The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 29, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 12. Mi IS 118 111 Kinds of Rumors Gm From Pekin. t m mi WIRE MOBBED MBut There is No Doubt in Washington About the Rumors Being False. Washington, Aug. 28. —' The war de p&rtment of course does not believe the reports received of the recapture of Pekin, and that the allied forces were debated Several messages have been recrivvd from Pekin, none of which mentioned any threatening trouble, and a f large force of Chinese could not have gotten there without the allies learning of their presence several days before the a tack was to be made. It is certain that Gen- Chaffee, late as Thursday night,had no ocosi_n to believe that the Chinese assail 11 in force, and if Pekin had been retaken it must have been either Saturday or Sunday. The state department does not believe the St. Petersburg story, and they are in good position to discredit the same. Washington, Aug, 28. —The war and s a'e departments do not belieye the St. Petersburg leport of the disaster of allied forces at Pekin. Had several messages faom Pekin and none of them mentions the presence of Chinese fo. ces near Pekin. Washington, Aug. 28, —No confirma tion has be-n received hereof th 3 re ported massacre of the allied troops in the streets of Pekin. Aug 38 -As showing 'list Minister Conger is in clo-e touch wi h cable cnßtunicat’ons, Chas. E. has received a private cablegram under date of August 37th, from I'aku, sign and by Conger. This ia in response to a cablegram sent a few dajsago by Mr. Flint. TEN DISPATCH BOATS. John Chinaman Is Tapping the Wires. Washington, Aug. 28.—At a oabinst meeting held this afternoon it was de cided to pot tan dispatch boats on the line between Cbefoo and Shanghai, as I Chaffee has not received any dispatches I since the 14tb,‘which shows that the I land lines are being tapped by tbs I Chinese. I PYTHIANS BARBECUK. ■ Mieh., Ang. 28 —A feature lof the bsennial celebration of the IjCcigbta of Pythias will be a monster here tomorrow n ght. ■preparation's bays been oompleied to ■feed some 25,000 parsons. It will be e Regular Kentuoky affair, and a “down Bfiuth” oamp meeting will be given in Hpimeotion with It. GERMANY TURNS DOWN AMERICA’S SUGGESTION This Government Sent a Note Asking the Powers Whether or Not They Were Willing to Treat With Chang, Washington, Aug. 28.—Germany returned dissent to the circular note of this government requesting the powers to state their willingness to recognize Chang’s credentials to treat for peace on behalf of China, Are Holding Chang. Paris, Aug. 28.—Admiral Currejolls cables the council that all admir als have notified the foreign legations at Pekin that it has been decided to hold Chang on board of ship until the diplomats consent to open negotiations with the Chinese. The Empress Located. L/ondon, Aug. 28. The Chinese officials have informed the toreign consuls at Shanghai that the emperor and empress of Tuan haye arrived in the neighborhood of Tai Yuan Fu. AMRCHI3T PLOT. It is said They Were to Kill Victor Emanuel. Paris, Aug, 28.—A dispatch from Koine sta'es that several anarchists have been arrested there. Officers be lieve that there wa< a sobeme on foe to kill King Victor Emanuel. SULLIVAN BENEFIT. *■' JwS The Ex-Slugger Will Kake in Big Money. New York. Aug. 28.—A grand testi monial to John 1,. SulMvan, ex-champi on prize fighter, will be held at Madi son Square Garden tomorrow evening The affair promises to be the most elab ora'e of its kind ever held. Sporting men in all walks of life have interested themselves in it, and the idea of gaining for the big fellow a sum which will keep him in comfort for the remainder of his days seems likely to be realized. Among the prominent 1 oxers who will attend and appear in the ring are McGovern, Fitzsimmons, Gans, Corbett, McCoy, Choynski, McFadden, Sharkey, O’Brien. Erne, Iluhlin, Olcott, Maher O’Donell, Dixon and West. The wind up will be a three-round bout between John L. Sullivan and Jim Jeffries. A large house is assured. A TARGET PRACTICE. The Naval reserves held an interest ing target praetice yesterday after noon, and some very good scores were made. Seaman Waite lead the reat by a score of 48, and several ware close behind him . The Reserves are taking a great deal of intereat in target prac tice now. BRUNSWICK, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1900. I IB Hi 1 HI ER Cablegrams From China Are Hard to Get Through. London, August 28.—There is abso lutely no truth in the dispatches from Ohee Foo, August 34th, saying that it was rumored tb-ire “on good authority 'bat Russia, Germany and Japan have declared war on Ctiina, and had invi ted Great Britain and the Unitrd S area to retire from that oouniry.” Inqniriea made at St. Petersburg, Berlin aDd Tokio, enow that the report it discredited. Washington, August 26. Ctble in terruptions eomiuua to keep the gov ment bare in the nark as to wbat is Chios, and notwithstanding the moat urgent appeals to the cable official* and to our own offiners, messages are delayed. Tba emoate -a and > k 1■ u> here with the excepi i.,i. ot n . . .*• le gation, are faring no better tan te state department In the matter of news. Mr. Wu and Baron Speckvon sterburg both called at the State da % partmsnt in search of information. Wu said be bad not hsard a word from Li Hung Chang, or any member of the Chinese government, for gome days, and that he was entirely depend ent upon the State department and newspaper* for information. The condition of affairs at Amoy ia for tb* moment attraotmg the greatest shire of attention at the department, i’he United States consul at that point hss become very much alarmed at the rioting*, incendiary fires, and lastly at i he landing of a considerable’ foroe of Japanese marines. The officials don’ care to say whether or not he has joined any protest agaiDst tbs Japa nese action, if be hat done so, how ever, the government will aot on it only after mature deliberation. Overcome by Heat. Camden, N. J., Augaat 28.—Rev. George W, Gaea a prominent minis ter, was overcome by heat here this morning. The unfortunate nn oarrttd to a club hou e tie • i . i, ■ le i,And • xpired in a lew m lr. Leaving Amey, Washington, Augus 28.—A cable gram reoeived by State department from United States consul Johnson, at Amey, reported that many riob Chins men and Europeans era leaving that plaoe. Ordered to Manila, Washington, August 28.—Tha First U. S. cavalry arrived at Kobe this morning. It was ordered to Manila instead of China. WOLSEY TO RETIRE. Bad Health and Dissatisfaction the Cause- London, August 28.—Lord Woleey will surrender the chief in command of the English army next Novsmb-r, Bad health and general dissatisfaction at hie managenitnt are the oau-es. The dissalUfaotion grew out of new conditions prevailing in hie office as an outcome of the South Afrioan war, POLITICAL. BETS The Brunswick sports ara now llgur uring on the reault of the national election, and within the next fw week* many beta will be mads, Tbe average min oannot sfford to lay up hie money several months, and on this account few wagera have been made so far. but when the lime draws near there will be a great deal of money out op. The odds are against Bryan, and as the nisjorty of aports do not oi’e <o hot gaiu-t their favorite they " wst-ng to see whether or not e will get even. Th* general pinion bare ia that MoKinley will win, but many changes are likely to ooour between now and November. Bubonic Plague- Glasgow, Aug. 28. Father, mother and obild, members of a family who ware suffering from the buboolo plague, died today. Ten families liv ing in their neighborhood ware plgo> and under medioal observance. Cotton Kami. New York, Aug. 28.—September 8.64, October 63, Deoember- January 42. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Ml! NAMES Cleveland and Harrison on International Board. I VERY ABLE MEM The Two Ex-Presidents the Best Men He Could Have Named. Washington, Aug. 28.—Under the agreement reached by tbe Powers at Ihe Hague conference, President Mo. Kinlry today requested former Presl dents Clereland and Harrison to ao oept tbe appointment as members cl the international hoard of arbitrators, four members or wliioh are authorized to be appointed from each Lation. MK, L, R. AKIN HURT. Pell From a Poll Csr Yesterday After noon, The many friends of Mr. L. H. Akin, of Mt. Plaaeant, will rrgret to learn that he was painfully iojurod yesterday afternoon. Mr. Ak n was riding on the front of band car,when he discovered a large raUlernake in the middle of the track ahead. Fearing that the deadly reptile would get to his feet, which were hanging over the front of the oar. he made an effort lo move back ward and the lever of (be oar struck him and knocked him oil. Mr. Akin was brought to the city and medical aid was qirckly summoned. He was made comfortable at his room in tbe Oglethorpe, and, altbough be is not dangerously hurt, tua injuries are very painful, lira, lilair, llurford and Blan ton are atientlmg the injured man, Ha was acOompanied from the scene of the accident by Supervisor Hiokmao, of the Southern railway, and Messrs . John Rump and W. A. Millette. Tbe physicians asy Mr. Akin may be injured for life, but hia many friends hope not. NOT STRIKING. City Cloek is Not on a Strike; It Haa Slopped Striking. On Monday night it started to strike 10, hut with the third stroke a small -prlr g broke nnd silence haa reigned in tbs oity tower ever ainoe. Jawsler Kennon Mott, who hat oharge of the olock, says that it wilt be a week before the sound of tha bell will be heard again, a* he will bays to saad to the faotory for the spring. This, however, and >ea not. interfere with th* time part of tbe oloek, as H is run ning and keeping perfect time. WHY IT IS LATE. The large number of papers printed by the TiMKS-CALL-and the fact that only two pages could be printed at a run, tha paper has been late in getting to the homes of subscriber! since the consoli dation, but now four pages are printed at ouce and readers will not be worried on this line any more.