The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 05, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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At last Jimmy Miolsael is happy. At Woodside Park, Philadelphia, on Sat larday, he defeated Jobume Ne’eon the new ‘ phenom” in a twenty-five mile paoed race. He was about a quarter of a lap to the good at the finish. IneS dentallT he smashed the world's re cord made by Nelson two weeks ago. At that time Nelson made the diatanc; in 39 minutes and 16 second*. Bob Fitzsimmons Is going back t> the "stoige.” He will open in Phila delph.a in "The Honest Blacksmith" about the last week in October. His wif j , Rose Julian, w.ll support him, and he will have as sparring partner either Turn Shirker or the Akron G ant, Qua Ruhlin. Hart Boswell, one ol the m)i widely fcoown racing usn of the world, died Saturday in Lexington, Mr. Boswell it was. who ored the famous Nancy Hanks, 2:04. This great barns** racer * was the wonder of her uay and surged a craze for things Nancy Hanks. Ev ery conceivable article from a tooth a grand piano was named for her ana her nthae went around the world. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. Mr. W. A. Hines, of Manchester, is,, writing of his almost mir&eulou* escape from death, says: “Exposure after measles induoed serious lung fe tublo, which ended in Consumption. ■ had frequent hemorrhages, and and day. All my doc- said I in-r soon die. Then I be gan to use Dr. King’s New Discovery | for Consumption, which completely oared me I would not be without it ‘even if it cost 16.00 a bottle, Hon- used it on my recommenda tion, and all say it never falls to cure Cbeet and Lung troubles.” Regular size 50ots. and Trial holt lea free, at all drug stores, NOTICE. The sale of the personal property of the estate of Marion Robinson will be ■continued today, at the store next to the Brunswick BDk & Trust Cos., be ginning at 10 o’clook A floe oppor tunity to secure bargains in white goods, field glasses, dry goods, wear ing apparel, and other useful and valuable articles. The emergency hags sent by a church aociety to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines contained among the necessities a box of DeVV itt's Witch Hazel Salve, the well known cure for piles, in* and skin diseases. The ladies took care to obtain tne original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel . Salve. knowing that all the counterfeits are Mfe|hlesB. W. J. Butts. ■ k'THKRN VETERANS M EKT. Hv'jnctiard, low*. 3*pt. 4.—Tne *'■ Dual meeting of tba Veteran*’Assocu tioc of Northwest Miaaouri and Soutb ' west lowa, i beirg held here today old veteran* ara out in foroe, and profit*ola maatiog ia asaartd. r iM# ieaaiona will eaotfnue for three day*. N Relief f*r Twenty Tear*. •*1 n*d bronehiti* for twenty year*," laid Mr* Minerva Smith of Danville, lll., “and at time* have been bed fait. I oarer go, relief until bad taken Foley’* Honey and Tar. It 1* plea ant and giro* quick relief, and l* a sure cure tor throat and lnng disease*." Tke nothing lserAk. 8. Butt*. "Mr. W. E. Hixon, of Lumber City, epant yesterday In the city, 0 Large sun spots, astronomers say, cauaod the extreme l>c*t this rammer, and doctors declare nearly all the prostrations were induced by dis order* of the stomach. Good heallh follows good digestion. Kodol I'yspepsia Core digest-, what yon eat. If you have Indigestion or dys pepsia it will quickly relieve and permanently cure you. W. J. Butt*. Russell’s Chill and Feyer sTonfe is acknowledged to be Wise Best on the market, levery; bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. GALA WEEK. Captain Newman Is Quietly Doing Some Good Work. Capt. T. Newman told a reporter yes terday that work had already s arted on gala week and that he expected a big success. Members of the cl y council havej been aeea tnd they say that they wil give the Fair Asioclatiou the privi leges of the atresia and assist the gala movement In evsrv way possible. There is no doubt that the manag ers of the last fair made a mistake by having it In the summer, and as auth orities on such things say that Novem ber is the best month of the year for anything in the fair line, it Is believed that the gala week and the race most will p.-ove the most successful under taking of the kind Brunswick has ever had. Mr. Newman anti the Fair Afsooia tion ask for the co-operation of the public in this matter and the request should call for united action on the pail of tke people. Cured of Ohronio Diarrhoea After 30 Years of Suffering. “If suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea ami thought I was past being cured," says Johns.Halloway, of French Camp, Miss. “I had spun ac much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up allfhopes of recov ery . I was so feeble from tbo effects of the diar rhoea that I could do no kind of laborc mid not even travel, but by accident I was per nltted to And a bottle of Chamberlain’s Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking sev eral hottles I am entirely cAred of that trou ble. lam so pleased with the remit that I am anxious that it be in reach of ail who suffer as I have.” For sale by Bishop’s drug store. AT THE OGLETHORPE. W. H, Marie, Canton, O.; C. P. Ma lette, Mt, Pida-fflff^ r . E. llixon, Lum ber City; E. A. Everett, Atlanta; W. B. Foster, Macon; J. J. Whidden, Macon; A. Rothgreser, New York; Thomas D. Weld, Atlanta; K. K. Knox, Darien; J, E. Myaiek, Savannah; J. 3. Harrison, Savannah; Edwin A. Cohen, Savannah; E. F, Thomas, Baltimore; 11. H. Cheat ham, Detroit; L. L, Randolph, Phlla dei, , v W.O. Bull, Albany; O. W. Rinoh, Macon: A. H. Robinson, Ma con; J. J. LoWfy, Atlanta; John W. Bennett, Weycross; E. J. McKee, Val dosta; W. S- Fender, Valdosta; S. F, Floyd, Waycross- If you eat without appetite, you need l’rickly Ash Bitters. It prompt ly r<g>oves impurities that olog and impede the action of the dlgeative or gana, creates good appetits and diges tion, strength of body and nativity of brain. W. 3. Butts. THE STATE ELECTION. The Slate Democratic Executive committee will meet in a few days and arrange for the holding of the eleotion. The demccrata of Glynn county are fully alive to the importance of a full vote, and the inflieaoe it will bavs not only in this State, bnt in every other State in the Union. The State ticket wbioh is to he voted this year will be the longest in the history of eleotions in this State. BUY THE GENUINE' SYRUP OF FIGS MAITOTACTUHZD 8Y... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. nr WOTX THE SAME. KANSAS STATE FAIR. Wichita, Kang, Sept.4.—The annua! State fair opened here today. It is the largest fair evsr bald in the State. The wheat, oat and eorn exhibits art the largest and best yet put forward, and are causing much favorable oomment. The fair remains open four days. The progressive nation* of tke world are the great food consuming nations, Good food well digested g ves strength. If you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Core. It digeets what you eat. Yon need not diet your self. It contains all of the digestunts combined witL the beet known tonic* and reconstructive* it will even dflgestH all classes of foods in a bot tle. No other preparation will do this. It in* t-tantly relieves and cures ail stomoch troubles W J Butts FOR jSALfi-X vo fine milch cows. I Apply 412 JBstroet, THE BRUNSWICK! TIMES-CALL SEPTEMBER 5. 1900 MAYOR’S COURT. Quite a Number of Cases Tried Yesterday Morning. Eight unfortunates were given seats in the prisoners’ pen at the Mayor’s court yesterday morning, and among the number that faced Mayor Atkinson were many old timers. None of the cases were of any unusaal Importance, and they were quickly disposed of as fol lows: E. R. Cunningham was the first tried for disorderly eondact. He pleaded guilty and was fined 8 or 30 days. Sam Pinkney and Fannie Campbell were charged with oarsing and fighting each other. They both pleaded not guilty, hut the evidence was against them and a fine of $5 or 60 days was pat on both. Esaa Borders was charged with curs ing and diaturbingneighbors. He plead ed guilty and was charged $3 or 30 days, T.D.Sherman pleaded guilty to disor derly conduct, and received the stand ard—f 8 or 30. Willie Floyd was charged with vio lating tho bicycle ordinance. His case was a very mild one and he got off with the light fine of tl or 10 days. Sissie helium was next, charged with being drunk and out after hours. She pleaded not guilty, but after hearing tke Witness the mayor imposed a fine of $5 or 60 days. Charles Joiner had no place to sleep Monday night and was arrested for sleeping on the streets, and was fined $2 or sleep in the jail five nights. GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. I). B, Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writos: “Four bottles of B'eotrio Bitters has mired Mrs, Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best dootora could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health ii excellent.” This shows what thousands have proved—that Kleotrio Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, totter, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boil* and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels; expels poison, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 60ots. Bold by all druggists. Hot days followed by 000 l nigbts will breed malaria in the body that is bilious or oostive. Prickly Ash Bit ters is very valuable at this time for keeping the stomach, liver and bowels well regulated. W. J. Butts. DiIiRVJBS CREDIT. The colored baud of this oily de serve* a great deal of credit, aud should be encouraged by their race. On every public occasion this band ie ready to assist, and at times it would be bard to get along without it. The members of this organization are im proving daily, and before many moatbe roil by, It will be among the leading oolored bands in tbo Wtate. A'len Ilalvereon of West Prarle, Wis., says: “People coin* ten mile, to buyj Foley*. Kidney Cure,” while J. A. Bpero of Uelmer, I ml., nays: “It i* the medical wonder of the ’age." w. J, Butts. TIMES-CALL JOB OFFICE. Those who want the best work, at the lowest figures, should bring it to this office. On large dodgers, our prices and work will make you a con stant customer, If you will give us the first job. King up 31, and a solicitor will call. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop* erty and real estate. MITCHELL at THOMAS. Livery, boarding and aalo stables. Finest turnouts in the city. Tel, 97. Newcastle Bt. MR. J A 3APP DEAD. Expired at Sapp’s Sail Yesterday After a Long Illness. Mr, J. A. Sanp, the well known tur pentine operator ot Sapp’s Still, expired yesterday afternoon of cancer and his interment will occur at Mt. Pleasant, this afternoon. The dsccaied was well and favorably known In this city, hav ing conducted a business here some years ago and his Brunswick friends are many. The death was not unlooked for. because physicians said that he could not hope to recover, and the de ceased had made up hiß mind to accept the inevitable withont a murmur. Mr. Sapp leaves a wife and. a large family of children, all of whom are about grown. September is Malaria’s Own Month. Malaria Is bad enough: ite children arc worse; Dengue, Hemorrhagic, Typhoid Fevers Cured I’j , —■, JOHNSON'S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC FROM A FORMER SOLDIER. “Soldiers comprehend the horrors of a Fever Stricken Gamp miles away from tho base of supplies. In such places Johnson’s Chill aud Fever Tonic came m. You needed no Quinine of Calomel; use .Johnson's Tonic, and you wouldpull through.”—Chas, F. Uodkn, Everett City, Ga. USE NO OTHEE. IT KEEft YOU WELL A. B. GIRARDEAU, Sols Manufacturer, Savannah, Oa. Pepsol * The new, sparkling, healthful and refresh ing drink, just receiv ed by express. The most popular and de lightful drink of the day. Free tickets honored and more to be given away. Call ana Try It PM OF SWEETS Til OS. LLOYD.” Next door ■■Ell Having just returned from New York I beg to inform the public that 1 now have in my stocK all kinds of lace window curtains, lace bed spreads, counterpanes, bu- reau scarfs, piano covers, mantle scarfs, etc., at prices to suit the public. NOTE—in a few dsyg' I will receive a full line of Millinery Goode and haying secured the Borriceu of a first class milliner from New York will be prepared to do millinery in the latest styles. MRS. M. ISAAC, 208 Newcastle Street. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. To ail whom it may concern: Henry G. Cur* ti* having lu proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the e tnte of Samuel Curtin, laia <>i said county* this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of Samuel Ourtiv to be and appear at my office within the lime allowed by law and show cause, if any thty can, why perma nent administration should not be granted to 11-nry G. Curtis on estate of Bantuel Curtis. Witness my band and official signature this 4th day of September, 1900. j HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, Ga. P|) ARE YOU FEELING'BADLY? 4 ► HRICKLY ASH BITTERN ◄ W | WILL" CURE YOU. ** JjM W- .J Butts, Special Agents. FINE FURNITURE. Pages of talk on our furniture stock would give but half an idea of the beauty and econo my found here • Why not Visit the Store and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More than an entire train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on tnese floors since last you were here. See about it CARPET THAT ROOM. No better time than now. Never were the prices on high grade carpets so low as at present. Never have the patterns ceen so beautiful,, the quality so excellent or the price so attractive. Buy new car pets now and make your home more attractive. bach new'season nuds this department in better condition to fill your wants. The principal foreign carpet and rug centres have representation here. We are quoting Lower Prices Than Ever. It ¥ MILLER & SON. $1,000,000! | I his is the amount that Charles Broadway J Rouss, of New York City, offered to have his eye sight restored. Mr. Rouss is paying the penalty of twenty years’ overwork and neglect of his eyes, probably neglect to provide himself with suitable glasses in the beginning. The right glasses would have prevented the strain of muscles and nerves that for want of the aid that they needed have at Jast given out. Is this not ajMpkr to YOU wher need your eyes attended'^Tßp® Nation and consultation FREE! CallJWj KENNON , Jeweler and Graduate loptician:loptician: | *ls N ew<- ,5 Inspector of Watches for Southern w*P<Tlnsjg j! daily from Washington j A LITTLE WHISKEY TALK When you want a|good bottle of wb In key, two things should be considered quality and price. I carry a full line of Paul Jones, Fremont and Peerless whis key, Imported (Jin, California .Wines, and he best of high grade beer. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes, Call on me when you need anything In that line. LOEWENSTEIIVT Monk and Oglethorpe Sts. Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway. After Sunday, Sept. 2, Southern Railway will discontinue selling tickets to Havanuah at rate of 91*00 for the round trip, that being the la*t Sunday this rate will be used. MACON, G A.—Excursion. 92.50 for the round trip. Tickets on sale morning of August 20, final limit August ill. CHICAGO, ILL. —* National Encampment Grand Army Republic, $2425 for the round trip. Tickets on Kale August 26-27, final limit Sept. 8. By depositing tickets with Joint agent before Sept. 2, and on payment of fee of 60 cents, an extennlon of final limit may be obtained until Sept. 89. SAVANNAH, GA.~Georgia State Guards En campment for Rifle Practise. For rifle teams iu uniform, five or more on one ticket, one fare for the mund trip. Tickets on sale Sept. 3, with final limit Sepl.9. RICHMOND, VA.—*One faro for the round trip, account Annual Convention National Baptist Association (colored). TiekctH on sate Sept. 10-12, with final limit Sept. 22, inclu sive. RICHMOND, VA.—Annual Convention Sover ereign Grand Lodge. Independent Order dd Fellows, One fare for the round trip. Tickets on Hale Bept. 15*17, final limit Sept. 26. MACON, Ga.—Street ami Agricultural Fair. For individuals,out* fnre for the round trip. For military companion and bra** band* fo uniform, 20 or more on one Ucket, 98,80 for the round trip. Ticket# on sale Sept. 21-28, final limit Oct. 21. LOUISVILLE,KY.,--Annual convention col* ored Oddfellows. One lure for round trip. Ticket*on sap;Bapt. 29*80, and Oci. ), final limit Oct. 9. ASHEVILLE, N.O,—Annnnl mectin Mlfadx ■ippl Vallop Medical Association, one-fare for round trip. Ticket* on Hale out, 'i.*u, final limit uct. 16. K ANSAS CITY, MO.-Acomtm of Nml-n Con vention of the Chrat lan chm be sold to Kansas City, o ii Inal limit <>ot. 23, at rate ox owe Im r und trl p, pi ua 9 L Southern Railway Cos. Office of General Agent, Brunt wick, Ga. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington and New York. Lv Brunswick (140 am 05 am . r S* v ““ h 10:ioam 1* so am Ar Washington 7 as am 8 so pm Ar New York 20iipm 6 21am For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick.... 500 am 826 pm 005 pm Ar Jnckaonyillo.. 923 am 740 pm 130 ass For Macon, Atlanta, Louinville and Cincinnati. Lv Brunswick 0 40 am a OS pm Ar Macon 1 is pm o oo am Ar Atlanta 3 50 pm 5 20 am Ar Louisville 7 SO am 7 80 pm Ar Cincinnati 7 45 am 7 40 pm From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv New York..., 830 pm I! 15 am Lv Washington.. USO pin 11 IS am Lv Savannah.... 315 pm 620 am 000 nm Ar Brunswick ..25 pm 806 am 885 pm From Jacksonville. Lv Jacksonville 135 pm Ar Brunswick 0 25 pm From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv Cincinnati 8 80 am 8 00 pm Lf loulsvlll. 7 46 am 7 45 pm Lv Atlanta 10 48 pm 12 05 pm Lv Macon. 1 00 am 2 30 pm Ar Brunswick 7 10 am 835 pm Bloodworth & Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all r;?ty r9 ’ ' I)fayftge a s P ec ~ Phone 24-3. E St. K BALSAM „ ! 3