The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 30, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 13. 118 11 1 11 iff B;i, Hitet's Slayer, Gels a Lift Sentence. mm BY SOLDIERS Many Turned Out to See the Famous Murderer Verdict Wildly Cheered. Milan, Aug. 29.—Gaetano Bresci was found guilty and sentenced to life im prisonmeut today for the assasslna'ion of King Humbert. Eleven witnesses for the prosecution and five for the de fense were called. The crowd cheered wiHly when the verdict was announced. An immense crowd gathered about the court early this morning, although the hearing began at 9 o’clock. Bresei sat in the dock calm and almost indiffer ent. His counsel, Signor Merlino, made a request on va ious grounds for an adjournment, which was refused. It is said that Bresei wrote the judges he w aid not reply to inter,' ogatories. So - fliers and gendarmes were plentifully (fc. ttered about the court room, The prisoner was brought in heavily ironed and escorted by a squad of soldiers. MOKE ANAKCMSIS ARRUSTKD. Rome, Aug. 29.—A number of ana'ch ists, one of whom is named Antonio Teprato, were arrested today in Garraro wineshop, and in Teprato’s possession was found orders from one ot the Amci loan branches of the Internationa! broth erhood giving direc.ions as to “The King” A revolver, two poignarde and a-bottie of oi'y fluid were found in his portmanteau. The prisoner managed to chew up and swallow paper which the police tried in vain to recover. TO SETTLE ALASKA CLAIMS. Victoria, B. C., Aug. 29.--Court op ened in Allin today to settle disputes I )ter mining claims there and i the re- Porcuptne district. Judge Martin,who was recently selected by the Vntoria government and ve ted with extraordi nary powers on settlement, will sit on the cases, The court is xpected to clear up many questions which have threaten, ed international complications. MANUFACTURERS’ MEET. Montreal, Can., Aug. 19 —The Ca nadian Manufacturers’ Association opened I’s big convention In this city this morning Large numoers ol the representative business men of the provinces are present. Tomorrow ev ening the convention will be closed with a banquet. TAAE SUMMER PALACE. Pekin, Aug. 29.-The J.p.nese troops took the summer palace today. The Winter Palace ie -tili cloaely guarded. The K .tsiane wish to des troy and the Japanese to save it. Ibe southward m x'.ni-nt was bfgoo to day. s nun <d in- iro p 9 wl. re-ram hereto , rote i ti' RUSSIA SAYS THE TASK OF THE ALLIES IS OVER A Dispatch From St. Petersburg Says the Czar's Government Will Soon Make This Declaration. London, Aug. 26. —A special dispatch from St. Petersburg contains a remarkable assertion that Russia will almost immediately notify the powers that she considers the relief ot the Pekin delegations as the final accomplishment of the military task of the allied forces. A Cabinet Conference. "Washington, Aug. 29. —A special cabinet conference on the Chinese situation was held today. Coming so close on the regular cabinet meet ing of yesterday it gives rise to expectations of important developments, Some Anxiety. "Washington, Aug. 29.—" While the story of the defeat ot the allies in Pekin is dicredited, both Washington and London adyices from the China capital indicate that the international forces were six days ago about to make a southward movement, which, until the arrival of de tails or explanations may give rise to some anxiety. Chaffee is reported to be preparing to maintain 15,000 men all winter. FROM LORD ROBERTS. His Daily English Report the Boer War. London, Aug. 29. Roberts reports under date of Beldfsst, August 28, as follows: “Bujiar advanced and occu pied 'Maoh&didorpb. This afternoon tbe enemy made a very poor stand and retired northward fo'lowed by Dun- Donalds mounted troops who ouuld not proceed beyou-J Helvetia, on ao oount of and Hi -u 11 nature of the grounds and because the enemy took a position too strong, dislodged tbe mounted troops. GERMAN TROOPS FOK CHINA. Cologne, Germany, Aug. 81.—The embarbation of the German East Asian army brigade began today. Oyer 7,000 men will be transported, This work must be accomplished within eight days The yassets of the North German Lloyd and the Hamburg-American lines are doing the transporting. Vast quanti ties of supplies and (war materials will also be forwarded. HE LEFT TOWN. It is said that T. Borokoff, who has been conducting a clothes cleaning establishment on Bay street, baa taken a rather sodden leave, and a number of creditors are very gorry (bout bis depar are. NEW POSTMASTERS, Washington, August 28,- John Buchanan has been commissioned postmaster at Lassie, Fla., and William P. El vai s h.s tinea commissioned p .-sttn-.-"e? •* Wit* acocchi", Fis. BRUNSWICK, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 30, 1900. jA BATCH OF CHINESE NEWS | Reports From the Scene of Trouble Tell of No Fighting. l’arif, August 29.—Communications are being exchanged natively between Paris, Berlin and St. Petersburg, sub ject of which is not disclosed. London, August 29.—Chinese min ister here says Chang is still in Shanghai, he baring reoaived a dispatch from him there dated August 28th. Paris, August 29.—Autboritia continue to repress disorders in tbe Szeobum district, BerliD, Aug. 29. According to a WILL NOT PARADE. The Riflemen Decide Not to Partioi ptte is The Labor Celebration. The Brunswick R fl-men, at Ifceir mating last night, dec ded not to par tic pate in the Labor day oeiebration on Monday. The fact that several of their mem bers will be in Savannah to attend the target shoot on that day, and aa all of the members cannot get off to partici pate, it was thought beat (or the com pany not to take part in the parade. The company voted on the motion, and it was carried by a unanimous y ¥>!* to cl.c’ir-e U.o ■rv * t ' ■ h 9 ?J k - . dispatch received today - ' from Tien, the .Japanese foroet are under att . and to bs on their way from Taku to Pao Ting Fu, with thd direct object of occupying that city. A CONVOY ARIUVKS. Berlin, Aug. 29.—The G*rman vice admiral at Taku reports tbs arrival at Pekin, on August 22nd, of a Gorman oonvoy with provisions, Ths railroad from Tien Tain to Yang Tsun is work ing, but from the latter place to Pekin tbe road is in bad condition. PRIZE DRILL AND DANCE. The Riflemen Will Give One on Sep tember 12. h Tha Brunswick Riflemen droided at their meeting last night to give one of I their old time prize drills rnd danoes oo September 12th . Tbe Riflemen used to give these en tainmente monthly, but they were suspended on account of the bol weather, and. It is thonght after this one it given, they will give tbe young folks a go"d **•> eh fleet AVedpusday igt t ir (Very month ourn g be ?. la id. GRAND ARMY MEETING Mayor Carter Harrison Welcomes to ths big City. Chiorgo, II:., Aug 29 - The general business meetings of the thirty-fourth encampment of the Grand Army of the R'public were held today. The veterans sere welcomed by Mayor Harrison in a short speech, to which a response was made by Cotmnander in-Chief Stisw. The Department of lliinoise, through its commander, J. M. Longeneoer, then formally wel comed tbe visiting poets, and tbe busi ness of tbe meetmg was opened. Very little outside of routine matters was oonaidered, SEAGIRT SHOUT. Tha Rifle Contest is Now on There. Seagirt, K. J., Aug. 81.—The Inter state rifle oonteat, to oontinua until September 9, opened here todey, There lea large repreeentation, oraok merkemen being present from nearly every state in the Union. Tbe lillton tropfaoy match bae attraetrd much interest in tbe National Guard, and among those States to oompete are New York, New Jersey, Masseohu setts, I)ic r,oi of Columbia, Minneeotu and Tennessee. BFO MEETING TONIGHT. The white labor union will bold a, mammoth meeting at their hall over Newman’s tonight, and as very iw/ portant business w’ll come up for oia>- possl, ad ai mb r are urged to be prs-pii’. PRICE FIVE CENTS. fill 811 I Mil Emperor William Must Bo Diplomatic. JAPAN MID RUSSIA WAKUD These Two Nations Are Suspected of Seeking to Partition the Chinese Empire. London, Aug. 29 - The aUies, resum ing aggressive operations, have taken the district west of Pekin. This state ment, based on Chinese, authority, la cabled from Shanghai. From the snmo place comes the further statement that Li Hung Chang has wired the empress dowager at Hsian Fu requesting the ar rest of Prluce Tuan and the disarma ment of the boxers, in order to give him an opening for oegitmilons with the powers. The illuminations projected at Shang hai in ce'ebration of the relief of Pekin haye been abandoned, lest they should cause a native outbreak, “Evidence has been received bore,’’ eay the Shanghai correspondent of the Standard, “going to show that General Yung Lu was the real author of the anti foreign outbreak, the empress dowager, Prince Tuan and the others haring been persuaded by him to take an extreme attitude, while he stood astdo and await* ed developments.” The American refugee missionaries in Amoy, according to the Hong Kong correspondent of the Daily Mail, are anxious to return to the interior, but the United States consul has forbidden them to do so, and urges them to go to the Philippines or America. Shanghai advices to the Daily News says that consular opinion there looks up jii -Japanese action in the landing of troops at Amoy despite the protests of the consuls as similar to that of Russia a'. New Chang, the while indicating a tendency to partition the empire. “Russian journals agree,’’says the Moscow correspondent if tbs Standard “that it is impossible to deal with China in the spirit of revenge, as suggested by Emperor Wil iam. They Relieve that methods lata drastis oan belter accomplish the end* of Rusiia in Manchuria. The question would be satisfactorily settled to Russian mind* by the se xure of the aorthern prov inces.” MARKETS BK TELEGRAPGH. NEW YORK COTTON. Now York, Aug. J.-The following table ebows the range in prices of cottou for the dif ferent mouths: Open. High. Low. Close August 9 OS ill! 9 07 Hull October 8 49 8 51 8 4S 8 48 December.. 8 40 8 43 8 37 8 37 .January 8 40 4 u 8 37 8 39 PRODUCE MARKET New York. *ig. 29.—The leading futures ranged as follows in the New York Produce Exchange today: Wheat, No. 2.—Open. High. Low. (dose Sept 79 3-4 SO 8 3 79 1-2 80 S-8 Dec 81 '-S 82 3-8 811-2 82 38 Cos? n. No. 2 Kept 45 l* y iZ 44 3-1 L'C-8 Let. i. -s •. V -8 11.3-ti