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The Brunswick Times.
Xstsblishsd IMS.
The Brunswick Call.
Established 1892,
ST:'-. . 1 w:
The Brunswick Times-Call.
coxßor.ifjA.TEi) nsw.
BOLAND A. MULLlNS,Business Manager
oirrrcK }
Subscribers are requeeted to notify the office
when they fail to get any Issue of the Ttmes-
Call. Attention to this matter wilt be appre
ciated by the publishers.
The Times-Call will be: Delivered by
earrier or mail, per year. SS.OO; per week 18
easts. Correspondence on live sabjeete
solicited. Beal namt of writer shoald ac
company same. Subscriptions payable in
sdvanoe. Eailnre to receive paper should be
reported to the business office. ‘Address all
communications to
Brunswick, Ga.
If you see it in the TimksCal*
•wear oy it.
Labor Day ie now second to only
Governor Candler invites ther Pops
back to their first love,
|£An exchange has figured out that
Madame Patti receives 33 1-2 cents for
each not* she utters.
The war the allies ere waging in Tieu
Tain and Pekin seems to he the genuine
General Sbernte# article.
~ .... , „ , . -
“Big Demcoratle Gains” wlil be the
heading in the newspapers now dhat
state elections have started.
Mayor Woodward baa been given one
more trial. We hope he will keep sob.
or until the end of the year.
General JoiT'wheale* dauktUf:* re „
port that he will s^j||Bpi'j£ C
The general , .
cord should apeak fa/
Timothy iJorolbyjibe i t
nomination fur i tout# taut Be
had hie gun aimed higher, but' Aina
wont turn down what la in eight. A-
Arkansas' new uojeiuor, JflMled
Monday, is JetTeraon Davis. Jf there Is
anything in a name Arkansas
has a great man for her chief executive.
Miss Lillian .lewett declares that she
will atop lynchitigs if she has to “turn
the world upside down.” In other worda
Bbe ia ready to lynch the whole country
because of the lynching.
Tbe twenty-fourth report of the oftl
oers and trustees for the Georgia
school for the deaf is now before ue
and a perusal of it contents shows
what coble work this great instituiion
Is doing.
There should be a Uw against alarm
iog storm reports. Yesterday morn
lug, according to street rumors, Jack
sonville, Savannah ami other cities
were aw,p; ctr the face of the earth.
The ave-age B-unswick home had hys
Grover Cleveland, a man we have al
ways admired, say* a mar’s conscience
should tell him how to vote in the com
ing campaign. Mr. Cleveland should
renumber this kind of advice, had
been followed, it would have kept hlm(
from the white hour*.
■ •
Wotting is more astonishing, says
the Jacksonyille Times-Union and
Citizen, than the docility of the Ameri
can people in the face of imposition,
and the meekness in which they as
sume for the benefit of others burdens
they would do well to lepudiate withs
out delay.
The Philippine purchase, for in-
was made at a cost of #20,000,-
000, to say nothlDg of the enormous ex
penditure that will be required to hold
our new possessions by any secure ten
ure. These heavy bills must all event
ually be footed by the people. They
must all eventually find their wav in
to the taxes, there to increase the pub
lic burden that bears so heavily upon
the many, so lightly upon the few.
Such being the case, it is evident that
any profit that may be derived from tiro
acquisition of these islands should ac
crue io thosa who have furnished the
capital for their purchase; and it is also
evident lhat if the money that is to be
made out of tba unterrified Filipinos
be permitted to trickle into the, bot
tomless pockets of the men behind the
Administration throne, the plain peo
ple of tbe country will be paying the
piper that others may dance at their
That this will be done in the eyen\
6f a republican victory next November
is a foregone conclusion The manag
ers of the Adnuulstrrtion parly haye
no other coriroiption of public duty
than t) utilize the public Tunds for per
sonal profit. Already a scheme to de
spoil tbe illimitable forests of the
Philippines is on foot. The woods of
the tropioa haye a veiue all their own
and the recent formation of Banna's
Philippine bardwvod trust indicates
hia intention to make the most of tbe
It U estimated by experts that if
properly skinned, tbe Philippine for
ests will io ten years’ time make good
the f20,000,000 put into tbe purchase.
Of course, If {he islands belong to the
United States, any profit that may be
derived from their explpiUtiou should
to tm ouhtry. And it Is
equally a ipaiter cf course that uo such
rational policy will be adopted, but that
private epecu utors will he permitted
to avail themselves of tbe golden op
portunity opened for them by me peo
ple s money
fcgpt s" -
titi. Dick, Hauua's able lieuteuaat,
has not §VY anything recently about
Bout barn outrages tbe negroes
it may be that U mse of Mr. I ick's
sileucs ia due to the tact that hit home
ia iu Akron, O. One's surr.unuiugs
have a great, influence on one's no e.
It is now cst'mated by thousands of
the best informed leaders In the west
that tbe democra ic ticket will get from
00 to SO per cent of the Oenuau vo'.e in
November neat. This is a very large
gain over the 35 to 30 per cent in 1896.
Added to this a very large number of
German republican newspapers have es
poused the cause of demucraev, as have
also a Urge number of O.srman tnde
pendent papers. Added to this there
are large accessions from republican
racks of leading men, who refuse to
wear the yoke of the republican party
The outlookTh the west is bright with
hope, and the democrats in tbe east are
leaking it warm for the enemy. Truth
and Justlofeare matching
Every white men U Glynn county
should turn out.and vote In the elec*
tion next mon h.
It Is true tfcel the regular democratic
ticket will go In with a whoop but
■Georgia should show the county just
what ft democratic state can poll..
Thote who oppose the nominees.ln
the recent primary should come out
like men and vote for them
Glynn county should poll a large
The Atlanta negro college, known as
Spellman Seminary, has received a gift
of 1180,000 from John I). Rockefeller,
ths Standard Oil magnate. The money
has been paid into the treasury ef the
American Baptist Home Mission some
' -*sw
ty, and will be devoted to the construc
tion of new buildings.-..1t is gratifying
to note tlaat Mr. Rockefeller’#! urW is
opening southward as welj| as we tward;
If Uncle Bam lias got to* fellP the
world and coal tfg and sapplfTbe na
tions with monky, he w*U have his
haods lull. And lhat seems Jsrlie'£ou*
the size of hit prospective job.'SS''
, !l wT.
on the Chamber of
merce list? ' £
Dsafnsss Oanaot B Cured
-3s- -' “H ■
by local as they cannot
reach diseased Dotson of Site ear.
There ia only one way to cate deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed cons
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed, you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing; and when it is en
tirely closed, deafness, is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken oat
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed BBetrr.
Nine cases out of ten are caused by on
tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We #ill give One llahdre® Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot bo cured by Hall’s Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars, free.
F. J.CHKNEY&Co .Toledo, O.
by druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Fills are tbe best.
TJMES-CAIjIj job office.
Those wbo want the beat work, at
the loweat figure?, should bring it to
this office. On Urge dodgers, our
prices and work will make you a con
slant customer, if you will give us (he
first job. King up 31, and a solicitor
will call.
For Bladder Troubles
use STUART'S GIN and
J. W. Smith, Cinclnunti; Oeo H.
Gray, New York; J. C. Wade, Atlanta;
Win. 11. Garland and wife, Fernandina;
W. N. Hawkins, Atlanta; Win. B. Fna
ter, Mscod; W. A. Sipith, Waycross; A.
L. Johnson, Waycnvs; R. L. Finney,
Macon; T. O. Rudrufl, Alabama; F. E.
Ralm, Atlanta; C. H. Davis, Townsend.
Ga.; C. T. Wilson, New York.
44 A Little Spark May
Make Much Work.”
The tittle “sparks” of bid blood lurkc.:,
in the system shotnd be quenched math
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, America's (Treat bLod
purifier. 8 purifies, •vitaliets and em-ibv .
the blood of both sears and all ages. Gres
scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, cat at-..
(JtoodA Saisc builffj
Many a woman has periodic crying
spells. She meet* her husband with
eyes, red and swollen and he cries out j
" What has happened ? " " Nothing” his
wife replies. "I don’t know vdLt is the
matter with me, but I just had to have
a good cry." Men don’t have crying
spells. It would seem therefore that an
affection confined to women must have
its cause iff the Womanly nature. There
is uo doubt that a diseased condition of
the delicate womanly organs, is in gen
aspfl responsible, for feminine nervous
ness and hysteria.
v-The use of Dr. 4>i*ase’**F*w*ite Pre
seriprion make* women happy by mak
ing thfm healthy There are no asdre
cryis* spells. "Favorite
cures inflainmatinO, ulceration and fe
male Weakness. It makes weak women
strong, sick women weM. *
There is no meiwfine *just aa good.*
jsacept no substitute.
v *Vtrt three year*,- writes Mra Mary A ftsw-r.
of High. Lamar Cos.. Teas.. - r SKffrrnf wit* fait ?
the womb, alee ulceration of The womb.
After using three Usilts of yonr - Favorite Pre
scrtwioa; four of Oolden Medical Discovery'
*Uls of ' Pleaeont Pelleta,' l fauud r*
iHr. Itn able SO do my work “tthaaoe. I rec
ommend your wonderful medicine’to all iny
PAftfe cowers, W sent frtt on seceiptsrf
21 one-cent atiuupM to pay coat o| mailite
only. Clqth binding ji stamps AJU
dMs Dr, it. V. Fierce, BuflafifN.
Halifax, N, s., Sept. 6.— Ths Britfiti
oayai and mllitafy 'e#aus td Boston,
•'rived hare ihis tiforuing to ftteßd the
kutiaal fall parade Of the Royal British
Veterans of {Sova Bootia. Ths Amert
cn were met at tbe-statloa by a dsiev
gallon and wera wjarcbeil to the Queen
Bote! The Ufjcd take
plaoe on Sunday. An elaborate pro
gram baa been arranged.
Arteslau wslts to drive at |2BO etch
JmPr, ■ . * •
Rise and capacity guarantaed wil
lsw*U**atw to completi well* in 15
dmy*."feAH paor,gd4ye, A. H. Baker,
•205 Gloucester street.
1 -ey ’■
Do jfeu wjWff • Whateeo>ftp-ay abou t Hood’s
SarsepaftUs? lt|T curing alPfutma ofdMefcse
caused or promoted by mipers-Viod.
Many of th sportsmen are out daily
•new shooHnjj. hens. They are
not as plentiful a* they usually are.
AUa.Jfalveir*on of Weal I’rsrle, Wl., says:
•'People comp to buy, Foley’s Kidney
cere,*’ white J. A. apuafto: Uclmer, Ind„ says:
“Tt is the medical w<jnd*-of the lege." W J,
Butts. - ■
Oglethorpe I3k'' KcigUte of Pythias
meeta tonight. '** C > v
When ton want a pleasant phytic try !hc new
remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
t ablets. Taey arc easy to take and pleasant in
effect. Price SSe. Samples free at Bishop’s
drag store.
Get your jab work done at (he
Tucks-Cam. job office. Best wor'.t in
the oily. Prices the lowest.
To prevent consumption quickly cure throa
and lung trouble with One Minute Cough Cure.
W J Butts.
When in need, call on J.
W. Watkins. He loans mo
ney on personal property.
A meeting of the creditors in the L sv
ison bankruptcy case was held yester
Ban the m:d Von Have Alwavs Be .Jit
A lady stenographer would like po
sition. Address “M.," Time -Call of
A nice, twe-story house for rent—
in perfect order—lH N. Amherst
street. Apply to Mrs. Colesherry, m
X. Amerherst slreer.
Reaping ml
ArvlIZD “TI —1 IS “T! —itJ
If*-’-' m/m
Regular I
.....EPORTEE) ■
By Advertisers Who Use These Column!
% ■%■■■ 4 i:S$
" ' Quantity aid {unity of Circulation giyes
* {entity and {uality io Advertisers
And We Give Botllf
When you can get them at*home for th
same price and besides you save the cos
of freight and drayage.
and a message will receive prompt attention.
W e don t mind calling and talking the matter
over with you and giving you our estimates
and if we fail to pet y mr order that is our fault,
not yours.
The Times=Call, -
209, 2091-2 and 211 F Street.
If you haven't time to write your “ad” let us know and
what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you.
lhat s our business,and we only charge you for the space.