The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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SyiwFigs Ac/sF/easaiit/y axdfmmpf/y Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptable form the lucrative principles of plants An own to act most hene/icial/y. I TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. For sa/e by druggists - price 501 per bott/e. Nerves and Heart Are what do the work of life for the ho* man body. If they are strained yon falter; If they are hurt you suffer; if they get weak yon fail. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier ts the most valuable agency known for stimulating the Heart and Nervous Sys tem. This ia tme; over fifty years of us have established it beyond question. It repairs the tissue-waste of hard physical labor; It sustains the over* worked brain and develops the faculty of thought. It cures Malaria, Debility, Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, Insomnia, Poor Appetite. Malnutrition and Stomach Troubles, ana builds up the run down or exhausted ’ system. SOc and St a bottle, at druggists. ; the l)R. J. H. McLean ml , .1, MO aorwaa s W. J. BUTTS, The Druggist.’ Wall Paper —at the — PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W. H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. * JIB! miiilwiim Can bo found in onr display Trimmed hats, or quiokly developed in our work rooms from the large and beautiful assortment of Millinery Goods in our stook. Milliners of artistic tastes and deft fingers produce bats which equal in style and attractiveness many of the high prioed imported models. Our prices are not the least pleasing part of our offerings. HISS KATE SLATER. 504 GLOUCESTER ST., STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs al! kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Ba street. C.'?RS YOURSELF 1 I'v nis<J fi'r unnatural aipr.liargef.loliummutionß, jrnl ,ti.ns ur ulceration, c? inucouo ro era brinies. Painlns?, arn! not astrin gent or poisonous. hj BrngsMilt or sent In plain urappo; by express, prepaid, fci SI.OO, 0r.3 bottles, |2.75. Circular sont on .rcipucat KNIGHTS CONVENE Thousands of Pythians Are In Detroit. Deroit, Aug 27.—Tlie biennial con vention and encampment at the Knights of Pythias opened here today. Over 20,C00 Knights have attended. The encampment is situated on both sides of Grand Boulevard, and extends from Champlain street to the Detroit river and Mack avenue. New tents tor the use of the offle rs and Knights Royal have been made especially for this occasion, and 1 nd the White City a most attractive ap peal ance. There is a hospital staff on the grounds. The Knights are arranged together by states, the headquarters for Ind na be ing located nearest Champlain street, and the other states arranged to the nor h as follows: Kansaß, Illinois, Washington, Wis consin, Virginia, Nebraska, Maine,New Jersey, California, Georgia, Minnesota, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massa chussetts, Michigan, Ohio, New York, lowa, Texas, Pennsylvania, West Vir ginia, Missonri, Kentucky and Colo rado. The beadquaiters of Major General Carnahan are located on the west side of the Boulevard. The committee ar ranged for cots for sleeping purposes at. a rental of $1 per week Straw is not used this year. A big parade occurs on Tuesday, August 28, Major General Carnahan in command. Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. .T. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of kuife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all eases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kiduey and urinary coinplaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrn and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga Blessed is the mau who is unable to obtain credit-for bo will Lave ro debts to pay. It will sui prise you to experience tlie ben ell obtained by using, the dainty and famous littla pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers 1 W. J. Butts. Cheap Rates Via Southern Raiway. After Sunday, Sept. 2, Southern Railway will discontinue selling tickets to savannah at rate of SI.OO for the round u ip, that be ng the last S in lay this rate will be used. MACON* G A.-—Excursion. $2.50 for the round Ii ip. Tickets on sale morning of August 20, ■ linai limit August 31. CHICAGO. ILL. National Encampment i Grand Army Republic, $24 25 for the round tii<>. Tickets on side August 25 27, final limit i Sept. 3.1 L depositing tickets with joiut agent bifore Se.'t. 2, and on payment of fee oi 5e ceuis, an extension of dual limit may be I obtained until fcept 39. SWAN * AH, G A -Georgia State Guards En c nupm-nt lor Rifle rractiao. For rifle teams I in uniform, live or more on one ticket, one ) fare ior the • outlet trip. Tickets on sale Sept, 3. with linai limit Sent,9, RICHMONo, VA —One fare for the round trip, account Annual Convention National Baptist Association (colored). Tickets on sale Sept. 10-12, witli final limit Sept. 22, inclu sive. RICHMOND, VA.—Annual Convention Sover ereign Grand Lodge, Independent order dd Fellows, One fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale Sep . 15-17, final limit Sept. 25. MICON, Ga.—Street and Agricultural Fair. For Individuals,one fur© for the round trip. For military companies and brass bands in uniform, 20 or more on one ticket, $3.80 for the round trip. Tickets on sale Sept. 24-28, final limit Oct. 21. LOUISVILLE, KY.,~Annual convention col ored Oddfellows. One fare for round trip. Tickets on safe Sept. 29-30, and Oct. 1, final limit Oct. 9. ASHEVILLE, N. C.--Annual meeting Missis sippi Vallep Medical Association. One faro for round trip. Tickets on sale oct, 6-9, final limit UCt. 15. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Account of Nation Con vention of the Chr.stlan chnrch, tickets will he sold to Kansas City, Oct. 8-10, with final limit Oct. 23, at rate of one fare for the round trip, plus $4. For Diabetes use ! STUART’S GI N and BUCHU: Rnesell’s Chill .aud Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every nottle guaranteed, For sale by all druggists. IHE BRUNSWICK TIMES-UAi r, A CGI;ST 23, 19< 0. FELL FROM SECOND STORY. Lucy Ryals, Colored, Meats With > ' Ssrious Accoident. I.ucy Ryals, a colored damsel of the Acre, met with quite a seriou.a acci dent about 3:30 o'clock Si n lay mori - iog. Luop had been having must ton goed a time Satutday nigh-, and was somewhat intoxicated. She was tipi, a window of the second story briik building occupied by Pate H d*i>n, in tome way ehe fell out'on her head to 'hi s dewalk. S me bystrndets carried her over to the oily jail, where medioal aid was summoned. H-- head was bidty crushed nnd she re cetved several other serious injur es It was at first thought that she would not liye, but at last rep irts, she was getting along all right. HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Air. J. E Lilly, a prominent otnz-n ot Hannibal, Mo., lattly had a won derful deiiveruuce Irom a frightful death. In telling of i', be Bays : "1 was taken with typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs e -came hardened. I was eo week 1 ooulJnt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. 1 continued to use it, and now am well aod strong. 1 can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat aud lung trouble. K-guinr siz-s 50 cents and SI.OO. Trial b-tiles free, at sll drug stores; every bottle guaranteed. It seems rather queer that wash- women put out their tubs to catch soft water wbeD it rains hard. “Hanger is the Best Sauce,” Tot some people are never hungry. Whatever they eat has to be “forced down.’* Tliero is, of course something wrong with these people. By taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla a short time they are given an appetite and then they enjoy eating, and food nourishes them. tf you find your appetite failing, justtiy a bottle of Hood’s, it is a true stomach tonic, and every dose does good, .-g** Hie bcsWßimily cathartic is Hood’s Bills. Matty a man hss discovered that au thorship is a dacgercuship to embark in. For Whooping Cough. “Both my children were taken with whooping cough,” writes Mrs. O. E. DuttoD, of Diov’ll?, 11l “A small bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar gave such relief that I used a 50 cent bottle which saved me a doctor’s bill.” W. J. Bulta. DOES IT PA Y TO BUY CHAEP A. cheap remedy for coughs aDd coids is all right, hut you want some thing that wio believe and cure the n ost severe and dangerous results n throat and lurg trouble, What fbe do? Go to a wanner &nd moru regula climate? Yes, if possible; If rot po slble for you; then ie either cbbc tab the only remedy (hat bes been ictro lueed la ait civilived countries with success in sore throat and lungtroubles Boschee’a German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissues to destroy ths germ disease, but allays inflamatiou' and causes expectoration, gives a good I night’s rest and cures the patient Try one qottle Recommended manv years by all druggists In the world Sample bottles at W. J. Butt, rd Brown Drum. Go A lame shoulder is usually caused by rlieuma-1 tlsm of the musc cs, and may be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drugstore POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, bat both are mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the delicate machinery of your body calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King’s New Dife Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures headache, cio -Btipation. Only 25 c'nts, at all drug WANTED.. Artesiau welis to drive at $250 etch. Rise and capacity guarantaed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days, Call on or address A. H. Raker, 205 Gloucester street. Firest assortment of imporiot and domestic sardines, at DcVoe’s. HAST EXCURSION OF I'HE SEA SON.-$2.50 TO MACON ANI) RETURN. Oo Wednesday, August 29 b, (lie Southern ra'lvay will run au excur sion train from Brunswick to Maoou, leaving here at G :4Q a. tn., arriving at Macon at 1:15 p. tn. This will be the last excursion of the season, and with the extremely low rate of $2.50 for the round trip, it is expeottd that quite a number will take advantage of the op portunity to visit tbe Central City. Arrangements have been made for both white and oolorid people, and all who go may be assured of good accom modations and a comfortable trip. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine In the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of anendiclus, nervous prostration, bean failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the acuon of the liver, stimulate the act.on of toe ner vous and organic system, and that Is ail they took when feeling dull and bad with hoauache and other aches. Yoo only need a few doses of Green’s Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter wilh you Sswpic bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug O Should be Mi every household mete cinecbBst. It affords certain relief Any girl ought to be able to do up her hair sweetly by the aid of a honey comb. Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they are treacherous. That’s why all counterfeits o DetVitt’s Witch Iluzel Salve are dangeron They look like DeWitt’s, but instead of the all healing witch hazel, they all contain b gradi ents liable to irritate the skin and eat.;; j Hood poisoning. Po piles,injuiicsand skin diseases, use the original and genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. W.J. Units. Russell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every eottle guaranteed. ( For sale, by all druggists. S Cheap Rote, via P ant System. Richmond, Va.—Annual session Sovereign Grand l odge I. O. O. F., September 17-32, 1900. Tickets sold September 15, 16, 17, with final limit September 25, at rate of one fare round trip. j Detroit, Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights of Pythias, August 27 to September 1, 1900. Tickets to ba sold August 24, 25,26, with final limit Sep tember 5, at rate of one fare round trip. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. W KF.NN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts V.a he Plant Bystem. Tickets on sale June 1 to September 30, with return limit October 31,1900. Perfe t passenger service. Pullman sleepers on nil trains. Full information given on ap plication. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick. Ga. i B. W. WRENS, P. T. M., Savannah, Gu. BUY THE GENUINE > SMI? GF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. r ,\OTK T■ F KA M E 1 In India, the land of famine, thousands die because they cannot "Ltam food in America the laud of plenty, many suffer and die bee ail.-e { they ci’K.-l digest the food they eat. Kodoi j Dyspepsia Cure digests what voii eat. It in- 1 Bluntly relieves ami radically t i.cs all stomach / troub’os. W. J. Butts. A C/tarming fndiWi/dlity most welcome to the connoisseur— rich, dainty and sparkllngly brilliant “Ki*;- "all Bottled Beers.” Brewed from the &gk Canadian and Minnesota barley and the choicest imported Bohemian hops, tills beer is a nourishing drink of unequaled purity and excellence, Order from Brunswick Wholesale Wine and Liquor Cos. BtliMilA litTECTIVE A6I7Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil aud criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecv. L* H. LEI AW TVT st* r* ei etc* r L. J. Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents At the Same Old Place" 217 Newcastle St. You Will Find |VL Isaae, Hie Merchant Tailor, With anew and complete line’of Clothing and. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Specially selected to suit: alt class of trade SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. I just received a full line of the latest and most fash ionable Spring goods. My pants pat terns are the most stylish in the city. I can please all my customers In price, quality and workmanship. Give me an older fi r your spring But; aud pants. Satisfaction guaranteed. M ISAAC. The Merchant tailor. KIDNEY DISEASES are' the most fatal of all dis eases. £fli EV*O KIDNEY CURE is a iULI V 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $(.00. W J butts* the L’rug’g'ist ELI ZISSIMATO. 302a Newcastle St. fopn i1.... :.:. tei is CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ice ‘Cream fresh tmi Cav, Nilki Shake Coda Water' Etc,, All Kinds of Candy. K PARKER’S MR BALSAM Falla to ileslorc Gray to ita Youthful Color. , - Mandrill! an>l hnir lulling. Ice Cream. Soda Water, Milk (Shakes, Wine nf Cocoa —go ro— ELI ZISSiMAIO 3021 Newcastle St. v; YODR FACE i YpS? IS YOUR FORTUNE, L ifiML Throw a way Cosmetics* Wf&AKS American Women throw y* .*£/>'' aw ay aeveutv-llve million yX <l.di ars annually for fac * y) pow leis, lotioAg, etc., mo which arc mndo of pots mous substances and destroy the skin. To -ecuie a Natural, Rosy Healthy Complexion,Ret a VIRGIN RUBBER MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re moves pimples, freckles, blackheads, and all complexionul imperfections. Absolutely harmless. Results guaranteed. Write lor particulars. Price SB.OO by mail Gloves $2.(0 and **2,60. VIRGIN RUBBER CO., No West 14th St N. Y Brown Drug Cos,, Sole Agts. Brunswick, Ga. / a t KESSLERS Cor. Monk and Grant Sts OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Produce, —Vegetables- etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA Real Estate for Sale. We have lot number 170 on A street nine Jots on Wolf Street, for sale cheap B. H. Daniels &. Cos. 810 New oft rU bt Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itarti finally digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or j gans. It Is the latest discovered digest* j ant and tonic. No other preparation I can approach it in efficiency. It in* I staritly relieves and permanently cures : Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, | Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other resu Its of imperfect digestion. Preoared by e. C. DeWltt & Cos.. Chicago, j W J. Butts, the Druggist. B. J. ULEWINE, JOi c vies Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service r We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money- W ft. Sttibi’S COUEGE, LEXINGTON. KY.. Is wticre after Investing; from s6s to for been educated for positions as bookfffcejprs. Teleg raphers, and now receivefrom SpocKo *1,500 salary per year. Kentucky! I Diploma awarded his graduates. World’s l:xposltloivvfthd refers to thousand.s'M'tfit* Cessful graduates. this chenpoft 2nd most Influential Uil/thts out for reference, Read advert Yf,r partic ulars address onlv W. R. Smith. LcxTOgtifti. Ky. A LITTLE WHISKEY TALK When you want a r good bottle of whis key, two things should l>e considered— quality and price. I carry a full line of f Paul Jones, Fremont and Peerless whls | key, Imported Gin, California .Wines, and | he best of Mgh grade beer. Also Cigars, . Tobacco and Pipes, Call on rue when you need anytlilug ,in that line. LOEWENSTEiWT Monk and Oglethorpe Sts. 7