The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Hi 111 Georgia Property Owners Will | Have Less to Pay, A Good Showing For The Candler Adminis tration. Tae stats t*x rate has b en brought down fr< tu 5,50 to 6 20, & reduo'ion for !900 over 1899 of six eeu one-huodte t dhs of a rail 1 . The meeting b.'twien <3overnor Caodlr and Gouip'ruller- Cleneral Wright, at wbinb ihe rate was Haul y fixed, was fold sbortlj Afler noon jesterd y. As forecas'ed in The Constitution several days ago ebe (flirials of the state fiund that with the increased approp’iauoos of the list legoliture, amounting to prao'ioslly SIOO,OOO, it would bs im possible, even with a gain of $18,500,- 'OOO in property values, to bring the rate of taxation to a point below 520 W i: eu Governor Candler went into cmce. over two years sgo, the state rate Wt.s tlx and at 0 21, and it is seen, therefore, that tie has succee ed in re ducing tbe tax one and one hundredth* wills. The governor innonno?d Siturday that be was gratified that he was abl this year to urge ti further reduction of the tax rate. 11, had hoped tube able to make the rate exactly 5 milts, tint found at the last moment that tbe increased appropriation of the lasi house and senate made such a reduc- tion impossible, The tax for ihe year is divided as follows: For general purposes 2.05, or $2.05 ob "every SI,OOO. For school purpose?, 2 mill', or $2! on eveiy SI,OOO. For Ilia sinking fund, t 4 of a mill, snaking a total in all of 5.20, or $5 20 •on every SI,OOO H Cramps, Dysentery, ClioVra .‘dor bus, diarrhoea, and, ir.dsed, all bowel I •complaint, quick y relieved by Ferry I Davis’ l’lic-KiII r, a safe sn'i speedy oure, for > 1 tfio troubles nameu Eveay reputable druggist keep, a sup ply. EIOII bottle bas ful! directions Avoid fubetiiutes—there is but one I’ain-Ktller, lVrry Davis’. 25j. and 500. drill' Ur. C. J. Moffett, 81. Louis, Mo., for bis valuable lit Hi Ti it in\a Waei. Liil link, lie Mr, George l’rioe, formerly of this city, but now of El Paso, Texas, is ■spending a few days in the oily. The Quakers Are Honest People. t*The Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people ■who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. •It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate tKldney disease, Rheumatism and all sitissaees of the Blood, Stomach and ■Sarves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price fI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BAI.M is the mod. icine that the Quaker Doctor n.ado ali of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism. Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price ?>e and GOc. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for j,ho skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure ol tetter, ectenta and eruptions of the skin. Price lOe a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, 'Cincinnati. Polhiirs Drugstore NET WAIST GI HI.. Is Attiac iag As Much Attention As 'heShirt Wsitt M m. The net waist giil is attracting al mist as much attention and discussion nowadays as ihe shirt waist man, and the'question of the propriety of tbo mw costume is being argued troai stvcial p lints of vi .w. In tlio East tii'i fashion is in fall bias' just now, and at the summer re sorts the-girl niiliiut a net waist is considered very much behind the times. The fad is coming South rapidly, how ever, and ling already made it elf con picuous in some cities. in St, Louis there is a tendency upon the part of some to to look upon the now fashioned waist as vulgar, while others ,ay that the waist is founded on a simple desire to be comfortable, and that the talk about vulgarity is simply nun s nse. Mrs Martha Davie Qrifilith.a promi nent club leader In that city, says of the fad: “Why, bless my soul, how wonder fully corrict the world is growing! A girl no v can’t be comfortao e without being vulgar. When Xwas a girl I nev er wore anything in the summer season but low neck and,short alt-eve dresses, and if you will examine tha portraits that adorn our parlors you will find our grandmothers, great aunts and all the iDar old ladies of Ihe past arc clad j st as I was ‘•Aow a girl wears a yoke of some tlimsey, gauzy material, and all the pru dish criics pounce upon her. It’s non sense. ' “Whal’e cool and contfo table and in good ta?tc should not be condemned . I | think, however, the net waist —ha? its placos, and that tbe street is not one of ’hem,” Tltc Retuotly fat Stomach end Sows! Troub’ee “I have been in the drug business for twenty years, ami have sold most all of the proprle! ary medicines of any note Among the entire list I have never fouttd j anything lo equal CliamVr’ain’s Colic j Cholera and Diarrhoea llumxy for all | stomach and bond troubles, ’’says O. | W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This | remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I kve recom mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick aud sure cure in a pleas ant lorm, No family should be without it . I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug s’, ore, KENIUCKY LEGISLATURE Frankfort, Ky , Aug. 27.—The legis lalure meets tomorrow iu special ses sion for the purpose of amending the stato law. Governor Bcckliam will send a brief message to the legislature with brief eungestions regarding the changes. <fl v ; Good Work, “I hail a sevc rft-Jttjck of bilious colic, got a bottle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was en tirely cured,” says Hot. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor acroes theßtieetwas sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1 wont over to see him the next morning, He said his bowels were In a terrible fix, that the> had Wen r.tuning off so long that it was almost bloody flax. 1 asked him if he had tried Cham- ] beiiain’s Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, and he said, ‘No.’ 1 went homo and brought him my bottle and gave bim one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min- utes if he did not find relief, but lie took no more, and was entirely cured. 1 think it the best medicine I have over tried.” For sale by l)r. bishop’s drug store. V H. Conklin, Dowersvillo, 0., says: “I re ceived more benefit from FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURK than from months of treatment by phy sicians.” Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. THfc BRUNSW ICK TIMEg-CALL, AUGUST 28, 1900. Pa*®Uy GhHdren “We hare three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bot tles of MOTHER’S FRIEND. If you had the pictures of our children, you could see at a glance that the last one is healthiest, prettiest and fincst-lookingofthemall. My wife thinks Mother's Friend is the greatest -AfeffjEtk. „ and grandest world for expect- II an t mothers.”— Written by a Ken lucky Attorney-at \v- t Jtmjui rngryn prevents nine-tenths of the F ill OSII suffering incident to child birth. The coming mother’s disposition and temper remain unrutflcd throughout the ordeal, because this relax ing, penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress. A good-natured mother is pretty sure to have a good-natured child. The patient is kept in a strong, healthy condition, which the child also inherits. Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II assists in her rapid recovery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery. So!J tiy dm jsist3 for sla bottle. THE BRADriELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA, (1A Send our five illustrated book written expressly for expectant mothers. MAYOR’S MATINEE. Several Offenders. Tried Ye3ttrday M jrnir jj. Mayor Atk moo had quite an inter eiting section in polio* court yester day morning, and the following cases were disposed of Lon Higgins, disorderly conduct; dismissed. Dashie Wilis, dis rderly conduot; SB, or 89 days. Teano Rose, disorderly oonduct;®-", or 60 days. O, Douglas, violating tbe bicycle ordinance; $5, cr 20 days. •Times Carly, disorderly conduct; SB, or 30 days. Cures Blood and Skin Troubles. Trial Treatment Free. Is your blood purr? Are you ture of i'? Do cute or scratches heal slowly? Does yiur skin itch or bum? Have you Pimpler? E-uptioni? Aching bouse or hack?* Eczems? Old Sores? Boils? Scrofula? Rheuma’is.e? Fou B-eatl? Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B, B. (Botanic Blood Brim) w 11 purify your blood, heslevery sore, and give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Derp-ieated cases, like ulcere, cancers, eating sores, Painful Swell ings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Bairn. Cures when ail else fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writ ing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlinta, Ga. Describe trouble. Free medical advioe given. Over 3 T OO(h voluntary testimo nials of cures by B. B. B. The lack of energy you feel tbe baokacbe and a run down condition generally, aM mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidney Cure will restore your strergth and vigor by making tbe kidneys well. Take no substitute. W. J. Butte. A dry goods clerk defines a counter irritant as a woman who insists upon examining tbe entire stock, and does not buy anything. Ucntity la ltlood Deen, Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from tlie body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, lOe, 2ac,soe. It’s a doctor’s business to study health. Doctors confidently recom mend HARPER Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED.—A few boarders. Ap ply at SO9 Monk street. our 89 DAYS. ' German Ship Heinrich Came Into Port Yesterday From Ilelsinger, Germany. XTi G ;m u *fa-p llsinricb, Capl. N. Sanger, one of the 1.-gesl ves*l*, 1484 ’on*, tbut oun e* !o tbs por*, n fiveil yt-e’ercHy from lldicing-r, G r uaany, ’ u load from ill I) iVfting C >in pany. Tbs H irinch ban been uu. 00 days. bbe lef. il-ldii/g-r,fune 18 t\ Cttp’aio Bit:g*r says he had a vtr> pl j a*a t trip, bur was *1 and to rp, c cb port. IX A COLLISION. The aeecciated prt>s r purls !hat the Norwegian btrk Watle,, which sailed from N-wry, August 25, for this port, has been lowed to Holy head with a loss of headgear aud s m badly damaged. Se reports having been jo coll eion on August 24, when s’xteen miles tif Southari>ljw light ship, with an unknown steamer. Woman is often referred to by man “doubling hia joys and halving bis sorrows.”- That may be complimentary, but it wouM seem to be rathe hard ‘on tbo woman. For in plain terms it means (hat where tliingg are going well with the man, his wife makes them go better. But when things are going ill with him, he expects the wife to share half his burden. And there’s more truth than poetry in this presentation of masculine selfishness. Men don’t appreciate the f.ct that the strain of motherhood alono is a burden bigger than all* the loads that rec-t upon male shoulders. They see the wife growth n, pale, nervous and worn without a thought that she is over-burdened. Among the pleasant letters received by Dr Pierce are those from husbands who have w aked up before it was too late to the crushing burdens laid upon the wife, and in the search for help have found iu Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription a restorative which has given back to the mother the health of the maiden and the maiden’s happiness. “Favorite Prescription*’ always help*, amt almost always cures. It has perfectly cured ninety-eight out of every hun dred who have used it when aillioted with dis eases peculiar to women: Same people fish for and mpitments with bited breath. Keep the body healthy- at this season by using i’rticKiA- Ash Bittkrs. It is a necessary condition ,o successfully re sist malarial germs W. J Butts. For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. ' A’woman ssys’tbe rain is too famil iar when it begins to patter on the b>ck. Cancer ill the blood is polluted and t&e system thoroughly con taminated by this deadly virulent poison. Then a sore or ulcer appears o® some part of the body; it may be small and harmless looking at first, But as the can serous cells form and are deposited by fihe blooa near the sore,, it increases in size and severity, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often the sore is semoved by tlie surgeon’!* knife r flesh destroying plasters, another comes and is worse. The real disease is in the blood, and the treatment must begin theae. The poisoned blood must be invigorated and purified, and when this is done cancerous cells can no longer form and the sore will heal natura®y and permanently. Mrs. Sarah M. K testing* jWi Windsor Ave., Bristol Term., writes: “I am 4* years old, *nd for three flB years had suffered with a H aeveie form of Cancer eii K my Jaw, wfrich the doctors uf said was Incurable, and lv* that I coaid not live more ed their statemen’ a*true. 7 and had given up all hope / of ever being well again when my druggist, know In g of my condition, racom- Jr mended S. S. S. After tak- * ing a few bottles the sore -* y began to heal, to the surprise of the physicians, and in a short time made a complete cure. I have gained in flesh, my appetite is splendid, sleep is refreshing—in fact, am enjoying perfect health.” gJR% zfJßfe r/Zk overcomes tli is de flUS stnictive poison and -fta removes every vestige it from the system, HflK- ’V:/ 'CS." makes new, rich blood, strengthens-the body and builds up the general health. If you have a suspicions sore, or have in herited any blood taint, send for our free book on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any information or advice wanted ; we make no charge for this ser vice. Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention, and will be held in strictest con fldence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, SA, '! JMES-CALL .'OB OFF!' E. Tbij-e vshi v ant the best worF, at he 1 wp*4 figti’e c , should brinig i' o bis fl) ;•*. O i l-.rjfH dtdgerr, iU’ prici*e ki d war- w Im* yon scm s n cu*!i mer, if yrn will gsv** m ili 1M j b. II ng up fl, h? ds s * ;i ci. f or will cull. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day, and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles. Keep your bow els regular by la'- ing a dose ol Chamberlain’* Stcniath aiifl J/ver Tablets when cecteiaiy ard you vvl’l i evi r tbr.t mv repurishmen inflicted u on 3on. Piic\ 25 cent*. Forssl by Bishop’s drug ; 1.1 e i.’. only *i'U’;! for a f l ow !o fe*-l. cheap wb n fal-ry has b en r? . . I (Inc- and. 9 QO DropsJ Av'cgdalile PxeparatLonFor As similating Itic Food andHegula ling Ihe Slomaclis awl Bowels of 1 NbANI'S/( HII.DkLN Promotes Digest ion,Cheerful ness and Pest Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Kox Y’Jar.c otic. Ahr ipt afmdnrSAKVELPtTOM t\mpkm Seed r ' \ /ilx. Senna *■ 1 liueke tte Suits - I Jirdee Seal *■ Httoentwa - ) lit CarboiuiteSoria * l MBfipSeetl- \ Ciarmed Sugar Winttr/wrt Flavor. / Aperfec! Remedy forConslipa- Fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. J%Ro S- j 5 C .if nt y EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. | ~ for LADIES. 1 SHORTER GOLLEGE, 5;,,. j (1 *" Situation beautiful. Climate delightful and Invigorating. Health record/ / I nparalleled Home coniftirls. careful suiienruion. Young girls received. vll> l y—n A /s? > live with tft faculty in the college iiuthlliiffa worth J1.V.000 Fffiilpnicnt S ) / rk’ excellent, well appointed laboratories, gn< and i-;.runasiuui. to. Faculty, large. < 1 *A ‘ fMj*. "‘i an '* composed of aide and experienced professors, (’hum's extensive and C S *■ A thorough, inline v.itli t!u>e given in tlie leading unixersiti- s. A large Endow* ? f ’* iMWf “itf? 1 - ,sl: r ,n K students s ipeilative advantages at moderate cost. The Trustees > / JWFMaIBf f iHrm 4 YreS*u'*3R’| ? ra, )ta ii’imt'or of scholarships t- deserving y ungladies. Art and Elocution ) S tjßiKprT, •*■<?*l l department# aWy conducted .YSit-ic Faculty unsurpassed in America ; musical \ < I iOit If fr fw fi ! Bl9B®Ett) c Q u, P ,, . ien t cyoellcnt. A PRiZF PIANO -rift of a generous friend of C ( R a I WrjCp education to he awarded for the lest work Ti s; f n tivod liouauiiil-dollnr f / * ,il 1 *OV3H 1 lotto—perhaps the grandest musical prize ever offered r J A * n * ny ,n the world During the past term all space was filled Young > ) u *’* J d j® 8 ' vou . l ' l ’* ’ ”•> to make early application for admission in September. > w~hich^vvd^ljh^^^nt^rce^(m^^ai^j PLANT SYSTEM PABSKNGKR DEPARTMENT. % 7. i No 87 so 89j Time i&bio no. ss I **.min•••• - Passcngea Mixed NO. 35 1 jP snger I Mixed Dailv. Daily. Mj 2£ 12:01 am. 17. T"! - 7 15am.... >S ro pm... Iv Brunswick sr 11 30pm.... 10 15a 0... . r iOPm ; isa n * |i2 49,pia... 2 oi> am.. lv Hlftton ar 510 pm. 2 00am * - |U 50pm... ;2 10am... ar Savannah lv 400 pm.... 2 15am - - 828 am... ar Charleston lv . 1115 nm * -- ,9 ODm S COam... ar Tamp. l T 7 80am.... 7 05pS , ~ ViA W AYGKUBB <lt MONTGOMERY" •••• 1 ,T Brunswick ai 11 80 15 a m ... ii 15. am... 800 inn... ar Waycrosr h 9 60is a m - •“ U’ 'am... 1159 am... ar ft r.oam... 7lc pm... ar Naanvifle iv 2 21am. VIA SAVANNAH AN I) CHARLESTON. I 439, m . 613 am.. Ar Charleston Lv 050 am 11 15tun 1 710 am. >ll 20pm. Ar Washington Lv 307 pm 4 30am I *2) am. 103 am.. Ar Haiti • ore Lv 14(>pm 2 56am j 115 pin. 053 am. Ar New York Lv 855 am a 25pm Direct connection made at VV averoas with i hromru Pullman Sleeping Cars toi Savannah Charleston, and all points North; aleo fo; Monlgomerr, Birmlnghi n, Nashville, ftt. I-d)uts aud all points West, Keeling Chairca a boti.rf.en Waycroas and Montgomery via Thomaaville. Between Poit Tampa, Key West and Havana. f • GOING | 4 RETURNING. Lv PortTlbipa 10 0' pm Mon. Tliura. Sat. iLv Havana 2 30 pm Mon. Wed. and 5at....... Ar Key West 8 0j pm Tues. Fri. Sun | Ar Key West 9 00 pin Mon. Wed. and Sat Lv Key Wealoo pm Tues. Fri. Sunday | Lv Key We6t 10 0 1 p. m. Mon. Wfd. and Sat Ar Havana 60u am Wed. Sat Mon | Ar Port fampa 280 am Tues. Thur. and Sun.. . 8. R. KNOTT, Vice President, Savannah, Ga W.B. DENHAM. B< >. . COATES. tf. W. WRBNN General Supt Division Pass. Agent. Pa£S. Traffic Mgr savannah, Ga Brunswick, <a. savannah G a NO Kl’jli r i O UGLIb E)S3. i The in iii ui who is loV' ly in face, Ifo'in and teuije , w;l always have frlt d-, but on? who would be attracti ve n u t krepht r ! esl b. If she is I vesk, sckly sod ail iui down, she ;wil b' nerve os aid "irri'ib'p. If she ! „ c n-t'i'Stion or kidney ir. üble, j bi-r impure b’ood will esu e pimple., blotch.?, 'kiii rrop'b iin’i and a wretch ! m3 contp’ x’cr, Eeclrit Bi’tersifitbe best m and cir.e in the world to rpgulate j .tomsch, live.- and kd ! :ey?,vd to | ( urify lie bio •-*. I’ K've? str..njr ■erv s, b' ! ghi: ey??. smmlh, velvety 1 [ k:n. rich c f mp'exi n It will make . k- cd-1 iokii g, c’-iarmiog w T::n of a ri]--d. vn ii.vsßd. Only 50 cnts at e> I<l rujf si- rep. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I t Signature /jnw (\ I" se For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY.