The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 29, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 m in Five Matches Will lie Shot Daring the Annual Shoot. Colonel Cann Issues a Cir cular For the Guidance of Teams. a circnlar letter in reference to the coming combine and rlflo competition for Georgia Stt Troops wan issued yesterday from the office of 001. George T. Cann, inspector general of rifle prac tice. The circular letter flxea the days and hours for the several matches. So far five matches hare been arrang ed for by 001. Cann, and It is scarcely probable that this number will be in creased. These ars the rg:mantal and som piny rifle contests, the carbine contest for teams of Are fr. m the cavalry troops the revolver match for teams of five men, and the individual rifle contest, to the winner of which the Charles Marks’ medal Is offered. Col, Gann’s circular is of interest to tl e military of the city and state, and to that la-ge section of the general pub lie who see in this state competition good promise of the time when inter state matches will be fought out at .Avondale. The circular is ss follows: Circular No. 2—ln pursuance to gen eral orders, No. 14, adjutaut general’s office, Georgia Mate Troops, Aug. 8, lt'OO, arrangements have been made by the inapector general or rifle practioa, for the state rifle and carbine competis lion at Savannah, September 3 and 4, as follows; 1 The railroads have granted for this occasion a rate of one faro for the round trip to five men or more traveling on one ticket in uniform. Tickets to be p’aced on sale August 30 and Sep tember 3, by the several railroads, good to return until September 9 Ticke's will be purchased at the above rate and troops will be refunded upon propernquisition in accordance wi h paraoraph three, general ordots, No. 14, tdjutaut office. . 2. Visiting troops will be quartered at the Chatham Artillery, Georgia State Troops, Armory, corner Bull and State street-, Savannah, at which armory cols wil bo furnished for t tailing troops. 3. Arrangements have been made for visiting troops to get itlieir meals at a :etaurant in Savannas at 23 oents per meal, breakfast and supper to be served on the range. 4. Str, et car railroad tickets for The Quakers Are Honest People. t l'he Quaker Herb Ton io is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood m aker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It arts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia \ W and lends strength and a % ’t tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate Kidney disease. Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach nnd INerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor tr ade all of his quick cures with. It's anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia. Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism. Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 60c. QUAKER WniTE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for . the cure of tetter, ecaema and eruptions of the •kin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY 'LL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PolLili'e* iDi-ug Store transportation ot troops from Savan nah to the rifle range at the rate of 10 cents for the round trip, must be pur chased at the Chatham Artiliery Arm ory; otherwise the cost of transports tiou will be 20 cents for the round trip 3. The oompany competitions will be shot on ffeptember 3. Regimental and cavalry match, September 4. Shoot ing will commence at 8 am., each day. The range will he closed for the hour at 1 p. m., for dinner. 6. Competitors, who make entry for any match, will be ruled out and will forfeit entrance fees if net on the range at the hour designated for the match. 7. The Charles Marks gold medal is offered for the b,st shot upon the to lowing conditions: The five men, without regard to team who make the highest aggregate of source in the company match will be allowed to contest by shooting at 200, 300, 500 and 000 yards. The officer or man making the highest score will be the winner of the medal, the medal to b held for one year. *t* 8. A revolver match will be open to t .sms of five men from any company, regiment, bat'aiion, troop, battery or and vision, distance 50 yaids, target 200 ,l A,” elipitical bullseye, 10 shots to each man, not less than three-pound trigger pull; ammunition, original, fur nished by the stats. 9. Commandants of detachments mu t notify restaurant keeper at least two hours before each meal as to the number of men hs expfeta thereat. 10. Commandants of detachments will notify the inspector general of rifle practice, .as soon us pract cable, tbs hour at which their detachment will reach Savannah. Geo. T. Cann, lusp. Gen. of Rifle Practice, GST The Remedy forStomaoh end Bowel Troubles “I have been in the drug business for twenty years, and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Pirrl>oea Remeey for all stomach and bowel troubles,” says O. W Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleas ant lorm. No family should be without it. I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store, The members of the Brunswick mili tary organ zitious are taking a great deal uf interest in the coming target shoot in Sivannah, and if the daily practices are o mtinuid, U.e local shuts will make it warm for sonieb dy. A Minister’s Good Work. “1 bad a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrheea Remedy, took two doses and was en tirely cured,” snys Rev. A. A. Tower, of Kmpo rift, Kan. “My neighbor across thestieetwas siek for over a week, had two or thiee bottles o medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1 went over to see him the next morning, He said his bowels were in a torribie fix, that they had been r,inning off so long that it w as almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Cham* berl.nin’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and he said, ’So.* I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, but he took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it the best medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. Tbs "Filoon” retimed from a trip up the Sitllla yaiterday. V B Conk in, Bdwersrille. O. says: “Ire c.dved more lenofli from r ot.hYKIDNEY CURS than from month, of tteatmtnt by phy sicians. ’’ Take no sotistftuie. W. J. butts. THE BKUjnsW ICK- TIMKS-CALL, AUGUST 29, UJO Pretty Children We have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bot tles of MOTHER’S FRIEND. If you had the pictures of our children, you could see at a glance that the last one is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking of them ail. My wife thinks Mother’s Friend is the greatest n and grandest remedy in the world for expect- i' ' ant mothers.”— VSili Written by a Ken- pT 'sr*S'ssril tuckyAttorney-at -Law. uro's^wT" M prevents nine-tenths of the suffering incident to child birth. The coming mother’s disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal, because this relax ing, penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress. 'A good-natured mother is pretty sure to have a good-natured child. The patient is kept in a strong, healthy condition, which the child also inherits, Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II assists in her rapid recovery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery. Sold by druggists for $1 a bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO* ATLANTA, GA. Send for our free illustrated book written expressly for expectant mothers. IN A SHORT TIME NOW. Expert Will Arrive to Examine the Books of Treurer Harvey. A letter from the guarantee company says that the matter of Brunswick’s shortage has been referred to the Macon office, and it is probable that an expert will arrive within the next lew days Mr. X. D. Russell, who has been em ployed by the city for the past several years to examine the treasurer’s books, marked the same all right on May 1, end as Mr. Russell is one of the best book keepers in the state, a great v&wFj of Mr. Harvey’s friends think that the ex pert will find them the same way. Millions Given Away. It it certainly gratifying to tte pub lic to know of one concern in tie land who are not tfraid to be generous to the needy and sufferlrg, The proprie tors of Dr. K'ng's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs end Colds, have given away over ;en trillion trial bot tles of this great medicine; anj have the saii-fdction ot knowing it b&s ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless aasss. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness, and ail diseases of the Throat, Oh-st ard Lungs, are surely cored by It. Call on ell druggists and grt a fres trial bottle. Regular size 50ots and sl. Every bottle guaranteed, or money refunded. Tbe labor union lias established h'ai'quarters over Mr. Thos. Keanj’s gancery store. It you wish to cure scrsfula or salt rhc'um permanently, take ltood’a Sarsaparilla. It ex pels all impurities from the blood. Tbe lack of energy you feel tbe backache and a run down condition generally, all mean kin• ej disorder. Koiey’a Kidney (Jure will restore your etreigth and vigor by El kitg the kidoeya well. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. A dry goodß clerk defines a counter irritant as a woman who insists upon examining tbe entire stock, and does not buy anything. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Uaacarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the laay liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casoarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c,50c. It’s a doctor’* business to study health. Doctors confidently recom mend HARPER Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN. Brunswick, Ga . WANTED. — A lew boarj-rs. Ap ply at tijg siune scree,. BIG G. A. B. PARADE. The Largest Ever been in the While City. Chicago, 111, Aug. 28. —The largest parade that Chicago has ever known, and probably the last grand review ot the veterans of the civil war, was that of the Grand Army of the Repub ic demonstration held here today. Fully 50,0000 men were in line, and ihe parade took nearly six hours to pass a given point. Col. Joseph H. Wood was chief marshal. Formation was made on the lake front, and the parade passed through the Court of Honor on Michigan ave nue, then on through the city to Twelfth street, where it disbanded. The column was formed by state commanderies, Wisconsin leading off, and Illinois closing the 1 ins. President McKinley, with other noted guests, reviewed the parade from a stand erected in the Court of Honor, near the Auditorium hotel Enormoue crowds witnessed the event Brave Men Fall Viotims to stomsob, liver and kid ney troubles, as well as women, and all feel the result! to loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, baokacb-, ner vousness, beadachp, and tired, li.-t ess, run-down fetling. But!tn reL nt need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, I lav.lie, Ind. Hs ssys: “Electric Bitttrs are just the thing for a man when be is all run dowr, and don’t care whether be lives or die*. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than any thing 1 could take. I can now eat any thing, and have anew lease on lift.” Only 600 ti., at all drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. A'woman snys'tbe rain is too fsmil iar when it begins to patter on the \ The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day, and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles, Keep your bow els regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punishmen inflicted uj on you. Price, 25 cents. ForsaD by Bishop’s drug store Many oaves are being filed at Judge Lambrighl’s court, and the next term w 11 be an interesting: ore. What most reople want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets fill tt( hi to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in iffect. For sale by Bishop’s drag store. Kathbone It dg-*, Knights of Pytl ii , rn6f in their hall, over the National bank, laat n : ght. Cancer ie-is the blood is polluted and the system thoroughly con taminated by this deadly virulent poison. Then a sore or ulcer appears on some part of the body; it may be small and harmless looking at first, but as the can cerous cells form and are deposited by the blood near the sore, it increases in size and severity, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often the sore is removed by the surgeon’s knife or flesh destroying plasters, another comes and is worse. The real disease is in the blood, and the treatment must begin there. The poisoned blocd must be invigorated and purified, and when this is done cancerous cells can no longer form and the sore will heal naturally and permanently. Mrs. Sarah M. Keesling, -n'lftTPPHllgtu 041 Windsor Ave., Bristol, jßgfcET/ Tenn.. writes: “I am 41 years old, and for three Tk jga years had suffered with a SB sever* form of Cancer on Wt my jaw, which the doctor* WM IftY said was incurable, and 'JJ that I could not live more O'- “k^ than six months. I accept- ~ ed their statement a* true, f K&sßEgl&Zf and had given up all hope V *8- MA/ of ever being well again, when Tnv druggist, k now ingofmvcondition.reeom mended S.S.S. After tak- 0 ing a few bottles the sore began to heal, to the surprise of the physicians, ana in a short time made a complete cure. I have gained in flesh, my appetite is splendid, sleep is refreshing—in fact, am enjoying perfect health.” overcomes this de structive poison and removes every vestige klof it from the system, makes new, rich blood, strengthens the body and builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or have in herited any blood taint, send for our free book on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any information or advice wanted ; wc make no charge for this ser vice. Your letter will receive prompt ard careful attention, and will be held in Strictest confidence. ' JHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. The Kind You Have Always Sought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne ihe signature of _/p and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. WJZTTy, J-cOtC&i-V. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ali Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jtist-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Ciiildren—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Crops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narsotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. 11 relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yp Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 7T MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. A High-Grade Institution CUfIDTCD PAI I CPC ROME, for LADIES. OllUll I Ell UULLCUCj GEORGIA. 111 ■ii ■ iii ■■ l Situation beautiful. Climate delightful and Invigorating. Health record. 4 unparalleled Home comforts, careful supervision. Young girls received. All .A live with the faculty in the college. Building* worth $160,000. Equipment 1 i *. excellent, well appointed laboratories, good gymnasium, etc. Faculty, large, • jS . and composed of aide and experienced professors. Courat’M extensive and I •fa jELj-vkfcS./ '*■ -mt A thorough, in line with those given in the leading universities. A large Endow- | f JZK (wRAiTMySLfgBmSrP ■fasi meat, ensuring students superlative advantages at moderate cost. The Trustees , grant a number of scholarships to deserving young ladies. Art and Elocut ion , I nhnffififfil departments ably conducted. Mu*ic Faculty unsurpassed in America; musical ' ■i.ggfi Stondsl VA-Vi-l-1 ilulPSSjn’fiij equipment excellent. A PRIZE PIANO (gift of a generous friend of* BtMff! Sgj l **■, ill *-TiHC'|j I nkg&llHBB education), to lie awarded for the best work. This is a t wo-thouniiiid-dollar i IlHlVtsV Ihtvlh I'luno—perhaps the grandest musical prize ever offered i i ll ai| y college in the world During the past term all space was filled. Young , 1 lafies would do well to make early application for admission in September. Li, ■■— -■■ Write President Simmons for a catalogue, which will be sent free, postpaid. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. READ DOWN READ Up “ no. sr so,ss. rime iab e g o Passenger Mixed ! NO. 35 ) Passenger i Mixed j Effective Sunday, Daily Daii*. ”]!! Daily. Daily. May 2712:01 am 94* pm.. 10 39 pm... Iv Wayeross ar 7 45pn.. 6 45am i2 4i pm... 2 Guam.. Iv Tiftton ar 5 10pm. 2 (Mian... | 9 00pm 8 (Oax— ar Tampa lv 7 30aui 7 05pir V.A WAY CROSS & MUiNimUElti’. ~ I 7 15 an... I 5 00pm — lv Brunswick nr 11 30 am... 30 15 am .. .... .. 12 2)|Di.. j 2 30 am... ar Louisville lv 9 I2pm. 255 am | 4 05pm ...I 705 am... ar Cincinnati lv 545 pm.. 11 00 pm | 7 16pm ... |7 20 am... ar Bt. Leu is lv 828 am. 855 pm.-. VIA SAVANNAH'AND CHARLESTON. 3rl am.. 725 pm.. Ar Richmond Lv 648 pm jOS am .. x2) am.. IIS am.. Ar Balti \ ore Lv 146 pm 255 a'>jflr Direct connection made ai Wavcross with ihroufru Fullman Sleeping Cara fi Savannah Char' ■'•st '•i. an i -'Tf points North; aNo fo Montgomery, Birmingham. Nashville, Bt. Louis ad all points W esl. •< nit -jiiairc W'.- .yrcc ttnrt Montgomery ■> Thom, -rillc. Between Pott Tampa, Key West and Havana, GOING. | RETURNING. Lv Tort Tampa 10 0o pm Mon. Thors. Sat. I Lv Havana 2 30 pm Mon. Wed. and Sat Ar Key West 3 0 = pm Tues. Fri. Sun | Ar Key West 9 00 pm Mon. Wed. and sat Lv Key West 0- pm Tues. Fri. Sunday ILv Key Weft 10 0- p. m. Mon. W and. and S t Ar Havana 6 00 am Wed. Sat Mon | Ar Port l'ampu 2 30 am Tues. Thur. and Sun.. S. R. KNOTT, Vice President. Savannah,Ga. W.B. DENHAM, GLO. vv . dOAIKx *>. \v. ’"Pynk General Supt Division Pass. Agent. Pass. Traffic Mgi savannah, Ga Brunswick. ... Savannah .(ft* Sioodworth Clones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. PEIFFER k COMPANY, Hay, Grain, and Provisions. Bar near Minefield sc. mm SHAPES; LATEST STILES of Millinery Goods, Jest Keceived AT E. EARLES, 203 Newcastle St. Also a large assortment of clulfiren’s ha tsand bonnets, laces, zephviayofrt,- ed’ hair goods and switches made V I order a specialty. | SCURE YOURSELF! Use Big for unnatural discharges, Inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. Painless, and not astridtf| 0 geut or poisonous. 9M 3 & *'-2 Draffßlstflf ■ cr sent in plain wrappeJß '*% 4 Circular gunt vu’re^wajl