Newspaper Page Text
Ti Propose a Plan lo M
pt Cbioesfl OibsQdd.
The Cabinet Held a Long and
Important Meeting Yesterday
Afternoon and a Plan
Agreed On,
Washington, Sept. 7.— The cabinet
held qui!o a lorg meeting this after,
noon, aud at the end of the same, it
stated that the United States
would' Sfittt'rty propose a plan for a
settlement at 'ttki- -'blnese question,
and it is confidently believed that
will result in a satisfactory emiutioD
of the trouble,
I 4 * r
•Sixteen Caiortuoates Meet a Terrible
Shanghai, Sept. 7,—Sixteen more
Protestant missionaries, chiefly be
longing tp Aim rlcan missions, have
been murdered at Quivious, Few
Chew, Ft Ku stations, in Shansi pro
Washington, Sep*. 7. —Henry L.
Burnett, United States district attor
ney, and William a. Henke),
States marshal, appeared today before
tbe Supreme court of the United
States in this city to show cause why
the tina! order of the Circuit court in
the Neely extradition lase should not
be corrected and speedy justice should
not be done. Thedeaision in question
was made by Judge Wallace, who
granted an appeal to the Supreme
court in the habeas corpus proceed
ings. It was on these grounds that
Laoombe refused to sign a writ
of extradition.
Paris, Sept. 7.—The first of tbe two
great Exposition Venetian fetes was
held on the exh today,
It was a fete of flowers, including a
gigantic flower show, presenting the
rarest and most beautiful flowers of
the world, and a sham battle in which
flowers are used as shot and shell, Tbe
effect was extremely novel and en
chanting. Tbe second fete will beheld
on Sept. 15,
Washington, Sept. 7.—Surgeon Gen
eral Wyman, of tbe Marine Hospital
Servioe, today received a cable mess
age from Passed Assistant Surgeon
Thomas, from Glasgow, dated today,
stating\here had been no new cases of
plague for three days, and that condi
tions ware good.
Richmond and Charleston Fee! Yerj
Badly Over the K -cent Census.
Washington, Sspt. 7.—The Census
Bureau is fast completing the oensue
countr f the population of tbs defer
ent cities of the country.
The bureau officials are using every
effort to complete the oouat as early
as possible. Muoh disappointment is
felt among Richmond,
leaton, 8. C., oirp.f*,#' H'M' 1 vihsbitrgtjti
over the poprshowagg
peopl| wre
ly ih the’iew ,ra|& wbfeh
the South generallfNvill failiaJfk&fi
a? much of an increase a* fjMl. b*n
anticipated. *TIS!
It is impossible at this Ifljfiß t<G&il
whether the falling off in tA'serlw]
cities of the South has a
falling off in 'he white or' color#3
■ta' ‘ .
__ -a
present count of the pop
ulations, no classification as to race*
is made. This will be done, however,
later on, but it tnay b* several
-> *■ 5 K V ,
months before the matter oft; olassift
catlou is taken up. It Will bs inter
esting to know whether the Increase
has been greatest among the white*-
or blacks, in view of the very siAafit
increase to population. "
Birmingham, "sept. *7,i-The
genersl discussion at today’s session
of tbe State Federation of Catered Wo
men’s Clubbemg held here waa on tbh
subjeot, “Shall We Have a Reforma
tory, Among tbe speak
ers who advanced views were Mrs.
liuoker T. Washington, of Tuskegse,
and Mrg. A. A. Bowie, of Selma.
Other papers were read bearing on
this subject, tbe general trend being
that tbe estafcliftiment of a refdffintoey
for young and wayward negroes would
have a good moral effect, Tho closing
paper was read by Miss M. Gibbs, of
Mobile, on the “Evolution of the Col
ored Woman.”
Washington, Sept. 7.—The Southern
Railway, the Atlantic Coast Line anil
the Seaboard Air Line will all, it is said,
make liberal concessions to Charleston
in the matter of railroad rotes during
the coming Charleston exposition. The
managers of the roads in Charleston say
that they will do all in their power to
aid the people of Charleston in making
the coming exposition a great success.
Baltimore, Md., Sept. 7.—Governor
Smith today attended the fair at'fi
monium and addressed a large audi
ence there. Other speakers were Sen
ator John W. Daniel, of Virginia, and
ex-Goveri*or I’attison, of Pennsyl
Shanghai, Sept. 7.—Li Hung Chang
asked Consul Goodnow to provide him
with an American esoort to Pekin.
1 D ■-
Kir IKi
iiericai Mils Wipfl
' ' '■• *' •> •*v‘- . tyßhK :*• ;
£,r*~ tir v ,
im m i
. V Wfo, '
** . *** * ' * •>. St.
fixs.jßmoox Kille#'
-tags Her Dffadvflasbaigd’s
'o& Sept 7.--Adtjfl*a 'from.
Fu give' details of tiia\jptr
aacre *f uiisaftthir&s there. *
wife Oljf r^ffc'
Wm fity , wakfiftabbed to Math
wflle standing, gpn in.?fcn<f. : 'dflfe'he
fiody of lust Hkjore
Ktta (dosed her ftfre*- 1
SfcrSei bibieaimp&led rfcl
Mrs. Hodge, of Phila
also' murflered.
# '■ *'
BIStHK H;Wa the move.
Yoknhi | ma,,y'pt; > : foe Japsueee
foreign oflfo* has received a cable
gram from Sha ilsiu, dated .Septem-
paying that large bodies at
under command of Gen.
freeing northward through
- * .-y '■ # .4
this protinos of Ilmnan and Ifopop.
£&< few -*t *l**4 - w '
■ >i
Frliint. ,7,—The" French ooflsul
at Bhang hat tafejjrajffi* that the vto.--
roy at Nankin an escort
to K.j|v,Ei*ng for lb apostolic yicar
of *3hatherir%iang 81 and two mis
sionaries, whose lives had been
threatened. The consul also obtain
ed an esfeqjt for the Frenob mission
aries in Eastern Kiang Si.
Brsmerbaven, Oermany, Sept. 7-r-
The last slnprnent sublier
for active in China wßßafrom here
todsy. Tbiv makes a total of 7,600
men, besides enormous stores of How
itzers and shells that have been slipp
ed from here within the past fort
Indianapolis, Sept. 7.—A general
strike order was iseued tonight by the
legisla'lve board oLliifi Mine Workers
National Union. The order will be
issued to tbe United Anthracite mi*
ners before being made public in this
oity. A strike at this time would find
tbe ooai operators in bad shape, as
every ooncern is crowded with Eu
ropean orders.
Denver, Col., Sept. 7.—The Republi
can Stats convention opeasd hers this
morning for the purpose of nomina
ting a full State ticket and presiden
tial electors. The basis of representa
tion is the same as for the delegate
convention which eleoted delegates
and alternates for the Philadelphia
■Il l :
ExpßCtel Him Now
off Fort Ms.
IS I® ip
-•-> -ssfiSV
- " 0f
The of the Wind Has
;i 'w.Jß.offlpeaßad andisihe Barome-.
is Rising.
j:**The hurricanco which the people have
been looking for the past few days haa
Jtlndly consented not to pay Brunswick
a visit.
Yesterday afternoon the weather bu
reau statAl that the tropical storm, fol
lowing the least resistance,
is south of Port Eads, La., at
t£e barometer was 29.38
inches with a wind velocity of 56 inilos
per bout- It indicates a course inland,
but will probably .lose much of its en
ergy on approaching the maiulaud.
Wind velocities have diminished over
south Florida, and the barometer is ris
ing af the several stations. Rain fail is
confined to . the extreme northeast
and thodower South Atlantic, particu
larly wor Florida.
The weather is cooler over the north
ern section of the country, with slightly
higher temperature along tlje Gulf and
South Atlantic.
High winds aro indicated for west Flor
Wil l Attend the Wedding of His Niefco
Next Tuesday.
Wnsbir .on, Sept. 7. Mc-
Kinley '] leave Washington for Som
erset, Pa , Tuesday next to attend the
wedding of his niece, Misb Mabel Mc-
Kinley. The president will leave Som
erset immediately afterVhj wedding cer
emony and rcc p ion, and will probably
go to Canton, il public business at that
time will pe. mlt of bis taking the trip.
Tho president has been very busy for
the past two weeks writing his letter of
acceptance, which will be raa ly for the
press in a few days,
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 7.—Tbe an
nual convention of the Catbolio Total
Abstinence Union of America opened
here thia morning. The convention
will last for five days. Delegates from
unions all over the country are pres
ent, and many epeakert of national
repute will be beard.
Montgomery, Sept. 7, —News is re
ceived here of the dcatj> from wounds
in battle in the Philippines of Corporal
Lanier Schley, Thirty-ninth Infantry.
He was wounded at San Diogo in Janu*-
ary. Ho was a native of Montgomery
and a nephew of Admiral Schloy.
■■ . ■ ‘A -
liar lTavikjr a Scene of Muob Tilfe and
'■ \ 4 Vr’* v* . v ’■ ‘ *
l •!' Activity.
Narbor, M., Sept. 7.—Admiral
Farqubar, in comnund of the North
Atiaatie Squadron, which is visiting
this port in conjunction with tho Eng
lish North Atlahtio Squadron under
command of Admiral Bedford, is be
ing lionizjd hero today,
A dinner was tendered him and the
captains of both fleets, by Mr, and
Alts. Charles Carroll Jackson,
Tho programme for this afternoon
calls for an exhibition drill and pa
rade by a battalion from
can ships.
Admiral Bedford is absent today,
having gone to Boston to see Mrs.
Bedford off for England. On bis re
turn the general programme will be
renewed until Tuesday, on which day
the English jackiei will give an exhi 1 -
bition drill and parade at ICebo, end
ing the most brilliant week of the so
cial season.
Husband Refuses to Gather Shells on
the Seashore.
They were sitting on the hotel porch
at Bt. Simon, when Aire. Jones said to
her husband, "Lot us go down on the
beach and pick up shellaV”
‘‘Excuse me,” was the reply; the last
time I picked up shells on -the beach it
Cost me $5.” *,
Several gentlemen sitting near by, who
had heard the conversation began to
jaugh, and she asked: “Why are thev
“It would take too long to explainS|
was tho ont o more vmigfJ&i
eurlosUywas Uiigratificd.
Stettin, <Jermany, Sept.
vViiliam arrived kt'ru this morjßpj
superintend the annual mliiUrjußj|jr
vers. He is ottndU by vn
number of secret police, who wlH*ueep
oloto watch of Wk parson dttriDg his
stay here.
’ ,■
Bangor, Me,, Sept. 7 —Rev. Charies
M. Sheldon, of “newspaper fame,” will
speak to an audience in this oity to
night. His newspaper experience
while on hie recent trip through Eng
land will be hie subject of dieoourse
A large aud'ence is promised.
Grand Rapide, Mich., Sept. 7.
Theodore Koosvalt arrived in this oity
today, and addressed a mass meeting
here tonight. He was enthusiastically
reoeived by a Republican delegation.
Atlanta, September 7. —Joel Chandler
Harris has resigned hie position as edi
torial writer of the Constitution, and
will devote bis entire time to literary
The Kpworth Leaguo at the McKen
dree Methodist church was entertained
last evening by Mbs Emily Harvey at
her home on C street. A
of tbe members were present anfßdi
enjoyed the prettll/ arrYngeif program-
nil ii
Geo. Baflen-Powell Gels a
Warn Receptioa ;/
m Toim to
Such Enthusiasm Had Never Be
fore Been Seen in That City.
Gen. Baden-Powell Was
Greatly Affected.
Capt Town, Sept. 7.—Gen. Baden-
Powell, the hero of Matching, arrived
here this morning from the front. Thou
sands of people gathered at the railway
station, awaiting his arrival, and as soon
as he was seen to alight from the train
a tremendous cheer arose. The gallant
officer was carried from the train on the
shoulders ol enthusiastic people to the
government house, a distance of overt
half a mile, followed by thousands, whev
chcerei every foot of the way. Such art
had never
been witnessed in South Africa.
Gen. Baden Powell was much affected'
at the cordiality of his reception, but#
Wears the -i.
e-'.y. lie aiyal S :
L ..aid
ti ifrof negroes were badly
■Kta' and * white boy was severely ia~
E<y a brick burled from a roof by a.
Bin a race riot in the vicinity ot
BHJBftt-Tapue and Forty seventh street
Wcsteiday afternoon. Nearly a thousand,
white men gathered in front of the tene-
Tnenta on the north side of Forty-sev—
entlr street, just east of Eighth avenue,
and yeiled for the blood of the negroes
wbo had lied there when the trouble be-w
g*n. Not a dozen men in this whale
crowd knew what the trouble was about
nor why they wanted to assault the ne
groes,, hut light ln the air."
Key, Walter M. Gilmore, pastor. Ser
vices tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p be.
Sunday school at 4 p. m ; young people’*
meeting 10:15 a. rn.; subject, "Oag Sim
ple Duty,” led by Mr. C. D. Ogg. Hus--,
iness meeting of the B. Y. P. U. Tuca
nay evening in the lecture room of the
ohurcb. The pastor will preach the*
first of a series of sermons on a ‘Dacia-,
ration of Our Faith” Sunday mornings
Subject “As to tho Holy Scriptures,’*''
All coidially Invited.
With the coming of several hundred
excursionists to tbs oity last night
also came lively times, and Brunswick
looked like a metropolitan oity.
The first o( October will bring about
a number of changes yn the bualneaaif;
1 houses of Brunswick'* Soma of them
Me already getting ready to move
will he changes alt around.