Newspaper Page Text
ft* r-ftGS
Ac/sfle&wnify andJhympt/y.
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effectually
when bilious or costive.
Presents in the *- 'Acceptable form
the laxath incip/es of plants
ft noten to act most benencial/y.
for safe by drvgghts -‘price per boftf£^^
You don’t need the doctor
for every little trouble, but
you do need in the house a
trusty remedy for times of
danger. Thousands are saved
by having at hand
a certain cure for disorders of
the Liver, Kidneys and Blad*
Idler. Use It at once for lame
furred tongue, lost ap
petite and changes In urine or
$1 a bottle, at druopUta.
ar, louis. mo.
Wall Paper
—at the—
502 Monk St.
> ft't 1 , yi~ - It. > i,'-, ■ c
Cm. be fcsind in our display
or qtt.csly developed hi our vork
t r . - iii llm ;rv e .
Mill i. ■!-■ .
fl.ißere !n43 *;t :,.3b * ',a*l iu
fcyp-. p tv-1 imporird lr.'.Je;,.,
Our prte?, rrenoi tt.e leas; pleating
• part of tur offerings.
Says He Will Stump the State for
The Atlanta Journal sayß:
"Bishop H. M. Turner has notified
Gov. Candler that he will Bturnp the
state for the democratic ticket, both
state and national.
"He h'is also notified the national
democratic .commit tee ot his inten: ions,
and his services have been accepted.' It
is expected that he will return to Geor
g a within the next few days and begin
work. He is one of the most prominent
negroes in the south, and wields a big
influence with the negroes of Georg'a
and other states where he is known.
"It is not hie intention to speak.go I y
in Georgia. He wi+l mak* aftveral ad
dresses to the negroes in states contro.l
ed by republicans. It thar’be
will prove of coni<J*tfble yalui Jo the
democratsjn tfce comtltjAdfampaign, js
it is admitted by lha, uppplfeadcri thj|t
every vote will count. In some pc*-
lions of the country, Mason and
Dixon’s line, there"' ajjp many negrotS,
and wuh such speakmOfefßidbop Turn-;
er and others It is believed that many
’of them, will vote the democratic tick,,
et.” 1
Yes, August Flower still has the
largest sale of any medicine In the civ
ilized world. Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using any
thing else for Indigestion or bilious
ness. Doctors wero scarce and they
•eldom heard of spendicltis, nervous
| prostration, hW?"Rllure, etc. They
used August Flower to clean out the
system and stop fermentation of undi
gested food, regulate the action of the
liver, stimulate the action of the ner
vous and organic system, and that is
ad they took when feeling dull and bad
with headache and other aches. You
only need a few doses of Green’s au
gust Flower, In liquid form, to make
you satisfied there is. nothing serious
the matter wllh you Sample bottles
at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C
Should be, in every household mede
cine ohest. Tt affords certain relief
Bussell's Chill and Fever
Tonic is acknowledged to be
the Best on the market,
every eottle guaranteed.
For sale by all druggists.
Bocncvllle, Mo., Se{t. <5. —Ellsworth
Evans, the negro charged with killing
I’oliceman Henecke oh March 2<i, will
be hanged here tomorrow. Sentence of
death was pronounced upon him on July
■ \
A cheap .iWHody for couttiH and
colds n. all rlgH, but sou want seme
thin* that i-J believe and cure the
n in severe and dangerous results n
t and lur.g iroublt, What ita
do? ,Oo to a wanner md mete regu.'a
cilaiate? Y’ee, if ices blt ; If tot [O
slble for you: thin ir. either ctec tak
the oi ly remedy ’hut bus ftin intro
iuced In ail clvilived countries with
success In t:ire throat and lung troubles
Boschee’s German Syrup. It not only
aiiraulates the tlaauoa to desiroy the
Korm ii ease, but allays lnflatnatioa
and cs' : • ■ especioratldii, el yes t. good
n ght’s rest r.tiJ cures the ns.t:cr;i I
Try 0.. : qottle Recommended mat v
year* v... alt and ungists > the . , .
s>- .ole < w. .). ,
Br n Tit
smarting, nervon* l.*rt aw U| rt .log a., aI j
iMtaotly ukM ibc btiagi/ U
i . .. i ;,i- • t 3i 1
Chill and tYv>r
Tonic is acknowledged to
be the Best on the, market
every hotth guaranteed. For
?alo by ali druggists.
Ingentona Transmutation of the
Names of Well Known Persons.
Anagrams that transmute the names
of well known men and women are
often startlingly appropriate. What
could be better In this way than these
announcements, evolved from two
great statesmen’s names when the
reins of power changed hands: Glad
stone, “G leads not!” Disraeli, “I lead,
sir!" Quite as happy Is the comment
on the devoted nursing of Florence
Nightingale, whose name yields “Flit
on, cheering angel.” Among those
that are most often may
mention Horatio Nelson, “Honor est
a Nilo;” Charles James Stuart, “Claims
Arthur’s Seat;” Pilate’s question,
"Quid est veritasY’ (“What Is truthD,
answered by "Est Vir qul adest,” (“It
Is the man here present,”); Swedish
Nightingale, “Slug high, sweet Linda;”
David Livingstone, “D. V.. go and visit
Nile;” the Marquess of Ripen (who re
signed the grand mastership of Free
masons when he became a Romanist),
"R. I. P., quoth Freemasons;” Charles
Prince of Wales, “AtWgseHee calls.
Oh, help!" SJj- Roger Clinfles Doughty
Tiobborne, baMmet, 'Yon horrid butch
er Orton," biggest rascal hero.” And
many shorter specimens, such as tele
graph, “great help;” astronomers, “no
more stars” and “moon stnrers;” one
hug, “enough;” editors, “so tired;’’
tournament, “to run at men;” peniten
tiary, “nay, X repent;” old England,
“golden land;” revolution, “to love
ruin;’’ fashionable, “one-half blag;”
lawyers, “sly ware:” midshipman,
“mind his map;” poorhouse, "Oh, sour
hope;” Presbyterian, "best In prayer;”
sweetheart, “there we sat;” matrimo
ny, “Into my arm.”—Chainlws’ Jour
Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway.
► • . ytlm ■ . ■, ■ >• * '
..,> . / ■
After Sunday, Sept. 2, Southern SUUwuy tv 111.
discontinue Bulling ticket* io Hn vaitirah at rate
of Sl.QftJbt the round nip, that ixjliig the last
Sunday tine rate wllVbo used.
fM.VOOK, GA.—Excursion. $2.50 for tho round
tlip. Tickets on sale morning of August .29,.
■final limit Auguat 31.
-Cs®£AG(>, l Lit. National Encampment
Grand Army Republic, $2125 for the.round
trip. Tickets on August 24*27, filial limit,
wept. 3. By depositing tickets With Joint
agent before Sept. 9. ami on payment of fee
of :>o Fonts, an extension,of final limit may be
obtained until Sept. U 9, /
SAVANN AIhUA. -Of-rgia State Guards Eh
e.impmqpt for RUto pvactiao. for rifie teams
m uniform, five or mote on one ticket, one
fare lor ttotnouuu trtp. Tickets on sale Sept.
3, with final limit Sept.B.
RICHMOND, VA .—One ffire for the round
trip, account Annual Contention National
Baptist Association (colored). Tickets on sale
Sept. 10-12, with Huai limit Sept. 22, inclu
WCHMGN'D, V A.—Annual Contention Hover
grotgu Grand Lodge, Independent tmier . ad
Fellow g, One faro JEor the round trip. Tickets
oneale Hup:. 15-17, final limit Sept. ft.
MACON, Oa.—Street and Agricultural Fair.
For individuals, one fiire for the round trip.
For military companies and brass bands u
uniform, 20 or more on one ticket, $3.80 for
ihe round trip. Tickets on sale Sept. 21-28,
final limit Oct. 21.
LOUISVILLE, KY.,--Annual convention eol
y pred Oiklrcf’.ovys. One fare fur round trip.
Tickets ou srcSept. 29-30, end Oct. 1, final
' limit Oct. 9. ■y"L-ec
.ASJI&V4LLK, N. (' k —Annual meeting Mtasis
sipt i Valieb Medical Association. One fare
for round trffh Tickets on sale oct, <l-9, final
limit oct. 16.
KAN*AH OITY, MO.— Account of Nation Con
vonilbn uf the (ihriatUn church, Liakncawill
be sold to Kansas City, Out 8-10, with final
limit Oct. 23, at rate of one fare for the round
trip, pi us $4. ..
To All Mountaiu, Seaside and Lake Rosorta
Via >he Plant System.
Tickets or* pale June 1 to Septum tier 30, with
return limit October 31,1M0.
Verfo’t passenger*ervioe Pullmub sleepers
on all Iraln-w Full information given on ap
0150. W. COATES, JD.'P. A.,
Brunswick, Ga.
B. W. WRESN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga.
Cheap Kiteg via P ant System.
Richmond, Va.—Annual sees ion Sovereign
(.rami Lodge! I. O. O, K., September 17-32, 1900.
Ticket! Bold September ,15, 18, 17, with Until
limit September 2* r >, at rate of one faro round
Detroit, Mich. -Biennial conclave Knight* of
PythiiiH. August 27 to September 1. 1900. Ticket!
to be Hold August 21, 25. 28, With final limit Sep
tember 6, at rate of one fare round trip.
Brunswick, Ga.
B. W. WKENN, P. T. M.,
Savannah, Ga.
Will be sold before the court house door tn j
the Uty <f JirunisMrick, Glynn count Georgia, •
daring the legal hour*-, of -ole o. the ftiy.t ue-- |
dny oMe to her, neat', ’hat certa nip. oj* U;.ct
•; l-i and ftitua ‘ !■ *ng * U being iu !<• 2? di-- I
' o t, <. M . Glynn <.r>i t ,<j orgta, uttd kuduj
•’ part* t Cot net's Hi *hj, > mui .inn'-g 15 ac *i j
* o le.-, bouuue-i n*,.th . v JIG fbeUftck !
nd KMtfv Ring .;i- k ontfh by r r t of j
yV m 1”■ oih a* 'i> oc* •‘iji'sS??'i . ■ the c urtr!
■’ 1 ‘ h M ** ’ I
< f whicn ifae follow g Uh I tin and ©mirt-eGe
I V, ‘,'!/If.V qy , U 1 V ■ - three <;:{ , 1
t,* ' inro vo c. lent A th* -n. L th*. 0 and IVwn f r
' Uvorg ■al l n . A pr.poity!
; t‘< Jttkfy iln e’'ec : itioi. -'U -’ • > v ‘W* \
• for court ' f •raid o* me tv in f;**or 0-* uns- •
• i,-k H.-v:ng4 ‘*?td Trust TV .nouy agio' •*. wW. j
‘ rjollinn Wfi tflehl ini a. 4. <
proper tv being in the po*.-e4oo:i *.< t om- &
Whitfield. ThD Swiember •' 1H ' .
W. If,BhliitlE, Sheriff.
has been sounded to all |
kind—success unparalleled in
history of light beverages has every/ \ 'V v
where marked the introduction of
n Ji-B C (KIM
(Bohemian 1 1 m g
It stands prc/emlncnt as the finest Wj 3 j\ff|raHfiP
bottled beer brewed In America, If | / 1-
and leads all others in annual |Ljt 1 j HTOgSL
; exportations to foreign countries, j I ',s||Hg|||
Pyungwiuk Wholesale Wine ana Liquor t - / '
, ■ j ■
GRfK(Jf A,Glyiin County.
Will be sold before the courthouse door in
ld county, on the ffist Tuesday lh October,
URID, w tlu the loAal hours of /lftle, to ttie
.hlffh*sht|c(foi for cash, eortain property of
which traHt.ft|Blrlng u a full and complete do
tow it: That jurtain undivided one
uigtth of, in.and t* that certain lot or
tract of land lying and being in the City of
Brunswi U.countyof Glynn and State of Geor
gia. and kuown ami designated in the plan of
said town and city aa the eastern one-half of
Town Commons lot number one-hundred and
Ilfty-six<lstl),uld lot oiie hundred and fifty six
being bounded as follows, towit: On the north
by H atchet, on the east by Albany street, ou
theimuh by lot number one hundred and tifty
saven (157), and on the west by Wolf street.
AUo, a certain undivided one half of, in ami
Lojthat certain tract, lot or parcel oflaml aitu
4ftted in the State of Georgia, county of Glynn.
andJßty 0 f Brunswick, rt ud in that portion of
thecityof Brunswick known as Town Com
mons and described as follows, towit; 'Hie
' weaffl' ii one half of Town Commons lot num
! her one hundred and fifty six (I6<i) and im
provements thereon west of Cochran avenue.
| Also, a certain undivided one Af intei ost of,
in and lo that portion of Giat certain tract lot,
or parcel oi laud in the State of Georgia, and
county of Glynn, and in the t ity of Bruns
wlok tlil'JTln. aud known and dentnnatod Ulun
tlm I own Commons map of said oily as that cer
tain northwestern 001 nereeciion of Town Com
mon, lot number ono hundred and thirty iiaoi
between Amhert and Albany streets, being rcc
tuuKUlar In shape, having onds thirty ('J) feet
and sides ninety t 0) f cl, which is Inure min
utely hounded us billows,lowit: (..ntlie nnrih
by lowu Common lot number one hundred nml
twenty nine (12D) ninety foot, on the oast by
Amherst street thirty root,on tho Bonth by the
southern port ton of said lot number one hun
dred and thirty ninety feet, and on tho west by
the eastern portion of said lot number one hun
dred and thirty thirty feet:
rl , Bi‘l property levied on as tho property of R.
Hitch to satisfy an execution Issued from tho
Luiy ( onrt ol Brunswick in and Tor said county
111 ravoi ot Rnallsh-American Loan and Trust
Company against said It. T. Hitch; said prop
erty being In possession of It. T. iliicli. Levy
made and returned to me by li. s. Pyles, demi
ty sherifl. This Heptemher 5, P.KJo.
tv. 11. IIBRItnc,
hlmriff (dynn County, (Jourgia.
(ieorgis—Qlynn County,
tinder and by virtue of a power of .ale eon
tinned in that certain rteod to pecuru deed
from Alfred K. Turner to tho American Build
ing Loan and Tontine Savings AUBoeiation of
Momphia luiincsdue, which .Iced iu recorded in
Book jN. N., folio, 2,4 of the records of id
u.oumy, reference to which deed and record of
Hiuue is had for all purpoHen, (the said Alfred
l. luincr having for more than hlx month)* de
faulted in paying the duea and interest which
he in his said deed to secure debt obligated
himself to pay.) there will he told before the
door of the court boue in Brnnawlck, Georgia,
be ween the legal hours of flute, on the first
Tuerfdav in October, 1800, to the highoat and
licet bidder tor cosh: That certain lot of land
in Brunswick. Georgia, and in that part of eald
ell) or Brunswick known ns Town Oomnione;
and being the Western one-half of Town <om
mona Lot Number 110, (and improvement*)
uno in Dial, block of lota located botwocn
null and Albany sfcrue'g, in said city.
To be sold a the proper ty of said A F Turn
er lor the purpose of i ayitig the indebtedness
secured by said deed, principal being sm2B,
i>eside- interest, duos, /Inca, etc. Purchaser
pays for titlen, This August 31 it, 1000.
li) Amerlean Building l oan and Tontine
Havings Association of Memphis, Tennes
see, Attorney in Fact.
Attorney for Aisociation.
state of Georgia—Glynn < -Minty.
Under end by virtuebf a power of gale eon
tained in that certain dec * t-. secure debt from
Helen G. nice to the American Building I oan
and l'ontine Saving! Association, of Memphis,
Tenn. which deed 1h recorded in Book b. L.‘ fol
io 8* 7 of the records of said county, reference to
which deed ad the record of gnipo is hml for
all purpo esHthe said Helen O. It ice having
for more than six months defaulted in paying
the due-> and interest which she In htr
deed to secure debt ohligated to pay,)
there will be sold before the door of the court
house, m Brunswick, Georgia, between the leg
.t) b-ziira of hhlc. on the first Tuesday In Octobei
];•• • to the highest and i*eAt bidder to? cash, tin*
following bits of land,(and the improvetn* nts
’hercog dc *.er bed on atid in' the man and plan
of th*city oi Brunswick made by George U.
liaid u in, an New Tow n lot - Numbers l-s 2, JBs.{,
i- j. Ifcksnnd J '<d To be .-.olda* the property *f
-aoi rich rr'G Blue for ihe purpose of paying
th" iadeb'e■due s t fcCUied ), *aid de l; prim i
iMtflJoipg ■: 177,61, he ide In*croft:, dues, fine!,
etc Pg 'iiii-er pay i>,r titles. This August
By’iicftn Building iVan and T-ii.tinehsav v-wdatior, at McmpU'-e Tenn., At
OTA f lON,
' or. (.U •:> (;*. silty.
£o u’l u'Un it may concern: tlcnry G Cur
h* bai jUM hi peeper form a > ;cd f * me for
|Mrr' # !i’u?nt r of ad in I • istr <tin on t ecu*
f.-tc<r -,nn x:\ Gnith* biro o sin, t ...
! io-r- -i. ;.rd Hitigue r. th e red I tors and
tmxt of * . i of GurUs t< he and ap* ear
uv it v rdh •• ctinm tlm iliue arowCfl by. Iftw
-md show,oftii: c. f anv tlv v. fuu. why peroia
• t ;i /nf it-tn,t(mi stitiuld hot Ins gruded to
Huh !, ( u'tis on e-mte of Samuel ‘ Urt’-.
V* itmy haml and- thetai algcat-ure, this Bk
- day hr BepicQlher. 1U 0. ;;
Ordi vi .".ry Given Ceuuty, g u>,
niHsohi;nos notice.
! On aei;oa.' t.of ho death of Hampel CurtG.the
! firm ol CortSa. < Hrro. as& Go., by mu.uai' ii
*■ hi. tn x been dbolv*d.
Service By Publication.
STATU OF GKORRIA-County of Glynn.
Jcfnn ltogors, ) In Glynn Superior Coun, May
v. S Term, 1900.
Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE.
To the Defendants Susie Rogers:
You are hereby cemnmndod to he ami appear
at tho December Term, uoxt, of Glynn Superior
Court, to he holdcn at the court house in
B’unswlck, Glynn County, Georgia, on the
First Monday ui December, 1800, and by Ten
(10) O’clook of Iho forenoon of said date, then
and there to answer the complaint of the plain
till'in the above stated case in his Libel for
WitnOßs tho Honorable Joseph W. Benm tt,
Judge of the Hup rior Court of Glynn County,
this the 10th day of July, 1900.
H. F. duBN;NON,
Clerk Superior Court, Glynn • ounty, Ga.
State of Georgin-Comity of Glynn.
Mrs, Ella Markham Liliel for divorce; in tho
Superior court of Glynn
vs. county, May term, BMiO,
Order to perfect service
Martin B. Markium grunted at said term.
To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham.
You are hereby Jequired, in person or by at
torney, to he ami appear, at the December
Term, 1800, of Glynn Suppl ier court, to be liold
en ii and.fui aaid county, at the court house,in
Brunswick, Glynn countv, Georgia, ou the first
Monday in December, 1000, and you will be
there by ten f 10) o'clock, 0/ the forenoon of said
day, i hen and there to answer the complaint of
the plaintiff Mrs. Ella Markham, iu the above
stated case, in her Übtil for divorce.
Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet,
Judge of the Superior courl of Glynn county,
this the 24th day of Augnsf, 1900.
Deputy Clerk of the Suporior Court, Glum
County, Georgia,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
State of Georgla—County of Glynn.
Mrs. Lizzie Long Libel for divorce; In the
Superior court of Glynn
Vb. county. Mav term, 1900.
„ , Order to perfect service,
ihomas A. Long, granted at said term.
To the Defendant,Thomas A. Long,
You are hereby required, in person or by at-;
tornev, to he and appear, at the Deceinber
term, 1900,0f the Glynn .Superior court, to ho
holden in aud for said county, at tho court
house in Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, ofa
the first Monday iu Decernber.l9oo, and you
Will he there by ten U 0) o’clock of the forenoon
of said day, then and there to answer the com
plaint, of the plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzie Long, in the
above stated case. In her libel fbr divorce.
WitnesH the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet,
Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county,
this the 24th day of Ahgtist, P.u 0.
A. o. tgwn^end*
Doputy Clerk of the Superior CYjilrt, Glynn
County, Georgia.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
state of Georgia—County of Glynn.
Mrs. Edna Wylie Ll!cl for divorce; in the
Superior court of Glynn
vs. county, May turiu, 1900,
order to perfect service,
James Wylie. granted ut said terjlp.
To the Defendant, Jainea Wyßc.
You are hereby required, in person or by at
toruey, to be and appear nfc tho December
term, 1990,0f Glynn Superior court,to bo hold
en in and for .said county, at the court house,
in Brunswick, Glynn county. Georgia, on tho
first Monday in December, 1800, and you will
be there bv ten (10) o’clock of tRc forenoon of
said day. then and there to answer the com
plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the
above stated case, in her libel for divorce.
Witney the Honoiable Jimeph W. Bennet,
Judge of the superior cohrt of Glynn countv.
tills the 24th day of August, 1800.
Doputy Gierk ol the Superior Court, Ulynr
County. Georgia.
Attorney for Pialntlff.
STATE OF GEORGlA—frlvmi Countv.
The Federal Transport and') In Equity in the
Insurance Cos., ct. al., Superior Court of
_vh. ! of aaicl county
J lie Atlantic Cotton Cos., f Suit to enforce
et. al. i paymentbto capl
) tat stock.
The defendants. J. H. Ernst, C arlo Evunt, C.
ScUunnchev A Co.,a eopartuerahin. A. Norden
A: > <>., ac .pii f.n< rship, H. \V. O. Eoge.WUlUm
u. AliiKon and ,1 S. Thomas,are hereby n itifled
and required to be and appear in portion or by
a’t'/rncy ;.i the next Jh ccmbor, 1900, term of
th*.! Superior Court of nid county, to bo he>d in
the ton r. honw* of said crrCnty, at Brunswick,!
on t*t: m Monday In liccrmber. next, *nd by )
JO o'eb ' k,ta., or Hstid dav, then and th’mVio
|i n wei tlu> jdalntifT- In tlilHuc In default
rit rFof tt o Court will t a- to jupTicoi
m&i - i-jcr iniii '• ilitcss th Hon oh. \V Bea- •
H Jt. O. ul ,ild g OUI t. Tili , 27i.h dny of .biy. ‘
■ ' H. r. /v uTir ON ON, i
Clerk “'mpetior CpurtfGlynn C >., Ga.
p’ " |
sr.HVic* BY 1 rtßuicvTiox.
M # Clyde I’m- "in, Lit. r. • Div.-i-.'i.. ,-i
; turnaole to Dcretnfe§r 1
vi. j I'ci mi, l‘F! of s-.pertor 1
■ c; nit t -it oijnu count. ?
o. J. Freeman. ty, g or.da. i
i To tiio bslid defi bdfiui, G. J, Ei cmnan 1
, ' YV>ll nrc i"-ycby r* <juTe r i-‘sonaiiy or by :
i atiorn' y, 'o he and at Hie next term of
ith rl rt o nto' *..n untv. convaniug'
i --n the tirst Mon- ay m !>' eenber, bfO), then and
- eto answer t <• nladntlfT. Clyde Fmtiiidtry
i U|i*i. the , lit# af her pnUiou f-r divorce fiiedc
age In is t yon; 'as in Uefaub of hi h appearanciy
th court wdH pt'occed an to Jus h e shall upper-.}
tfjir. V\ ltne-H the Hon Joseph w. Ileniiot]
1 Judue -f 'td Supai ior Court, tin* 22d day of j
/•g".it,i!b). \. g.tgwn -em).
i D piity Click Mu erior Court. Glynn go., Ga, I
l) NV. mi A tty.
L* : J Throw awav Cosmetics.
T* MSB American women throw
v . awayseventv-ll\e million
dollars annually for fac
*pow ler9,lotions, etc., ma
\yblch are made of pofs mous substances an
estroy the skin. To aecuie a Natural, Ros
Healthy Complexion, got a
Restores original contour, permanently re
moves pimples, freckles, bluckhe.tds, and all
ceinplcxioniil imperfections.
Absolutely harmless. Results guaranteed.
Write for particulars. Price $3.00 by mai
G loves $2.00 and $2.50.
VIRGIN RUBBER CO., No West 14th St N. Y
Brown Drug Cos,, Sole Agts
Brunswick, Ga.
Cor. Monk and Grant Sts
Country Produce
—Vegetables etc.
Also Confectionary.
Real Estate tor Sale.
We have lot number 176 on A street
nine lots on Woll Street, for sale cheap
Dan Cos.
P|yL Nowcast’
M adoi
andfiepita Cure
CSgcsts what you eat.
ItCTjtlfioltiHy digests the food and aids
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strnctlric the exhausted digestive or*
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can approach tt in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and
all other results of imperfeetdigestion.
Prerwred by E. C. DeWltt a Cos.. Chicago.
\}' J. Butts, the Druggist.
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Selling, Renting, Repairing,
Messenger Service?
We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford,
Eagle, Elk, Dixie.
Best of Wheels for the
Least Money.
HO'd, Newcastle St.
: *59 Cream Fresh Evert Ear, Milk Shake
| ‘Seta Water* Etc m
All Kinds of Candy .