Newspaper Page Text
Mr.C. K. Sweat spent yesterdsy in
tbe city.
Mr. A ~0 Townsend is off on a
taunting trip.
Mr.. R. S. Hubbard, of Atlanta, is
in tbe city.
* o ■' "•*
Mr. H U . Raymond is off on a trip
up tbe Soutbern.
Mr. R. H. Letter, of CblOago, wee in
tbs oity yesterday.
Tbe Savannah train did not arrive
until 1:30 yesterday.
Mr. 8. F, Floyd, of Wsyoross, spent
yesterday in tbe oity.
Mr. R. H. Knox, of Daniel, Os., is
quartered at tbe Oglethorpe.
Mr. C. M. MoPhail, of Atlanta,
spent yesterday in Brunswick.
Mr. W. R. Smith, of Atlanta, is
spending a few days in tbe oity.
Mr. C. W. Doming hat returned
from a business trip to Atlanta,
Mr, H. Kaufman bas returned to tbs
city after several weeks’ absence.
Mr. Alex Livingston, of Fancy
Bluff, spent yesterday in tbe city.
Tbere have been 059 cases tried in
tbe police oourt since January 1,1900.
Mr. W. MoCullongb, of Jaokson
will**, it registered at tbe Oglethorpe.
Judge A. J. Crovatt left yesterday
morning on a business trip for New
Mr. J. O. pyalq oLOwena Ferry,
war among
Mr, T. Q. Fleming of Bruns
wiok, is registered at the Stuart houie,
o —■ . jteLk
Tue personal effect* of Miss Mjrion
Robinson were *obX_b|jfs| o tl o neer
Lear; yesterday.
A large number of .Brunswick’;.jnt*
ored Baptists will attend the ooovm
tion at Louisville, Ky.
"Mr. B. F. Harrington, master of
transportation of the B. & W., was in
the city yesterday, from Wayoross.
The rioe planters of Glynn are pre
paring to ship their grain. Moat of
tbe ralaed here ia acid in Charleston
Quite a large crowd attended tbs
auction sale yesterday morning. A
good many citizens got some rare bar
Tbe Brunswick Wholesale Wine and
li'qoor company baa opened a neat re
tail establishment in tbe room at tbe
rear of tbeir building.
——"* O“
The negro who was arrested by tbe
polios authorities Monday, on tbe
ohargs of robbiog the safe of Mr. J.
K. Abbot, was released yesterday.
Tbe Labor Diy committee of the
unions met last nlgbt, far tbe purpose
of approving bill* and attending to
other matter* in oonneoticn with tbe
reoent demonstration.
News Notes and Comment* of General
Some people who are always rushing
to the newspap.r office for free notices
never think of it when they have a bill
of lob printing to do. If the Timhs-Cau.
is good enough to puff you and your
business up it is good enough to do your
job printing.
Borne seventy five have already signed
the Chamber of Commerce paper wta'ch
is being circulated, and many more are
expected to put their names down du
ring the next law day*.
The opera season wilt open again
soon, and then we will hear the same
old talk of tbe ladies dressing their hair
up to tbs skies and tbe men going out
between the acts.
Foley's Kidney Care
e a pore -medicine and contains In concentrated
form remedies recognized by tbe thorn skillful
of the medical profesalok ns the most effective
agents for tbe cure of kidney and bladder
troubles. W. J. Units.
Manager Newman Sayiug Nothing, But
Sawing Wood.
When the horseman with their steeds
arrive here in November for the race
meet they will think that they have
struck a big county fair because that is
what gala week will amount to.
Manager Newton, in bis usual quiet
way, la laying UiS plans and making ar
rangements generally for a big time,
and there is no doubt bat that la wbat
the result will be. Gala week will occur
In November and will take In Thanks
giving day.
Do you read what people say about Hood's
Sarsaparilla? It la curing all forms of disease
caused or promoted by Impure blood.
C, 3 , t
High WlndW. 4, afcoaat-It Wli ba
* Etsy Qjinfc grill Winter.
From *fcw until Wtn sr it will be
easy going. While it ia rather warm
yet for last year’s suits to be called
into use. the tima is almost at band.
B*raw lists are just nearing the
soratcb and the olotblog people are
anneanoing tbe regular clearance
Ualas. This j< the real advent of
cooler weather,
Russell’s Chill and Feyer
Tonic is acknowledged to be
the Best on the market,
every- bottle guaranteed.
For sale by all druggists.*
Aden Halverson of \\ est l’rsrlo, Wie., says:
"People come ten miles to buy, Foley’s Kiduey
Cure,” while J. A. Spero of llelmer, Ind.,eays:
“Ills the medical wonder of tbe age.” W. J.
Both foreign end domestic shipping
will be dull for the next mon h because
of the fact that this ia the season for
bad weather, and the average marine
would rather remain in port.
Half tke'World is in Dsrknsti
at to the causeot their ill health. It they would
start to treat their kidney* w ith Foley’* Kid
ney Cure, the wearinessotbodyand mind.back
ache, headache and rheumatic pain* would
disappear. W. J. Butt*.
J. W, Watkins will loan
you money on personal prop
erty and real estate.
The most dainty and effective pills nisit are
DeWitt'sLittle Kerly Ktera. They are une
qualed fur all liver and howcl trouble*. Never
gripe. W. J Butts.
The skin Is the seat of an almost end
leas variety of diseases. They are known
by various names, but are aii due to the
same cause, acid and other poisons in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
the proper action of the skin.
To have a smooth, soft skin, free from
*ll evuptione, the blood must be kept pure
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and potash and the large number
of face powders and lotions generally
used In this class of diseases cover up
for a short Aime, but cannot remove per
manently the ugly blotches and tbe red,
disfiguring pimples.
Ctmrnal vigilance Is the price
of a beautiful complexion
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr. H. T. fehobo, *704 luc*s Avnne, St. ILouis,
Mo., my*: “Mr daughter waa afflicted for yeara
with a <sl*figuring eruption oa her face, which
reflated aU treatment. She waa taken to two
celebrated health apringa, but received no bene*
St, Many medicine* were prescribed, but with
out result, until we decided to try 8.8. 8., and by
the time tbe first bottle w aa finished the eruption
began to disappear. A dozen bottles cured her
completely and left her akin perfectly smooth.
She is now seventeen years old, and noth sign of
the embarrassing disease has ever returned?'
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of skin troubled It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, ami tb*
only one guaranteed purely vegetable.
Bad blood makes bad complexions,
sa aa aa purifies and invigo
rates the bid snd
makes new, rich blood
k.. Wk. Mk W that nourishes the
Uw body and keeps the
skin active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carrying off the impurities from the body.
If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Balt
Rheum, Psoriasis, or your Skin is rough
and pimply, send for opr book on Blood
and Skin Diseases and write oiur physi
cians about your case. No charge what*
ever for this service. .
Osrrsetsd Drily by Oapt. Otts JeUniswn
Port digram isk. Sept. 5,1900.
Bohr. Win E. Downs*, Rlobsrdson,
New York, to J. Brodbead vessel to
K. tt. Mason & Cos.
Our Greatest Specialist
For 20 years Dr. J Newton Hath
away has so successfully Iroated chronic
diseases that he is acknowledged today
to stand at the head of his profession in
this line. His exclusive method of
treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture
without tbs aid ui knlfu or cautery
cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In
tbe treatment of loss of vital forces
nervous dison'-'TS, kidney and urinary
complaints, partuysis, blood poisoning,
rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul
iar to is equally successful*
Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than
doable that of any other specialist.
Cases pronounced hopeless by other
physicians, readily yield to his treat
ment. Write him today fully about
your case. He makes no charge for
consultation or advice, either at his of
fice or by mall.
20 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga
Artesisu wells to drive st 1250 each
Rise end capacity guaranteed will
•Iso guarantee to complete wells in 15
days, Cell on or address A. U. Baker,
•105 Gloucester street.
Have you a sense of ful nesMn the region of
your ttouinch after eating? If so you will he
benefited by using Chamberlain’* Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They also cure belching and
sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too.
Price 15c. Sold by Bishop’s Drug Store.
For the above occasion the Riant
System will sell round trip licketeto
Americas, Os., at rate3 of one and one
third faro Tickets to be sold Sept.
30th and Oct. 2nd, inclusive, with final
limit Oct. 7tb.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Large sun spot*, astronomers say, caused ibe
extreme heat this summer, and doctor* declare
nearly all the prostrations were induced by dis
orders of the stomach. Good hoalth follows
good digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Our* digests
what you ett. If you have Indigestion or dys
pepsia It will quickly relieve and permanently
cure you. W. J. Butts,
Livery, boarding and sale stable*.
Finest turnout* in the city.
Tel. 97. Newcastle St,
H* Obeyed the Judge.
Over a score of years ago Judge Fit*
gcrald was appointed to the bench oi
the district that includes Pima and
Cochise counties, In Arizona. He found
on coming to Tucson that formality
was almost unknown In the courtroom.
If the days were warm, thfi attorneys
and attendants dispensed with coats.
This to him appeared particularly dis
respectful. He announced that smok*
log in the courtroom would not be tol
erated and that coats must be worn
under pain of the court’s displeasure.
The grand Jury was called. Among
the jurors summoned was a brawny
miner, who appeared In his usual cos
tume, a dark blue shirt and overalls.
“What do you mean,” thundered the
magistrate, "by appearing in this court
room in your shirt Bleevea? Where Is
your coat?”
“At home. Judge," mildly returned
the Juror.
“Then go and get it! No, not a word,
sir!” glaring down upon the man as
be attempted to speak. “Go home and
get your coat, sir, or I’ll commit yos
for contempt!”
The miner went silently out. He
didn’t return that day nor tbe next,
and the judge, after issuing a bench
warrant for him. swore In another
Juror. About two weeks thereafter the
original miner, dressed aa the court de
manded, again stepped within Judge
Fitzgerald's range of vision. To tha
pirate magistrate he tendered the ex
planation that his home and coat were
both in Harshaw mountains, near the
Mexican border, oven 100 miles away,
and that he bad’ but obeyedrthe orders
of his honor fh going Borne after his
coat.—Arizona Graphic
The emergency bag* sent by a church society
to Kansas eoldierain the Philipptoes oontained
amonSithe necessitie* a box of DeWitt's Witch
Haze! Salva, the wollknDWn cure (or piles, in-
Juries sad sklu diseases, 'the ladies took eare
to obtain the original IzeWitt’a Witch Hazel
ftalve, knowing that all tbe counterfeits arc
worth itaa. W. J. Butte.
Hon B. A’kinson,of Camden conn
ty, was a visitor to the oity yesterday.
Poisonous toiastoois resembling mushrooms
have caused frequent deathstlmye.'U. Besure
to use only tbe genuine. < ibscrre the same care
when youjask (or BeWltt's.With Hazel .Salve
They are counterfeits. I)eWitt’s i*
the only original Witch Hazel Salve. It l-iazfc
and certain cure (or piles and all skin diseases
W J Butte.
Mr. S. J, Hy, of Msoon, is in tbe
"I had a running sore on my leg (or seven
years ’’ writes Mn. dames Forest ot Cheppewt
Kails, Wis.,“and spent hundreds ot dollars in
trying to gat it healed. Two boxes ot Banner
Salve entirely cured it.” W. J. Buas.
Beanty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood menne a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Caeca rets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up tbe lazy Uver and driving all im
purities from tbe body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackhead*,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, sat*-' .on guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
You can spell U cough, cog, caugh, kaul. kair.
kongb or kauph, hot the only harmless remedy
that quickly cure.* it is One Minute Cough Cure
W and Bums,
Baer* the st lb* Vw Have Mtwjp SougM
TO All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Besorts
Via the Plant System,
Ticket* op sale June 1 to September 30, with
return limit October SI. 1900.
Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers
on all train*. Full information given on ap
Brunswick, Ga.
B.W. WRKNN.P. T.M., Savannah, Ga.
WANTED—To pnrohste s good
horse, suitable for hack. Address L,
care Time*-Call.
For Diabetes use
Cheap Rats* via Plant System.
Richmond, Va.—Annual session Sovereign
Grand lodge 1.0.0. V., September 17-31, I*oo.
Tickets sold September 15, 16, 17, with final
limit September i.% at rate ct one fare round
Detroit, Mifh.--Biennial conclave Knights of
Pythias, August a; to September I,l*o*. Tickets
to be told August St, 25, *6, with final limit Sep
tember 5, at rate of one fare round trip.
Brunswick, Ga.'i
B. W. WRENS, P.T. M„
Savannah, Ga.
... MAjnrFACTXrRED BT ...
The man who smokes
| Old Virginia Cheroots
[ has a satisfied, “glad I have got it”
> expression on his face from the time
[he lights one. He knows he will
I not be disappointed. No matter
J where he buys one—Maine or Texas,
! Florida or California—he knows they
■ will be just the same as those he gets
I at home—clean—well made—burn
> even—taste good—satisfying!
Three hundred million Old Virginii Cheroots smoked this
| jeu. Ask jouf own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents.
“"If, A *
A Good '
<4 * t&mm-su.- -fmgg ..
** .j*
% '
4 for mankind
> ■yfi
’■ Si~- jr-saar '•s?
—AMMT banish pain, induct titep. **d prolong hfe. •.*
Om (Woo rtlafl No ouiter a hart tint aaatttr, im trill
4t m good. Tea Mjaplrt ud mm (kiwi fteoti* £ :
■niaMt amt Wtaß f map ntirirtao to reoript at mica.
IMwullp— <Swiad Cow 1, MwtiitW
We can sell you a nice tw
story dwelling for less
A small payment down <
balance SIO.OO per moij
Macon snd Baltimore Woman’s College. Primary, Academic, Art,
Elocution and Business courses. Small classes, lndividuij New
building, Home life. Pupil* nter Vassar, Wellesley and R*Hscon
on certificate*. Next session begins September 6tb. For illustfilogne
address Mrs. W.T handler. Principal,Llewllyn D. Scott, Assdncipal