The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 28, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. MARY M’K&SH BURROUGHS, Editor. A OEM FOR EVERY MONTH. January— By her who in this month is bora No gem save (jarnets should be warn.; They will Insure her constancy, True friendship, and fidelity. February— The February born will find Sincerity and jeaco of mind, Freedom from passion and care, If they the Amethyst will wear. Jf arch— Who on this world of ours their oyes In Match first open, shall be wire, In days of petil firm and brave, And wear a lilosdstone to their grave. .-•April— -Bhe who from April dates her years Diamonds she wears, lest bitter tears For vain repentance flow; thisatone Emblem of innocence, is known. May- W ho first beholds the light of day in Spring’s sweet flowery month of May, And wears an Emerald all her life, Shall be a loved and happy wife. June— Who comes with aumraor to this earth, And owes to June her day of birth, With ring of Agate on her hand, Can health, wealth and long life command July— The glowing Ruby should adorn Those who in warm July are born; Thru they will bo exempt and free, From lovo’s doubts and anxiety. August- Wear a Sardonyx, or for the No conjugal felicity; The August horn w.tliout this atone, Tis said must live uuloved aud lone. September— A maiden born with autumn leaves Are rustling in September’s breeze A Sapphire on her brow should baud— 'Twill cure diseases of the mind. October— October’s child Is born for woe, And life’s vicissitudes must know, But lay an Opal on her breast, And hope will lull those woes to rest. November— Who Aral comes to this world below With drear November’s fog aud snow Should prize the Topaz’s amber hue— Emblem of friends and lover’s true. December— If cold December gave you birth-- The month of auow and ice and mirth-- 22 Place on your hand a Turquoise blue; : Success will bless whate'er you do.' —Selected. Mias F.orida Lmngtcn, of Fanny Bluff, was ilia aUrcctivs guest of friend, in Brunswick yesterday. Misses Mary Lilia Blanton, Mary McCullough and Leslie Butts will be among tbe graceful and charming de butantes of tbe ooiuing season. Mrs. Nortnan L. Shelverton and lit tle son, Master Page St.elverton, will leave shortly for the up country, where they will spend several w'eeka with friends, Mrs. John Duel llmger, of Fanoy Bluff, spent yesterday lu Brunswick, tbe guest of Mrs. John Hass, at her pretty home on K street bi ulrvard. Mrs. Jaok Livingston, of Bladen, •pent yeaterday with friends in Brunt wrick. Mrs, J. W. Way has returned from * pleasant visit to friends in Savan nah. Mrs. Carry Kaufman, who t as been Visiting Miss Fit ra Marks for some time, leaves for her borne in Fort Caines, Thursday, much to tbe regret of hermany friends. The many Mentis cf Mr.. M. r. Bean will regret to lea-ro that she is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs, L. J. Leary,on Howe street. Many Brunswick friends will be in terested in knowing that Mr. and Mrs A, J. McVeigh are at present making their home In Atlanta, where Mr. Mo- Veigb is interested in business, Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Blain and chil dren leave in a day or two for Maoon, where they will spend some time the guest of Col. and Mrs. W. A, Jetar, M ss Addie Paul has returned to her boms in Darien, after making many friends aud receiving a number of charming attentions the guest of Miss Mane DcVoe at her home oo Union street. Mrs. R. L. Branham, of Macon, was the guest of Mias Margaret Pylse, at her home at Pyles, Marsh, on Sun day . A telegram Sunday announced tbe arrival of Mr. anti Mrs. P. D. Moody in Boston, an item of interest to manytßrunswiok friends. Mrs, C. L. E liot apeat Suoday at Pylea Marsh, tbe guest oi her cousin. Miss Margaret Pyles. Misses Susie and Groerivs Ralston have returned to Brunswick, after a pleasant visit to St. 8 moo island, tbe guest of Mrs. W. S. Irvine and rela tives at the mills. Elizabeth Gertrude is tbs nams that has bsen given to tbed laty little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, E, Moore, at their home on George street. Miss May Mailard, of Savannah, is the guest of her uncle, Mr. Charles K-llam, at his pretty home on K street boulevard. The Ladies Aid Society, of tbe Bap list church, held an importaut meet ing yesterday afternoon, with many members present. There will be important meeting cl the Eastern Stai chapter at tbe Masonic ball this evening at e gbt c’oiock, at which every member is nques edto be preseuf. The BruobWiok H tleinen are looking Impatiently forward to the state tar get shoot, which comes utf in Savan nah on the third and fourth . Mem bers of the oompany who won .dis tinction at the sbuot in Wayoross a short time ago and wbu will repre sent the eompany in Savannah, ate Messrs. Luther Lamb, H-nry Pear Beautiful Line of Fruits We are now receiving daily ship ments of the finest California aud Nona Georgia mountain grown fruits, con sisting of; FANCY PEACHES, FINE PEARS, JAPAN PLUMS, DELAWARE GRAPES, CONCORD GRAPES, APPLES, BANANAS. This is strictly an American fruit stand, catering only to first class trade. Telephone or other orders will be promptly sent out, and satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Trial orders so licited. PiLficE if Siitii, Next door to Fleming & Waff’s. THE HKUxNSVYTCK TJMiS-CALL, AUGUST 28, 1900. •on. Colton Hoyt, J.H. Matthews and Frank Soarlett. It ia a subject of muob regret, that Mr. Pat of the finest ahota in the company,and one who woo the highest acorej in Wayorose, will be unable to leave Brunawick at that time, so there was a substitute put io his place. Since returning from Wayoross, such exo 1~ lent shots have been made by Messrs. Juliua Extrowitcb and Robert Pyles that they have elected to go as repre sentatives of the battalion. After speeding some tlnas io Way netvllle, North Carolina, Miss Lilia Hazlsburet Burroughs will visit S la bury, the guest of Miss Annie Wiley before returning home. Miss Mabel Cook has return.d home after a visit of several weeks to friends in Waycross, LOCAL 1 PERSONAL. The Judge diary will reopen shortly The Mallory steamer reached port yesterday evening. Mr. Henry Hirsch has returned from Savannah. Much interest is being manifested in the prize fight between Corbett and Mc- Coy Thursday night. The relun a will probably be received in this city that night. The naval reserves will meet in the r armory tonight, l ! There is an unusually small tleet of vessels in port at ptesent. Tbe steamer Emmeline carried a col ored excursion from Darien to Fernan dina yesterday. Mr. Edwin Cohen of 8a annah spent Sunday in the city. Capt. U. Dart is quite ill at his home on Reynolds street. Mr. W. B. Cosby, traveling represent ative of the Southern Railway, is in the city. Mr. Ed Cohen has returned from sev eral days visit lo Sayannah. Mr. Max Isaac returned yesterday from a pleasant trip to New York. FATALIIY FOLLOWS FAILURE t> use FOLEY’S tilDXfcY CUKE in time. If taken in eaiHer stages of Bright’s disease aud diabetee, it is certain cure. You have noticed the high death raiefioin these diseases, and .t is not wise to ignore early symptoms when a medicine like FOLFY’S KIDNEY CURE can he had W.J. Butts. BASE BALL SEASON OVER. Our Club Hs Won 15 and Lost 13 Games. With the Fernandma games in Sa vanaab last week, ended tbe season, as far as Brunswick is concerned. Although tbe team has not been a success financially, it has afforded the lovers of tbe sport much pleasure, and it is regretted that (hose at tbe head of it have cinie out behind. Since tbe reorgsnizitiou of ourclub, or, in other words, since the profess ional team was formed, they have played 28 games, winning 15 and los ing 13, as -the following tab e will show: Club. Played, Woo. Lost. Jacksonville 9 6 3 Atlanta 2 2 0 Farnandins 5 0 5 Qutcoy 2 11 Charleston 2 2 0 Selma 4 0 4 •Brvannab 33 0 Waycross 110 28 15 13 liiliousue:-s. souf stomach, consttpa- Hocd’z Piiim The lion-irritating cathartic. Fri\ 25 cents of all druggists or by mail oi C. j. LitA-U U Vtl., 1. -11, JudsS. ’ ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND rPofm-KUtet . There Is no kind of pain or ache, internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer .will •not relieve. (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB. .STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE [ BEARS THE NAME, i PERRY DAViS & SON. Advertised Letter List. The following is a list of letters re maiog in the posteffloe at Bruns wick, Gi , unclaimed, for the week ending Aug. 25, 1900. B-Mr. Lewis Brown, Ed Brown, R. J. Bryant, Miss Annie Blossoms, W. A. Ball, Mrs. Fred M. Baker, Rev. James Bass. C—Orange Cherry, Mrs. Helen L. Cook, Miss Mary Collin, 8. J, Chris tian. D—Miss Carris Davis, Mies Beatrice Deshobier, Mis. Jobnie Digers. G—Miss Mamie Lee Gipson. H—Rav. S. C. Hampton, Ross Hunt er, Tom Heyward, Silvester Hilliard, James Holmes J—Miss L. H. Jones, MiatCalia Jjhnson, Miss Sohlia Johnson. L—John MoCely Line, M—Robert MoCulla, Riohatd M)j sre. O—O. W, Owens. P- Monroe Proctor, Joshua Pile--, Archie Powels. R—Mrs. Eva Reimer, Charles Rob erts. S—Mrs, Laura Smons. U—Joe Union W—Miss Manny Worker, Hazel Wi liams, J. Williams, Henry Wil liams. Parties calling for any of tbe above will please say they were advertised and pay one cent for each letter claim ed. F Me. C. Bkown, P. M. TRY ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken into jour ehoeß. Your feet feel swollen, nervous aud hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It coots the feet atd makes walking tay. Cures swot len, sweating feet, i..growing nail- - , blisters and callous epote. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain, and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25 cents. Trial psfcuge free. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Lißoy, M. Y. FOR SALE—At a bargain, either cash or installment, the 7 room house on Stonewall, between Monk and Glou cester, known a3 the Brady or Harris place. Also the vacant lot corner of Lee and Gloucester, 100x125 feet. Geo. T. Bailey, Central Hotel. Mr. Alex. IpviDgston spent yester day in Brunswick, the guest (f friende. The wolf in the fable put on sheets clothing because if he traveled on his own reputation ho couldn’t accomplish his purpose. Counter feiters of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve couldn’t sell their worthless selves on their merits, so they put them in boxes and wrappers like De- Witt’s, Look out for them. Take only De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cures piles and all skin diseases. W. J. Butts. X . —- . ... . . - Fresh line of the beat hsmscaute found at DeVoe’s. LOST.—One compass watch obarm, on Gloucester street between Uoion and Oglethorpe streets. Finder will return to Gustave AndersoD, at office of Light and Water Cos. It Saved His Baßy. ‘• was teirlbly sick with tie diar rlicca; wc were unable to cure him with the doctor's assistance, and, as a last resort, we I tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Uo-.inuy,' say. Mr. J. rl. Doak, oi Wil liams, Ore. ”1 am happy to say it gave imme diate reiiel and a complete cure.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drag score. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping iCH ETURNS Regular ETURNS , EPORTED By Advertisers Who Dse These Columns. Quantity aid Jnully of Circulation gives Quantity ad Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both -■-—WE ALSO GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR :i\ ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. y ’ —— OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. The Times=Call, 209, 2091-2 and 211 F Street- NOTE. If you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you. That’s our business, and we only charge you for the space.