The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 05, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 lod fll PERSONAL. The X:Romeo will m:et tonight. Mr. C. W. Plnth'am, of Macon, it In the city. Mr. E. J. Mcßae itu Jbe city from Valdosta. The Elk saloon has just put In anew , refrigerator. jlir. C. W. burning is spending some . time lo Atlanta. Mr. J. X. Knox, of Darias, spent yes terrl ty In the elty. Mr. B. F. Floyd, of Waycrose, is a guest at the Oglethorpe. Council meets in regular semi-mootb ly session tomorrow night. The Have! Reserves held an interest* inn meeting last night. Tbs opera bouse Is being prepared for the opening next week . Mr. Thomas Weld,, of Atlanta, is a guest of the Oglethorpe. Mr. E. A. Everett, of Atlanta, Is quartered at the Oglethorpe. Mr. W. B. Foster, of Macon, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. J. E. Myrlck, of Savannah, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. Edwin A. Coaep, ot .Savannah, Is registered at the Oglethorpe. Solicitor General John W. Bennett came down from Waycross yesterday. Several Important papers were filed In Judge L&mbrighi’a court yesterday morning. Mr. H. H. Chatham, ol Detroit, Mit-h., was among visitors to the city yeiterday. Yestereay was sales day with Sheriff Barrie. Only a small amount of prop erty was disposed off. This is storm season and the average Bruuawlckian is a bit norvous wltea the will'd b’ajvs a little twd. The two c’ulp w,U Fait ,-’grounds this aft*' .' -(.Svhrpurse Notice, is JS6 ,''**rUse mont of the popular b u , ... .n the last page of Ibis issue. TttojjßHto are looking frr genuine bargaiar shou’d not fail to watch lit is apaoat’ffiSfaflfc. s Couper, a rtspcctahflHOj than died Monday and was buriedjw? terday afternoon. The deceased was] one of the best colored men in lji£ communi'y, and had a groat number of white friends. The persona'property of Miss Mar lon Hib.najn will be sold today. 10 o’c'oek, in the store adjoining the Brunswick Bank and Trust Comp my. Among the goods are some uselul .things, silk dress patterns, etc. Account annual convention National Baptist Aisoclation, colored, Richmond Ya. the Plant System will sell tickets from Hruntwlck at rate of $17.75 [or the round t> ip, Tickets on Bale Sept. 10, 11, and 13. limited for re ura up to,and including Sopt. 22. TbU rete ta opt n to evert bo ly. NERVITA PILLS k Keaton Vitality, Lost Vlfor aid Manhood Care Impofenojr, Night Emissions, Lots of Mem, > ory, *ll wasting diseases, itaOT all effects ot eelf-abuse or §Zf% and Indiscretion. VV PItLS toot a mUI blood builder. Bring* fV Wtha pink glow to pale ICA jpL/ cheek* and restore* the WU ",re of youth. By mail CTS* “ ’V'tgt wsoo per bo*. 8 hoses for*—T. ■■■* *2.80. with our bankable gaurantee to our* or refund the money paid. Bend for cireular and copy of our bankabni guarantee bond. NervitaTablefsSS tTKCLOW LABEL) pnetttvety guaranteed cure for Loa* of Power, Jiarioocele, ruderclorwd or Bhrwukeu Organs, no*, 0 for *6.00 with our antee bond to cure iu jjO I °r?®KKr' money paid. Aildreek fc,. . ' NERVITA NlEi£At C O / Clinton & Jackson Bta. t % M, C^y i For sale by BroVn Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga, ABOUT THE MUSIC. Will The Opera House E’joy so O. chestry Again. A question that it interesting to tbs Brunswick theatre-goers is wbetber we are going to have the same excel lent orchestral music in the opera bouse this season as wss provided last year. And as Prof. Dsal is in the elty the Times Call has inttrviewed him upon the subjeat and has learned that as yet he has mads no sngage ment with Mtnsger Welff*. It is evident from lb# gist of Mr. Deal’s remarks that he believes Manager Wolffs feels that the pairm age of the then-re, goaged by that of laat season, will not justify the ex panse of ao orchestra, especially of such a one as waa maintained last season. There le no doabt but that oar people highly enjoyed the orches tral part of the entertainment* In the theatre lest winter, but nevertheless there are few who reslfsed the real and unusual great excellence and ef floienoy of Dsal’e organization. There were no companies showed here bat what loaded compliments and eDeoni umt upon the orchestra and it was usual for them to state that it was the beat they had met linos leaving New Turk. Tbs following insideot, as related by Mr. Deal, will illustrate as to the appreciation of the travelling companies. Mr. Deal says: “At the rehearsal for Jas. Young’s production of "Lord Byron” bia stage manager informed me that the “wait” between certain of the aots was one of some ten or twelve minutes and asked me to select a musical number of suf floient length to All oat this wait. I informed him that we would uae a selection (from Faust) whieb was over twenty minutes in leogtb and that be should inform me by the usual signal when he was ready for the curtain to riae and I would “cut’U ctf." When the performance went on and this point in the play wa* reached we started our seleotioo and were much surprised and mystified as we were allowed to proceed until finally the end was reaobed, when the curtain signal was giv?n show and while I pWL.%t%Wling in th hotel lobby Mr. Young approached me and after asking me if I waanot the or chestra leader went on to that be and bis company had bsen attracted by the excellence of our orchestra work and when we be gan “Faust’- they could not longer re sist the temptation to listen, and one and all gathered at the curtain edga enjoying wbat they felt was a treat. And Mr. Youog would not permit tba eurta‘o to be rung up until tha en tire pieoa was finished, and be pro nounced it the beat rendition be had ever beard. Yon may believe,” 000- turned Mr. Deal, "that 1 felt that this whs tbe most ainoare and greatest compliment my orohestra bad ever reoelved and 1 tblnk of it with great pride," “1 feel rs If I should Hy to piece*." How of ten are these words on a woman’* lip*. They express to ihe uttermost the nerv* racked con dition of the body, which makes life a daily martyrdom. If this condition had com* suddenly, it would have been unbearable. Bat tbe transition wu gradual. A little more strain each day on tbe nerve*. A little more drain each day of the vi tality. Any woman would be glad te be rid of euch a condition. Kvery woman trica to be rid of It. Thousands of such women have been cured by Dr. Fierce’s treatment with bis *Ja vorit* t’ivscjfiptfon” when local doctor* had ■> "ffflW u> -Paverfte Freairiptiou" contains nooplnm oocasne or other narcotic. WANTED :-entle horse for family uv Apply to J . >V. Wgikins. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 5, 1900. Working Women •re Invited to write to Mrs. Phtkham for free advkte about their health. Mrs. P/nkhant Is a wo man. If you have painful periods, haokeohee or any of the more serious Ills of women, write to Mrs. Phtkham/ she has helped multltudee. Tear letter will be eaorodly eonUdentM. Lydia Cm Plnkhem'e Vegetable Compound Is known*rherevm^theCng- Nothing alee eon perns! My be so euro to hsSpeuf faring women. No other modlolne hme helped mo many. Remember ihie when eomeihhtg alee le eeg posted. hire. Pink ham* a ad dress le Lynn, Marne. Her helping hand le always outstretched to eufferhtg women. FALL GOODS, MDy of the dry goods merchant* are now receiving their fall goods and ihs elerke are kept continually busy unpacking the same. Watch the for announcements and trade with tboNhmho are not afraid to tell you what they have to sell. The man who doea not invite you to bia place of buelneee evidently does not worry about your trade,but he that, tells you of new arrival* though the home paper wants vour patronage and de serves It, Do ysu read what people say about Hood's Ssr*p*rHU? It 1 curing all forms of disease caused or promoted bp impure blood. NOTICE. • I will hold an examination for appli cants for teachers' license on Saturday, September 8, at the Mansfield strset school, commencing at 8:30 a. m. This is the last examination this fall. G. J. Orb, Cl. S. C. NOTICE. -■ A fulUopprt Of- the txtcuuvo com-! mittee of the Labor union must be made Wednesday night at 8 o’clock at headquarters on Newcastle atreet. By order of G. H. Mkriufkli), 3t Chairman. Hustling young man can make 960 per month and expenses, Permanent poaition. Experience unnecessary. Write qulok for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4th l& JLoouslStreeta, Philadel phia, • Pa. WANTED. Arlesiau well* to drive at 9260 eaob Rise and capacity guarantaed will also guarantee to complete wells iu 16 days. Call on or address A. H. Baker, 206 EXCURSION TO AMERiCUS. For ihe above occasion the Plant System will sell round trip tioketsto Americus, Ga., at rales of onq and one third fare. Ticket# to be sold Sept. 30th and Oct. 2nd, inclusive, with final limit Oct. 7th. Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J- Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he Is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line. Hi* exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ano Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful’ Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Gases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about yottr case. He makes no chance for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or hy mail. J. NErWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga SUPREME COURT Over Four Hundred Cases Are Already On the Docket, The Atlanta Journal saja: Oxer 400 caws are already on the docket of the Supreme court for the October term. The return day, Sep tember 11. will probab y bring lu 100 more cases, swelling the number to ov er 500. * It 1* expected that the docket thla year wUI be heavier tbab ever before. Records have been coming m for the past two months, and still coatiaue to come. Tks clerk has been busy en tering the cares on the docket siocu the court adjourned during the first part of AugUßt. Last year the court decided 883, the largest number ever disposed of in one year. The Match term ia generally the hardast of the year, and It li ex pected that the total number of owe* for thetigntng will be over 1,000. 'The Supreme court meets the first Monday ift October. Cuyesßlood and Skin Troubles. Trial Treatment Free. Is your blood pure? Are you sure of ii? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly? Doea your skin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Aobing bones or back? Eczema? Old Sores? Boils? Scrofula? Rheumatism? Fou Breath? Catarrh? Arc you pale? Then B, B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every sore, sod give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated oases, like ulcers, cancers, eating sores, Painful Swell ings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all else falls. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores fl per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writ ing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ok. Desoribe trouble. Free msdioal advice given. Over 3,000 voluntary testimo nials of cures Ly B. R. B. The large steam t at the Plant Sys tem wharf makes things very lively down there. This ship is load ug for Mr. J. E. Broad he ad. How Bright's Dississ Starts. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with men and uric arid (which should have been excreted by the kidney*), rheumatic pain, in nerves and Joints, causing Irritation ot the kid neys, Ihe a-palna ovei the small of the hack, mark sure approach of Bright's disease. Do not delay in taking Foley's Kidney Cure, for it makes the kidneys risht. Take no substitute. W J. Runs.' Mr E._ D. Wolffs is expected here Friday. Everything 1s now ready for the opening of the opera house. Chambtrlain’s Qougb Remedy g Orest Favorite. The soothing and healing qualities ot ibis remedy, its pleasant taste and promat and per manent cures have made It a great favorite with people everywhere. It i especially priicd by mother* of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, a* it always afford* quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drag, it may be given at confidently to a baby as to an adult, for sole by Bishop* drug store. Mr, L. H. Aiken, who was so badly injured some day ll go, ia rapidly im proving and will be hlnitelf again wt'.hio a very short lime. Have you a tense of fullneasin tbe region ot your atomach after eating? If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain'* Stomach and Livar Tablets. They also core belching and aour stomach. They regulate the bowel* too Price2sc. Sold by llishop’* Drug Store. Mr. W. R. Sbadman came oyer from St Simon yesterday. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BWuTof Did You Ever Know any one who smoked the same kind of Five Cent cigar any length of time? Five Cent cigar smokers are always dissatisfied—always trying something new—or something differ ent. as there always seems to be some thing wrong about the cigars they have been smoking. Ask your dealer for Old Virginia Cheroots They arc always good. • Tkree iundred milboa —ofeed titia year. Price. 3 for 5 cents. BIKNS lABHEES 4T)octors find % Good#* mi * -\*Js • : Ft'- Prescription r . For mankind , • /*. Sjpm |m4 Tm asm,.'-- *d es tmS UgHS BUY A cHOME QUIT PAYING^ RENT "We can sell you a nice two story dwelling for less than 1 $500.00r ; A small payment down and balance month. BROBSTON, FENDIG & CO., REAL ESTATE DEALERS. OPEN AG^IN. J"no. VeruKi wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. Is now ready for business, We will sell yon goods 10 per cent lees tnan original cost. 506 Monk Street.