse of her it would not have been so bad. “But I guess it’s all right. A man in my position need not expect sympathy, and I don’t a k sympathy. If they would only give me jus'ice I would be satisfied; but they do everything they can to make me out a miserable cur In tbe eyes of the woman I love as man never loved woman before, and in tbe eyes ot my frlet ds. “I real ze thoroughly what I have done. It’s ail wrong,and no one knows it better than I. But I loved her and that is my excuse. He thanked tbe officials at the police s'ation for the courtesies and kindnesses they have shown him and Miss Packard during her stay in the station house. Dr. Wilkinson has contracted a se vere cold and at times he gives vent to a deep cough. He looks haggard and worn and his confinement is telling on him. He says he does not know what will be done with him and is fast getting o where he does not care. Tbe detective who is to take him to Delaware is expected in the city tomor row. He was exptc'ed some days ago, but wired that be miss-d a train and * gain that he missed connections, lut would arrive in the morning. The offi cials at the police station are anxious to see him, Wilkinson ran away with his sis ter-in law from Dover some days ago— account ot same was published in these columns, CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Sp SZS/V+-JT Signature of C TcUC&'it Fine lot of sun. dried peaches just received at P. and. Busbees, 42J E street. Il’s a doctor’, business to study health. Doctors confidently recotn oserid HARPER Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, G i. Sjine people fish for O' mplimente with b.ited hreaib. It will surprise you to txpi ritnce the beneti obtained by using the dainty and famous littls pills known ns DeWitt’s I.itlle Eitrly Risers W. J. Butts. W ANTEDGentIe horse fui ftmily use. Apply to J. W, Watkins. CASTOHIA. Bears the _/> T*iß Kind You Have Always Bought “•T (ZytfEZi THE BRUNSWICK TIME* CAI.L, AUGUST 23. 1900’ WANT TIIEIR WASHING. The Chinese Are Iu Trouble In Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Aug, 22. —There was a mul .iplicity of laundry checks at the of -of the United States marshal yester day. Clerk Stickuey said in answer to inquiry that almost one hundred people had called to see if the,' could receive their laundry. The washing was “tied up” on account of Chinese laundry men having been incarcerated for not having tbe requisite papers to allow them to remain in this coun'ry. Tbe callers became so importunate that Mr. S'.ickney called up a colored man and asked him if be would take the risk of bringing the Chinese prisoners from the county jail in order that the people could receive their laundry. The negro wanted to know what compensa tion he would receiye and Mr. Sti.kney replied that the government had made no provision for a case of the kind and he wou and have to eha ge the people who wanled their laundry so much a head fo.- his trouble. WILL MAKE EXHIBIT. Eedies of G ynn to-Make Showing At tbe S'a’e Fair. S >me dsys i go, The T imes Call suggested that tbe ladies of i his county beg : n at once preparing for an exhibit at tbe Statefiir, ard the little item had the desired ilf ct. A lady, who takes a gteat deal cf interest in affairs of ibis kind, tcld a reporter ye terday that within the next few wreks a movetntn’ of this k t and would bes art td. Of course, Glynn will make a good showing A CO OPERATIVE STORE. Nearly fifty colored m a n who have been stvmg their motey, w l shortly apyly for a charter for a co operative .tore. S.m-' hing ov>r a thousand dollars has already been paid io, aud ilia leaders of this pre j ct s y they wiil have that much more wiihtn a very short time. LITHE DAMAGE. The craft along tbe river front were very fortunate in sustaining very lit tle damage in tbe gale ofTuiidi) night. Ore or two small boats were driven ashore, but no damage to speak of was done. In the city a numbtr ol fences were downed, but very few houses sustained damages. Ft l z immons Sharkey tight. R tur. s from the ringside by r; unde at E k saloon Friday night, FOR RENT —Dwelling bouse corner C and J st. Apply to (’>. H. Moore. TO PRACTICE OFTEN. Tbe picked who ere to enter ;be stale shoot in Savrnnah from all (be millrary cuniDanies here are soon to begin holding r.’guli r target prae ice. In order to make a good show ing this will bare to be done as rome of the best shots in the country w 1 enter this shoot. TAPE WORMS “A tape worm eighteen fe*t long at least came on the scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This lum sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. lam still taking Cascarets, the only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible people.” Geo. w. Bowles, Baird, Miss. & CATHARTIC wm-mm) TRADE MARK RIOISTIRtO Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, po Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 20e,500. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Stirling tinned? Company, Chicago, Montreal, Sew York. 313 Mf) TO RIP Sold and guaranteed by all drug- RU* I DA V gists to CTLIUE Tobacco UablL Br. Hathaway Treats Ml Diseases. His Method Invariably Cures All Catarrhal, Bronchial, Lung, Stout* arh, Liver, Kidney ami Other Com plaints, its Well as All Diseases and Weaknesses of Women. ~] In Dr. Hathaway’s most extensive practice, cov A? ' A cring a period of more B than 20 has been gJSf&i Sg- R called upon to treat alt If -'J ' {J manner of diseases of vj /SvJ J men and women aud along the whole line of human ailments lie has awiw vpy be on uniformly suc- Hr. Hathaway’s me \ tliod of treatment gets —■' litirocfiy at the seat of p the trouble, purities thq blood , “ “' ts tones up tiro whole system and tne tiiood. neu t r aUzes the poisons which produce the diseased conditions, no Yearly ho restores to perfect health thousands of sufferers Treated. from Catarrh, Bronchitis, As thma. Hay Fever, Lung Complaints. Stomach, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Piles, Tumors, Can cers, Eczema and all manner of skin affections. llleoAcncnf 1)r - Hathaway also treat* with 7 s the greatest success all. Jhose women many distressing weaknesses and diseases by which so many women are afflicted. Electrical ,)r - Hathaway’s offices are fitted Anniianehc with all the latest eleetrical and Appliances, other appliances, in the use ot which, as well as the microscope, ne lias world wide fame as an expert. All of the medicines used by Dr. Hathaway are compounded in ills own laboratories, under his personal direction, and special remedies are prepared for each in dividual case according to its requirements. Examination Dr - Hathaway has prepared a and. i? series of self-exam ination blanks Blanks. applying to the different diseases which he sends free on application: No. 1, for Men; No. 2, for Women; No. y, for Skin Diseases; No. 4, for Catarrhal Diseases; No. 5, for Kidneys. Hr. Hathaway makes nocharge L'onsuiiation for consultation at either his Free. office or toy mail. r J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Ihfliaway&Co^ 555 Bryan Street, Savanr.ali, Ga, MENTION THIS PAPER WHEAT .WRITING lOARD OF ORDNANCE Washington, Aug 25 - The Board of Ordnance and Fortification w ill bold a meeting today at Sandy Hook, to examine and test several types of new guns and explosives. The meeting is significant, in that it wi 1 decide the protest of Gene al Miles against the ac tion t f General Buffington calling for bids for the ma , ufactu e of a number of field gunj of a tpye not approved by the board. The matter bad been brought to the attention of the board by Generai talies, and at a meeting held on Aug. 4, it was rt commended to Secretary Root that no award be made for the manufac ture of thegnns until after a sati-factory test by the bLaid. It is expected that some it teiesting facts will be lit light to light. BROKE ENGAGE 11 ENTS. A sp.cisl from Saints, pub isbed m rite Atlai ta Journal, saya : “S; queer business me’ hods have uii'tk and the c.' day? of the R .me base ball c üb. The club disbanded sudden y on Saturday, there beirg no cause given. Meanwhile, R me had three er gagagemeuts with Sslme, to begin to pi ty Udsy. and hid written to tie lessees of Brisbine Park here to gel llie grounds for the lat three days of this wesk. Just why she broke these engagements, no one can tell. “Selma feels agrieved at this state of affairs, a nd accuses the Romans of having displayed a yellow streak. The ihree games here were to have been piaysd w ith the Greenwood club. Toe news that Rome has disbanded was a complete surprise There are no better pills made than De- Witt's Little Early Risers Always prompt and certain. W. J . Butt'a. Among other canned vegetables, youM lied Sptnacb, which is better than fresh. W. H. DeVoe. Are. Max Marks leaves this morning for Savannah, where he wi 1 spend the remainder of the wtek. Best Way to Cure Backache. Backaches are cniaed by disorder in kidneys. Foley’s Kidneys Cure wi 1 make the right. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. .J. W, ...Watkins will loan you money on per:oral pi op erty and real estate. Let Jim Carter have one more look at the old summer suit, and yon wont have to buy anew one till winter. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn county— Will <o sold before the courthouse door of said com ty, on the first Tuesday in September nexi, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing described property, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land tying and being in th city of Brunswick, county of Glvnit. ml -tale of Georgia, and d* scribed according to the map and plan of said city made -by George R. Bald win, A, D. 183 V. as follows,'to-w it: The no: 11 1 west one fourth of old Town lot No, 548, con tabling 45 by 00 feet, and bounded as loilows: On the north. IK) feet, by a portion of Mil T..wn lot No. 547; on the east. 4f> feet, by a portion ot said Old Town lot No. 548; on the south, 00 feet, b> a portion ol said Old Town lot No. 548, aud on the west, 45 lect, by Amherst street. Levied upon as the property of the defendant, Cha- les Morris, under and by virtue of an t xccuiiou is sued from the Mipoiior court of sai i county. In favor of the All mtte Investment Comp my and against the said Charles Morris, in the princi pal sum of S7tH.4O, besides interest ana costs. Notice of lew given tenant in possession, as required by law. Also, at the same time and place, that coi tain tract or parcel ot land, situate, lying and being in Glynn eouu y, Georgia, in Ihe city of Bruns wick therein, iu the sen t hem portion of said city, in that tract of land known as the Thirty three aero tract, and known, designated au I described on and in the map and plan of said Thirty-three a re tract, as made by E. a Pen nituan,city surveyor, which map is recorded iu book E E, folio 250, of the general records of said county, reference to which is had Tor all purposes, as the northern one half of lot mini her four (4). Levied on and so'd as tne property of dohn I>. Lang, under and by vi: tne of an exe cution issued from Glynn Bu| erior court in fa vor of Jlarrv Tattnall and against John D. Lang, for SIOOIO principal, cost and inte>est. W. 11. HLURlE,Sheriff Also, at the same time and place, the north eastern oiie-fouith of Town commons lot, num ber seventy-nine (79j, between Amherst street and Cochran avenue. Levied on and sold as the property of Rachael Harmon, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior court of Glynn county and against Rachael Harmon. M&ssie, Patrick and John C. Moore, and in favor of A. I>. Candler, Governor, for $l5O principal ami $20.25 cost. W. H, BERRIE, Sheriff. A Iso, at the same time and place, one Peerless job limiting press, chases and rollers. Levied on and sold as the property of Mrs. C A. Leavy, under ami by virtue of an execution issued from Glynn Superior court in f.ivor of A. Kaiser & Brother and against Mrs. C. A. Leavy, princi, al, and It. It. Hopkins and II H. liarvey, security on replevv bond, for $74.00 principal, $7.25 interest, and $21.25 cost. Also at the same time and place Ihe following described p operty to-wit: That certain two lots or parcels of land, situate lying and being iu the city of Brunswick. Georgia, known and described on Simmons’ map of said city ns Dixville lots numbers one (1) and two (2) east oi Gordon, oetw en London and Prince streets. Levied on as ihe property of the estate of EL C. I*. Dart, under and by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read, t*x collector,foi state and county luxes due for the yea*- IS'.*9. Amount of tax sl.B< with interest and ah costs. Levy made and returned to me by If. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to wit; That cert mi lot or parcel of laud, situate i ing ami being in the city of Brunswick. Glynn i-ountv Georgia, known aud designated on the map of the city Brunswick, made by George R. Bald win A. D. 1837, as Ihe southeastern one-half of Old Town lot number 2(14. Levied on as the property of W. F. Penoiman under and by vir tue of an execution issued by H. J. Read, tax collector for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount, of tax $22.44 with interest and all costs. l*evy made aud returned to me by It. 8. Pyles, deputy shereff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, 10-wit: The lease hold interest in and to one-half of tbe western one half of Towns Commons lot num ber 151 between Wolf and Albany streets, in the city ot Brunswick, as per Simmons' map. Levied on as the propty of J. T. a loams under aud by virtue of an execution isu<* by H. J. Bead, tax collector. Amount of tax $5.‘13. with interest and all costs. Levy made an i returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff'. Also at the same time aud place, the following described property to-wii: That certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the city Brunswick and known and desigua ed on the map of said city, made by George It. Bald win, A. i>. 1837. us the eastern one-naif of "Id Town lot number 4(M>. Levied on as ihepon eny ot John 11. Huggs under and by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. It< ad, tax collec tor. tor state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of ax $19.38 with interest and all cots. Levy made and returned to ne by K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff'. Also at the same time and place, tho follow ing dc-cribed property, 10-wu: The lease hold inte est in and to the n rthwestern one fourth f own Common lot number 127, between Lee and Stonewall streets, in tho city of Bruns wick, Georgia, as per Siinm <dh map. Levied on as the propeity of Jack Adams and by vir tue of an execution issued by H. J Head, t x collector, for state ami couuly tixes and ie for tne • ear 1899. Amount of tax $2.5 i with nter est and all costs, bevy made and returned to me by R. S. yies, deputy sheriff. Also also at the same and place, the follow ing described property to-wit: Tho base bold interesi in and to the northern one-half of Towns Common lot number 106, between Gordon and J- hnatou streets, in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, as per Simmons map. levied on as the property of Win. MrKinzie under an I by virtue of an execution issued *y U. J. beau, tax collector, for taxes doe for the year 1899. Amount of tax $3.25 with interest and all co-ts. Levey iade returned to me by U. S. Pyles deputy sheriff. Also at the time and place, tho following de scribed pi operty, to wit: That certain lot or porcel of land, situate ij ing und being in the city of Hiunswick. Glynn county, Georgia, known ail i designated in tho map of said c.ty made by George R. Baldwin, A D. 1837, as the southwest one-fourth of I<l Town lot number 543 Levied on as ihe property of Regina Til lie under amt by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read, tax collector, for taxes due lor the year 1899. Amount ol t.ix s>.oo with inter est and all cofcts. Levy made anti returned to me by It S. Pyles, deputy sheriff'. Also at t he same lime and pbicc.the follow ing described propei ty, to-wit: Those certain two lots.parce s of bind situiit- and lying in the city of Brunswick, in the Evansville addition then to and known us Evansville hits numbcis 35 and 3G, Levied on as the property of It. II- Alston, under and by virtue o au ex ecu'ion is sued by II J. Reed, tax collector, for state am! county iaxes due for the year 1899. Amount of tax $17.75. Ixtvy made and returned to me by It.. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W. H BERRIE, Sheriff Glynn County, Georgia. STATE OF GEORGIA—GIynn Countv. The Federal Transport and') In Equity in the Insurance Cos., et. al., j Superior Court of vs. i of said county The Atlantic Cotton Cos., J Suit to enforce et. al. | payments to capi ) tal stock. The defendants, J. If. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C. Schumacher A Co.,u copartnership A. Norden A Co.,acopaitnership,B. W. O. Edge, William O. Allison and J.S. Thomas,are herebv notified and required to be aud appear in person or by attorney at the next December, 1990, term of tne Superior Court of said county, to be he'd in the court house of said county, ut Brunswick, on the i!r.-t Monday in December, next.and by io o’clock, a. in., of said dav, then and thereto answer the plaintiff- in this in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain W inn ss the Hon Jo*. W Ben net, .Judge of said Court. This 27th day of July, 1900. 11. K. imjBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga. State of Georgia | County of Glynn. James S. Wright et al, ami I Injunction, and Re- Fo.dcr & Lang, ct al | ceivcr ponding in vs. Glynn Superior Court Merchants and Traders’ I May term, 1900. Bank,etal. | AJI persons Interested in this case desiring to flic interventions therein arc. requested to do so within ninety days from this fate. After the expiration of sai time no other interventions will he entertained. Let this he published twice a month for three months in the Bruns wick Call and also in the Brunswick Times. This in open court .Juno 7th, 190a. PAUL E. SEA BROOK, Judge Atlantic Cir cuit. Presiding. OASTOniA. Bears the si Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought rr Administrators Notice, (1 EC ) RGIA—G i* vn \ Ct) oxt v. Notice is hereby given that the undt>rsigue.l has applied to iho ordiu r of said cmimy t• r leave to .-ell land belonging to tin- estate of Ainan la Hughs and lor the pavmeiu ot lU-bts ol said estate. Said application w ill be heard at tho regular term of tho court of'<>rdinar\ for said county to be held on the first M.aidav in September, lUUO. This the bth day of \ugiist, bH>9. J. R. IvNIoB, Administrator Estate of Amanda Hugh-. AI >M INI STB ATO R’S is VI. l GEORGIA—GIynn Count). Will be sold in sain county on the Hist. Tucs day in September, 19t o, between tho hours of in o’clock u. iu. unn 4 o'clock p. in., at puidic out erv, before the court house door (Grant street Bide), of said county, io tho h ghesi bidder for cash, certain personal property of tho i .-late of Mari on It obi n son, deceased, consisting of wear ing apparel, ti unk>, hooks, one zither, two pair opera glasses undone licb gla.-s and other per sonal effects. Baid sale will be continued from day today until completed. Sale made in pur suance ol an order of the court ol ordinarx granted August U, HUM). This August 9. men. EDWIN BKOBsTON, Admr. Estate of Marion Robinson. PROCLAM \ll< >N State of Ge ;. la. Ex ecutive Office, Atlanta.—submitting e .n-titu tional amendment regarding pensions for the widows of confederate soldier- to a vote of tho people tt tttie next general ch cl ion. Whereas, the general a • cuddy m isb'.t passed by a constitutional majority the follow ing act tow it: *‘An act to amend sect'on I, arti-de 7, para graph I.of the constitution of Georgia, so as to extend tho provtali >ns of said section, article and paragraph 10 tho widows of confederate soldiers, who, by reason of age and poverty, • infirmity and poverty, 01 bluidno-s aud povor ty, are unable to provide a living for them selves, and for other purposes.” Sec. 1. Be it enacted ny tho general assem bly of Geoigia, and it is hereby euacted i.v mi ihorlty of tiir. hume, that section I, article ~ paragraph I, of the constitution <d Georgia, he and the .same is hereby amended lv iu-erting inter the word “service” iu tho t:iih line, the following words: -or who, by reason of age und poverty,or infirmity and poverty or 1 lind ness and poverty, are unable to earn a living for lhemilvo ,” so tliat said kvi o-i when so amended, w ill read as follows, tow it : “To sup ply Hie soldiers whole*, a limb, or Mm' s in the military service of the confederate starew, w uii substantial artificial limb* during life; and to make suitable pr \ isious for .- m b coutedci ate soldiers as may have been otherwise disabled or permanently injured iu stu b service; or who may. by reason or ag. and poverty.or infirm i> and poverty, <<r olindncss aiuj poverty, art un able to provide a living for Hi. iiinelvi-s, ami for tho widow of i-uchcouiederale .-oldieis a* mav have dud in the service <>t the eon'ederate states, or since, fioui wounds received therein, or disease contracted in ttio service, or who by rer.son of age amt poverty, or infirmity and poverty,orblimiiie-sami poverty, are ninth e to provide a living lor themselves; provided that the act shall only apply losueii w idows as Were married at tho time of such service, and have remained unmarried since the deuth of such soldier husdaiid.” Bee 2. Beit fur her enacted, that, if this amendment shall bo agreed 10 by two-Hurds of tbe general assent’ty, of each house, the same shall bcemeri and on tueir journals wlih the yens aud nay* taken I hereon, and the governor sli .l cause the amendment 10 1 e puhli-dicd in one or more of ihe newspapers in each district for two n.oaths immediately pjeecding the next general election, and the same shall be submitted to the people at the next general election, aud the voters thereat shall have writ ten or printed oil their tickets, -For ratifica tion of section 1, ai tide 7, paragraph 1 of the constitution <f tin- state,” or-Against ratifica tion of section 1, article 7. paragraph 1, of ho constitution of this state,” us they inn choose; and if a majority of the Hectors qualified t * vote for members of ihe next general assembly, voting,shall vote in favor of ratification, ilieu said amendment-hud become a part of said ar ticle 7, section 1, paragraph 1, 01 the constitu tion of this slat--, and the governor shall make proclamation thereof. >ec. 3 repeals conflicting laws. Approved December 21, 1899. Now, therelore, I. Allen D. Candler, governor of said state, do issue tins, my proclamation hereby declaring that the u> ( going proposed amendment of the con-dilution 1* hereby sub mitted, lor ratification or rejection, 'o the voters of tnis state. ;ii ihe general election to l c held on Wt dnesday, October 3,1900, a- provided in said act. ALLEN I>. CA > DLI’.R, By tho Governor, Gov inor. J. . WARREN, Secretary Executive Department. Service By Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA- < minty of Glynn. John Rogers, i lu Gl)nn Superior Court, Mav vs. 5 ' Term, 19110. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To the Delendant, Su ic Rogers: You are hereby c mmanded to be und appear at the Decent or Term, 1 ext, of Glynn Superior Corn t, to no holden ul the court house in it 11 "swick, Glynn C- unty, Georgia, on the Fust Monday in December. 1990, and by Ton (10) O’clock of the forouomi of said dale, tlien and tbe e to answer the complaint of Hie pin in tiff m the above staled case in hi* Lined for Divorce. Witness tho Honorable Joseph W Benin-!.I, Judge of the >up rioi Uoiirt of (dynn ( i iinty, this Hie loth day of July, I‘. On. 11. F. duBIGNON. Clerk Superior Court, Glynn ounty,Ga. GEORGIA Glyn County. To whom it may concern : John J spears tia applied for permanent letters of tdiuimsira lion upon the estate of John Campbell, of said coun y, deceased, ml suitl matter willh- I at the September term, hoo, of ihe court <f or dinary of said county. Let objection-, n .my, he tiled tin or hetore Monday. Se|>temlier 19 o August 6, 1900. lime U K DAIH', Ordinary Glynn t utility, t.a. GEORG I Glynn County. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of Maiiou Robin-on, de ceased, are hereby notlled to and lib* them with me, properly vcrilied, as required by law. This July 27, in o. BDWIN P.ROBsTON, Administrator Estate Marion Robinson. SERVICE BV PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman,! Libel for Divorce. Re j turnahle to December vs. | Term, 1900, of superior | Court of (ilynn couu- C. J. Freeman, I ty, Georgia. To the said defendant, <’. J. Freeman: You are hereby required* p'soiially or by attorney, to be. and appear at the next term ot the Superior Court of .ml e untv. coiiV3ning on the first Monday m Di cemher, ibOO, then and there to answer t o plaini iIF. Clyde Freeman, upon the merits of her petition for divorce filed against you; as in default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Hon .Jo-eph W Rennet, Judge of said .‘Superior Court, tin- 22d day of A iigust, 1. ( to. A. U, T< >WN sEN I, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glynn < 0., Ga. 1). W. KRaUSS, PltlPi,. Atty. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn (’ounty. To ail whom it may concern: R. R. Hopkins having in propei for r, applit and for permanent adminlstralion on the estate of J. I>. Jones, late <>t said county, this is is lo cite all and singular the creditors uudnextof km of J D. Jones to he and appear at my otlice within the tine allow, and by Jaw, and show cause,if .inv, they can why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to R. R. Hopkins on .1. D. June.-.’ estate. Witne smy hand and oflicial signature this (th day of August, 1900. HORACE D \RT, Ordinary. PEIFFER & COMPANY, Hay, Grain, and Provisions. Bay n?ar Man slip 1:1 St. 3