The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 05, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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if' 1 I®W^S Syßp ggSife-. • ••wMßg3BKfoaa.V - >_. , -' ''?•',lA" :^tJ l'" s a&aa^a^gy■SßSggWßf•a^^^?t■^Kg•':^^;3 Syrup-Fics Actrf/easant/y and3vfftpt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. /resents in the most acceptahle/orm the laxative principles of plants An own to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BEWtf BUY THE GENUINE ■** MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. .'LOUISVILLE ,KY. NtW YORK. N.Y. I tor mete ty SrupgUts - price SOt per You 4on’t need the doctor for every little trouble, but you do need in the house a trusty remedy for times of danger. Thousands are saved by having at hand M, j. H. MCLEAN’S PER AND KIDNEY BALM a certain cure for disorders of the Liver, Kidneys and Blad der. Use It at once for tame furred tongue, lost ap* T* tite and changes In urine or bowels. SI * bottle, at druao**t*. 1 THi DR. 4. H. MCLEAN MEDIAN* 00., •T. LOU*. NO. tAAAiNA* FOR SALE BY MWVW BUTTS, The Druggist.' Wall Paper AT .THE PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. Ijtv.- 1 fz Jv M iis U I *®v / , tKmmp i <#? '* s="J WHAT IS BECOMING Cn be found in our display Trimmed hats, or quickly developed in our work • rooms from the Isrge end beautiful assortment of M llinery Goods in our •rock. Milliners of artistic tastes *nd deft fingers produce bats wbiob*equal in style and attractiveness many of tbe high priced imported models. Our prices are not tbe least pleasing part of our offerings. MISS KITE SLATER, 504 GLOUCESTER ST. * Cheap Rates via P ant Systes. Eichmond, Va.—Annas! session Sovereign ‘ Grand Lodge 1.0.0. F., September IT-a, 10. Tickets sold September I*, IS, IT. with fins* limit September It. at rate of one fare round trip. Detroit. Mach.--Biennial conclave Knights of Pythias, August sa to September I.ISOC. Ticket# to lie sold August U. K. S6, with final limit Sep tember '.at rateot one fare round trip. GEO. W.COATXB,I>. P. A. Brunsw.'.k.tia. jSj B. W wHt.SIS.P biiruugstit.'Sa. .Jam" TOSS OF BULLETS FOR CHINA. Unde Sam Hushing War Mu nitionH Across the Ductile In Lnrgp truant it ier.. BY ARTHUR BIGELOW. Cue of the immediate effects of our participation in the war against China has been to start into activity every government arsenal and almost every private firearms factory in the country. Many thousands of workmen ate now busy tilling rush orders for arms and ammunition with which 1o equip our force in China. War is not conducted on economical principles, as a rule. Soldiers believe that powder is made to burn and car tridges to be fired, and it is seldom yon find an army officer who will advise his men to be saving of their ammuni tion. Men who plover with (inures and can compile statistics have reckon ed just how many scores of bullets it takes to kill a man in battle. This proves that soldiers do a lot of needless filing, which every one expects them to -do, and it also shows -that to keep a big army in the field for an.YVngtb of time a vast amount Of ammunition is necessary. It is evident that the authorities at Washington believe the war in China is going to boa long ;,ud hard one If we are to judge by the'-elaborate prepa rations in the way of arms and ammu nition. The United States war department did not find Itself particularly well off in the matter of ammunition supply when the present trouble in China cul minated in actual hostilities. The sit uation was not, to he sure, as serious in some respects as that at the out break of the Spanish-Amerlcan war, but nevertheless the blue coated fight ers in the Philippines have fired a good many cartridges during the past year. It has been known all along that if actual warfare was precipitated in China, it would of necessity be on an extensive scale, with groat bodies of engaged, and thus at the first hint of tho govern ment* officials sent messages to the va rious ammunition factories holding con tracts with the government, which re sulted In many of them being imme diately placed in operation 24 houra per day. Although the government has large and splendidly equipped arsenals nt SCENE I.V A GOVERNMENT ABSENAL. [R.ipid Art- prolcctiles ready for shipment.J Washington ;iu<J Watervllet, where all the great gnus tiro made, it must In nu emergency, such as the present, rely largely upon private firms. Some of these factories tiro now turning out rifles at the rate of 10,000 a month. The same air of business which char the rifle mauufactories is to be found at the factories where mil lion* of cartridges will be turned i:>ut during the next few months If the linns live up to their contracts with the government. Just to illustrate tbs pace at which this jrart of the work is going forward it may be noted that hundreds of men have been added to the pay roll of the arsenal at Brides lairg, near Philadelphia, and the entire force' is working overtime, so that the regular output of 50,000 cartridges per day has Ixx-n greatly Increased. So. urgent is the demand for the mumuni-l Hon that the cartridge* made during, the day are packed and started on) their journey to Suu Francisco each i evening. a little ingenuity is required for the manufacture of some of the new types of cartridges which are to uso ■ the smokeless powder, and another) novel idea now being carried out Is i that of encasing the bullet iu a tiny topper jacket, which enables the bullet to speed along at the rate of almost a half mile per second, a velocity that would create so much friction that the lead would be melted were it not pro tected Iu tbe manner described. These bullets, which the defenders of the stars arid stripes are going to pre sent as visiting cards to the unruly aud inhuman Boxers, have a terrible de structlrenests. They will kill a man instantly at a distance of over a mile, and they will crash through boards three feet In thickness or steel half an Inch thick and still have left sufficient force to play considerable havoc. The process of producing cartridges Is most interesting. It is done almost solely by machinery, operated In most caes by deft fingered women, some of whom are so adept that they can turn out close to 200 completed car tridges per minute. All these cartridges and rifles ars being ruslied to the orient as fast as possible. In the hold of every army transport which leaves Sen Francisco are stowed away tons of wooden cases filled with killing contrivances. If when they arrive at their Chinese des tination the war has come to an end, they will he reshlpped to Manila, when they will eventually come In :Z?2Z3I -3 THE BRDJMSWIOK TIMEStUALL, SEPTEMBER 5, 1900/ HONOR TO A COMPOSER. Plttshnrer Ereoti a Statue to the Man Who Wrote “Old Black Joe. M A SO,OOO monument to Stephen C. Foster, the musical composer and song writer, will be unveiled in Pittsburg an Sept. 12. This tribute to the man who wrote “The Old Folks at Home,” “Darling Nellie Gray,” “Old Black Joe,” “My Old Kentucky Home,” and other popular melodies, has been erect ed through the enterprise and push of Mr. Thomas J. Keenan, Jr., the well known editor of the Pittsburg Press. Three years ago Mr, Keenan begau'the work of raising a Foster monument fund, and the people of Pittsburg re- PITTSinilfU’S FOSTKIt MONUMENT, WITH POR TRAITS OF THE SCULPTOR AND PROJECTOR. spunded liberally iu the movement to honor the memory of their distgi guislied fellow citizen. The dedication ceremonies will con sist principally of a great open air con cert in wltloh Foster iqclodiea will be rendered by a selected chorus of HcdiSol children. The monument is a superb piece of work. It is of bronze with a granite pedestal and stands 14 feet high. Foster Is represented seated with pen and notebook in hand catch ing the Inspiration of one of his won derful melodies from the voice and in strument of an old darky, a veritable Uncle Ned, who, seated at his feet with one leg cocked over the other In characteristic attitude, is strumming upon ids banjo. The monument Is the work of Mr. Giuscppi Morettl, the famous. New York sculptor, whose beautiful gßtes nt tlm entrances to Highland park. I’lttsburg, have been so much ad mired. AN AUTHORITY ON CHINA. ii 0 Ono of the The Peking Oorre- most promi nent of the ftpomlent <.f the newspaper cur x-umloii Time*. respondents shut up in Pe ° 6 king is Dr. George Ernest Morrison, whose re cent dispatch to tho London Times ex posing Chineso duplicity has caused much comment. He lias lwcii regarded for 'several years as an authority on Chinese news and has lieen The Tlmeß* Peking correspond**fit slnoo' 1895. Dr. Morrison lias led an adventurous life. Lie is an Australian by birth, the son of a Scotch educator. While a schoolboy, he traveled 700 miles alone down an Australian river. Next he walked from Melbourne to Adelaide. While studying at Melbounte univer sity lie went to the Beebe des Mer fish eries ami workixl fc*r several months ns an ordinary seaman. While Unis en gaged, he exposed the traffic in kid- hr oEonoK EimKST Moimisov. naping Kanaka boys In the south sea Islands and brought down a royal com mission which put an end to the prac tice. This was his first experience as a newspa[x r correspondent. He took up medicine In ISS7 and re ceived bis M. U. In 1895. YVliilo a medi cal student Stanley asked him to ac company him to Africa, but be declin ed. After a tramp through various is lands of the West Indies he went to England and became a surgeon. In 1893 he traveled through China, Japan and the Philippine Islands, aud In 1894 made a wonderful Journey on foot from Shanghai to Burma, being dressed as a Chinaman and without an Interpreter. He accomplished the 3.000 miles in 100 days and at n cert of less than SIOO. His adv-uturcs on (his trip are (eld In a hook. "An Austrsil’at-’ In f-ii* . . TSfl Bis truly gratifying —and what a thirsty old world indeed this would be without waterl But if in quenching thirst we can also-Lav part nourishment, then have we acted wisely and improved upon nature's suggestion. i SOHjEMIAN not only slakes the thirst but yields that invigorating nourishment so often dc For Sale Dy Brunswick Wine & Lipr Cos j SPECIAL FEATURES FOR THE CHEAT FAIR Some Very Strong Attrac tions Announced. -. • PaOGRAM OF THE RACES Ten Thousand Dollars In Purses to Hu Ilung Up For Runners—liorso Show and "Hatties of Our Nation” Other Great Attractions. The Southern Inter-State Fair, to be held nt Atlanta this fall, BSc. 10 to 27, has arranged for tho presentation ol some very strong special attractions. A brief acoount of some of the principal features of the Fair in this line will, no doubt, be interesting to our readers. First and foremost among the special attractions should be placed the racing program. Ten thousand dollars in purses will bo hung up for running, trotting and pacing races. Four days will be devoted to harness racos and six to run ning races. This will bo ouo of tho most extensive, and, tho Management claims one of the best, racing moot* over held in the southeastern states. The ’ icing will begin Oct. i7, and will con tinue until tho close of the Fair. Another strong attraction will be the '•Battles of Onr Nation." This is a very elaborate, historical and musical spec tacle. It will be presented every night during tho Fair in front of the graud stand, on a large stage especially con structed for this purpose. There will Is* nearly 100 actors and actresses in the spectacle. The most interesting dovolopmout of modern science is the “War Balloon.” This tremendous airship, rising high in the air, and enabling its operator to make photographs and drawings of the enemy’s stronghold, hits fairly revolu tionized war methods. Nothing has been so much dismissed dilring tho past few years as t.hs War BallOon. Ouo of these marvellous airships will Is* on ex hibition at tho Southern Inter-State Fair. It will carry passengers to a height of 1,000 feet, ami, bayoud ques tion, it wiU be one of the most interest ing features of the Fair. For tho first time in flic history of the South there is to is* u high class Horse Show—u,a the parading off- w horses in frout of a grand rttuid, but a rool, up to-date Horse Hhow, suoli an event, iu disod, us the Horse Show given in Madi son Square Garden, hew York. A mammoth tan bark arena hue been con structed in the .(Julie, tun. it measures 00x240 feet. The tmdiouoe seated in private icon s im a tremendous grand stand. Those who desire may walk around the entire arena on Idle “parade, ” or walk-wav, 20 foot in width. The Horse Bbw is to is a society event, and Southern society will a seem bio to wit ness the most elaborate exhibition of splendid horse flesh over brought to gether-in tho South. The show will continue four nights—October b'rd, 24th, 2i*tJi and 26Ui. The tremendous building will be brilMtuifly lighted and splendidly decorated. The Horse Show will b<- the social event of tin* y. ar. The test Midway combination in the United States ha* Iwn engaged for th. Fair this fall. This is the magnifi cent combination under the manage ment of Mr. Frank C. Bost ick. The star feature of this combination is a Trained Wild Animal Show, .vlier, lions, leopards, tigers and animals of all kinds perform in a most marvelous man ner. Mr. Linstock is known among showmen as ‘‘The Animal King,” and he is better equipped, in the matter of trained wild animals, lliun any Giber man on this side oi the Atlantic. He is the principal dfcaler in wild animals in this country, and the best and most per fect of his specimens are seleoted and trained as performers. Besides the An imal Show, there will be the wonderful moving pictures of the Fitzsimmons- Rnhliu fight; the wonderful "Mystery of Oega, the disappearing lady; tho Oriental Theater, where the famous Mile. Fatema and Mile. Bosseta will perform the weird dances of tbs east. Besides these attractions, the Midway will.contain numerous other highly in teresting features. There will be numerous other special features and attractions. Among them two magnificent acts that will take place in the Horse Show. One of these by the famous French horseman, Gautier, who, with his three highly trained horses, ap peared for G 0 snfoeesive nights, on a specially ooustmoted stage, at Foster A BiaiV theatre, New York. There will also be a broad sword ooutest on horse back between Xavier Orlnfsky, cham pion of the world, and Duaoaa 0. Boss, or some other competitor of equal re The* Management of the Fair seems determined to make the ejieclal attrae lions strong in every way, and all wh i visit the Fat- may <le|ienn upon finding 1 mi abundance of wnolosonu s' t. rtain iM-A’" , —— TUe “Keedle’a Eye.” A Indy writes to me and asks what Is really meant by the “needle's eye” in the imrable of the rich man. I re 'member reading somewhere that it was the smallest gate that gave entrance to the wulled city of Jerusalem and that a loaded camel had to lie stripped of Its burden and bend Its knees to squeeze through. And so a rich man had to give up his riches and come to his knees before he could enter heaven, it was just one of the thou -1 sand proverbs that adorned the moral teachings of the Jews and the eastern nutions. The writings of Job and Solo mon and Confucius and Mohammed abound In them. t in the Korim is found tills proverb, “The irap!ous x man will find the gates of heaven shut, and he cun no more en ter' than a camel can pass through a needle’s eye." There Is another In tho Koran which says, “Youwill never see a palm tree of gold, nor an elephant pass through a needllFs eye.” These proverbs simply meant itliut it was Im possible. Strange to say, the world has long since quit making proverbs. All proverbs have come down to ÜB, even such ns “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” “Poor Richard” left us a few, such as "A penny saved is two pence gained.”—Bill Arp iu Atlanta Constitution. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yee, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine In the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors wore scarce and they seldom heard of apendlcitis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You only need a fow doses of Gteen's Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter wiih,pim Bsmple bottles a! Butts drugstore or Brown Di ugC Should tie in every household mete oi to chest. It affO'ds certain relief KusselPs Chill and Fever Tonic ia acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. DOES IT PA Y TO BUY CUAEP A cheap remedy for coughs and co'ds ie all right, but you want acme thing that vij, believe and cure the n oat severe anlT dangerous results n throat and lung ire.tie, 'What tba dot ,Go to a wanner aud more regula climate? Yee, If r cssiblt; If rot po 6lble for you; tbtn ir, either cate tak the only remedy that fcas been intro tuced In all clvllived countries with success in sore throat and lung troubles 80-ebee’e Germgp Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissues to destroy tbe germ disease, but allays lnflamation and causes expectoration, gives a good night’s rest and cures the patient Try one. qottle Recommended many years by all drupglets in the world Sample bottles at W. J. Butts and Brown Druoe Cos \ BRAKE INTO YODS SHOES. Alien’alFoot- Kune, a powder, it cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails,and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bun ions. 1 t’s the greatest comfjrrt discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoe* fuel easp. lJs a certain core for sweat ing, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Bold by U druggists and shoe stores By mall for SSe In stamps, Trial package Pres. Address Allen H. Olmatead, be Hoy, N. T. Rnedell’e Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Beet on the market every bottle guaranteed. For pate by all druggists. Rice, tbe* stove si kinds or- cook rsm'es, boy tu,’ sells second band stoVi,. 414 Ra u.rt. . “A” Ta b gets For All URINARY DISORDERS, or. Iliemost Fatal and Frevalent '* all and cases arc those * KIDNEYS, "tTo Kidneys an Iflffl ittlo sieves through ’-wtoith all of the bl Cd Ift the body must pass once in every three Balh-ucs.' In a HBALTHY condition they fllui -il impurities into the BLADDER* thence onto! the body. If DISEAS ED they clog and swell* deposit ttnK URIC ACID and other poisons into the system, causing dull pains in the <?ont, Dropsy** Gravel, Painful and Frequent Urination, Loss of Albumen (the life essence), and finally BRIGITT’S DISEASE and DEATH! If you have any of the above ay n ptoma ‘A 1 ” TABLETS WILL CURE YOU- Try them and be convinced. Uecent,discovcry phencminal ccess. Hundreds of tesli mottle) fannot be substituted. By mail sl*oo. Send or pamphlet* Address PAN-AMERICAN ORUB COMP’NY BROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA at KESSLERS Cor. Monk and OrantSts DEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Produce —Vegetables otc. Also Confectionary. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA . , ... bli—_:— - ~ Real Estate for Bale. We have .nine sale cheap Kpdol Dy®epsia Cure whi\t you eat. digests the food and aids Ndfnte in strengthening and recoi>- BCTucting the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digesV ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea- Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,ana all other results of imperfeetdigestion. Preoared by E. C. DeWltt a Cos.. Chicago. W, J, Butts, the Druggist. B. J. OLKWINE, ■ —B JOj cyles Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service. We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for thß Least Money. W. R. SMITH'S COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, T. fs wise re after Inventing from T V§ to S9O for been educated for positions as BookKcttre, Sttenoyrapliers, Ttifjs roj liers, and now receive from salary per year. Kentucky^Lnlvfrally f)iplmv awarded Ms graduates. lw World'* Expomowted refers to thoufi*nd.*‘r^y*fj l ceaafu! graduates. thU chedpaft liud nu9i Influential Coy thU ®ut tor reference. Wrau M.V r 4lar* addrees v W. tt. Smith. UxSgtrfu. Ky. ELI ZISSIMATOT 302* Newcastle St. Mg id::.. :.:. in# is CIGARS AND/rOSACCO i -’Cnaa fab Ererr Bar, Kilkj Sbab Soda Wain Etc* All fiiuU* of Gaudy , t 7