The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 23, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 MARY M'XISII BURROUGHS, Editor. NAUGHTV GIRT* Hee that naughty little girl, Face all puckered in aanurl, "Won’t say “thank you,” won’taay “please,” I’et some day her lace’ll freeze, When if* drawn up in a frown, And alie’ll look l*ke some old clown. At the tuhlo when they eat Hhc won’t have no bread and meat, Nor potatoes. unlenH first s he stu/Tu pie enough to hurat— An’ her mother daaaant cioaa her When she up and lick her saucer. My rna say a if she had her, She’d Ist make her hump an* purr Like aoine ol’ cat, for all Hhe got. An’ then perhaps, Ist like as not, She’d change her mind and spank her, knowing It was iat good seed she’s sowing. Hunger makes sweet sauce an’ ’a long We can’t oat bread ’ith butler on, M a says ’at we can have “pout pie” To nibble on, till by and by, L Sh © thinks our appetites will be Come back, when she gives us “switch tea.” —Exchange. Many friend* regret to know that Mr. James O’Connor continues quite ill at his homo. Miss Carrie Bailey of Bailey’s Mills is receiving many charming attentions, tlie guest of tier sister. Mrs. Frank hah ley, at lier home on Dartmouth street, where she will remain until fall. Mr. Moses Meyer leaves today for Boston, where he will spend some time. -o—- licithu Baker leaves shortly for Douglass, where she will be the attract ive guest of relatives for several weeks. During tho absence of Miss Bortba Baker Miss Nellie Wells will fill her position 88 organist in Ht. Slark’s church. Alias Edith Thiol of Savannah is the charming guest of her aunt, M rs. E A. lYnniinan, at tier home on Union street for several weeks. Along the country roads there are nodding plumes of golden rod here and there, reminding one of the coming of the fall.] —o— Miss Bessie f-'ymmes entertained a number of young people at her homo on Hanover square most charmingly last evening. Mr. F. E. Twitty has returned from a p’easanl trip te Atlanta, Capt. Gustave Anderson, Mr. Leighs ton Burrough and Mr. Hugh Burford have returned homo after a pleasant cruise in Florida waters on tlio pretty little sail boat, Neca. O Mrs. K. W. Thlot of Savannah is spending sometime in Brunswick, the guest of Mrs. E. A. t’enniman at her home on Uuion street. ’1 he newest color in I’aris, which Is receiving much attention, is a clear yel low, known as sunsldne. The ice cream and cake festival slyeu In the yard of St. Jude's church a few evenings ago for the benefit of the church was a most cn.ioyahfe and suc cessful event. Many were present and a neat sum was added to the treasury. Miss Hazel Nightingale returns to New V ork shoitly, where she will spend the winter, the guest of friends and to re. sume her studies. It will interest many Brunswick friends of Mr. Hi. hard Thiot to know | that he has a good position with the | Southern Bell Telephone Cos. in Sevan- I nab. Mr. J. H. Polhill and a pleasant par ty of gentlemen spent yesterday on the river on a most successful fishing tiip. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Orr aud children have returned from a pleasant visit to St. Simon, whore they spent several weeks. Master Lewis Klkan leaves shortly for Dahloncga, where he will attend college this winter. Mrs. 11. da Bignon leaves next week for New York, where she will spend several unnths with friends. Miss Louise Bmith has returned from a p'casaut visit to friends on St, Simon where she spent several weeks, After a pleasant visit to Brunswick, the guests of Mr and Mrs. L. J, Leavy, at their home on Howe street, Mr. and Mrs. I’ D. Moody left a few days ago for their home in Maine, where they will spend the smmer. A pre'ty wedding, the parties moal interested being popular young people of Brunswick, will occur in SI. Mark’s Episcopal church on the third of Oc tober, in the presence of many friends and relatives. Mrs. 11. McHenry, of Savannah, is spending some time in Brunswick, the guest ol her mother, Mrs. G. T. Tharin, at her home on Union street. Miss Mary Bryan Thiot, of Savan nah, is the attractive little guest of her aunt, Mra E, A. her home on Union street for a week or two. Mr&. J. C. Stiles and children leave in a week for New York, where they will spend several months. Miss Em WaiT emertains this even ing at her home on Capcnter street. There will be a number of young people present, and the occasion promises to be one of much pleasure, Mrs. M, Isaac leaves shortly for New York, where blib will spend tho sum mer and fall with relatives. It will interest many Brunswick fricndi of Mr. and Mrs. James Polk Stewart to know that they have a pret ty little home in Thomasvllle, where they are surrounded by many friends. o Many friends regret to know that Mrs. Henry Dunn is quite ill at her home on Union street. WILCHAR---SHIELDS. Marriage of a Popular Couple Last Night. At thß residence of the groom, at 7 o’clock last night, Mr. Jerry Wllchar and Mies Mattie Shields were united in the holy bouds ot matrimony, Rev Thompson,of the MeKendree Methodist church, officiating. The bride. it the daughter of Dr. Shields, of Camden county and since coming to this city she has made a host of friends. The groom is assistant chief of police and few men in Brunswick possess more friends than he. Mr. Wilcbar has the confidence of the entire people Tue Times Call wishes the happy couple a long and prosperous life, V\ rite Dr. C.Moffett, St. Louis, Mo, for his ~luab)c little Tcktuixa Wasli-Ltettiook, free THE BRCNSWICKITIMES-CALL, AUGUST 23, 1900. CROP BULLETIN. It Says ihe Outlook la Very Gloomy. Following la the summary of crop con ditions contained in the United Stales crop bulletin for the week ending Mon day, August 20, 1900: The week has beau characterized by a continuation of the dry and hot weather, with maximum temperatures ranging from 95 to 104 degrees. A few heavy showers have occurred over limited areas and were beneficial, except in some counties where crop* were badly washed and proa'rated by wind, The general crop situation remains practically the same at at the previons report, and the outlook it gloomy unless general, soak mg rains come immediately. Cotton indicates no improvement; it is opening rapidly and prematurely, rust and shed ding continue, and the prospects are dis couraging. Picking has become gener al in quite a number of counties. Pea-, cane, sweet potatoes and a number of minor crops suffer from the effects of the drought, and are sorely in need of moistnre. Late corn has been cat off to a considerable extent, uplands are in fairly good shape in the majority of counties. Gardens have been largely abandoned; pastures are failing, ana stock suffers. The apple crop is poor, and the prospects of a good grape yield haye been lessened. Harvesting of rice has begun FOR SALE—At a bargain, either cash or installment, the 7-room house on Stonewall, between Monk and Glou cester, known as the Brady or Harris place. Also the vacant lot corner of Lee and Gloucester, 190x125 feet. Gko. T. Bailey, Central Hotel. Filziimmons-Sbarkey fight. Returns from the ringeide by rounds at Elk saloon Friday night. The law's of health require that the bowels move once each day, and one of the penalties for viulating this law is piles. Keep your bow els regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punisbmen inflicted upon you. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Bishop’s drug store Ohasp Rats* Via Southsrn Railway. Chicago, 111. National Encampment G. A. It August 27-Bept. 1 Tickets will he sold August 25,26 and 27, with final limit Sept. 1, at rate of .5 for the round trip The Dread of people with weak lungs who suffer with stubborn coughs is consumption. Foley’s Honey and Tar, if taken in time, oures the cold, heals the lungs and a)ways cures inoipient Consumption. W. J. Butts. Keep the body healthy at this season by using Pbickly Ash Bitters. It is a necessary condition to successfully re sist malarial germs. W. J. Butts. WANTED. Arlesiau wells to drive at $260 each. Rise and capacity guarantaed will also guarantee to oomplete wells in 16 days. Call on or addtes* A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. The New Candy Kitchen Makes daily '. Assorted Brittles, Lime Tablets, Violet Drops, Rose Drops, Lemon Drops, All at Poplar Prices. We use only the best granulated sugar and have everything scrupulously clean. PALACE OF SWEETS, j Next door to Fleming & Waff’s. No External Symptoms. The blood may be in bad condition, yet with no external signs, no skin ! eruption or sores to indicate it. The symptoms in such cases being a variable appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh and a general run-down condition of the system —clearly showing the blood has lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin and watery. It is in just such cases that S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and most effective work by building up the blood and supplying the elements lacking to make it strong and vigorous. eral bottles of S. S. S. as a blood purifier and to tone up a weak and emaciated system, with very marked effect by great tonic and blood ** the greatest of all tonics, and you will fin and the appetite im- Vsr proves at once, strength returns, and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulates through all parts of the system. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contains no min erals whatever. Send for our free book on blood and skin diseases and write our physicians for any information or advice wanted. No charge for medical advice. IHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. M 1 PERSONAL. Mr. J. C. Ekas, a prominent mer chant of Birmingham, Ala., 1 1 spend ing some time in the city . Prof, Deal’s orchestra furnished mus ic for a dance in Fernandina last night. The white labor union held an in teresting meeting last night. Ciuucil insets in regular session to night. At least fifty will go to Sava-nah this morning, to see (be gam- between Brunswick and Fernandina. Judge Lsmbrighr, is kept coutin uilly busy li e e days- Mr. L. J. Brumby, editor of tb Florida Mining and Manufaoinring Reoord, is speeding some time in the city. Editor Brumby paid the Times- Cali. a pleasant visit, Fitzsimmons-Sharkey fight. Returns from the ringside by rounds at Elk saloon Friday night. The stomach of man is subject to a dozen suob common bu’ painful affec tions as cramps, cholera morbus, and dysentery, that, by negleot, may be made ohronio and dangerous. Tbs best, handiest, surest, and quiokest remedy is Pain-Killer, a med cine whlob baa been tried for more than a balf of a century, and never failed to give relief. Avoid substitutes—there is but one Pain-K’ller, Perry Divis’. Price 265. and 500, Tbs greatest skin specialist in America originatbe the formula for Baooer Salve. Foiall skin diseases, all cute or sores, and for piles, it’s the mo t healing medicine. W, J. Butts. The quicker you s top that cough the less danger there will be of.fatal lung ..trouble. Cn One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. You will like it. W. J. Butts. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the bodv. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Cull at DeVoe’s when you are id need of something: Dice in the grocery line. When we have good blood, we are healthy strong, vigorous, and full of life and energy.- Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes good blood. Hustling young: man can make S6O per mootb and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4rb ’Locus Streets, Philadel phia,;Pa. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS and THAT is T! —I Regular ETURNS EPORTED By Advertisers Who Dse These Columns. Juantity acd (unity of Circulation rives Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both E ALSO——a GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. The Times=Call, 209, 209 1-2 and 211 F Street. NOTE. If you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you. That’s our business, and we only charge you for the space.