The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Strop-Figs Aclsf/easant/y andfrompl/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptableiom the iasatiye principles of plants An own to act most AeneiTcJai/y. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. For sale by druggists - price 501 per bott/e. Nerves and Heart Are wfcst do the work of life for the ho mes body. If they ere etreined yon fetter; If they •re hurt you suffer; if they get week you fail. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cardial and Blood Purifier la the moat ymlnable agency known for atimuleting the Heart and Ncnroue Sys tem. Thla la trust orer fifty yeera of uaa here eatablished it beyond question. It repairs the tissue-waste of herd physical labor; it sustains the overt worked brain and develops the faculty of thought. It cures Malaria, Debility, Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, Insomnia, Poor Appetite, Malnutrition and Stomach Troubles, and bnilda up the run down or exhausted system. 50c and SI a bottle, at druggists. THE OR. 4. H. MCLEAN ME •T. .ecus. mo. roiis W; J.’upTTS, The Drujrgisl. Wall Paper AT THR PAINT STORE, 502 MonkiSt. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR, Can b* found in our display Trimmed hats, or quickly developed in our work rooms from the large and beautiful assortment of Millinery Goods in our (took. Milliners of artistic taates and defi fingers produce hats which equal in •tyle and attractiveness many of the high priced imported models. Our prices re not the least pleasing part of our offerings. MISS K&TE SLATER. 504 GLOUCESTER ST., STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor. repaiiß al kinds or cook stoves and lanpes, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Ba street. SCURE YOURSELF 1 Dm His 44 for unnstnril discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of? con 8 Painless, and not astrm . gent or poisonous. ■Old hr BrurahH or vent m plain wrapper by express, prepaid, fcf 81.00, 0r.3 bottles, |2.76. Circular sent on rtueofc liberty city censor. r h; Timas-Cah Reprenso'a’iv Not the Only On. Mol ■ ed. T e T me-01l siff oorr. spun'.lent who vnt to li’b.r y City r turr.d heie *i least twenty-four h- ur sooner thsn he iniand-d because of Ibo fsot that hi. tflegrania were censored. It aesms that other e rrespon leu's wer. treaml in , like liunner, a, the fol lowing frrm tbs Savannah Newt will si o : N it'h- l it in'e s'irg feature o tbs ri (out roubles it Lib rty City ta the manner 1 i which tb. win 1 * nun who a.te nbled to protect tbs town and tb. p.nple undertook to maintain a censcr.i Ip over the newspaper stor i •* tent out fsom tbs point of disturb ance . A local newspaper man auff.rtd from this disposition of the memberi of tbs armed guard to .dlt the storms of tbeiroub'e. He had written wbat he c nridered rather a mild story of wbat bad happened, while be was) in Je<up a few days ago, and hsd Hied it with the telegraph operator for trans mission to a Northern psprr. Asia Hi-custom in oountry offices, no spot of lb.- flo r of the t is sacred, and (t e vi.itors walked where they pleated and did what suited their fsnoy. It chanced to suit the fancy of oce of them to read the story the per man had written, and be didn’t like it. Neither did his friends, to whom ha showed it. Their anger g aduatly rcue to bights of paealon, and muttered threats against the au thor of the telegram were frequent. He was denounced strongly and pro (anely, and subjected to any number of verbal indignities. To appease them, be bad to take the story from the operator and tear it up bsfore cbeir eyes. It stems tbat the Western Union operator was in ooliusion with tbe oensore, and some and .mage su ts will follow. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine lo the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom beard of apendlcitis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out tbe -ystem and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of tbe liver, stimulate tbe action of the ner vous and organic system, and that is il they took when feeling dull aod bad with headache and other achea. You n’y need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter with you Sgtpple bottles at Butte drugstore or Brown Drug C should be In every household msde cite chest. It affords certain relief Blessed is the man who is unable to obtain credit— for he wi)| bate no debts to pay, FATALITY FOLLOWS FAILURE to use FOLEY’S KIDNIJY jn time. U taken in eai ljer stages of Bright’s disease and diabetes, it is certain cure. You havo noticed the high death rate from these diseases, and it is not wise to ignore early syrnntoms when a medicine like FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE can he had W.J. BixttS. FOR SALE.—Four good family milch cows. Apply to A. B, Row*. Telephone 168, It seems rather queer that wash women put cut i heir tubs to ca’cb soft water when it rains hard. Chinese are dangerous enemiei, for thry are treacherous. That's why all counterfeits p DeWitt’s Witch Hayel Salve are dangerou They look like DeWitt’s, hut inatead of the all healing witch hasel, they all contain Ingredi ents liable to irritate the akin and eater Uood poisoning. Fo piles,injuries and akin dissaaea, use the original and genuine OeWitt’s Witch Hazel Balve. W. J. Butts. Russell’s Chill and Fevei Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every battle guaranteed, For sale by all druggists. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-UALL, AUGUST 2}, 1900, TO FIX TAX RATE. It Will Ha M da Known At, An Etr y Date. Tbs last d.y allowed tbs tax r-ceiv ers of tha and ff rent oounties in wb oh to return their digeata to C.imp' roller General Wright expired yeeterday, and there remain still ten counies to be beard from. I' s probable that the last digest will bars rcaohed tbs s’ate tunas by tbe eod of the, other wise the delirqueut tax receivers will be in rsceipt of a sharp reprimand from the comptroll.r general. Before the middle of u. x*. week the board tbat fixes tbe tax late annu illy, oon.ieting cf the governor, comptrol ler general and treasurer, will m> et in tbe offlos of tbe chief executive to agree on the rete tor 1900. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Go to Jim Carter’s, when you want your clothes cleaned. For Whooping Cough. “Both my cbildrhn were taken with whooping cough,” writes Mrs. O. E. Dutton, of Danville, 111. “A email bottle of Foley’s Hooey and Tar gave suob relief tbat I used a 60 oent bottle whiob saved me .a doctor’s bill.” W. J. Butts. Any girl ought to be able to do up bar bair sweetly by the aid of a honey comb. DOES IT HA Y TO BUY CHAEP A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all rigbt, but you some thing tbat wij believe and cure tbe n ost severe atid dangorous results n throat and lung trouble, What eha dot Go to a watmer and more regula climate? Yeß, if possible; if rol po slble for you; then in either case tak the only remedy tbst has been intro luced in all olvillved countries with success in sore throat and lung troubles Boschee’s German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tiaaues to destroy tbe germ disease, but allays ioilamatlon and causes expectoration, gives a good night’s rest and cures the patient Try one qottle Recommended manv years by all druggists in tbe world Sample bottlea at W. J. Butts srd Brown Drone Cos. R oo|ta only one dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Railway every Sunday. A lathe .boulder i) u.u.Hy caused by rheum a tfsin of tbe ruu.c es, and may be cured by a few application, of Chamberlain’. Pain Balm, For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug atom REDUCED RATES. National Convention of tha Christian Church, Kansas City, Mo., October 12thrI8th, 19C0, On account of the above occasion SOUTHERN RAILWAY will sell round rip tickets to Kansae City, Mo., and re turn, from all points on lte lines, at rate oi One First Ciase Fare for tbe round trip, plus $4.00. Tickets will be sold October Bth, 9th and 10th, with final return limit October 23rd, 1900, inclusive. Persons at non-coupon stations will kindly notify tbe Uoket agent several days in advance of their contemplated depart ure, in order that he may supply bimself with proper form of tickets. Annual Convention, National Baptist As sociation, Richmond, Va., September 12th-20th, 1900. On account of this occasion, SOUTH ERN RAILWAY will sell round trip tick ets to Richmond, Va, and return, at rate of One yirat Class Fare for the round trip from all points on ite lines, except from Washington, D. C. ,ad Aiexandr.a, Va. Tickets will bt told September 10th, lltb and 12th, with final limit September 22nd, 1900, inolutivs. For further and detailed information ae to rates, reservations, schedules, etc, call upon or write any agent of the Southern Railway or ite oonnectione, or to S. H. Haspwick, Asst. Oen. Pats. Agent, At'anta, G OASTOIIXA. Regie the /f 11,8 Kind Von Haw Always Bought J 'J: ,? / JTli Reduced Rates via Southern Railwny* Annual Convention Colored Odd Fallows, Louieville, Ky , Oct. 2nd-7tb, 1900. On account of the above occaiion SOUTHERN RAILWAY will aril round trip tickets from ell stations on ita lines to Louisville, Ky., and return, at rate of one first class fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold September 29th, 80th Dd October Ist, with final return limit October oth, 1900. Personslobated at non coupou stations should notify ticket agent several days in ad\ ance of tht-ir contem plated departure, so that hem a, supply himself with proper form of tickrts. Annual Meeting Mississippi Valley Medi ical Association, Asheville, N. 0., Oc tober 9th-llth, 1900. On account of occasion above specified, SOUTHERN RAILWAY will aell round trip tickets from all stat’ons on ita lines to Asheville, N. C., and return. Tickets will be sold October 6th to9th, iLC usiva with final limit October 16th, 1900 An excellent opportunity to visit tha famous “Land of the Sky.” For further and detailed information, call or write any agent of tha Southern Railway or Its connections. 8. H. Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Oa. Reduced Rates via Southern Railway to Atlanta, Ga, Southern Camp Meeting of the Christian Missionary Alliance. Atlanta, Ga., August 16th-20th, 1900, On account of this occasion, SOU THERN RAILWAY will sell round trip ticket* to Atlanta. G-i., and return, from all station! on ite lines within the State of Georgia, at rats oi On First Class for the Round Trip Tickets will be sold August 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th end 2Q:h, wi h final limit August 28;h,1900. For further and detailed information call on or address any ageut of the Souths ern Railway or its connections, or S. H. Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Kussell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. Cheap Rates via Plant System. Richmond, Va.—Annual session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., September 17-32, 1900. Tickets sold September 15, 16, 17, with final limit September 25, at rate of one fare round trip. Detroit, Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights of Pythias, August 27 to September 1, 1900. Tickets ' to be sold August 24, 25,26, with final limit Sep tember 5, at rate of one fare round trip. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WRENN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts Via ihe Plant System. Tickets od sale June 1 to September 30, with return limit t 'efeober 31, 1900. Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WRENN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. BUY THE GENUINE'' SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. HTNOTE THR NAME. In India, the land of famine, thousands die because they cannot *btain food In Amerioa the land of plenty, many anffer and die because they cannot digest the food they eat- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what von eat. It in antiy relieves and radically tares all stomach Br oublea. W. J. Butts. With a fine effervescence and rich creamy foam; combining perfect brilliancy with rare keeping qual* itieS) having a most excellent hop taste and aroma— -a ABC (Bohemian “King of all Bottled Beers’* has proven a benediction alike to budding youth and declining age, and a revelation to every critical taste. To hundreds of thousands of families it has become a household necessity. Order from Brunswick Wholesale Wine & Liquor to. GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC’I BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business Btrictly confidential. En quire* conducted with secrecv. L. a. LEAVY tvt Rno* f j L. J. Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener- J al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered ' Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents At the Same Old Place 217 Newcastle St. You Will Find ]VL Isaac, *he Merchant Tailor. With anew and complete line of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Specially selected to suit all class of trade SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. I just received a full line of the latest and most fash ionable Spring goods. My pants pat terns are tbe most stylish In the city. I can please all mr customers In price, quality and workmanship. Give me an order for your Spring 8u ts and pants. Satisfaction guaranteed. M. ISAAC, The Merchant tailor. KIDNEY DISEASES are®<he most fatal of all dis eases. Cftl CV’Q KIDNEY CURE is a rULL I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. and W J. Butts, tbe Druggiist ELI ZISSIMATO, 302 J Newcastle St. litii i.... ;.:. Basic fi CIGARS AND TOBACCO let ‘Cream Fresh Ever? Tat Kilk. Shake Soda Water' Etc,, All Kind, of Cendy . B HAIR R BAL3 S ArA Never Fails to Ilcitoro Gray , Hair to it* youthful Cob r. Prevent! Dandruff und Imii lulling. Ice Cream. Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Wine of Cocoa — go ro— EH ZISSIMAIO | 3024 Newcastle St. ‘JV” T ABLETS. For Alt URINARY DISORDERS. For the most Fatal and Prevalent of all di cases are those of the KIDNEYS, LIVER and BLADDER. Jo!'. 0 ,. s!**.°*? ?E° ‘, wo Httlo sieves through v\ hit h all of tho blood in the body must dm -h ouee in every three minutes. In a HEALTHY 1 ,lllm ' "J 1 . impurities into the ItLADDEIt, thence out of the body. If DISEAS ED they clog and swell, deposhiting URIC ACIl) and other poisons imo Hie system, causing dull pains in Ihe hack, Billions- ess, Rhematism, Bout, Dropsy, Gravel, Painful and Frequent Lunation, Loss ~i’ Albumen (the life esseneel and finally BRIGHT’S DISEASE and DEATH! II >ou have aiiy of the abovesymptoms ‘A ” TABLETS WILL CURE YOU- Try them and be convinced. Recent,discovery phenominul succpm. Hundreds of t*sunu niel “ lij ' ~,a“ *• PAN-AMERICAN DRUG COMP’NY BROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA Gun 'repair- *\ ' ing a special at KESSLER’S Cor. Mouk and Orant Sts OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics. Country Produce, —Vegetables, etc. Also Contectionerv. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA Real Estate for J^ale. Wc have lot number 176 on A street nine lots on Wolf Street, for sale cheap 8. H. Daniels & Cos. 810 Newcast? bt. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests whAt you eat. Itartificially digests t.he food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion. Preoared by E C. DeWltt a Cos.. CljlcaflO. W• J. Butts, the Druggist. B. J. OLBWINE, ISioyles Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service. We sell Cleveland, Mouarch, Crawford, Eagle, Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money- Mi. R. SMITH'S COLLEGE, liXINGIC’!, • 1. where inanyvyotißjj— (ten, alter loved in- 'j to S9O for tv.- i't c*- ." for positions as BookKfecjjpi ■, phwrs, i leg rapfiers, ami now reeptie iro:n sijoirtn fii.rrn per year. Kentucky! Univgr-.ity i>ipb. u.. -.J his graduates, h i.\ • f ' World's Rxnosltloi!va?nl refers to 1 1;* -ti* .1 -. y" s ’v'-’* cessful graduate*. Nf\rtfbwt this 1 * most influential <r. i.-’j ... 5 out for reference. Read ulars address only W. R. .Smith, i cxinyf mi. I A LITTLE WHISKEY TALK When you want afgood bottle of whis key, two things should be considered quality and price 1 carry a full line of Paul Jones, Fremont and Peerless whis key, Imported Gin, California Wines, and he best of high grade beer. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes, Call on me when you ueed anything in that. line. LOEWENSTEIN Monk and Oglethorpe Sts. 7