The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 05, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Theßee Hive. The Bee Hive. TEMPTINGLY. PRICED! Ils Mlfi we m lo selling you every Oil ol summer fioi - con ouy wool you wnm m n Mil Wash Dress Goods j Qmiao/ic You can’t blame ua for not wanting to carry over any Wash JGoods to next season - o buy those dainty * ’ abrice at per yard 1 Honestly, we are oteratocked, so we reduce ihe others worth up to 20e g^ ed M, ‘ rßeiUt * od flonejcomb f,lzes ’ 12 1 2c. 490 quality 45e. Oc quality 48e. 1 '' * 75c quality 09c. Mill Ends ol White Luwn. - 1 We bare received another shipment of “Mill Bods," ;<■. W- .ijjjtf.- ~ ** virtually Ractory Remnants of nice Bhssr Victoria u j Lawn—remnants run into 9 yard pieces; value in a teg- oOidOjBJ eflOUgh y.QU Cdll buy good ular way 10c to 12 13c per yard. I Hosiery at a bargain. We tell4jf% W© price them Lad , ie8 ’ £ ast -&*&*&*> fall regnhr made, xlermsdorf dye, every pair per yard guaranteed, per pair 8 1.3 c. 25 Gents. a The Bee Hive. The Bee Hive. * Phil S. Farmer, Proprietor. , 213 Newcastle st„ Brunswick, Ga Coney &ft?&rker DEALERS;IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime,[Cement, Plaster, Hair,'Shingles and Laths Phone 18 525 Bay St, Jj*L LISSNER, WHOr.KSALE Ftour, Bacon and # Provisions, GRAIN, HAY &DBRAN A SPECIALTY. 21G Bay Georgia. Regiments of Overalls of the famous Carhartt Brand are tramping about the country worn by farsighted men. We sell these overalls —we know all about them. We * know the Company that makes them- We know they are the most serviceable, most de pendable, most satisfactory overalls you ever bought with money. You need try butjone pair to know that this is so. iuiiey aren’t as good as we say, bring them a'nd get your money back. Sold only at LEVY’S Tfifi BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 5,1903. stall working. A J -lx. Elimination of fti; City Treasurer’! Book* Oootioue. The expert who bis been examining he book* of oity treeeurer, Harvey, be* not completed the job yet, and H will probably be several tfsjr* before be will be able to make a report to council. The oWy father* meet tomor row night, aod he may be able to lend in a partial report then. Themapy friaoda of Mr. Harvey hope that the difficulty will be straightened all right.. Half is in Darkoesa as to tit e cause ot their ill health, rf they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Cure, the wtarince* 6t bedyand mind,back nebe, headache gad rheumatic pains would disappear. W. J. Batts. WON AGAIN. The Unknowns, Brunswick’s craok colored baseball club, defeated Albany again yesterday afternoon by a score of seren to four. The club will return to Brunswick today and creis bats with tho Dixies, also of this city, this afternoon for a purse of SSO. The most dainty and eflectlve pills made are DeWitt’s Little Karly Riser*. They are line qualed for all liver and bowel troubles. Never It ripe. W. J : Butts. HOLD ITS OWN. Toe paving which was put down on Grant atreet between Monk end Glou cester, la the beat Brunawiok baa aver had and the whole businete seotion of | the city should have the aeme treat ment aa soon as possible. the other paving the rain soaked in but on this it rolla off like glass.v For Backache use * STUART’S GIN and buchu: We Never Stop, Bit kfljp on ‘'hustling” and telling you of the good things we have to eat, I th ® ,llirl K ,ur PPer). per can 121-2 C *•?** >.®* 1 “at <J“‘ the thine forauppan, for can 12 l- >c LlßSVcl'^B.*H^Sk“! r .™’. per . c . n :. &•* Space forbids us saying more . n RING PHONE 158, RATE NOT MADE County Commissioners Held a Meeting Yesterday, Adjourned Subject to Call of The Chairman. The county commissi yners met yes terday in regular monthly sesaioe, and th* regular routine business was transacted. Quite a; number of bille were approrad, It wse thought the board wonld name tbe tax rate, but tbia waa not done. The board adjourned, though, aubjeet to tbe call of Chairman Ogg, and tharate will be namidlater in tba month. , , 'BASEBALL AG A IS. Another Interesting dame ia to Be ■Jo Played Saturday. j . The baseball club of tbe Plant Bye ■ 2- *** '.. • tsm shops and Jim Tankersley’c team will cross bats agaio, at tbe fair grounds, Saturday next, and an inter -• , f f' eating time ia promised those w'bo^te it. These' two clube played MondnNt, end tbe shop team was vieteriooe, "but the other fellows say they will win time. Poisonona* toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused frequent deaths this year. He sure to use only the genome. < ibserve tlie same eare when youjaak for DeWltt’e.With. Haiti [Salve They are poisonous counterfeits. DeWitt’s is the only origins) Watch Unset Sale*. U Islsafe and certain cure for piles i ml all skin diseases W J Bntts, The aefe in Mr. J. E. Abbot’s etore was robbed or fifty dollar* seme days ago. The case Is now in the hands of the police, and a negro charged with the crime ha* been arretted. ■ .'■v.. - jd* V - - . :>Ji “I h*d * rupwUg swi>c mr lag for seven years •’ wrtwailrs. Juntes tot st et.Oheppewa Falls, Wts., "ail’d spent hundreds of dollars In trying tenet H heated. Two boxes of Banner Halve entirely cured it." W. j. Units. Beshty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a deah skin. No beauty without it. Caeca rets, Candy Cathar tic dean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the busy liver and driving all im purities from the body, begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, Jblolehe6, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, sat>‘' on guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. You can spell It cough, coir, caugli, kauf. kaff, Rough or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that quickly cures il is One Miuutc Cough Cure W J Butts, CABTOTIIA.. ®*“* •>“ Kind You Have Always Bought SUMMER EXCURSION RATES TO AU Mountaia, Seaside and Lake Resorts Via Ihe Flant System. Tickets on sale June 1 to Septoiutier JO, with return limit October 81. loot). Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers on *ll trains. Full information given on ap plication. GKO. W.COATES,D. P. A, Brunswick. Ga. B. W. WRENN, P. T. M-, Savannah, Ga. WANTED—To purchase a good horse, suitable for hack. Address 1,, oare Tiues-Call, ‘ % For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: tioldtbwalla A Son, Troy, Als., wrote: Tkxthina’s speedy cures! or sores and erup tions npoti the skin have been romarkeble. * Disinfect Your Homes Choloro - Naptholeum, A Safegua’d to Disease. We Sell in Any Quantity, W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” We Owe Money ! and must have money to j meet our bills, therefore it behooves us to push-. collections with a ven geance, which we propose to do on the first. No more CREDIT. L° P er cent off f°> cash. BROWN DRUG CO.i, Keep Cool These Hot Summer Nights Our window suggests how. It is filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to $1.50. See Them. THE PALMER SHOE CO mtiiiiiHin I* "all Uae any of ray brands of WINES AND J ¥/* ' LIQUORS an<l nature will be greatly 1 \ assisted in the work of recuperation. \ M My goods arc of excellent quality, and I X have been bottled and matured under IKSS i I ■■ Sj*| our immediate supervision, Each ANBBBK y--, * 1 brand ha*been selected because of f special merit. Kiu l out which euit*. | PRICES TO SUIT. Bay Street, Brunswick, Ga. % We know it—'Thousands < know it. But do you know ffw.-agg CdfllM OF KMOffiT" whisky peer of all whis- Becauae it has a yery fine aroma and Mayor. , Because it is THE WHISKY for Medici- /\? Look for our Trade Mark on the label, Cincinnati, Ohio. 3^*^ B. \ . Douglas, 2UB Bay ’street, IGeneral Agent. JKi • A