The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 05, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 [he Brunswick limes. Established 18*9- i . The Brunswick Gall. Established 1*92. The Brunswick Times-Call. CONSOLIDATED iSOt). Published *V*BY MOBMISH EXCEPT MONDAY *•*-* ZT. ■- ABTHtm U. T.EAVI Editor ROLAND A. KtIXINS, Business Manager 1 i b Oglethorpe Blook, 811F Street OFFICE j IB iTjEl-HiKK NO 81. TO SUBSCRIBERS: (Subscribers are requested to notify tbe office when they fall to get any laaue of the Times- Call. Attention to thin matter will be appre ciated liy the publisher*. Hut Timei-.Oall will be! Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. *5.00; per week 16 seed*. Correapondence on live anbjecta aolieitod. Eeal name of writer ahonld ae oaapatty aame. Subscription* payable in advanoe. Failure to receive paper *hould be referted to tbe bu*ine*a office, Address all aeaaaraaioatious to tub timbb-call, Drunswlck, fcia. Truste are unknown in England. __ I Just imagine Bryan and Roosevelt speaking from tbe same platform. ============== Bryan and Roosevelt stood on the tame platform at Chicago Labor Day. The Chamber of Commerco is the thing. Everybody aid tbe movement. ' The celebration of labor Day was more general Monday than ever before. If the weather continues to moderate Ike shirt waist man will be a thing of tbe past. Who said Charleston was dead? The ancient city is actually going to have aD exposition. The Savannah Press says, that Porto Kicans looked for prosperity under our flag and they got misura^A,,.. Whether it a pay roll of another cotton”a!Blfl|W®||l*tt|Would make business We will bet that the who gut on the gold mot a subset iber to his ‘‘New Yoik," says the BlmitsAam Age-llerald, "occasionally Sees I who!., night pass wilhout experiencing riot.” The Southern Ruilway Company has Issued a oircular requiring its employes to avoid the discussion of political questions aud justifying the ordar on the ground that * statistics show that during presidential election year* the percentage of accidents increate from July to November.” Up to the present moment our sang uinary performances in the Pnilipplnes have cost the country *189,078 000; our eipoits to the islands have in the mean time reached the imposing total of #3.- 640,000. This leaves a deficit of *184,- 030,000 to be reckoned in money, to say nothing of 2,094 lives thrown away and >,073 men lying wounded. And as the greeter part of the goods recently ex ported to the Philippines have been da signed for the use of the Amoriean army of the invasion. It evident that ear trade in that direction hat not in crammed to nny marked extent by the piwdmtory policy pursued by the admini stration —Times Union and Citlxsn. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The movement to organize a Chamber cf commerce here should meet with tbe •id mud endorsement of every citizen Whether he baa business or sn’nritd au. At "L'n H‘o when the licnd ia southward an organization of thia kind can do untold good. What we want is to let the outside world learn of our advantages Commanding commercial position, un exampled shipping 'facilities, incompar able health', salubrious climate, pare and inexhaustible artesian water,. progres sive and law-abiding citizenry, natural beauty and material growth, are the in ducements which Brunawich can oiler to investors and home-seekers. ■ / ; <r Do those who are hunting locations for investment know of our great in ducements? They most assuredly do not and for this one reason, if no other, let us unite and make the Chamber of Commerce a success, because through it investors can learn something of Brunswick. ' * THE CHINEBE SITUATION. The latest reports from China do not tend in any way to clear tbe situation, and the difficulty of bringing about a working accord among tbs Powers does not lessen with the progress of events. More than one of the governments roost concerned has en obvious interest in delaying tbe beginning of a settlement; England, until her hands are free in South Africa; Germany, until Count von Waldersee and the contingent on thelrwayout haye ariivcd; and. Rus al# until communications in Man churia 'are completely r established and the 34 000 troops that left the Black Sea in July have landed at Vladl vostok and Port Arthur. The Chinese government, meanwhile, temporarily halted at Tai-yuen, the capital of Shansi, is described a* con firmed In Us antl-toreign policy and taking measures to superside the Vice roys of Nanking nod Hankow on ac count of their allege ppro foreign pro clivities. Rumor has it that these latter have received promise* of support from the British government In the event of their being dismissed by their own; and Ger many, it is stated, will establish a lega tloft at Shanghai rending othenawange ments. This last, if correct, taken in connection with the withdrawal of the l#iuse : an minister and the official per sounel of the legation from China, not, be it observed, from Pekin only, to gether with the Russian troops, is a Iscit invitation to other Powers to fol low suit and leave the court and Tsung li-Yameu free to return to Pekin. The action of tbe Russian govern ment is the opposite extreme to the sug gestion of at least one Power that l’t'k in be held until a responsible and stable governmont is established in China, The retirement of tbe legations and troops to lien Te n, advocated by our own government, it the nndele course which It is hoped Russia and ibe gov ernments advocating tbe continued oc cupation of Pekin may he induced to adopt in order to preserve tbe uury of the concert. The complete withdrawal of the Rus sian legation aud armv from the south side of the Great Wall, would undoubt edly be highly satisfactory *o tho Chi nese court and officials, should the ex ample be followed by other Powers. That, however, there is no reason to count on immediately, and meantime, the chapter of accidents may at any moment develop anew phase, altering oondl tone and calling for dtffrteut treatment. The longer the present situation u altbwed to drag out, the more some un> turn may be looked for, and with it fresh complications of a far reaching character. The Japeneee gov ernment, nolinff apparently in haimony with Kntela, seems niepoeed to eld the Chinese gote:iume*4 'to :e tsublieh it self in order la 1 Jits? pr -egotUtion as to n tup’ J THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 5, 1900. 4SREAT WORDS. The following is from the Labor speech of Mr. H, H. Cabanlss, or At lanta: "One of our statesmen when asked what was his religious creed, replied: ‘I believe in God and the American peo ple.’ Ido thiok that this expres sion was altogether orthodox, nor would it please the fhstidious in theology, but it does represent a belief that is' free from the taint of sectionalism or class prejudice. I would not defy the Amer ican citizen, nor would I claim that he is worthy of any form of worship, but I do say that he represents today the best quality of the human race. He is not at the untamed savage that knows noth ing of law or government, not does he belong to that nation which recognizes one man astetter than another,,but as we contemplate him we can say ‘there he stands in all the grandeur of free cit izenship, and whether he plows the .ft ■' *■ W' pialrics of the west, "or cultivates the •• .v ■ ‘ '£3L cotton fields of tbe soutfntir with iron muscle forges metal into shape he seer no insurmountable obstacle between himself anti the accomplishment of a laudable ambition; he bends the knee only hie God “I have the greatest love and respect for the common people. I claim to be one of them. From them comes the he roes of the world, wise statesmen, skill ed great roasters of the seas. Of them, all that Is worth praising in America spring. Despising the caste and class of so-called superiority, each aud everyone whoso name is honored ia our history, carved his own way to honor and renown.” Deafness Oannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed cob 1 - dltlon of the mucons lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in daiucu, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing; and when it is en tirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will he destroyed forever. Nine eases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafuess (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J.CHKNKY & Cos , Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners nor con signees of the Norwegian bark Chr. Knudsen, will bs responsible for any debts contracted by tbe orewofssid bark. H*RiLBxN, Master. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. Get your job work done at tbe Timub-Cali. job office. Be*t work in tbe oity. i’rices the lowest. AT LITTLE ROCIC. Little lioek, Ark., Sept. 4.—Libor Dsy i* being oelebrated here today a* never before. Tbe crowds are tbe largest in tbe history of tbs city, sod ihs observances make tbe oceaiion one of tbe most memorable. Pyny-Pectoral; A QUICK CURE FOR | ; COUGHS AND COLDS 3 Very valuable Remedy ia alt j affections of the J ► THROAT Or LUNGS j I Large Bottles, atr. c [ Davis & I.awkbvi i; oo limited 4 Tr-rvcr r- %T i wmm wulttf ate They are doomed to so much suffering. But are they doomed? Is not the suf fering the result of conditions which un der skillfcil treatment might beentirely cured ? Thousands of women who had been great sufferer*, have learned that suffering was unnecessary after using Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It heals diseases of the delicate womanly organs aud banishes the headache, back ache and other aches which are the con sequence of these diseases. " Favorite. Prescription ” is absolutely a temperance medicine in tbe strictest' meaning of the term. It contains no alcohol and is free ■from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. */ wrote you far advirt February <tb, 1896," writs* Mrs. Coma Halstr-id, of Clsreauxe, Cher okee Nat., Ind Ty -1 was rocking with pain from th back of my head .iosru to my heela. Bad hemorrhage (or weeks at a rise, and was unable to alt up for t<tr minute* at a time. You answered my letter, advised me to nae your valuable meowitie- via.. Dr Fierce’* Favorite Preacription. ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’and 1 Pleasant Pellets,' also uav- advice about in jections. baths and diet. To my surprise, in fbur months from the time 1 began your treat ment X Was a well woman and have not Sad the backache Since; and now I pul In sixteen hour* a day at hard work." Sfelt -women are invited to consult Dr. tterbe by letter free. All correspond .eilce private. Address Dr. R. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . |I IN SAVANNAH. Tbe Savannah Press of yesterday “Rev. Thomas H. Thornton, formerly of Savannah, now pastor of McKendree church, Brunswick, Os, will address the Epwortii leaguers of Grace Metho dist church tonight at 8:30 o'clock on the advantage! afforded by the literary department of the Epworth league. Mr. Thomson has a host of friends and ac quaintances in this city who always ac cord him a hearty welcome. ' Tbe greatest evidence of lbs dangers of oboler# morbus, diarrhoea, and dysentery is tbe tncressi in tbe death rate daring tbs summer months, Aon otuoot be too careful, and psrtieuiar attention should be paid to the diet. A supply of Pain-Killer should always be at baud for it cao be relied on at all times as safe, sure and speedy. A teanpoonfoi will core aoy ordinary ease. Avoid substitutes—there is but one Paia-K'iler, Perry Davis’. Prioe 25j. OOr. Kieaeramee.Ga . June 18.1S?.—Dr, J. H. Mo in’* Mtrpnvtening cordial am! Blood Iliri(let in the best medicine at it* kiml tun te. I hgve used It and know It to be good. C. P, McDan iel, For sale by W. J. Butts, the druggist. Hi-niv Ki-ua, the Tasteless Quinine Tar .<•, cqrcs chill* aud fever- igc a bottle. ■* OABTOrtIA. Bear* the A ft# Kmd Ya t Hats Always Bought When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. When you tennt a pleasant physic try ther.ew remedy, Chamberlain** Stomach aud Liver Tablets. Taey are easy to take and pleasant in effect. -Trice ii;. Samples (ree at Utsbop'i drug store. RETURN TODAY. Tbe teams from tbe Brunswiok m l - tary, now *v tbe state shoot to Sstsd nsb, will return to to tbe oily today. A member of the Torpedo Division who reached tbe city last night told a reporter that tbe Staannsb people treated them royally sod all bad a g>od time. To prevent consumption quickly cure thro* and lung trouble with One Minute Cough Curs WJ Butt*. OASTOniA. B*sn tbs 1M Led You Haw Always Botgiit T.ittle Early Risers are prompnpal atsbte, plea.aut, powerful, purifying little pills W. J. Bn’u “sassaHffSßsa-aa-HB*-hh-sp-h-hhb M3TICE OF DISSOM TIOV. Notice is hereby pir.-n that the Merchant*' Produce Oompanj', firm composed of L. Lud wig aud C. M Phillips, is thisday direolved by mutual consent. I. Ludwig will continue thr ousinrss. s*aun,inK all lisb'iities and collecting ail accounts due tbe late tins. C. M PHILIPS. L LUDWIG, lttuoswick, G*.. c SI. iso . Advertisers LWAYS PPRECIATE Reaping iCH ETURNS AMO THAT IS THtC Regular eturns EPORTED - By Advertisers Who Use These Columns.. Cuaniitj atd Juullj of Circulation giw {nantitj and Quality to Ad?ertisers And We Give Both e ALSO-.-wro. J GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER'HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost , of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, x- Ind a message will receive prompt attention. We dy t mind calling and talking the matter j over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is cffi* fault, I not yours. ; ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. — The Times=Call, 209, 2091-2 and 211 F Street. NOTR *i if you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for youj That s our business, and we only charge you for the space?