Newspaper Page Text
■There can be no better illustration of
le truth of the moss-grown expression
Mpt ’'one-half of the world does cot
Mow how the other half lives” than is
lo'tind in the discoveries made by a oura
■tplcensus agents. Occupations that
Kre never known to exist have been
■Earthed by these questioners, and
■le given the students of odd jobs
r fl unique livelihoods food for much
ne of the-census takers dropped into
E Forty-fifth street and found on a
and that confronted h m at the third
long the “Prof. Abunsou.”
Tprofessor had long whiskers and
ccdsrabie volubility, and said in re
pb the question • as to his occupation
ttye wai a professional spanker. lie
sltd a business card and an adver-
in a German paper, which said:
“Ijly and wayward boys disciplined
at tats’ re-ide.ices,”
‘praya aec the culprit before I de
cision the amount of punishment,”
saijie professor, “Sometimes they
see) fir,t, and then 1 lose a job.
'ia rule 1 inflict the punishment in
a rtln which there is a clock. 1 al
wajsist that the parents tell ms how
lonim to spank the refractory boy,
. ®ir|Oh, n4 ; 1 naver spank girls.”
o£/he census-takers ducovered
os,Port Greene park, in Brooklyn,
mimed Brenner, with a sign read-
Killer to Uniicd States
They Weather Has Caused Much
I Damage i
crop bulletin issued yes
tows a decided falling oiT in
crop®n*r t.
I ® recent d*v wp*M* r r
s niejonj cotton is being ruined by
ra6t ’ ln others it is decidedly poor
q [- Gorn lias suffered much
From Scent drought, and in some
sectioje crops are utter failures.
Duritf week j ug , c i oae d the weath
ei has variable, and in some coun
ties 81ns have fallen; in others on- !
■ I i'KtUerel showers have occur-1
red, n many sections ot the state j
no rajs fallen. Where rain has
fali.n i corn and cotton have been !
somewjured by the rains. There i.-
Btill enable complaint of shedding I
and ruinnd it is the general im
preisio the top crop will be short
this ye
about made in some sec
tions, 1-tfuch below the average; in
eo>ne fi* ears are so small and in
terior % silks are being cut down
for f harvest h In progress,
and yife generally poor. I'eas,
' aae nave dc < riora'i <J du
ring bttxcept where ratals fa)- !
lea. Oihard and baked condi ,
li .ns ofl utile or no plowing has !
yet i.eea.r faJ I seeding. Turnips :
have betjusiy injured by the p-o- i
traded t sod there arc
fields yt 5 sown. I'l-tui j
failed ct oiy and stock watcu is ;
gt’irg iLideroblehay hr.- been j
Btyed du past two weeks.
Ktpenii me IS. [vn.-I),-, j, y i(o .
Lean a Btr. cordial a li ■ o,j Puriiler
lithe Vest jfn* -jda.i maJ ,.. ,
u-e.) it ano e n.-eood. C. i\
tel. For ftl. g a t',.. t j, c <]' r ugg: ■’
81-na I<lTaitcie> tjuuUm i
ctjtes cbilutv si,- :1 1 oule.
| #
Btn tb it Kind Ynu II:,e Always ficusfrt
Another queer occupation discovered
is conducted by a man who ‘tcalls peo
ple. His chief customers are those
who have to get up at unusually early
hours, such as bartenders, policemen,
motormen and the like. 1 vei.y
profitable, though,” he said, arid some
times dangerous. I’ve been arrested
several times for going into hallways
before daylight, and once I got a black
eye from a man who threw an alarm
clock at me when I called him.”
The woman whose business it is to
collect corks, and who is said to make
*lO a day, is another queor one in the
long list of oddities. She gathers all
the whiskey, champagne and mineri 1
water corks through a number of em
ployes and sells them to the firms origi
nally cut them.
Close to Bellevue hospital is a woman
who sells bottles “Big hearted Tom
Brennan the idea, and also a
stand close to the dispensary, and she
has been in business outside the gloomy
walls for twenty-five years. The poor
who go Vo the dispensary for medicines
usually fall to take boltles alftog. The
dispensary does not furnfsh
are thfcy sold inside its gates, Tbe he
tle woman, as she is called, Sells for 1 or
3 cents each glass bottles of all sizes,
ranging from the half ounoe vial to tbe
one large enough for horse liniment,-
New York Mail and Express.
Ths following valuable building lots,
charmingly situated in the resident
•purtioD of for sale on easy
terms :
136x180, on Union street, running
baok to Rynolds street. This pieos
of Droperty osn be divided into six
lots, 46xao eob. thiee fronting on
Uoion and three on Reynolds streets,
and is situated Immediately north of
tbe residence of Mr. Glauber Lot on
i tbe east of Union street, opposite
the residence of Mr. John H. MoCul
lougb, 90x180 feet, can be divided into
four 10t5.45x90; two fronting on Union
and two on Ellis streets. Lots 180x180
feet, cornering on Albany, Albemarle
and Amherst streets,;csn be divided
into eight lot*, 46x90 feet each. Also
lofgpon Gloucester street, between Al
bany and Amherst streets, and lots on
Albsny, between Gloucester and F
streets; ana on Amherst street, be-
tween Gloucester aud F streets. To
anyone i,hing deeirsbie building
lots, either for their own residence or
for rent, cannot (ail tob? satisfied with
these locations. For further informa
tion app’y to
J. K i>i Biciko.v.
I KV Kit y body SIGN I NO.
Thus- lit the head of the movement
| to organize a dumber of oomtneroe
report that flia ojt*n ar< ? ak*
i ".great, deal of inter.■ in the
i luovenjoo’, and sucoea" in row assured.
' ' o; ' : *i- worl; of soliciting for
i member. je cotiijde’ed, a meeting will
|h i o,ll*d for the r-urp ~ -of org-uiz
irg, and it is to be hoped that those
wh : . flixed their narose will |, e pres
For Backacho us=*
STUA and
buchu: X*
(jo.Jtb WLite <fc Son, Troy, Ala., wrciv:
Texthika> apredy cnrcaS of ores aud eruj
ion* upon toe skin have;been rernarlabU*.
Judge Spencer R. Atkinson return
ed yesterday from Prince Edward
iilatd, where he has been for several
weeks. Judge Atkinson was also in
New York* for geveral days. While
there, be beard a great deni of talk
about tbe national campaign. The
opinion of those with whom he talked
was, that Bryan would be elected this
year.-Atlanta Journal.
Biddeford, Me., Sept. 6.—The Saco
mills started up here on full time yes
terday. Tbe Fepperell and I,iconic
oiTla will start in a day or so. A*l
mills have been cioeed down here for
some time past, and the renewal of
business greatly enses the strained in
dustrial situation.
Col. W. E. lvay returned last night
from a short business trip to Way
WANTED.—Youth to Werlyii coni'.
mission house, Address, with refer
enoe, “C. JFT. D.,” oare this office.
The Plant Syetem is presenting its
friends and customers with pads of
WANTEt) horee for family
use. Apply to J . W. Watkins.
FOR SALE -Two fine milch eoWt.
Apply 412 B street.
San Jose, Cal., S?pt. 6.—The State
convention of the JDemooratio party
will be held here tomorrow. A full
State ticket and presidential electors
will be nonnested. The apportion
ment Is one delegate for every 200 av
erage votes cast at last election.
There Is no kind of pain
or ache, interna! or exter
nal, that Pain-Killer will
not relieve.
stitutes. the genuine bottle
bears The. name,
Dried Smokeless Honeless
Herring an 1 altpilckly fried
egg make a most acceptable
“ hot weather” breakfast
pleasing to cooa, pleasimr
to appetite. I have the
Herring, the real “Katzen
,Jaminei” kind, With tru<F
dyed-in-the-wool tlavorlng,
the kind which wakes up
the jaded appetite. It is
absolutely boneless and in
thin strips about !5 inches
long ami half inch wide.
A jar will make a meal.
Packed in glass jars. Try
a jar now—just the season
for them.
Phone 11,
812 Newcastle Street.
Notice ok Dtesoixno*.
.Vodce U hereby given that the Merchants
' i a (.via of L. tail
ista and ( j! Phillip*, i- thisiluy (ij,solved by
mutual const r,t. i„ Ludwig will continue the
business, assuming all liahlliiie, and coilactiu.
all accounts due the into firm
c. M. I’HIUPd,
Bruriswlek, Ua.. Any, :l, lto .
GM* )RGIA, G lyi-n County. **....
Will be sold before the courthouse door ill
said county, on tho Tuesday in October,
iJKK), wtbia the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bjWuoi for cash. certain property ol
which the following is a fuU and coni pi eta de
Hcription, towit; That certain undivided one
eighth interest of, in ami to that certain lot or.
iract of laud lying ana being in the dCity oi
Brunswick, county of Glyan and state oi Geor
gia, and known and designated in the plan of
saui fowu apd oin* as the extern onu-haif of
Town Commons lot numbi r one-lniodmi and
lHty-sjx (IsC),saul lot one hundred and fifty- six.
>eing bounded as .follows, towit: On the north
by R street, on the a*t by Albany street, on
the south by lot number one hundred ami fffty
seven <157), and on the west by Wolf street.
Also, a certain undivided one half of. in and
to that certain tract, lot or parcel of laud situ
ated in the State of Georgia, county of Glynn,
and City of Brunswick, and in that, portion of
the City of Brum.wick known as Town Com
mons and described as follows, towit; The
western one half of Town Commons lot num
ber one hundred and fifty-six (15) and im
provements thereon west of Cochran avenue.
Also, a certain undivided one-huli interest of,
in and to that portion of that certain tract V.t,
or parcel hi land in the State of Georgia and
county of Glynfi, and in the City of Bruns
wick therein, and known and designated upon
the Town Common* map of said city as that cer
tain northwestern corner section of Town Com
mons lot number one hundred and thirty (ICO)
between Amhert and Albany streets, being rec
tangular in shape, having ends thirty (31) feet i
and sides ninety d’O) f et, which is more min
utely bounded as tollowS; tow it: enthe north
by-'lowu Common lot number one hundred and
ufcwenty nine (129) ninety foots on the east bv
'Amherst street thirty feet, on the south by the
southern portiMtef said lot number one hun
dred and thvrflFfl'Juetv feel, and on the west by
the eastern portio;of said lot number one hun
dred and thirty thirty' feet;
Said property..levied on property of TP.
T. Hitch to sntisfv an execufiou issued from the
City Court of Brmuwick iu ana for. said county
iu favor of English-American Loan and Trust
Company affauiat said J.I. T Hitch; said prop
erty being in iHisßCssion of R. T. Ritch.V'Levv
made and returned to mo by it. 8. PyfM,%cpu- ,
ty sheriff. This September X mo.
Sheriff Cnduty, Georgia.
M-rs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re
turnable to December
v. Term, 11)00, of Superior
„ Court tf Glynn coun-
O. J. I rceinau, ly, Georgia.
To the said .JiTri^ianan:^
You are heijpby required 1 personally or by
attorney, td \ and appear at the next term of
the gttperlor Court of naid county*,
onttba firet Mtmday in Docember, i MO, then and
there to answer the plaintiff, Clyde lfreeman.
upoh the merits of her petition for divorce filed
against you: as iu default of sueh appearance
‘■the Court will proceed as to jusiieo shall apper
tain. Witness the lion, Joseph W. Beeeet.
.Judge of said Superior Court, this aid day of
AugUpt, im. A. O, TOWNSKND,
Deputy Clfrk Superior Court. Glynu Cos., (ia.
I>. W. KU4USS,riura. Atly.
tieururta-Glynn County,
yndftc mid by virtue of a power of Halo con
tamed in that certain deed to secure deed
from Alfred F. Turner to the American Build
mg Loan and Tontine Bavinga AHsociation of
Memphis Tennessee, which deed is rocoided in
Book N. N., folio, ‘2J4 of ~khe rocovda of said
county, reference to whfeb deed and record of
ia hntl fwr all pitrpoacri, (the said Alfred
l. I urner having for more than aiv niontlia de
faulted in paying the dues and iiitercst which
be in his said deed to Ficuro debt obligated
himself to pay.) there will be sold before the
door of the court house in Brunswick, Georgia,
between the legal hours of sale, on the flint
luesday in October, lfK), to the highest and
best bidder for cosh: Thateertaiu lot of land
in Brunswick,Georgia, aud in that part of said
city of Brunswick known aa Town Commons;
and being the Western ooe-lpr' of Town Com
mons, .Lot Number MO, (am. improvements)
iV. K u. in *dook of loin located between
- Don jfm, Albany trees, in said city.
To be aold as the property oftuld A F Turn
er for the purpoweof laying the indebtedness
secured by said deed, principal being $M8.28.
iieaulei interest, dues, lines, etc. Purchaser
pays for titles, This August, :uu, 1000.
B> American Building and Tonune
mtvings Association of Mjmiphis, Tennes
nec, Attorney in Fact.
Attorney for Association.
State of Georgia—Glynn Count v.
a power of sale cou
tainea in that certain dec! to secure debt from
Helen G. Rice to the American Building Loan
ii rout no Savings Assocuitiem, of Memphis,
le in. which deed is recorded in Book L. L , fol-
ihe recorda pf county, reference to
Which deed and the record of same is had for
I1 purposes—(the said Helen G. Rice having
for more than six mouth* defaulted in paying
thedm**abd Interest wltfch who in hur
deed to secure debt obligated hmseit to j.ay,)
there will bo sold before the door of the court
house, in Bruuswiek, Georgia, between the leg
al hours of sale, on the first Tuesday fn October
)i*oo. to the highest and best bidder for cash, the
following lots of land, (and the improvements
thereon, described on and in the man and plan
of the city of Brunswick made, by George It.
Baldwin,as New Town lots Numbers 1883,
V l,n '* * ° * ,e *old as the property A
said Helen G. Rice for the purpose of paying
the indeb(edne.-H secured bv hjiJu deed; prlnci, liefides interest, dues, lines.
httHerprty, for titles. This August
. , , . HELEN G RICE,
By American Building Loan and Ton tine Bav- I
mgs Association, of Memphis, Tcnn„ At
torney in Fact.
D. W. K it ACS, s,
Attorney for said A uoeiation.
C-I K , 0! 7,i Kou<;lA -f-'lvnn County.
I,;' I'' 1 ''* n, 'l‘°rt and In Ecpitt, in the
liiiiiuaaoe <vO., et. al., , Nnp(i|j<;i Court of
The Atlantic Cotton Cos., j £gg233&
**• l iiivymei'Uto 04*pl-
The di-remlanta. .Ml. Ernst, Car*'"tirnst, c
I br-ham- '-her ,v < vopa-'m i <l>i„ A. Xoy.len
;V ov,panto, rsiilji, |J. \y, <>. KOift.WUU m
O. A]. #lid ,}. ?*. Titomas,art- luorby liofci'lJfcti
j ‘';qi*irc(J to ti* an : .(..near .1- iu-n, .
Uit<, it flu Hi-at l“*<•*' flioftr, 1 1 '(pi, tC'irUi • f
tbc Supofrioi* Court of ftiib'i ertuutv, to be 10-vi in
the hooMw of Hfti'J county, At J{run.s wi>:..
1 V? 1,l< * "C-iotifiay in jiccrurtfcr, a,.,; i,-
Jbo tfl .r; a ni of •ii -Jav, ijjon aud Dmn A
( aruAer thefifalntj J m tiiJsao I>.v,.p>i jn <Jt*iou!r
rnav .ipperiuin V it.nvds M* H6b ooW Jivs,
. fmc Jtixfg'i of -Hfiifi CcrtKrt. r V2ti b Sf7(‘i <.* ■■ vofl j.•
>**• h Ih * . tHUtxfsON '
Ci f, ik SuperiorGiyiii ( Ga.
'<t’tf}f~-ft!ynn County,
1 'f . ftii wjiom ii i<iay ; ICt.pv 1 Cur
*ti having m
; l>i*r iittnc’iit ui iQuiivi ,*ra?i vn . . r . ■ .V
j )f .--amuoi Cffi'tiM. inf a <>* , j f.,, ,v c j
is tocit©*ill ikl Kinguivr. rb>* cr .lu. rV; ;m> 1
I !u*\t of Buinuf cum * it, 1 * ji-iu t - Ai j
; .*• I'tr ijiijc# 'VitJnn th • Urn. , t j j, v j ; V* I
I wn( l ‘ ■ oA. can mo, it anv th< •, < .>. .vj.v vonim i
[ a/frnP jMtfation t on id not, w t<
C i'. lih on of saruuol <'nv<i
‘A itnti- •my ,oui'l anfl otliijinj < iitrtmhrr t*2, ith
<Jtt> Of ttnpMui)ufei, 19 0.
Onlinr.iy Glynn ( ouiitf. .
"j, Hi, death of -amncl Curti.
Uc Hi m of Curtin & Carrera* line liuen (Uksolv
to. a. <.ariernH vill continue tin- butiino *
Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chaiuless Bicycle.
Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle.
Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle- This is
something nice. Try one—buy one!
sls OO tO $20.00
W .1 buy a good Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle, at the
' . Sargaiiis ™
tmSSm&S Furniture,
A clearance sa'e to make room for new goods.
I Parlor Suit, 5 pieoes, worth S4O, now $29
1 Oak RofrigHmor, r'l) S2O. now sls.
1 Itak Bed Room Sul|*, 3 piece,. Worth $25, now S!S
Bed Lounges, worih sl6, now sl2, '
Centre Tables 50 oeota to SG.
loe Cream Freozera worth $2.50 at $] 98. By
andChtire BBBortroßot of Sideboards, Cupboards
Prices Below the Market.
Of Stone, BE Buildings
Manufacturers of Cenn nl. ... lt CrtilU-lal Slone.
L\ Li. i BAHRKL SELECTLI) bao g’ood oor qualify tost. Failure to come
. 0 l,i - rc-'ih’rtd Staudard menus fa: i.r<- to form pun 0,.r t. ck oi Wines aud
-qaor ■ Only ihst wb' '4 .od v u ; for tuotwiy is offered.
, 20(5.' B a,'v [} i re. t.
M SiiteiFi #"
W j-"'- [M "i'll,.ll.! , i '■ |j \ 'll
our '.fniM •a to MijK'i-vision, Each ♦ • | JIJjM
to bUIt. i \ \
T. NEWMAN, . iaST Cif
Ry Street. Brunswick, Gh, i,