The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 28, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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V There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cut off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. a g"::- i ."v, *■; - _ • RTPANS tabmes Doctors find - V -'N,, A Good, Pres eription For mankind t Drn*gt*t*. Grocer*, Restaurant*. Saloon*. Newsstands, General Stores and Barbers “““k Pain, induce sleep, and proloaf life. 2®* fWe* rebel I No matter what’s the matter, eoe will y* ood. Ten Kunple. ud on. tkouud teati. I.*** *• tm rrcrimt mi wfc. *r* Co., uespinc. Hn.THt QW BUY A cHOM E 00!T PAYING RENT : We can sell you a nice two. story dwelling for less than $500.00. A small payment down and balance SIO.OO per month. BROBSTON, FENDIG & CO, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. OPEN AGAIN. e Tno. "Veiro.3sll wines, Liquor, .Cigars, Etc. Is now reads Tar bußinees, We will sell yon goods 10 ceat less in&n original cost. * i* i¥ro- n k o 5*6 0 !, IHR BKUMSWJCKITIMES-OALL. AUGUST 28. IDOO THE MILITARY TOO I May Turn Out on Labor Day; Speaking Will Probably be at Fair Grounds. Mayor Atkinson Has consented to issue a Lab: r day proclamation, and this will doubtless cause the business lion-es to close half tbo day at l-*pst. A committee celled on Osp f . Dune, of the R flemer, yesterday, and invited his company to participate This committee also went to the comtnrntf er of the Naval reserves wi ll the earns rtqoest, and all the dfioersof both oiganizations speke very favor ably . The matter will be brought before the company meetings during the present week. The general public sin cerely hopes that the military will assist in making the day one long to be remembered. A GOOD EX AMPLE. Brunewick Merohants Want to Run Free Excursion. Since the merchants of Waycroas starred free exoursionp, many of the other cities around here have been talking of following the good esampls A prominent, dry goods desl.r told a reporter yesterday thst he was hearti ly in favor of the pln and would die cuss it with others interested. The fact that the Magio City continues to give free r ; des shows that there is success in the sobeme. Woman’s Relief Corps, Chicago, HI., Aug. 27.—The Nations 1 Woman’s Relief Corps opened its eigh teentb annual convention here today In conjunction with the grand army en campment. Fully 5,000 delegates, out, of the 143,000 members, are presi nt. Tie delegates are the gues’s ot the lllim s department. A general reception will be held on tA'rdnesdny. EXCURSION MONDAY. Mir. day 'will be excursiio day wi h many of Brouswiok c.lortid people and it is safe to Bay that over half the population will be out of ibe ci ), A crowd will g: to S'. Augiutioe and another'big train I,ad to Albany I is istated Ibat a 1 irge , x u-sion will also com ■ here. Mr. Henry Hirsch baa re’urned from Savannah. Mr. C. Don Pa ker has returned from a visit to Asheville, N C. Tne Brunswick Knigh’s of Pythia* reached D-trcit Sunday. Th<*y will have a grand tim°. The Spiilpp tint] the Timing Forlc. A gentleman was recently watching some spiders, when it occurred to him to try what effect the sound of a tun ing fork would have upon them. lie suspected that they would take it for the buzzing of a fly. He selected a large, ugly spider that had been feast ing on flies for about two months. The spider was at one edge of its web. Sounding the fork, the man touched a thread at the other side and watched the result. Mr. Spider had the buzzing sound conveyed to him over his telephone wires, but how was iie to know on which particular wire it was travel ing? Me ran to the center of the web very ijuickly and f -li abound until lie touched tlie thread ugaim-i the other eh l. of will 1 fork ask undlug; then, irking am her t.hrt al ng. Just as a man wind 1 take :a c; a piece of rope, be ran out to the f nk ami ‘-.prang upon it. TANARUS! n ho reireatt and a IP tie way and 'leaked at i-■ ft.'. Me was puz tied. lie had i t< ’ to And n 111 zz Ing £ : y. Tien,, siren; e tc :.-y. lie got on tiie rmi. a e and and : . -i with do- Jtglit. Hvid idly 1 l/e si und wn music to him $5OO R- w re. Wc* •,vi 11 pav the above rewu*■! for any "u <■ of f/ver (.'oiujilain'. i). • prp-ia. si< k lie. •>'■>&! ■<■. IrwliK t on, < on>tn) tiinn or Co>;!*v —•- v.* ca: t cur** with lihoratM, the Up-to-D.Mc T.’if* Iver Pills. ivV'ii b <!fiw oi, I'H} Cotll|l,c .•••..!. u .) dir lIM if V"U* - 'table and never fail t - glv*- ‘•Jilififaci.ibn Tv bjxa < 'n’.ain pills, itPcxt-., contain -i -pills. Tic iioxesconCidn 15 pills. .; 4 - > -nr>- ro u • Btitutef and imitations, -a tby m ill, tHk#>n. vn-if-r. •. •*'• T •'(< , • . tow ami J irk-on *'* .< hie yo, 111, y< i ;tli by Brown Druir Cos. Urnnev. irk, wu ~ INfERPRETATION. ' 1 We long for a peace that is tasting, We plead for a rapture that’s rare. Like fishermen ceaselessly casting Their nets in the gulf of despair. We draw from deep waters of sorrow Dark wrecks of old failure and fear. And out of Rea silence wo borrow The storm that will never come near. Faith epeeds past the footsteps of duty And halts at the door of a tomb; T 1 louglit pierces the source of all beauty And returns unto dust—’tis the doom Of each man child to strive and to wonder, To p’an for some positive gain, An;l only find mysteries under All life, be it pleasure or pain. Lo, in realms of the mind there is treasure For toilers who dwell in content; There is truth that no science ran measure, And the fearless are never forspent; There is light when earth shadows are falling, There’s reward for the deeds that are done, Where envy crowned virtues are calling, “Through faith is thy victory wonl” —Charles W. Stevenson in Chicago Record. CAR FARES IN GERMANY. The Method of Collection nnd In spection Prevent. Free Hide.. The ehauees of evading fares ou the street cars of G-rman cities are very slight. When a passenger steps on a car, the conductor immediately asks where he is golhg and then prepares his ticket, which serves also as a re ceipt for the fare. The preparation of a ticket consists only in detaching It from a block and punching It or mark ing It with a pencil. This process involves much more work than the simple process of ring ing up the fares, as conductors do iu America, but the task is lightened by the fact that only a certain number of persons are permitted to ride on a car at the same time. The number of sit ting and standing places is plainly marked on each ear. If a car is de signed to carry SO persons, no more than 30 persons will be permitted on that ear at the same time. When any thing in Germany is forbidden, it is settled i nee for all. In order that every person who rides shall get the prescribed ticket inspect ors are employed who spend their time in ascertaining whether the conductors are doing their duty. These inspectors step into the cars and ask the passen gers for their tickets. They note the number of the tickets and whether they correspond with the stubs retained by the conductor. The clerk who gives out the blocks of tickets to the con ductors notes the number of the upper most ticket and at the return of each block collects from the conductor who returned it as many fares as there are tickets detached. The rate of fares varies from 2Vj cents to 5. according to the distance. Small children arc carried for one-half fare, and any one lor the sum of $2.50 may secure a ticket which entitles him to ride as much as he wishes for one month. When a ear is full, the con ductor displays a placard bearing the word “Occupied.”—Chicago Record. Nicknames of Krltlsli Reximcnti, The grenadier guards were nicknam ed “The Conlheavers” because they were at oae time allowed to work iu plain clothes at odd jobs for private employers. The Seventh foot were “The Elegant Extracts” because at one time all their officers “had been chosen from other corps.” The Forty-sixth owed their name of “The Lacedemonians" to their colonel's stirring speech ou the ancient Spartans. Like many other regiments, "The Gallant Fiftieth” re ceived several nicknames-“ The Blind Half Hundred,” frcui_their ophthalmic trembles in Egypt, and "The Dirty Half Hundred” because in their penin sular lights they wiped themselves with their black facings. The One Hun dredth regiment are “The Old Him dred” and “The Centipedes.” The Twenty-eighth were called “The Fore and Afts" because, standing back to back, they repelled a front and rear attack before Alexandria in 1801. The Cheshire regiment has been christened “The Lightning Conductors” because “in the Irish maneuvers of 1S0!> several men were struck by lightning during a night march.”—London News. Tlie Rlns-hnls. The ring-hal does not disdain an in sect diet. Beetles, grasshoppers, lo custs and termites are ail readily de voured. as well as ticks and bots pick ed from the hides of cattle. I have sometimes amused myself by watching the hold yet cautious and gentle ma'ti ner in which one of these ravens will approach a reclining ox and, after a preliminary course of soothing caress es, accompanied by a soft “cawing” note, insert ids head into the ear and dexterously extract the ticks. These birds always seem to have a good un derstaudiug with the older and more experienced oxen, who will, at a hint from one of them, lie down and place themselves in the most favorable posi tion for the extraction of their para sites.—Stark’s Birds of South Africa. tilt* Elian. An Irishman who was out of work went on beard a vessel that was in the harbor and asked the captain if he could liml him work on the ship. "Well,” said the <apiaiii, at the same time handing the Irishman a piece of rope, "if you can find three ends lo that rope you shat! have some work.” The Irishman got h Id of the rope and, show big it to the captain, said, “That's on • end, your honor.” Then lie took hold of tl . and, show ing It to the captain lief ore, said, “,\mi 1 i I* 1 . your 1 -nor.” Then, taking hold, of i,- iii "nils of the rope, he threw It over!: ami. "-nying. “And faith there's another end to It, your honor.” He w:. - imim dint ly <; -Lon don King. At the battle of .Hasting , A . 1000, the weapons being swords and battleaxes. 800 fell fatally w< m-.h-d out of every LOOO sohUers. Do ■) r- ■ ’.css r -marks. •* L'liol dg&iL tark. Don’t fret and stew all summer in a hot uncom fortable room- f ( >1 x What’s the use when we are sell- Jf ingfine AWNINGS^ at prices which suit even the most slender purses? An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes w th every article we sell. H. 111. MILLER <£ SON. • $1,000,000! This is the amount that Charles Broadway liotiss, of New York City, offered to have his eye sight restored. Mr. Rouss is paying thejpenalty of twenty years’ overwork and neglect of his eyes, pi obably neglect to provide himself with suitable glasses in the beginning. The right glasses would have prevented the strain of muscles and nerves that for want of the aid that they needed have at last given out. Is this not a warning to YOU who need your eyes attended to? Examination and consultation FREE ! Call now. KtKNON MOTT, Jeweler and Gi a dilate Optician. 21 ”> Newcastle Street, In-pector of Watches for Southern Railway. Time ty Wire daily from Washington NEWEST SHIP S; LATEST STYLES ef ffliilinery Goal M Mil AT E. EARLES, 203 Newcastle .■-t. Also a larg- assortment of children’s ha I .-and. bonnets, laces, zephyrs, worst ed’ lialr goods and switches made to order a specialty. Bloodworth &Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given nil nders. Drayage a spec ally. Phone 24-3. E S'. PUFFER k COMPANY, Ilay, Grain, and hro’, isions. '!-•> : r.t y. ,t, tie! t Bussell’s t'iiii! and 1 -ycr !oni<‘ is achniiv,), tjged to Te every bottle guaranteed, f or sale bv al! dnvvists. Money leaned on personal property and real estate. Ap* pt 10 U . y, . " i iu.i.j* Eld ft THOMAS’. l.iv iy, boarding and pule stshies . *; i1i1*....-*, , , *t,l b'l. Tel, 97. Newcastle St. Breakfast Foils for Hoi vitiker. Breakfast is the most im portant meal of the day to many business men. The day starts with it, ami if th'Ugs go wrong at break fast ibey are apt to go wrong ali day. Buy your breakfast foods here and you will be sure of a good me ,1 and a good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, IMtijolm’s Breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, 1 ANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street. "Confound Those Flies n Why don’t you kill them! j Daisy Fly Filled Attracts and Ltlij FLIES try the million. Lasts &U suquncfe •’*,j 16 CsFil'tSifi ( I.■ • I *■' < I a—(vlyun ( fvanty. Ail person-* bitvmA claims o:- demands the t s-t:c ■ of Ulaiioii Robin ;n, io ■a*i u, arc I'Ui-jiv iK '. Gie'i to present and filn tn-ui with in**. iTonnui v vcrllicd, as required by Ihav. TlhkJulv/7 i-.DtVi ; PROMS'] O', AdnßnVrator Estate Mm ion iPdiiiii-ou, 5