The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Theßee Hive. The Bee Hive- HIVES UNLOADING SALE OF Summer Goods . | NowoiTj The Bee Hive, j The Bee Hive. I‘hil S. Farmer, Proprietor. 213 Newcastle st., Brunswick, Ga. Ooney& Parker DEALERS.IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bay St. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 2l(> Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. Ladies’ Waists A few co’ored ones left, 75c to $1.50 kind. They are all treated alike-the price now is 50c! Pome white Waists and wash Skirts left—any of them AT COST- Straw Hats at Halt Price LEVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TiMES-CALL, AUGUST 23, 1900. SHIPPING REPORT. Corrtoted Dtilj by C*pt. OtU Jtkiumi Port •( Bruno .tick, Ang 22, 1000. SAILED. Schr. Goodwin Stoddard, Nw York. SUCCESS ASSURED. That Libor da; this year will be oelebrated in Brumwiok in a manner never before attempted in tbe history of organized labor here, lea oertainty. For the past few months tbe Labor day oommittee, together with its sub committees, baa been indnatrioualy at work preparing for tbs oooasioo, The plana for ths cslebration have now praotloally all bean arranged, and but a few minor details remain to be set tled. THE JURY COMMISSIONERS. Tbe next term of the Superior conrt will see aome new faces on both the jurieß Some of those who have been drawn will be away or aick and men will be put on who have not served in years. The Timks-Call wants to eee representative busine>s men on our juries. THE PRIZE FIGHT. Returns will be received by rounds from the ringside tomorrow night, at the Elk saloon. Everything in the grocery line to be found at W. H. DeVoe’s. Jim Carter does the beat work when it comes to cleaning clothes. Nioe, yellow Yams, to be found at DeVoe a. For tba finest grades of Pickles Cakes, Preserves, etc., call at DeVoa’s. For Breakfast. LARGE, FaT MACKEREL, ITp h JUSTIN, ONLY : : LdOII. Phone 158- THINGS IN GENERAL. Some Interesting Items Gathered From Here and There. The average Brunswick sport ie tak-i ing a great dtal of interest in the Fitz aimraons-Sbarkey fight which will oc cur at Coney Island tomorrow night. Most of the bets are in favor of Lanky Bob, and some arc offering big odds. The baseball club ieayea this morning for Savannah to play with the champion club of this section, and it is safe to say that the game wi'l be ycry interesting. Betting is now favoring the Florida team, but the home club may surprise the sports. Burglars are playing hav„c with other cities around us, but so far they have given Brunswick the slip They had better remain away, the police here will surely catch them. The Knights will have a great time in Detroit. Those who contemplate gr ing are packing their grips and prepar ing to haye a week of real enjoyment. BANKERS’ UNION Was Organized at Odd Fellow.,’ Hsll Last Night, The Bankers’ Union of the World was organized at tbe Odd Fellow.’ hall last night, and tbe following are the officer* elected: Mote Daniels, President. Harry Miller, Secretary. H. 8. Lee, Treasurer. W. E. Dempster, Overseer. Dr, G, W. Blanton, Lodge Physician E. J. McTigb, loner Guard. A. E. Flanders, Sentinel. C. Symmea, Chaplain. Tbe following members were eleoted trusteee: Mote Daniels and Harry Miller. Tbe lodge start* off with a member ship of forty-five. TRY ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken Into your shoes. Your feet feel swollen, narvous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have amarling feet or tight shoes, try Allen’s Foot-Ease. It oools tbe feet and makes walking easy. Cures swol len, sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blitters and oallous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain, and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25 cents. Trial paoage free. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Lsßoy, M. Y. TIMES-CAIiL JOB OFFICE. Tboss who want the beat work, at the lowest figure*, should bring it to this i llioe. On large dcdgerr, c,ur pricei and work will make you a con atant customer, if you will give us tbe first job. Ring up 31, and a solicitor will call. Ring up pbona 100 when in need of the finest goods. W. H. Dsvoe. NOTICE. About five hundred people io Bruns wick owe Tba Call from fifty cents to twenty five dollars for subscription, and to avoid suits I ask that a settlement of these accounts be made at once, as the old company has bills to pay. A. H. Lkavy. Disinfect Your Homes Choloro - Naptholenm, A Safegua and to Disease. We Sell in Any Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On tlie Corner.” We Owe Money | and must have money to meet our bills, therefore it behooves us to push collections with a ven geance, which we propose | to do on the first. [ No more CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash. BROWN DRUG CO. Keep Cool These Hot Summer Nights Ai Our window suggests how. It is filled with a beautitul line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to $1.50. See Them. THE PALMER SHOE CO (111 Man S~ fP Um any of ray brands ot WINES AND I LIQUORS and nature will be greatly JfcSjjaSgM ] \ assisted in the work of recuperation. \ My goods are of excellent quality, and BL-.A| have been bottled and matured under ZfrjßsßS| T I our immediate supervision, Each brand has been selected because of some j 1 special merit. Fiud out which sints. 111 PRICES TO SUIT. | \\ t. newman, mT - JHr Bay Street, Brunswick, Ga. We know it—-Thousands know it. But do you know % that the Hf “CREAM Of KENTUCKY’' peer of all whis- Because it has a yery fine aroma and flavor. 3' Because it is smooth and palatable. ■SmliFxSm* wVfflfl/i'.- Mecause it is THE WHISK. V for Medici- . TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Look for our Trade Mark on the label. I. TBAGER & CO., Distillers, Cincinnati, Ohio. —. R. Y. Douglas, 208 Bay street, General Agent.