Newspaper Page Text
It Circles anfl Soieties Makes Very Slov
In the West Indian Islands and Increases in
Intensity Daily.
For several days past a storm bag
bet'll whoring In the West Indian Is
lands, increasing in Intensity with each
succeeding day until it bag at las. de
veloped into one of the dangerous and
destructive West Indian
which creates so much havoc on the
beautiful Islands In the Csrlblean sea
and strew the coast of Folrlda with
wrecks and deck careoes of lumber, .tri
butes to the energy of the elements.
The hurricane commenced to form
about coon on Bunday, when tbo dead
cairn whic)i pteetdes the growing of
these terrible storms Was centered
many miles south of Cuba.
A description of the manner in which
the hurricanes oommunce in apropos:
A high pressure area surrounds the
calm, which Is knowu as the storm
center, At tnia point the pressure is
low and the yaeuurn caused by the low
preseure causes the wind to blow from
dbzotlcni into the center cl the calm.
The meeting of tho winds causes a re
vo.ation, and as the storm grows the
wieds swtop roand and round the low
pressure area with itoreased speed unt
til they have n ached the h'ghost ve
locity, possible for^rstorm to remain
The Weit Indian hurrlcaoea are al
wav 'n '*H of the year, and the high
pretauie arc* la k
nntlli hiul r.< 1 1l.onst.
t h bc-
Ein. to travel northWorcf aad^ftsst*
over lit: islands of the
travels iip i lthi r the east o^Hr a|.
Of Florida, following muaflE ihc
VOUIBC of the Gulf stream,
i*Jo the Atlantic oe> an off the
of Newfc uudland.
As the storm travels H iucrensesfß
Intensity, partlcu’arly from the Florida
kejß to Halt eras.
This pat t'eular kind of storm does
rot travel rapidly, cw'ng to the taet
that the wird fom nil directions blows
How a Woman
Suffersm —7
Howell, Ikd. Not. 26. • /
X will Rhvnyn praise Wino ol C*nlui. It / , /it-— |
has done me more good than all the modi- / I ! I l
cines 1 havo ever taken in my life. Please / \ I tT^
•end a book about female diseases to the / \ UJ
ladies whose nurata 1 euelose. m )fr
WbielCard 01
It Isn’t necessiry for a woman to give particulars. Whan she says
site has - female troubles", other women know what that means, it
mi,ms days and nights of endless suffering, it means headaches which
no tongue cun describe. It means that terrible bearing and dragging
down In the lower abdomen, it means agonh'mg backache, and shoulder
ache, and arm ache, and aches In the lower limbs, it means nerves on
edge - Use blues — dpdiul#ncv sod loss of hope. It means debilitating
drains that the doctors call icucorrhaea. It means martyrdom—some
times even death seems preferable And still Wine of Cardut w ill utterly
puttliose diseases and pains to rout
.V.i.Turrr ! ft has ctireil thousands of cases
Afr i t ,’ ?. *' ■■ ™ when nothing else on eatth would,
vr-irua., vciiiv.:i y-v,V,V“c J To the budding woman, to the
IUKINI VO-, A'hrvtUuo-'ira, Twul ) brid)?, tO thfc Wife, tO UC cxri.wt.lnt
—** ■ —mother, to those going through
the Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine is * blessing.
Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO.
into the storm center. Thus if the
Btoi na is traveling north the destructive
winds preceding the storm come from
the north, and not from tbo direction
whore the storm la raging at its very
The hurricane proper is circling
around at the rate of probably from 80
to 100 miles per hour, an I at the point
where the storm really is located the
wind msy be blowing in an entirely op
posite direction. Although the wind is
blowing at this point at the rate, say,of
90 miles per hour, tho storm may not
be traveling more than two or three
mi’es In the direction In which it is
Ths Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troobiss
“I havejbeen in the drug business for
twenty years,[and have sold most allpf
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire ISoFhave never found
anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemeey for all
and bowel troubles,” says O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family, and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of it to my
customers to their entire satisfaction. It
affords a quick and sure cure in a pleas
ant form. No family should be without
it. I keep it in my house at all times.”
For saloby Dr. Bishop's drug store,
'■•"/Mr, J. C. Wade, of Atlanta,'ls in the
akk i>A*i;Kuoys.
▲ f inil! pmipta on your face may stein oflit-
U cymequlnc#, but it <hovv* your blood U ini -
psra, tni impure blood i* what causes most of
ibe dlneafres from whieli people suffer. Better
heed the warning ghren by pimple and pu
rify CbeJjlood at 6ttee by tails, r soo6’t Sraa
This medictua cures all disease* due
'|Hpd blood, including tcroXin* and salt rheum
•ifjfc# won irritating cathartic ll ood’s PWl*. , 4
W. Ns UawkinH, of Atlanta,
W%be city.
■■ • 'Jl 1
A good many eeus\imptivee would be cured
and the worst cases comforted and relieved by
using Foley's Honey and Tar. Suggest
those Htllicled. You t liould do this as u friend.
W J, Biots.
The Quakers Are
Honest People.
tThe Quaker Herb Ton
ic is not only a blcod
purifier, but a Blood
maker for Paie, Weak
and Debilitated people
who have not strength
nor blood. It acts as a
tonic, it regulates di
gestion, cures dyspepsia
and lends strength and
tone to the nervous sys
tem. It ia a medicine for weak women,
ft is a purely vegetable medicine, and
can be taken by the most delicate.
Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all
diseases of the Wood, Stomach and
Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful
effect on the human system. Thous
ands of people in Georgia recommend
it. Price fl.oo.
QUAKER PAIN BAI.M is tbo med
icine that the Quaker Doctor made all
of his quick cures with. It’s anew and
wonderful medicine for Neuralgic,
Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism,
Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all
pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c
and 50c.
a medicated soap for the skin, scalp
and complexion. Price 10c a cake.
vegetable ointment for the cure af
tetter, eczema and eruptions of the
skin. Price 10c a box.*
F. A. DILLI'GHAM, Proprietor,
Cincinnati. vf
PolliilTs Dr us; Store
,m '
Two Rival Fast Flyers Are No#
Two ocean racers, the loniser Wll
belm tier Grosee and bar victorious ri
val, the Hffcurg-Americi llacrf
Deutschland, started Tuesday within an
hour of each other on their eastward
voyage. Indications are for a smooth
sea on this eastward ran of the Kaiser
to recover her lost laurels. The IJeuti
chland will not only try to defeat the
efforts f the Kaiser, but will strive af
ter another record, say prophets. The
captains of the ships interested say
Oomei from Qjp, D. B, C*rgll, of
Waebita, I. T. Me writes: “Four
bottles of E'eotnc Hitters bss cured
Mrs, Brewer of scrofula, which bad
caused her great eufferiiu; for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
hesfi and fate, and the best dootors
ooifltl <#* no help; but her oure is
complete sad her health is excellent.”
This shows what thousands have
proved—that Electrlo Bitters is tbe
bst blood purifier known. It’s tbe
supreme remedy for eczema, tetter,
tetter, salt rheum, ulcere, boils and
running sores. It stimulates liver,
kidneys and bowels; expels poison,
helps digestion, builds up tbe strength.
Only 60cts. Sold by all druggists.
The colored baseball game between
the Dixies and Unknowns yesterday af
lernoon resulted in a victory for the Ist-
Ur team by a score of 7to 3. The game
was not as interesting as the teams usu
ally play,
Mr. W. A. limes, of Manchester,
fa., writing of his airoos* miraculous
escape frern death, saya; “Exposure
after measles induced stratus lung
trouble, whien ended mLoofi mptiOu,
t had frui'icnt heumrr|:ng's, &r>ti
oougbt dviTgbt and day. All my doc
tors said I tnus l soon die. Then I b-:-
gao to use Dr, Kit g’ New Dir car cry
for V resumption, which ocmpletely
nu#ed tee l would not, be without U
even >f it cost #5.00 a bottle. Uun
dieds hay* ujiii it on my reel nina uJa
tlno, and all say it. never fails to oure
Totoaf, Chest, and Long troubles.”
Kugular ,*'■* 50cts, arid SI.OO. Trial
buttle* free, at til drug stores.
iiini ii
Chairman duliipon Issues a
The Chairman lias Named
a Committee of Eleven
Delegates from the
State at Large.
Chairman Fleming dußignon bas
called a meeting of the state demo
cratic exwutive cdtanittee to be held
in Atlanta on Sept, 11. Notices bat*
been sent out to. tbe members, and rt
is expected that there will be a full
Mr. dußignon bas also appointed
bis commutes of sHevea to serve with
tbe executive committee. He makes
hi* appointment* from tbe different
congressional dietrlots. He will not
give out tbe names at yet, however,
aa letters of acceptance have not been
received from all those appointed. Mr.
dußignon thinks that he will be able
to make public tbe nameslater
The oommitrus will ozganize for ths
campaign. Speakers will be seleoted.
and tbe question of organizing demo
cratic cl abe in all parts of tb* state
will be taken up.
Mr. dußignon bas been in commun
ication with Chairman /ones of the
national committee for some tithe
pasr, and Vice Chairman Brown of tbe
atate committee hat been sending out
letters to tbe chairman on committees
of tbe counties of Georgia,
la many of tbe oounties clubs bate
already been organized, and have re
ported to headquarters in New York.
It is expected that every club will
send a delegate to ludianapolis on
00t.3, whan tbe convention of clubs
will meet. W. R. Hearet, of New
York, is president, and Mat F. lomi
*en is vice president. W. J. Bryan
and other prominent democrats will
address tbe convention.'
Mr. dußignoo said ths executive
committee would be in session for sev
eral days. A number of politicians
are expected lo be there when tbe com
mittee meets. *7
A Baby’s
/>jj A
ft is very much like the blossom-
II ing of a flower. Its beauty and
If perfection depends entirely
|| upon the care bestowed upon 1
|I its parent. Expectant mothers
j I should have the tenderest care.
| They should be spared all worry
\ and anxiety. They should eat
and take gentle exercises. This '
will go a long way toward preserv
ing uieir health and their beauty
1 ns veil as that of the little one to
,' come. But to Ua: ‘olutely sure
>of a short and paitK-s labor I'iey
Mi * sr **
1 tSflO , m _ •
Hm ft* 3$ %/r; Tm 1
Uv-, *1 !*• hi t)i \
IHE BR DFillf> CO.
Lj :
The Kiwi You Have Always Bought, and which lias been,
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of—
and has been made under bis per
(jPL S supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one todeceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-goocl” are but
Experiments tiiat trifle with and endanger the healtli of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, l>rops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It ties troy* Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind
Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacca-The Mother’s Friend.
genuine CASTORIA always
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
rue ecNTAww company, rt muarav stacct. von* city.
... t No. 87 ItO . (til. Time Table
Passenger Mixed NO. 35 t jPaasenger Mixed |
Klfectlve Sunday, Daily Daily.
Daily. Daily. May 2712:01 aln
T 15am...- 5 capm.■. lv Brunswick at 11 .‘ttpra.... lrtlSaai**..: I
9J.Vim.... 8 00pm... ar Waycroa lv | v SOPni.... 7 ISa-n...
945 pm... 10 89 pm... Iv Waycrowa ar I 7 43p0..* itiftaoi.,..
l2 20pm... 145 an*... ar Txfton lv j 6 15pm..... 2 15am...-
1* 2 00 am Iv Tift ton ar j 310 p- 200 am... I ...
2 10 pm..- 46* am... ar Albany Iv j 4 46pm.... 12 01 arn... ;
ll 50 pm... 12 10 am... ar Bavanuah iv : 4 oOpm— 2 15am.... •; ....
412 pin... 628 am... ar Charleston Iv : .L. 1115 pm...
.... 12 50 am... 10 30 pn... ar Jacksonville Iv | 7 43pm— 5 tOam... ............
140 pm. . iB3 am... ar Themaavitle !v {5 80pm.... 200ar0.... ; .
9 00pm. 8-.COam. ar Tampa lv 7 80aui— 7 05ptr...J *
- vTa~ W aToROSS * itONTUoMEKY . ~
l-7 JR a*...| •*.... lv Brun.wlck >MI so . D ...! ;o is m.,.j fc
ol, am 1 8*0 nm .ar Waycros It! lO am. . 7 16am. .1 A
t*pm..l #:.. at Montgomery UII am..; 7 #
....' w...!uitia... ar B r.mnghm: U : 8 IS a in. ;405 , m..
IS 2: mq i3O am ar Loimvtlm -t I. pm. _. sm..
-4 05pm... 705 am... ar Cincinnati s4spm. 11 00pm..
7 lepra ...Tie am... ar Bt. Lcuis lvj SM a in. 8. .5 pm.. ;
j 7 15a#.. I 5 <s■) .. jLv Brunswick Ar U*o P“ V 5 ..*“ j
|U satu !! 10 am 'Ar Savannah l. . OH mb 1 leant
. X.. . 1 438 m 8 18am lAr charleston I.v 50am 1115 pm |
.. . i a Siam 7 input tr nichmoad I.v 4Bpm 005 am
7to am 1! 20 pm Vr Wa.hingum I.v 307 pm 430 am !
B2O am IdS am .Ar Baltin ore Lv t4M pm 156 am I
lO Mam s5" tin tr Philadelphia Lv 11 38 am 12 20 am j
I 115 pm 853 am Ar New York Lt 855 am 025 pm j
lllreel connertion made at lVavcroa. with through Pullman Bleeping Cato rot Savannah
Charleston. ad all imints North; also fo Mouttomery, llinnlnghim, Nashville, St. Lou!
ar.d all points West,
Heeling ohairca a betwnpp Waycmtt.and Montr marv - Thnmas'villft.
Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana.
Lv Port Tamp# 10 00 pm Mon. Thura. Sat. {Lv Havana 2 pm Mon. M ed. and Sat ..Sutfs
Ax Key Wr r 3 0? pm Tues. Fri. Snu j Ar Key West 9 00 pm Mon. Wed. and sat....^vSE
Lv Key West 9 00 put Tnes. Frt Bunday J Lv Key Wt t 10 Ox p in. Mon. \Yd. and S
Ar Havana • Ouam M0n...,, :. | Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Tue*. Thur. and Sim..
General Supt Division Pass. Agent. Pass. Traffic Mgr
savannah, Ga Brunswick, sit. Savannah Ga
mest faial of all dis
rfll EV’O kidney CURE fs a
r'JLCI b Guaranteed fisissdy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as t;v? best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
,0 f&JSjy *Ul<3 I*-r Dt ufgiv.t,
3 x. of •<’* ♦. in pUIn wrapp*.
f.wKk, vxprv>+s, pn-puid, l,s
* •./*■•** bottl’S. 12.75.
C*i .ulur scut v>n rv^a*?**
orim'Dal ca.og attended to
.'onfldcßtiai. Ea-‘
L J. eavy 6c Qo
: A .1/ r * ?. .
• ■ f L.* *> 4 kitri (j r u&t
< • • Ttftttt? SiHtiilad anti.,.
I Prcr.t Hdtumsi^nderwl• rm
SjujcJal AttenOoii i'liid to
Collection of Kftntg
Money loaned on personal
I property and real estate, Ap*
'ply to J. W. Wat Kins.