The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 24, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Ac/sfleasant/y andfrompt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. /resents in tjie most acceplah/c/brm the lax-atiye principles of plants An own to act most Leneficial/y. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE . KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. For safe by druggists - price 50/per boft/e . Nerves and Heart Are what do the work of life for the hu man body If they are strained yon falter; If they are hurt you suffer; if they get weak you fail, Dr, J, H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier Is the most valuable agency known for stimulating the Heart and Nervous Sys tem. This Is true; over fifty years of ns# have established it beyond question. It repairs the tisaue-waate of hard physical labor; it sustains the over worked brain and develops the faculty of thought It cures Malaria. Debility. Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, Insomnia. Poor Appetite. Malnutrition and Stomach Troubles, and builds up the run down or exhausted system. 50c and SI a bottle, at druggists. THI DA. J. H. McLEAN ME *T. MO. ******* roiis W. J.'iJUTTS, Tbe Druggist.’ Wall Paper AT THE PAINT STORE, 50‘i Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. Can be found in our display Tuimmrd HATS, Or quickly developed in our work rooms from tbe large and beautiful assortment tf Millinery Goods in our atonfc. ‘ Milliners of artistic tastes and deft fingers produce bats which equal in style and attractiveness many of tbe high priced imported models. Our prices re not tbe least pleasing part of our offerings. HISS KATE SLATER. 504 GLOUCESTER ST., STOVES REPAIRED. Ricq, the store doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy and sells second band stoves, 414 Ba street. Bsure yourself : Use Big for unnatural discharges,inflammations, irritations or nlccrutions of mucous membranes. Painless, r.nd not aetrin* . gent or poisonous. Sold by Druggists, or sent In plain wrappe; by express, prepaid, foi *I.OO, 0r.3 bottles, *2.75. Circular sent on request ball players aided. Some Were Struidid in Jack sonviil . 'the laeksouville Time Union and Citizen of yesterday says: "O'Neil, Summers aud Conroy, three members of the Jacksonville base ball club wbo were stranded by the sudden breaking up of the club, nnd for whom a -mbsertption was taker up to defray their expenses lo Ph ladelphia, left on die senmer Comanche at 1:30 yesterday afternoon. B lore sailing for home these > ourrg gentlemen asked that their 'hanks be extended to everyone who was so kind at to assist them while in 'heir unfortunate position and assure them that their kindness was highly ap precis'ed. “ ‘Cuicketi’ Harrison left for his home in New Orleans yesterday morning, his fare having been paid by an admirer of hie work while on the diamond. This leaves but three members of the team here now. They are Hollow ell, Crippen and Cottingham. •‘The performance in the Crystal Roof Garden this eyenihg will doubtless be well attended, and the receipts will go towards assisting these players to their homes. In addition to the work of the three new professional teams who have been engaged for this week, several tal entel amatetrs will appear at this bene fit, and it should prove a big success. The management has provided extra chairs for a rush The prize fight will be a drawing card and will be pulled oil early in the evening.” QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine In the civ lized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any bing else for indigestion or bllious □ess. Doctors were scarce and they -eldom heard of apendlcitiß. nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They ised August Flower to clean out the -ystem and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that is til they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You inly need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter wlib you Sample bottles it Butte drugstore or BrowD Drug C Should be in every household met e nine chest. It affords certain relief B.ssid is tbe man who is unable to ub ain oredit- for be will have no debrs to pay. FATALIIY FOLLOWS FAILURE to use FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE in time. If taken in eai tier stages of Bright’s disease and diabetes, it is certain cure. You have noticed the high death rate from these diseases, and it is not wise to ignore early symptoms when a medicine like FOLFY'S KIDNEY CURE eanbe had W.J. Butts. . HUNTINGTON’S WILL. New York, Aug. 23.—Mr. Tweed said lodsy t! at tbe Huntmgton’e will will be ffled tomorrow. Twssd atated that he saw no reason why there should be a y charge In the aohsme to mske tbe H.lvtitern Gulf the termi nus of tbe Southern Pao fie. CASTOniA. Bears the si The Kind You Have Always Bought T* & It *eeon rather queer that wash women put out their tubs to catch soft water when it rains bard. Chinese are dangcioui enemies, for th y are treacherous. That's why all counterfeits o DeVVitt’a Witch Hazel Salve are dangerou They look like DeWitt’s, but instead of the all healing witch hazel, they all contain Ingredi ents li.ible to iaritate the skin and j Hood poisoning. Fo pile?. Injuries and skin diseases, use the original and genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. W.J. Butts. Russell's Chill and Fevei Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every bottle guaranteed, For sale by all druggists. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-UALT . AUGUST 24, 1900, THE FIGHT TONIGHT. A Great Many Small Bets Are B- Made. The fight tonight between ltob Fitzsimmons and Thomaa Sharkey Coney Island is the sole topic of or veraatian now In sportiDg circles an a graat many bats are being mad The wagers are email but the numbe make up for the amount. Fitzsimmons is the general favorit bare and odds of three to two are be ing offered and taken are not ovei anxious to stake their money. “Hangar ia the Baat Sauoe,” Yet some people are never hungry. Whatever they eat has to be “forced down.” There ia, of coarse, something wrong with there people. By taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla a short time they are given an appetite and then they enjoy eating, and food nourishes them, if you And your appetite failing, justtry a bottleof Hood’s. It ia a true Btomach tonic, and every dese does good. The best family cathartic is Hood’s Piila. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCIIU. Go to Jim Carter’s, when you want your clothes cleaned. For WboopiDg Cough. “Both my children were taken with wboopiog cough,” wrties Mrs. O. E. Dutton, of D.tuville, 111. “A small bottle of Foley’s Hooey and Tar gsve such relief that I used a 50 oent bottle whiob saved me ,a doctor’s bill.” W. J. Butts. Any girl ought to be able to do up her hair sweetly by the aid of a honey comb. DOES IT PA Y TO BUY CHAEP A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is ell tight, but ycu want some thing that wi_i believe and cute the n oat severe and dangerous results n throat and lung trouble, Wl at the do? Go to a watmer arc me re regula climate? Yes, If possible ; i) tot po slide for you; then in cither esse tak the only remedy 'hat has beer intro luced in all clvilived countries with success in sore throat and lung troubles BoßCbee’s German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tlasuea lo destroy the germ disease, but allays inflamation and causes expectoration, gives a good night’s rest and cures the patient Try one qottle Recommended manv years by all druggie's in the world Sample bottles at W. J. Butt, ard Brown Drone On It costs only one dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Railway every Sunday. A lame shoulder ia usually caused by rheuma tism of the muse cs, and m&v be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug Btore reduced rates. National Convention of the Christian Church. Kansas City, Mo., October 12tb-Ith, 19C0. On account of the above occasion SOUTHERN RAILWAY will sell round rip tickets to Kansas City, Mo., acd re turn, from all points on Its lines, at rate of One Firat Class Fare for the round trip, plus SI.OO. Tickets will be sold October Bth, 9th and 10th, with final return limit October 23rd, 1900, inclusive. PeraoDa at non-coupon stations will kindly notify the ticket agent several days in advance of their contemp'atcd depart ure, in order that be may supply bimself with proper form of tickets. Annual Convention, National Baptist As- sociation, Richmond, Va., September 12th-20th, 1900. Or. account of this occasion, SOU f‘H ERN RAILWAY will sell round trip tick ets to Richmond, Va., and return, at rate of One First Class Fare for the ronrd trip, from all points on lis lines, except from Washington, D. 0., and Alexandr a, Va. Tickets will be sold Seplembtr 10th, Uth and 12th, with final limit September 22nd, 1900, inclusive. For further and detailed information as to rates, reservations, schedules, etc., call upon or write any agent of the Southern Railway or Us connections, or to 8. H. Habdwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, - Atlanta, Q. has been kind—success unparalleled in y" * spmiw l history oflight beverages has every-’^'V I where marked the introduction of (&OHJSmAN ||i •'Klngof all Bottled Beers/* I **'■ It stands pre-eminent as the finest j bottled beer brewed in America, / / and leads all others in annual * j exportations to foreign countries, f/.P^faßgfS Order from f Reduced Rates via Southern Railwny' Annual Convention Colored Odd Fellows, Louisville, Ky , Oct, 2nd-7th, 1900. On account of the above occasion SOUTHERN RAILWAY will Bell round trip tickets from all stations on its lines to Louisville, Ky., and return, at rate of one first class fare for the round trip. Ticke ts to be sold September 29th, 30th and October Ist, with final return limit October 9th, 1900. Persons lob rted at non coupou stations should not'fy ticket agent several days in adt ance of their contem plated departure, so that he sea, supply himself with proper form of tiokrts. Annual Meeting Mississippi Valley Medi • ical Association, Asheville, N. C., Oc tober 9th-llth, 1900. On account of occasion above specified, SOUTHERN RAILWAY will sell round trip tickets from all stat’ona on its lines to Asheville, N. C., and return. Tickets will be 6old October 6th to9th,,ve with final limit October 15lh, 1900 An excellent opportunity to visit the famous “Land of the Sky." For further and detailed information, call or write any agent of the Southern Railway or its connections. B. H. Hari>, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Reduced Rates via Southern Railway to Atlanta, Ga. Southern Camp Meeting of tbe Christian Mseeionary Alliance, Atlanta, Ga.. August 16ih-20th, 1900, On account of this occasion, SOU THERM RAILWAY will sell round trip tickets to Atlanta, Ga., and return, from all stations on its lines within the State of Georgia, at rate of Om First Class for the Round Trip Tickets will be sold August 16tb, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, with final limit August 28th,1900. For further and detailed information call on or address any ageut of the South ern Railway or its connections, or 8. H. Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Russell's Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. Cheap Kates via P'*nt System. Richmond, Va.—Annual session Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., September 17-82, 1900. Tickets sold September IC, 16, 17, with final limit September 25, at rate of one fare round i trip. Detroit, Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights of Pythias, August 27 to September 1, 1900. Tickets to be sold August 24, 25,26, with final limit Sep tember 5, at rate of one fere round trip. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WKENN, P.T. M., Savannah, Ga. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts Via lhe Plant System. Tickets od sale June 1 to .September 30, with return limit October 31, 1900. Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. , GKO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WKENN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. BUY THE GENUINE' SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. nr NOTE THE NAME. In India, the land of famine, thousands die because they cannot obtain food in America the land of plenty, many suffer and die because they ca not digest the food they eat Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest* what vou eat. It in stantly relieves and radically t ires all stomach troubles. W. J. Butts. GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGt’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal casos attended to Business strictly confidential. En qaires conducted with secrecy, L- *J. LEAVY TVT rv ci r L. J, Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and (Janer- J al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rente At the Same Old Place "'*"*?* 217 Newcastle St. You Will Find jW. Isaac, The Merchant Tailor. With anew and complete line of Clothing and. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Speciallv selecled to suit all class of trade SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHOUT NOTICE. I just received a full line of the latest and m is' fash ionable Spring goods. My pants pat terns are the most stylish in the city. I can please all ijij customers In price, quality and workmanship. Give me an order f( r your Spring Su t and pants. Salisfuction guaranteed. M ISAAC, The Merchant tailor. £ f>x g J > '* */ jJ.y *.f . s*l 1 ii (he most fatal of all dis eases. tm CV ? C* ™EY CURE It a iULI Sand Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles PRICE 53c. and SJ.OO. \V J. Butte. the Cruggiist ELI ZISSIMATO, 302 J Newcastle St. Dm i:... :.:. ms is CIGARS AND TOBACCO lee ’-Cream Fresh Evsrv lav, Mi Shake Soda Water' Etc,, All Kinds of Candy . PARKEiFS i HAiR BALSAPH 01ca'"' : - .<l Id until!*s nalt. Never Fails to Poutore Gray Jlfiir to its Vo l ' >1 ful Col- r. . Prevents I >aii*Jnili ..• I liu . lulling. Ice Cream. Soda Water, Milk Shakep, Wine of Cocoa —go ro— ELI ZISSIMAIO 3024 Newcastle St. m YOUR FACE IS VO. UKOUTTM, , J, ' ' ■>" a u ji\ i '>- nifties. American W*.im*n throw V l, ;i\v uy wcvoutv-ll million l --. doll i> annually for far. pow tors, lot ions, ei e., mo •I \\ hifli iirc made of pots 'nous Btihstnr.coN ami fstiuv tho sh n. To t enio a Natural, Uoh\ calthy (’omplrxioti, got a ' lit GIN UritUKII M \SK. IJostf iv* original nnuoui, luvn’nnently ro~ <\fs pun., os, fioeklos. l>liu'kho..iii<, and all i It xional ini|H'i lVctons, Alisolutfly hannlo M Result guaranteed. Write for pattlenlars. lrice Lv mail $2 (0 and #;*.r.O V 1 lUiIN lit RJilvK !<).,* >\\>t 11 ], St V Brown Drug Cos,, Hole Agts. Brunswick, ( ra. EMPTY j LOADED %&s&***Cf*- ‘ SHELLS , SsilSd*- dpn Ammunition Knives \ Bicycle and lIfMW Cun repair ing a rp’cial jp|- at KESSLERS Uor. Monk aud Grant Sts OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Gauntrv Produce, —Vegetables, etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA Real Estate for Sale. We have lot number 176 on A street nine lots on Wolf Street, for sale chesp B. H. Daniels & Cos HlO Nowcftßt? St Dyspepsia Cure Digests whvt you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is tiie latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other 1 ts of i in perfect digestion. Preoared by E. C. DeWltt a Cos., Chicago. V J. Butts, the Druggist, B. J. OLEWINE, ■ icyles Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service We jell Ctleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. W. !?. SMITH’S COIIECE. LEXINSIi:!, " v , I, wl.trt; inniiU-IMI-*.iu'ii. rftcr invi-tli ':. ii 'M ! .*5 lo stjo for tuitimlstjniird, fw til . led for positions ns liookKliw ~ Su 1v... raphers and now receive troi.i sT*.:ry per year. KcntutkvlUnin’r’.ity !>*• F \n. .1 hit graduate*. iV.<. .'of World's f:xpo.:|tlon.-.aiid p ftrs lo tliousnnd.s cessful Krnduntes. this Ju-.:poi/.i most Influential •'> B ’ i out for reference. Rend adv*.*rti*c;ncitU,■ r tit ulars addresA only W. R. .Smith, ! A LITTLE WHISKEY TALK When you want a (good bottle of whis key, two things should be considered— quality nud price 1 carry a full line of Paul Jones, Fremont and Peerless whis key, Imported Gin, California V\ ines, and he best of high grade beer. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes, Call on me when you need anything in that line. LOLWENSTEI N Monk and Oglethorpe Sts. 7