The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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n n Fernandina Wins By i Score of 15 to 5. With the Savannah Games the Season Ended. Disbanded. Most of the fans who went to Savan nah with the base ball club returned to the city last night, and it was a very gloomy set of men. Although thy had not lost much money they just ha’ed to see the local team end the .eason la de feat The score at yesterday’s g me was a beautiful one—ls to 5, and the fact that none of the players will return to the c'ty shows that they are ashamed to come over and tell the people how it was done. It is true that Manager liirsch deserves a great deal of ertdit for possessing the neces ; ary amount of nerve to put his money into the team, but there is no doubt but that he had too many “some time” players and the dis cipline was not over severe. Men who temain out all night, get full, etc,, are not in a condition to play good ball on the morfow, and this is the cause of some of the defeats. If Mr. Hirsch has lost money on hie baseball venture his many friends are sorrow of it. POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything ip sight; so do drastic miDeral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Djn’i dynamite tbe delicate machinery of your body calomel; croton oil or aloes pills, when l)r. King’s New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer bre*z-, do the work perfectly. Cures headache, cin stipation. Only 25 c nts, at all drug Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfullv treated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equa ly successful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga WANTED. Aneaisu wells to drive at $250 each Rise and capacity guaranteed will also guarantee to cnmp!< t* weils in 15 days. Call nn or address A. M. Bilker, 205 Gloucester street. The wolf in the fable put on sheep's clothing because if he traveled on his own reputation he couldn't accomplish Ins purpose. Counter feiters of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merits, so they put them in boxes and wrappers like De- Witt’s, Look out for them. Take only De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cures piles and all skin diseases. W. J. Butts, Cheap Batee Via Southern Railway. Chicago, 111. National Kncamj meat G. A. U August 27-Bept. 1 Tickets will he sold August Z 5, 26 and 27, with final limit Sept. 1, at rate of .6 for the round trip John Holl nd and Mollie Wt kins, oolored, were united in marriage by Judge Lembrighr yes'erdsy afternoon. Charlie Driver was best man. The Dread of pet pie with week lungs who euffer with stubborn coughs is consumption. Ft ley’s Honey aod Tar, | if taken id time, cures the cold , beals the luoge and always cures incipient Consumption. W J. Butts. Hustling young man can make SC() per month and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4th & Locus Streets, Philadel phia,-Pa. WHY HE CURES. Tli© Greatest Specialist of the Time Gives Every Case His Personal Attention. n n „i n „ Most doctors havo a certain number of stock remedies which they use in Hathaway’s all cases which seem at all similar, y .. . This is not Dr. Hathaway’s method, meinoua Every case with him is most carefully idiagnosed and the exact position of the diseased con dition determined. Thus every case is treated separ ■ ately and medicines are ad _ ■ ministered which ar wra Ik? fj specially prepared under t'y Dr. Hathaway’s personal pY* „M. . 7 I supervision for each case. ** Notwo people are affected byaparticulardiseaseinthe ' pame manner, conseauent- ly no two people should be treated In the same way even for same complaint. KRIIL s Dr. Hathaway is a special- in the best sense of the word—he troats special dis — , - leases in a special manner.of of his own—a system studied out years ago while in _ n_ cn college and hospital practice and im tvery uase proved and enlarged upon constantly Sneciallv during the twenty years since— . J twenty years of the most extensive Treated. practice enjoyed ly any specialist in this country. Dr. Hathaway’s great and uniform suc cess is due to this individual system of treatment. CwoluefwA In spite of hundreds of requests t xciusi ve yearly from doctors in all parts of the Treatment world, asking? for the privilege of uslncrDr.Hathaway’s method of treatment,he believes it wiser to allow none beside himself the knowledge of his remedies, a9 he is too well aware of the mis chief which may be done by the unskillful use of any jei s system, nevermind how perfect. BlOOd and 9KIII Dr. Hathaway’s treatment for nicosicike blood diseases in whatever stage uiwdi>9i cures all forms of ulcers, sores, blotchep, pimples, etc.,and not only restores the skin and scalp to their natural condition, but so purifies the blooa that the disease is permanently and com pletely driven from the system and all this without administering poisonous or dangerous druj?s. ... ■ .His treatment of Varicocele \ aricoccic ana Rnd Stricture is a method exclu- Stricture. BI J eI ,Y hi 9 own and in 90 per cent iwwi w. of aU cases results in a perfect and permanent cure. No operation la required and no pain or inconvenience are experienced by the patient. The expense of this treatment is much less than that of any operation, or hospital or institute treatment, and is both safe and sure, restoring the organs to a condition of perfect, normal health. . Dr. Hathaway has Just prepared anew Kiancy test question blank for those who have Diseases, reason to suspect Kidney trouble and Diseases, this blank he will gladly send free to everyone who sends him his name and address. t The demand for Dr. Hathaway’s new Kew BOOK book "Manliness, Vigor, Health” has FREE, already exhausted the first edition of .. . . . 100,000 bxit for a limited time a copy of this book will be sent free to anyone who sends his Pnnciiltalini, name and address to Dr. Hathaway, uonsultation Dr. Hathaway makes no charge FREE. for consultation and advice at either his office or by mail. 6 J. NEWTON HATHAWAY M. D. Dr. Hathaway & Cos., X 5 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga, MENTION THIS PAPER WIIKX WRITINO. LOCAL 1 PERSONAL. Mr, Stetson Fleming's fine horse, Hay View, may race in Savannah on Labor Day. The Peerless Distributing and Ad vertising Bureau, W. R. Carter, mana ger, has opened at 504 Monk street. Brunswick has long needed such an en terprise . Messrs. Geo. W. Coa es. J J. Liss ner, W. H. Davenport and Max K. Marks returned from Savannah yester day. Mr, Henry Hirsch will return from Savannah today. Scholarship in Richmond Business College for sale. Address M, care, this office. What most people want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the bi to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Bishop's drag store. Ferris’s m-sts, Swift’s premium mea's, and Dove brand meats, to be had at I). Voe’s. THE SAFFuRD RUNS TODAY. in ord rto accommodate the large crowd who will goto St. Simon, the managers of the Cumberland Route will put the commodious steamer Gov ernor Salford on the run today The schedule appears in another co umn. FOR SALE —At a bargain, either cash or installment, the 7 room house on S'one.vall, between Mock and Glou cester, known as the Brady or Harrie place. Also the vacant lot corner of Lee and Gloucester, 100x125 feet. Geo. T. Bailey, Central Hotel. Fresh line of the best ti°.mscanb> found at DeVoeV LOST.—One compiss wa'ch charm, on Gloucester street between Uuinn and Oglethorpe streets. Finder will return to GusUve Anderson, atrftUe of Light and Water Go. Cotton MarKet. New York, Aig. 25.—August 8.75, September 50, October 37, November 34, December 23. Get your job work done at the Timks-Call job office. Best work in j the city. Priors the lowest. OASTOHIA. Boars the Ito Kind You Have Always Bought Everybody can oe served with ice today, as all the wagons will be run ning. Clarence Mills. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 26. 1900 ■ I Hi Those Who Will Serve in December. A Representative Set of Men Selected —The List in Full. The following is a list of jurors who will serve at the Decemb r term of the Superior cour::, GRAND .IURY, E D. Walter, E. J. All n, H. E. Briesenick, L. Fiebleman, Thos. Ful ler, W. F. Doirfiiuger, A J. I.ilcS, R. L. Atkinson, A. A. Knight. T. New man, C. F. Doeiflinger, M s.s Daniel, C. Downing, J. L. Foster, P. M Ultch, M Kaiser, J. W. Owms, J, M. Hooden pyle, J. R Morton, A. E. Wonz, H. 8. McCrary, E McGougan, Howard Waff, A.C. Blain, R. E. L.mance, J. J. Spears, C. M, Gowen, M. Elkan, Wm. Nightengale, S. A, Barney. petit jury . Alex Pe’ers. J. C. L&ughinghouse, E. Brob ton, E. A. Penniman, J. H. Mor gan, J. A. Sapp, W. F. Symons, E. H. Mason, W. J. Butts, H. H. Brady, A, M Ross, W. C. Anderson, Louis Nor ton, Sr.. J. E Moore, J. M. Burnett, J. J. Lott, W. S. Forrester, J. A. Mont gomery, R. J. Odum, W. H. Bowen, H. H. Raymond, O'. F. Jones, A. W. Coop er, L E. Robarts, E. R. T. Mondy, E B. Dudley, Jr., J. J Vickers, J. D. Pyles, Alex Livingston, Gustavus Hoff man, 8. B. Henderson, A. S. Deaver, C. W. Floyd, C. M. Flanders, J. H. Sun nerlin, Jr, R. C. Jones. Both the grand and petit juries are composed of some of the county’s best citizens. Deanty I. Blood Deep, Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Fresh line of pickles, in bulk v and bottles, at DeVoe’s. The - greatest skin specialist in America origin&tbe tbe formula for Banner Salve. Foiall skin diseases, all. cute or sores, and far piles, it’s the most healing medicine. W. J. Butts. The finest grades of coffees aud teae, to be found at DeVoe’s. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Cllajtyt. Let Jim Carter have one more lick at the old sum ner suit, and yon wont have to buy anew one till winter. The quicker you a top that cough the less danger there will be of.fatal lung trouble. Un One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. You will like It. W. J. Butts. Go to Jim Carter’s, when you want your clothes cleaned. yt hen we have giod blood, we are health trong, vigorous, and full of life and energy. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes good blood. S luthern Railway announces rate of one dollar for round trip to Savan nah every Sunday tickets limited to date of sale. Notice is given that no baggage will be checked on excur sion lickeis sold at rate of $1 for r iund trip via Southern Railway: NOTICE. Ur. O. M. Gowen w 11 b j absent r from the city fur a month. Now is the time to make the old suit do its beat. See Jim Carter. ‘I have been iitiing CAM'.tllliTS lor Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for over twenty years, and 1 can say that Cunt-arete have civen mo more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried, i shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as beintr all they are represented.” Taos. Gillard, Elgin, 111. of a cathartic a mm m TRADt MARK MOIftTIRCD IMoiisant. Palatable. Potent. Tasto Good. Do uooil Never Sicnen. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c,25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... St.-rll'.ir K, Company. flilrugo. Montreal, New York. Sift NO-TQ-BAC Sow and Kiiarimtpwl by alldrug "w lv gists to c;UKE Tobacco Ilabltr SHIPPING REPORT. Corrroted Drily by Capt. Otto JshaimsEtn Port of Brans iok. Aug 25, 1900. CLEARED. Norw bark Adolph Anderson, Lob* don. SAILED Scbr. John I. Snow, Outhuu-e, Out hou e, R -ckland. DA ST EXCURSION OF THE SEA SON.-$2.50 TO MACON AND RETURN. On Wi‘dnsday, August 29 h, tbs Southern railway will run an excur sion train from Brunswick to Macon, leaving here at 6 :40 a. m., arriving at Macon at 1:15 p.m. This will bs the las’ excur-i n of tbe eaaon, and with the extremely low rate of $2.50 for the round trip, it ia expected that quite a numb'r will take advantage of the op portunity to visit tbe Central City. Arrangements have been mide for both white ard colored people, and all who go may be assured of good accom modations and a comfortable trip. EXAMING CANDIDATES SB West Point, N. Y„ Aug. 25.—The United States Medical Biard, consist ing of Major Wm. B. Davis, surgeon; Mj lr John M. Banister, surgeon, and Captain Chae. M. Gandy, assistant surgeon, is here today bolding a phy sical examination of graduate! for admission to tbe United States Mill tary Academy. There are upwards of fifty a-pirants for tbe life of defend ing the country’s flag Finest assortment of imported and ill m-Hlc -ardines, at DiVot’s. It will surprise you to t *p< rii nee the benefi obtained by using the dainty aud famous littla pills known as DeWitt’s I.itlle Early Risers W J. Butts. Fine lot of sun dried peaches just received at P. G. Busbees, 423 E street. It’s a doctor's business to study health. Doctors confidently recom mend HAKI’ER Whiskey. Sold by T. NEW :u AN, Brunswick, Gi . \\ rite Dr. C. J. Moffett. Bt. Louis, Mo., for bis valuable little Tket iiina Warb-I.lst B< i.k, tie For Bladdef Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. If you wish to cure sci'&fula or salt rheum permanently, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It ex pels all impurities from the blood. Best Way to Cure Backaobe. Backaches are caused by disorder in kidneys. Foley’s Kidneys Cure will make rhe right. Take no substitute. W J. Butte. J. W. Watkins will loan you money on personal prop" erty and real estate. WANTED Gentle horse for family use. Apply to J . W, Watkins. There are no better ;pille made than De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. Always prompt and certain. W. J • Butt's. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Are grand, but ekin eruptions rob life of i< y. Buckleo’a Arnica Salv curee them; a'so. old, running snd fe ver sores, uiceri, b tie, fei- ns, com, wane. cut, bruiser, bu ns, xoalu-.. ch-'ppc and band-', oh Ibbutis. lt -stpl oure o i earth. Ilrves out pams ad aches. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sdd by all druggists. Finest can (ru't to be Jit and at De- Vo-’s. If you have a lialiy in the home, you will wish to know the best way to eheck any unusual looseness of the bowels, or diarrhoea so com mon to children. O P. M. Holliday, of Doming, Ihd., who lias an eleven months’ old child, says: "Through the months of .June and July our. baby was teething an I took a runuingof the bowels and sickness of tbe stomach. Ills bow els would move from live to ci t ht tiinos n day 1 had a buttle of Cbauibcrlniu’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrlima Remedy in the house, and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of wa'erand he got better at oneo." For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drog store. Several Brunswiokians will speed today in Savannah. WANTED—One 1 -rge unfurnished room by a single gentle man; pnf-r room in private residence; rtfe’eucee furnished. Address D, care Times- Call. TRY ALLEN’S FOOT EASE, A powder to be shaken Into your shoes. Your Let fee 1 svviLen, nervous and hot, and get tired ea ly. If you have smarting feet or tight, shoe-, try Allen’s Ft o' E tee. It cools the feet and makes walking i &-y. Cure.e swol len, sweating feet, ingrowing nail-, blisters and callous spo’s. Relieves eorns and bunions of all pain, and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and slice stores for 26 cents. Trial paesge free. Ad dress Allen 8. Olmsted, L“Roy, M. Y. It costs only one dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Railway every Sunday. o^k.jST'o>3ei.Xja.. Bears the Mrs. R. E Walker and sons, Mas ter Newton and little R E. Walker, Jr, have just returted from J kyl Island, having bad a moat d-ligh'tul ime. SERVICE lIY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs, Ella Markham Libel for divorce; in the Superior court ol Glynn vs. county. May term, i9OO, Order to perf ct service Martin B. Markham granted at said term. To tbe Defendant, Martin B. Markham. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to be and appear, at the December Term. 1900, of Glynn Superior court, to bo hold eu in and lor said county, at the court h use,in Brunswick. Giynn count ,Georgia,sn th* first oondav in December, 1900, and you will lie there by ten (10) o clock, oi the forenoon of said day, then ana there to answer the complaint of toe plaintiff Mrs Ella Markham, in the above staled c**e, in her libel foi divorce. Witness the Honor, hie .Joseph W. Bonnot, Judge of iho Superior courtof Glynn county, this the 24tli day ol August* 1900. A. O.TOWNSEND, Depu y Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn c lunty. Georgia. ERNES l DART, Attorney f r I’iaintiff. SEKVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. L’zz.e Long Libel for divorce; In the superior court of Glyn vs. ’ county, Mav term, iUOO. Older to perfect service, Thomas A. Long, granted ai said term. To the Defendant. Thomas A Long. You are hereby required, in person or iy at, torney t* ie and appear, at the- December term, 19u0 of tin Glynn Superior court, to be holden in and fm said county, at the court h us"*-in Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 19t;0, and you will he there by ten (10) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then and there t<> answer the com pl into! the plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzie Long in the above stated case- in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet, Judge of the {Superior court of Glynn county, this the 24th day of August, 19(0. A. O. ToWNSKND. Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County. Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. Service By Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA--County of Glynn. John Rogers, 1 In Glynn Superior Court, May vs. > Term, 1900. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To the Defendant, Susie Rogers: You are hereby commanded to be and apt ear at the Decern tier Term, next, of Glynn Superior I Court, to be holden at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the First Monday in December. 1900, and by Ton (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above siated case in his Line! for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County, this the 10th day of July, 1900. H. F. duBIGNOV, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn • ouuty, Ga. GEOBGIA—GIynn County. All persons havinH claims or demands against the estate of Mai ion Robinson, de ceased, are hereby not’fleu to present and file them with me, properly verified, as required by law. This July 27, MOO. 15DWIN BROBSTON, Administrator Estate Marion Robinson. Administrators Notice, GKORGIA-Glynn ( gusty. Notice is hereby given Mint (he untlorsigueti has upiuitMi to i ho-tniin i of said e*ni..y t i leave to bell land >* lin* eKtatu r A man la Hughs ami ii ilx pn \ mcti t >,i i- • i., -, of saui estate. Mini aj>j . ..iioi w 11 at the regulai- iin iu ti iiieonn .and . i tUmu> i.h said county to lie held on (ho tn.-t .M..ini..v m September, lUuo, Ihia tie 6tn day of ltluu. .1. u IvSl 11, Atlmiuistrator Estatef Amanda iluyhs. ADMINI.sTUATOii’S SAM GEuivG I A—Glynn County. \\ ill l>' sold in;. county < n ih- and. st Tut s d y in Sepiendti r, IUK>. i>. tween the hours of 10 ! o’t lock a. m ana 4 o'clock p. •. ai pui.iic out i cry, lieforc the court h u <• iloor Grant .street dido, ol' said county, to the h ghes imMcr for a>li. certain jier.M ii and pronei tv o' Hie estate of Mar tin Kohinsou, deceased, coioi tma - oi u car - uit app.irel, ti links, I* oks, one zuher, two pair Opera glasses and one lieni > i t sa-m other \ er sonal effects. ai<i wait will heco- unuetl from day to day unti completed. Mdu ma.ic in pur- PUanee oi all order of Die com t oi oitimary granted August l, 15)00. Tn- \t uu-i it. p.m>. EDWIN uuouston. Atlmr. Estate of alarum Kolui.stm. PROCLAMATION.—State ot Georgia. Ex ecutive Office, in uni a —Submitting c .iistitu tional aiiiendinent re-aiding pensions for the w ulows of confederate soldier* o a vote of the people a it he next general election. Whereas, the general ussenudy of IMMI passed by a constitutional majority the* follow ing act tovvit: "An act to amend soct on 1, article 7, para graph 1. of l iic constitution of Georgia, so as to extend the provisions of sa'd seel ion, article and paragraph to the w idows of couiedcraie soldiers, who, by reason of age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or blindness and pover ty, are uualile to provide a living for them selves, and for other purposes.” Sec. I. He it enacted by the general assem bly of Geoigia, and it is hereby enac.ed iy nu tliorUy of tiiti same, that ssciiou l, article 7, paragraph I, of tueconstitution • i Georgia, be ami the same is hereby amended hv inserting alter the word “service” m the i:iih line, the following words: “or who, by reason or age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty or nliud ness and poverty, are unable to earn a living for thetnstlve ,” so Unit said sect on when so amended, will read as follows, tow it: “To sup ply the soldiers who lost a limb, or limbs hi the military service of tiie confederate elates, with substantial artificial limbs during life; and to make suitable provisions for mi h confederate soldiers as may havo been otherwise disabled or permanently injured in such service; or who may, by reason of age and poverty.or infirmity and poverty, or nlindness and poverty, art un able to provide aliving for ih> inselves, ami for the widow of Mich couiedcraie sold ic is as may have dud in the service of the con'ederate states, or since, fiom wounds received therein, or disease contracted in the service, or who by rersoiiofage and poverty, or infirmity ami poverty, oi blimine>s ami poverty, are unab e lo provide a living for Ihcmsclves; provided that the act shall only apply to such widow sas Were married at the time of such service, and have remained unmarried since the death or such soldier husdaud.'' Sec. 2. He it funlior enacted, that, if this amendment shall be agreed 10 by two-thirds of the geueral assem' ly, of each house, the same shall be emend on ineir journal* with tbe yeas ami nays taken (hereon, and the governor eliai cause the amendment to he published in one or more of the newspapers in each congressional district for two months immediately pjeceding the next general election, and the same shall he submitted to tbe people at the next general election, and the voters thereat shall have writ ten or pi lilted on their tickets, “For ratifica tion of section 1, article 7, paragraph l of the constitution of thl- state,” or “Ag.iinst ratifica tion ol section 1, article 7. paragraph 1, of he constitution ol this slate,” as they ma choose; and it a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of ihe next general assembly, voting, shall vote in favor of ratification, Hum said amendment shall become a part oi .-aid ar ticle 7,section 1, paragraph I, of the constitu tion of tills slut’-, ami the governor shall make proclamation thereof. :*cc. 3 repeals conflicting lawe. Approved December 21, JB9U. Now% therefore, 1. Allen I). Candler, governor of said state, do is.-uo this, my proclamation hereby declaring that the lo egomg proposed amendment of the constitution i* hereby sub mitted, lor ratification or rejection, to the voters of this state, at the general election to l-o held on Wednesday, October 3,1900, a- provided in said act. ALLEN I>. CA - DLEIt, Uy the Governor, Govtijiur, J. W. WARREN, Secretary Executive Department. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December vs. • Term, 1900, of Superior Com t of Gl \ nil couu (). J, Freeman, ly, Geor ia. To the said defendant, O. ,J. Freeman : You are hereby required’ pc sonully or by attorney, to be and appear at the next -term of the Superior Conn ol said v unt . couvauing on the first Monday in December, :900, then ana there to answer t><o plain ill Clyde Kic.mau, upon the merits of her petition ir ivorce filed against you; as in defaub of such appearance tlie Court will proceed as to jus- it e shall apper tain. Witness the Hon ,Jo-C|-h W Hd-nct, •Judge of said Superior Court, Mi - 22d day of Auguet, li'Od. A. ii, TOW N.sEN D, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glynn < 0., Ga, I). W. KR.iUSS, PltlPb. Atty. GEORG i A—Glynn Countv. To v\ hom it may concern : John .1 Spears Inis applied for permanent letters of xlminis! ra tion upon the estate of John Campbell, of said county, deceased, ml said matier will be heard at tiie .September term, lnuo, of the court of or dinary of said county. Let ol>je<vLy u.*,, if any, be llli 'l on or beiore Monday, feepte;nlfr*r :i, 19,6. August tt, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, ra. STATE OF GEORGIA—GIynn Conn tv. The federal Transport ami i In Equity in the Insurance ( 0., et. al., | Superior (Join t of vs. [ of said county The Atlantic Cotton Cos., J Suit to enforce el al. | payments to capi ) tal sti ek. ThedefendatUH, J. 11. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C. Schumacher ,v C<>„i eopa-ineivdiii, A. Norilen JSc o„ acopa tn. rship, H. VV. o. Edge, WMliam (). Allison and .1 s. ’ hornas.are h •cl v imtilied aim required to be and appear in pers -n or by attomev at the next December, p.inu, term of th- Superior (Jourt of said county, to bo he and in the . ourt house nf sai ’ cmmtv, nt Hi nusw iek, on ti e lir-t Momiav in December, next, and by In o’clock, m. f oi sai i dav, then and there lo nsw*i the pluintiff in this ae ion a- in delimit thereof the Court will proceed as to ju-rico mav ai.periain “ i'ti* ss the Hon fo-. W Ren net, .Judge of said Court. This 27th and y'd duly, 1909. 11. F duIUGNON. Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos.. Ga. CITA I ION. Georgia—Glynn < U unity. To h I ii born it may concern : It. It. Hopkins having in proper form, appllcd for permanent administration on the estate of J. I) Jones, late f said county, this is is lo c te all and singular the creditors and next of kin of J D. Jones to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause,if my, they can. why p rmneout ad mmi,Miration should not be granted to It. R. Hopkins on J. D. Jono*’ estate. Witness my hand and official signature this (sth day of August, IIWO, HORACE DART, < military. SsKKVK I HY Pl T ISLICATION. state of Georgia—County of Glynn, Mrs. Edna Wylie J Libel for divorce; in the superior court of Glynn vs. I countv, May term, 1900, order to perfect service, James Wylfe. | granted at said term. To the Defendant, James Wylie. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to be and i.ppear at the December term, 1900, of Gl\ mi Superior court, to be hidd en in and for said county, .it the court house, in Brunswick, Glvnn county, Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1900, and you Mill be there bv ten (10; o'clock of the foreuoOQ of said day, then and them to an-wer the com plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the above stated case, hi her libel for divoreq. witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bonnet, Judge of the Superior colirt of Glynn county, this the 21th day of August. 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Ul) Hu County. Georg a. ERNH>T DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. 3