The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 06, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 19. V If §F? ■IL tisf r?niiirnfi djl i IspiiiK | Off till) pum mm win ire? Mir fe- ’ Us. -V *' rw. tfalia Oa'tJjfssso to F;ghx F.T'rga ersio ifMif Ka<U,-TU s ness VTcarcys. Onldrcd to increase the Army „ ■ ,;■< '.. ■ I yjjk^.,o-::>-••• -' m , / ■ M* - * >3*Wf **r .4- V. ■ Jt tic'.' " r-' 1 -,. .used >)? UIC Jjtti- Oti’Svr . i;,ra: .1 i 'all eskprDU !■> t. u,e \cj . ,u tVdWa'g a .-^sri. f?I?JiH*. They are or cr-xl IpUtMfiAua nitron troops, In or r" PtvobCllH' tL '• Ho.Tfcholt; •. BBMHj.tti.iyi i. • ~ \o f v /'led fr..m r**4r beonua..- %'/care’s! tfie would fcfH ifcc athperor.' NOT VKI D1 :,})! i m , eial a’i : it is yet forthcoming regard nig !m d'. ■ on of the iiowets, pul there "are Hutgestioiij of a compromise on pro ; poiaUWw under consideration. la the there is tittle authority mdi {i’ingkVbnt the Empress Povsagerjs re Mx B>-treat for peace, urea If the al lies reach s.n agreei.t at in regard to the bast wS$ to open negotiations. On the cot; i the many rumors gathered at Shanghai! suggest that she is carrying ou an ahti-foreign policy with increased aeal. | a CHAF GIVEN INSTIIVOTINGS. V> ashw'gtoir, Sept. .i.—A cablegram > "'as sentsto Oen, Chaffee today advi;iu him of t|re pending negotiations for a joint occupation' of Pekin or a joint therefrom and instructions *t° mgk until lurther notice IE lines- for i ' Setfrci. 1 Fruit course is adopt- ’ ■fcSSI.CI . CAUSED l Eoudnir: uept. s,—Chlnest Miro.te; 1 1.0 iu an interview, -ay- tire ,s£eal of thw.ris-ionaries caused the at- ' *- tack upo# the Christian* by the Chi I nese. w*" 1 London,lltet. 6.—The Chinese minis- ! ter rceelveif ,tiie fof owing from Chung i today; ‘ ,S OJr St, |Petrsburg minister per suaded 11 a alia to leave Pekin. You are aaelesr if you tSinuot prreuade Eng land.’' I -4 NOMINATED FOE QOVIAnOH. New Haven, Conn., Sept. s.—Geo. P. McLean was unanimously nnminaten for governor of Connecticut at the re publican state convention here this af ternoon. t lOWKE WILL SPEAK. great Orator to Talk to tti.vpei (•l - cf Asia:: • Atlan Sept. 5 A icti. •• was re i- V I’.>■ t; . ' nr !. : . : the You-.g M it's liem-sirat-c J.. yes', . i.i rs.rp the -penfcer*, .rouU-iU' ‘ng to' in£orri,.!io!i lLat Cjjarltt A l ■vvne, of Mi ones ;:, would probably Ibe in At'an’a same time best ntu i t i |i j • ■ ■' = no a Hires*. ■•M •V ' ’ X s!%&£■ ■ * Ili mil a.U XX o *' *-'••' tie wrFc<o hi- ' r _*. " ‘ *4, asjjbifr ‘ J .,■ j* Me. J. .LL 'cer.'t>itp*e?.d ( X. ■ jMUft -. . Robert L, the i-tt ar.j gmhfiw Pai r Has be-?a *;:iff by his ti tier., Mr!’ J- J. I.eee; sr, t .it,-. Alvin Knwe, formerly d? 1 1,i<* city, but; now pi Say%t3£ab-.' Itiberj. L was one of she' prettiest • :n i : us .kl'po , i the iUu * late himself, on this, gutui oeefrcHon, —'PIo'.mJE SEEMS CHECKED. An Encouraging Report From Glasgow, Glasgow* Sept. !5.->Tho plague aprend appears to-be cbecke<l- No cases are reported, and the pallenls in the hospitnh are progressing favorably. Of the four suspected ca, <• a diagnosis proved that two were Hot suffering with plague symptoms. Eight eases are now under observation. m A THIRD TICKET; New York, S-pt. s.—The Natienslv, or third ticket men, are bolding a meeting hers today fo|£f'''ttr'p'lrirßle of considering theadvleabßitj of putting a third ticket in the field, The last meeting held in i ndianapolie, on Au gust ItHh, left them oudecidsd. and the purpose ef ttj? meeting today la to reach a duciaiqb. O&t few members are present, Thomte M Osborne, of Auburn, N. Y.,-i in the chair. A M£RrCANS RiD.ORKD. London, S pt, o.—At ibis morning’s meeting of the Trades' Uaion Congress, iu session at Huddcrsiivld, Delegates Kemp ane Hunter of the American Fed- Written of Labor ad 1 and were subsequently presented with gold watfche* as memeetoos of thsir vKit. The two American delegator, dilated up on the prosperity of trad-.s unionism in the United States, and the necessity of better organization of female labor in the United States and Great Britain. THE CATACOMBS. Rome, Sept. 4.—Some American stu dents, who were lost in the Catacombs, were found this morning in a remote re becs, Searching parties hunted in the Catacombs all night. The young men were in a deplorable condition. prunswlck, ga., Thursday mornix , September e, mo. IB 111 I'M II ffisiDsifaS'lstfc ’ |1 |)i Jpftf fjf r 'fV *V.-Vr. ! ni ,4j ?** J -s4ntD,‘ M'*., Seps, G ••rAjlhia:; tjww'sjiffi, v ; btv-¥v f i;.,.-!lr;anji rur;i*i:lg'4.i4ibi"'<sStg di 4 a'hi . !i.)Si<s-fn tufj cltUU'-iS roollj •%T aii l ß;3 | cfefc %%: > ]seiSsJi, *■ t' fl: i.-.:Iii• rjihug - 'l 'i * ' vlll'. - - , v % CEe faili’y- vt ;tiu‘ <l< uuiki* hava. rs* i helves! m.iay U ( Ip. uf s'o'dVlsdepoo, la-1 if tnc (Tom Bryan. - , rfn ... .*■ J. , Ait it/' ;*r v i.MAit;k:#l -f . • V ~?- J - '•■ l>=a: ■i.'rrats D.sciissiisjf PtmhilieV. SepUl 5 —j n the event that earty ‘the next Ilppsev-th|o will eiatail blJf.raUo|iinbsr fof its apeak ovsli'p. Eveu at this ea*jy day names ■ £•..•*’•/• .tf'r ‘R bn# niOSHcped.. KH-bardsOn, the Democratie lesberj of the present House, is soji posed to have a ‘'cinch” on I beollloe |Hr at pmant, but others are Bnr.isbead, 0 f Alabltms; I>Ar rnond, o £ Mistouri: Bulzer, of Now York, and Underwood, of Alabama. LOST HI3 GIRL, And the Yonug Mao Began . Shooting, New York, Sept. S.—Martin Wald'. ■ mao’ 19 years of sge, thin murnieg fired five shots in a eatoac on Third ■*T, avenue, near Fourteenth street, life became infuriated because somebody/ 1 won his girl away from him and he been “doue out” of sij(). lls was also drunk. One man was shot and is dying, aruj- another man’s Rw was shattered by a builet, FOR THE PHILIPPINES. Seattle, Wash,, Sspt. s.—The trans port VVMheltnina sailed from this port today with 700 Jioraes and mules for the u 9 of the,United States troops In ihe Philippines. is shipment makes the sixth sent from here during the past two months. Another will be made during tbs Inter part of the month. BMITII TAKES STUMP. Skowbegan, Me,, SepL 6,—Postmae ter-Gsneral Smith arrived here today from Washington, and opened a stump lug tour of New England by address ing a mass meeting here tonight. Oth er speakers were Senator Davis and Congressman Littlefield. ill (?[]! tiPf. ilLii* ffil: j]i# HjTflD lp| . HliOuLO UIU bill fUT On ?Hi AU-ii 3 1 1 p Q{i Ift n>\ RC.U ill bu ii i ' Uuii £#! Was N . i.- ojl 1 j, - ' i- in •#. aßt (LvoraoU f,- ; dept. 5, 't Wi rejiuVAoim- HtflfrhtitnrVrt today JtlacV H>M|inati.d B.’ li, Odhil for gr>y.:ruor m ® splrltfeuepeiicb, au. ! Otloll tv a acilil- igelanialiior.: • Tbnoib. • 0./dmtT was nbmlii-.tecl for • -t • A iv TTnffeul Kttrfea S(||it>4.. who in 1u *l6 %tfeb, : W; J. JiryXn ■< said; ibet hLuikcd ibroagluMHiKiu itm j • jV, ■ 2s* jt, .... JJ, je .■■■■a t^LsniKisf : N They Aec. pl pji' n to After and ' 1h ' Co'uiob.i3 Fai r. Tboßrunawlclr ititlemcD bold a well atloutlcid nfitl interesting ui-cetfDg in fhoir armory leet- pigUt. The com prny, by a uaenlsn.'ijt Vote, occeptt'd an invi tation fti atieiul lhe atrest fair in Co lumbus on Nov. 1. * The invitation from the Inter-state fair in Atlanta was trble i until noxc Wed no-(lay night. It !a thought that the invitation wilt ba declined, as tin company cm hardly go tvCofumbua and Atlanta both. Tbaemertaintaont, which was to have been gtVjn OB the eleventh of this month, v- postponed until Noyo-m --bar 5 . REGULARS FDR CHINA. San Francisco, Ctl., Sept, s.—The Second battallion of.tbe Eight / ofantry (Rationed at fort Shelling, left that place for this cjjty tills morning. The exact, rome is not known, but wli) prdbably be to Tekio, by the way o! Mluu.‘ The battallion consists ot (our companies, E, F, G, and n, and 12-> enlisted men in each company. Toe "headquarter* staff and ,hand,” accompsnicg it, leaving but three companies of the First Battullinn still at Fort Siivllmg. BASER4LL TODAY. Thore will be another gam . of fiaso ball between the two ideal colored Dams, Unkaowns and Dixies, at the fairgrounds this aftemooD, and as both clubs are noted for pretty playing it is probable that a large crowd will go out ■-“-ffL— CALEB POWERS SENTENCED. Lexington, Ky„ Sept. 6.—Caleb Powers wav, this afternoon, sentenoed by Judge Cantrill to imprisonment for life for,the murder of Governor Wm. E Goebel, RACE TROVBfaE AQAI#, —' Ifcr- YOri: Ci'OwdYWahtvd. to Lynch.a • y'ih. / A Sp-.t a fota New ?'orii s ytr; ' 1 wot - ' ;..y nu and i, ab t eki and razor it-:.rly ctius <1 - iav-e f-i ' on -i. >au... ,‘ ;e was i. .Ueu ;:: t; " ; w -y t';, 1 .■ i c fo.oivva 1 t' thd \V l j h,'r y-at.v nJi Yi;ret aa. lion by a i owd u io'> m-n an * - i: ' i Pi lyneb. Lev. cX "h lie svae M be,' brau'nh. enn Xoe av **- ii-f ;i "d i; .; a c .mi w'. -n toe w.- laiLi ep io .ciiod him. •TUey'wsbhaajfcd smt ;K.: .yopian ftttcmpvod^’^fti' vii*a hatpin. ~ G-.Vniu ] Vuc.;-:I>J in dodaUs- tu i :i . ■ails .i ! -verca . 'i’ir.-n U*- v, drhw a raa , r to slash Graunia. Fine! ly a polfcotp -u ca'igUt the woman an ; mu cU jicssoaSion of the n appe. ' >f v: {in had rcacl.ol the stutioo l.ou toe efbwil looreiscd aid thorn were hrlcc of * lynoh hor.” A half dozen fialiceaton rushed up A net hepi tp r ipb nk ii rcr'pec jui.dijiance., After wo man jiiiri taken ii>: lUGy.c 1 \u.- liou her. husband iifipearad 0 a .thp none TlWoAli* wer j mvle. to ivuoh hia Hut tin' S idfeh it’.: r ;i bU>: -r UWr fiDvily V f V . -i tki tit jb away," SATUKDAY’S BALL. GAME. • •' t -** Homo Good Playing May, lie Se§P at the. Fair Grounds.'- ' vi The bitso ball game to bh playe-t at the fair grounds Saturday afternoon between the Plant System club and a teijin being organized by Mr. Henry Hirscliprom isos to be very interesting. . There will be somo good maloria! on both sides, and i, . ■.. id crowd will'no doubt witness the game. ,t --..w— r——-- - van i ont i ueotjon. Uurliogton, Vi:, from two bundr and town* the two hundred and fopty-six ia-tbt Atatain<lica f o a Kcpi/hlioan plnralijy of 31,00), the largest K*pul)liOip| pin"' ralir.y ever jfiytn the S at a gitber natorfiM‘iectip<y:xo'*pt in 1,896 Near ly tw.^. ike snul unatb tof G o:o --oratio legisiSltors - b|va bsen'-elected. The new esnnte is as solidly Repel!!- *, ''if can as last ,y :r. ITIJ id I’PIKE CABLE. -fifow York, Sept. 6.—The first section of the new Phi.ippine cable was today turned over by the Safety Insulated \\ ire and Cablo Cos. t) the goyornment officials here. This section is 000 miles long aud cost fOOO,OOI. The cable will be shipped to Manilla on the tramposl Burnside, which lm3 beu fitted into a cabie steamer. The start on the work of laying the Pacific cable ,is to be.made at Manila.. DISCUSSES WOMAN’S RIGHTS. Paris, Sept. s,—The I-nteroational Congress ol Right* of Women convened Upre this morning. Delegates promi nent in the woman’s rights movement arc' present from all countries of the world. The sessions will continue for sevoral days. Mrs, Maria Freeman Gray qf San Francisco represents the Wostcrn American continent. ** if Wi PRICE FIVE CENTS. lilt : .iiiriir if SPiplies Gssitii ; ' HI M i -ii Strong British Force font After !he Burghers The Boers, However, Escape With Booty. Do. and .p, 'Dpt. 5.- and;: prloh to the Lend ea Tins vs from ti* c;: respondent in -.Pretoria 'states that iha Bjers under Gaa Dewst boldly attaoked a •;■ Brt'iih wagon train in the tirighbor-. hood os Kroonsttidi, whteh was heavily guarded, a\id caprqred forty-foor oar load* of r or R.,bertf. iope?. Tin bold vest of tiip’aUa'ok in— oenaatl I.ord R )bsrts l} * who sent a strong foroe to recapture the ppoty. GEN. DEDARY DEAD. ' Pretoria, Sept. s.—Gsn. Gelary, a prominent Brer olllror, who was a British prisoner, wounds r§Cßived at Elands River, >TORM PREDICTED. Gst . FfU a Biw - kiPMh Tbo at Siyannah prediots a TOwfof today. The wind will begin atA-few dome- .isfure 3 a,. uj add by 9/I’the storm wpl breake 1 -whSßb-.' - ***•'• •> ' w".ather Mi" fore- N^^^Vstake' ‘■jffr- RRHONf KONG. Hang Kong, Sept. f>.—^Natives here prediot that Hong Keng will ba burned within a month. Placards havo been posted in Canton w hich intimate tii/t the Chinese have com pletely routed the allies. Two hun dred petitioners asked the British minister to assist in reforming govern—. merit and in establishing (he capital at Nankin. SULLIVAN’S COMIC OI’ERA. Now York, S*pt. fi.—Sir Arthur ►Sullivan’s latest comic opera, “The Ross of Persia,” will have its first American rendition tonight at Daly’a theatre. The production is under the management of Chas Frobman, and a great run Is' anticipated. John Le Hay, who made bis reputation in “Hi* Excellency,” 1* leading man. DEMOCRATS MEET. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 6.—A mass meeting of the JLmocrats of this sec tion was held in this olty tonight tor a ratification of the Kansas City Speakers of national promi oenoe addressed the meeting, which exceeded In propotlons anything of its kind ever held here, :.y