The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 23, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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The man who smokes i [Old Virginia Cheroots] | has a satisfied, “glad I have got it” j i expression on his face from the time < |he lights one. He knows he will J I not be disappointed. No matter | j where he buys one—Maine or Texas, j i Florida or California—he knows they < j will be just the same as those he gets j l at home—clean—well made—burn | j even— taste good—satisfying! ( Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this ] | year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 (or 5 cents. | E IPAN S Doctors find •’A Good r . *.• t Prescription For mankind / J" ** *7* Gracen, Xestaaraat^ New-Sundj f General Store* ud Barber* ■nop*. They baa is h pain, induce sleep, aad praloa* life. Q** |bs* fcfiefl No Blatter what’s the auUt*r, mm* wiß 4* IN goo 4. Tea samples and oae * L nuf A**ii. BUY A cHOME QUIT PAYING RENT "We can sell you a nice two story dwelling for less than $500.00. A small payment down and balance SIO.OO per month. BROBSTOiV, FENDIG & CO, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. OPEN AGAIN. Jno V eruki wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. Is now ready for business, We will sell yon goods 10 per cent leas tnan original coat. 506 Monk Street. icm AUGJOT woo. HAMMOND ESCAPED. I Young Kan Wi Conviced of Murdor By aJu yof His Peers. Brunswickians will retnambrr tbe trial of Tom sod Hortoe Hammond t Jr murder, sod tbe acquittal of tbe laat named, wbo war a resident of tbia o ty. Tom Hammood was found guilty and aeotenoed to life imprison' mtol, but he escaped soma days ago. Following from tbe Jacksonville Metropolis tslis the story : “Sheriff Broward, of tbia county, received a telegram this morning from A. 0. Ntal, slate prlsoD guard at Oaceol*, Fla., stating that Tom Ham moud bad escaped from 'be oonviot camp at that place.” hammond’s crime. On tba night of tbe 12tb of Febru ary ilia moat orasl butel ery that ever nocurrad in Duval county took plaoe. An entire family waa wiped out of ex istence. Q. W . Roberta, bis venerable mother, Rosanna Bobarla, and bis sis ter, Miss Eugenia Roberts, ware all covered dead at tbelr oooe happy borne seven mi as wait of the oity. A bloodj ax and tba ransacking of tba house told tba story. Tbe orirne was so revolting that tbe whole oountry waa excited, W. L. Jones, of Atlanta, a detective, was plaoed on tba easr, and ba anon accu mulated sufficient evidenoato warrant tbe arrest of Tom Hammond, a nephew of tba deoeased Wash Riberta. A pistol, knife, sucks and other articles wtre found nesr ibs some of tbe mur der. Tbe*e were proven to have be longed to Tom Hammond, and he was arres'ed on June 24 b. Hs waa sullen and did ml e mmuoicate wl b tbs offle ala, exoi-pt on one cooision, when be practically admitted tbat be waa tbe murdsrer. While be was tnoarernted in tbe Duval oouoty Jell tbe deteotive, aided by tbe looal authorities, continued tbelr investigations and seoured suf ficient evideuoe to oonviot Tom. It Savtd Eii Btßy. **My baby vat (eiribly sick with tbe diar rhma; we were unable to cure him with the doctor’s assistance, and, as a last resort, we tided Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy,” says Mr. J. H, Doak, of Wil liams, Ore. W I am happy to say it gave imme diate relief and a complete cure.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug soore. CHEAP RATE TO CHICAGO. Account national encampment G. A. R., to be held in Chicago from Au gust 27 to September 5, tbe Plant System will sell tickets at rate of $24.75 tor round trip. Tickets on sale August 25, 2G and 22 , limited for re turn op to and including September 3. An additional extension may be ob tained by depositing ticket with joint agnt prior to noon September 2 upon payment of fee of 50 cents for each ticket presented. Hot words between friends are usu' ally followed by a cold wave. Putting food into a diseased stomach is like putting money into a pocket with holes. The money Is lost. All its Talus goes for nothing When the stomach is diseased, with the allied organs of digestion and nutrition, the food which is put into it is largely loti. The nutri ment is not extracted from it. The body is weak and the blood impoverished. What most people want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a physio. Cham berlain’s Stomach and Diver Tablets ill the hi to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Bisho. ’s drug store. Y u’l find tbe dnest line of P*e serves at DeVoe’s. Comp'iments are tbe red that tight up life’s dingy wave. SSOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any cane of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveuess we cannot core with Liverata, the Up-to-Date Llttre Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to give satisfaction. 2 c boxes contain 100 pills, ife boxes contain 40 pills, 6c boxes contain 15 pills. Beware b stitutes and imitations. 8e tby mail, Stamps taken. NEK VITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin ton and J ickson Sts., Chicago, 111. For sale by B; own Drug Cos. Brunswick, Ga. y'v 7 , if Jl'wUl /QVW v .fV ' av* ” eat? wB-'-, o— a* - ., Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft little body, all her own, will nestle In her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies In the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the joy of motherhood. And yet It need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called Mother’s Friend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature Intended it. It is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning sick ness and the loss of the girlish figure. An intelligent mother fn Butler, Pa., says: *’ Were I to need Mother’s Friend again, I would obtain 9 bottles if I hud to pay $5 per bottle for it.’ 1 Get .Mother's Friend at the drug store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADfIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write for our free Illustrated hook, H Before .Baby is bora.” AN ICE FAMINE. Brunswick’s ioe supply gave tut shortly after 12 o’o'ock ye-terday, and tbe average family did not have their utusl refreshing drink, ioe tea. Don’; mi'9 the ba I games between Bruow ck sod F rnar.dina, played in S*ytunab,, Friday and S.l orday. Southern railway wll sell tic.els at rats of |IOO for be round trip, good return until Sunday. Fortify the body to resist malarial germs by putting the system in perfect order. Prickly Ash Pittkrs is a won derful system regulator. W J. Butts* Burton, Tenn., April 18,1899. I feel it my doty to tell of the benefit I have received from the use of Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Halm. I had l-bematiam in my back, legß and ankles. My feet were greatly swollen. I could scarcely get from one room to another. I used three bottles of Liver and Kidney Balm together with one bottle of Vol canic Oil Liniment, and was completely cured. Have gained 23 pounds. Ahdy M. Jones. For sale by W. J, Butts, the druggist. Pride as a beggar is the tqual of want—and a great deal more saucy. Millions will be spent in politics this year. We can’t keep the campaign going withont money any more than we esn keep the body vigorous without food. Dyspeptics used to starve themselves. Now, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, and allows you to cat all tbe good food you want. It radically ones stomach troubles. W. J. Butts. Very Low Rates to Chicago and Return. National Encampment, u. A. R., Chicago, 111., August 27th—Sept. Ist, 1900. On account of the above occasion, SOUTH ERNR RAILWAY wiU sell round trip tickets from all stations on its line to CHICAGO, ILL.f and return, at ESPECIALLY REDUCED RATES. The following rates will apply ftom points named: Athens, Ga., s2l 55 Atlanta, Ga., $lO 35 Augusta, Ga., $23 70 Brunswick, Ga., $24 26 Columbus, Ga.,s2l 70 Elberton, Oa,s2n 35 Fort Valley,Ga., $22 50 Gainesville, Ga., S2O 95 Griffin, Ga., S2O 65 Helena. Ga., $24 25 Jesup, Ga., s2l 25 Macon, Ga M $22 00 Savannah, Ga., $24 75 Ticket will be sold from points in the State o Florida on August 24 h and 25th, and from points in all other States on August 2Stb,26th and 27th, with final limit September3rd. 1900. By deposit of ticketswith joint agent of Cen tral Passenger Association, at Chicago, prior to 12 00 noon, September 2nd, 1900, ard on pay ment of fee of fifty (50) cents in connection with each ticket at time of deposit, the return final limit may be extended until September 20th 1900. Persons located at non-coupon stations should notify agent several days In advance of date they contemplate leaving, in order that he may supply himself with proper tickets. For detailed information relative to rates schedules, reservatio <s, etc., call on or address any agent of the Southern Railway or its con nections. 8. H. HARDW ICK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga For Backache use STUART’S GIN and buchu: This week our Midsummer Sale is on. We take orders for carpets this week and deliver them in the fall. Uver ICO samples to select from. Lace curtains, porch chairs, portieres, go-carts, carriages, lefrigerators and toilet sets will go in this sale with ‘JS per cent off for cash. H, M. MILLER & SON. I (Tsxj*\ ii it is ii (tenon you as to whether j I you needglassesor not i call on vs, and we will ill tell you. You never 1 /I j k nt ' w a person to have i I \ brain fever.sunstroke, -jaL \T congestion of the brain i i j or apoplexy, who has i *' * ~ never been subject to I headache. Persons suPjtc to headache, alwayshave i weak eyes. Weak eyes may be the cause of all the | trouble* Call on us and we will tell you. EXAM INATION FREE. I KENNON MOTT, j Jeweler and Graduate Ontician. \ 215 Newcastle Street, | Jppector of Watches for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington NEWEST SUP it; LATEST STYLES iriiiiiiw Guls Jest Eeceived AT E. EARLE 4, 203 Newcastle St. Also a large assortment of children’s ha tsand bonnets, laces, zephyrs, worst ed’ hair goods and switches made to order a specialty. Bloodworth &Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman. I Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December vs. ! Term, 1900, of Superior I Court of Glynn c*un- C. J. Freeman. | ty, Georgia. To the said defendant, C J. Freeman: You are hereby required* personally or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, convening on the first Monday in December, 1900, then and there to answer the plaintiff, Clyde Fret man, upon the merits of her petition for divorce filed against you; as in default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Mon Joseph W. Beonet, i udge of said .Superior Court, tbs 22d day oi August, H’OO. A. O, TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glynn < 0., Ga. I). YV. KR vUSS, PllfTn. Alty. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. To ail whom it may concern: It. R. Hopkins having in proper for n, applied for permanent administration on the estate of I. D. Jones, late of said county, this is is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of km of J D. Jones to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by iaw, and show cause,lf any, they can. why permanent ad minis iration should not be granted to It. It. Hopkins on J. D. Jones’ estate. Yv ft net's ray hand and official signature this 6th day of August, 1900, HORACE DART, Ordinary. MiiCHiCLJ. u THOMAS. Livery, boarding ami sale utublee. Finest turnouts In theciiy. Tel. 97. Newcastle St. Breakfast Foods for Hof Weailiar. Breakfast is the most im portant meal of the day to many business men. Tbe day starts w'th it, and if things go wrong at break fsgt they are apt to go wrong ali day. Buy your breakfast foods here and you will be sure of a good meal and a good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, Pettijohn’s Breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street. j | “Confound' 'Those File's ft > Why don’t you kill themf | Daisy Fly Attracts and Lilia FLIES by - - ' . the million. Lasts all ———fib J J 15 Cents! i — % “’“[INCOMES GROW M°NEY WILL EARN 10* A MONTH. HhS I I | The Investor’s Fund pays seml-morffhly. The oldest established in America. No certificate holder haH ever lost a cent. Payments made to ull subscribers every 15 days. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand. YY’rlte to-day for par ticulars, free to any address. „ O. K. MACKEY At CO.. Bond Dept. No. 04. Hudson Building, New York. 5