Newspaper Page Text
Miss Fannl ■■ Kymmea leaves soon for
La Grange, where .she will enter school.
It will late-eit bis manv friends to
know that Muster Spencer Atkinson
Will speed toe winter in Atlanta, wl h
Judge and Mr.'. S. R. Atkinson acd
will attend school there.
Mies Rower.a Griffin is spending the
summer in Atlaotu with rela'lres.
, —•— 0-
Miss Mabel Robinson, of Darien, Is
visitieg Mrs, Coney Marlin.
A taliy-ho ride was tendered to Miss
Etta RotUscnlld, of Savannah on
Thursday night by her young men
Iriende. Those who enjoyed the moon
light ride were: Misses Bertha Green
wood, Blanche Mlcholson, Maria Rei
man, Bertha Borchardt, Flora Marks,
l la Borchardt, Lena Samuels; Messrs.
Joe Borchardt, Alex Rjtholz, M. R.
Makrs, Morris Gioenwood, Teadore
Greenwood, Ben Borchardt, Leo Kauf
man, Allic Elkan.
Mrs. Ed Uerbhon has returned to her
homa in Atlanta froui a pleasant visit
to relatives.
Miss Etta Rothschild, of Savannah, is
visiting Mise Marie Reiman cn C
Mrs. Ed Mason has returned from
Washington, Qa., whM ahe went to
place little Mias Margaret Barkuloo la
Bt. Joseph’s convent.
During the absence ot Miss
Haker from the cltj, St. Mark's uo>
choir will of Mlfs Nellie
Welle, thlVnCpp organist.
MBs Ellon i'oajJfcM^utert al tied hsr
you friends a
ilar.' "i> Tur.-iUy^E;
Ml. .1 i . SlilesiWPfl WeS/St.,
■ ■ ■
in ins uid lim.o a Malborifoj^E’PSa-
Mias Arabella W a
few weeks with Mrs. I’.™** 'vmSott
George street
Mis. .1. K. Nightingale and claughtW,l
Misses Faunie Grant, Maude nd Mat
tic, have returned from a pleasant sum
mer in Cedartown aud ABheville.
Capt. aud Mrs. Joseph E. Lassere aud
Miss Tillie Brown have returned from a
trip to Michigan.
Mrs. Leo Lommand children have re
turned from a visit to relatives In Fer
Mrs. Simeon Warren is back from a
pleasant vitlt to relatives in Scotland,
Mrs. Norman SUelverton is visiting
in Macon.
Mrs. A, C. Blaln is visiting her moth
er, Mrs. \V. A . Jeter, In Macon,
Messrs. J. A. Montgomery.and H. F.
Wiggins left this week for Mr. Mont
gomery’s old home in Chicago, after
which they will spaud somo time in
Waukeoshaw, Mich.
Miss L. U. Doming Is spending some
time with friends in Atlanta.
Misses Mamie and Annie Isaac o.
Waycross are visiting Mrs. Max Isaac
on E street.
The .oyster roast to be given by the
ladies of the order of the Eastern Star
will doubtless be well patronized
Few people in tbii vicinity are aware
of the magnitude of the business of tbe
Chamberlain Medicine Company, of
Dee Moines, lowa.
From a smakirbeginnlng it has grown
into one of the most important Indus
tries in that state and is a source of
pride to lowa people.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy arc etaple through'
out the United States and in many for
eign countries; and it is esp.cially
gratifying to know that they are worthy
of their popularity.
The Chamberlain Medicine Company
use in one year over forty car lords of
battles; twenty-one car loads of lum
ber for picking oases and fifteen car
juds of printing paper for advertising
matter: oyor four hundred barrels of
the finest qua'it jr of loaf tugxr are used
each year in the manufacture of Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy.
In their priutfng department eleven
prln’ing presses are constantly tmploy
ed in printing their adv-riliing matter,
labels and directions. Directions for
use are printed In twenty-eight lang
ugei, They employ thirty-six sales
men, thirty-two of whom travel in the
United Bta'es and four in foreign
countries ami have over one hundred
employees in their laboratory.
They are now building a uew labora
tory, I s 41 xl 16 'eet; four stories high,
fitlod throughout with the most modern
appliances. This will enable them to
mom :Jiav, double their present ca-
They r. ivj man4 unsnliclicd testi
monla'.B from all of the tobe,
IT re is tile e fy; ,n
Old *
I couslder Cough
Run uiy the in the world for bron
chitis.-- It- has saved my wife's life, she
ESlfvW hcea a martyr to bronchitis for
Six years, being most of the time con
hnd to h< bed. She is now quite
fU - William Sayory, No. 52 Foste
etrofV-War(jtkgto*, England.
For Dfabeu use
STUART’S '..IN and
Pepsol Jh
The new, sparkling,
healthful and refresh
ing drink, just receiv
ed by express. The
most popular and de
lightful drink of the
Free tickets honored
and more to be given
C all am Try 11.
Next .v Waff’s.
News Notes and Comments of General
Everybody says a chamber of com
merep is just what Brunswick need?
and that is jrst Vte tnmg we ar; are
going to'have. It tids fair to be a
very live organization snl one th.t
will dj ttfs tection a deal o'
' t • ' pv . ' r - ...
The predicted storm has pcssed os
by and now ih; average Bruaswickian’e
mind is again turned to tbe rational
Tha. big banquet of the R flemeu
will be given on . veiling of Wed
nesday, Sept. 12th. and it is intended
that it will be swell Irora the worigo.
Seas of our best orators have Oetn in
vited to speak and the occasl ,n p om-'
Ises to be a del'ghtful cne, *
, . '■ .. " ’
The Brunswick pub! c schools w.ll
open oa October Ist, Lads anil lawlts
atealieady hunting up their tnoks.
The Times-Call hopes to prfnt a col
umn daily about the schools.
A Minis Ur’s Good Work,
“J lil a severe attack of bilious colic, got a
bottle of Cbamticrlaln’s Colic, Cholera and
Dlarrbica Iteincdy, took two doses anil was en
tirely cured,'’ Ttcv. A. A. Power, of Empo
ria, Kan “My neighbor across tbe stieet was
sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o
medicine from ibe doctor. He used them for
three or four days without relief, then called in
auother doctor w bo treated him'for some days
tnd gave him no relief, so discharged him. I
went over to See him tbe next morning. He
said bis bowels were hi a terrible fix, that they
had been running off so long that it was almost
Woody flux. I asked him If he had tried Cham-
Iwrhiln's Colie, Cholera and Olsri bua Homed) ,
and he said, ‘No.’ I went home and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him
to take dose in flfteeu or twenty min
utes If he did not And relief, but be took no
more, and was entirely cared. I think If tfic
best medicine I have ever tried.” For
Dr, Bishop's drug store. -- y
at the Oglethorpe.
TvJ.O. Bark, Macon E. A. Facutt,
Atlanta; R \l. Shoupline, Atlanta: H.
Fericna, New York; O. \Y. Downey,
Washington, D. C.; C. W. Rinehart,
Our Greatest Specialist
For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath
away has so successfully treated chronic
diseases that ho is acknowledged today
to stand at the head of his profession in
this line. Uis exclusive method of
treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture
without the aid of knife or cautery
cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In
the treatment of loss of vital forces
nervous disorders, kidney and urinary
complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning,
rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul
iar to women, ho is equally successful*
Dr. Hathaway's practice is more than
double that of any other specialist.
Cases pronounced hopeless by other
physicians, readily yield to his treat
ment. Write him today fully about
your case. He makes no charge for
consultation or advice, either at his of
fice or by mail.
96 Bryan Street, Savannah, Oa
The progressive nations of the world are the
great food consuming nations. ilood food well
digested gin strength, it yon cannot digest
all yob eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cnro. It
digests what you eat. Von need not diet your
self. It contains ell of tho digestanta combined
with the beat known tonics and reconstructive*
it will even digests all classes ot foods in a bot
tle. No other preparation will do this. It in
stantly relieves and cures all siomocb trouble*
W J Butt*
For the above occasion the Plant
System will sell round trip tickets to
Americas, Ga., at rates ot one and one
third fare. Tickets to be sold Sept.
30th and Oct. 2nd. inclusive, with final
limit Oct. 7th.
Rice, tho; stove doctor, repairs al
kinds or cook stoves and ranges, boy
and sells second hand stoves, 414 Ba
v treet.
Mr. John F. AtkiDßOa Haases Success-i
fully at Anapolis.
Mr. John F. Atkinson, the son of
: £Jon- Burrell Atkinson, of Camden
county, passed bis examination suc
cessfully at Anapolis yesterday, and
has entered the academy .
Mr. A'kinson was recently elee'ed
to Anapolis from this district, stand
tig a vary creditable examination st
Waycross, where there were several
o li'rs contesting for the plioe. fists
only eighteen years pf age, and has a
most beautiful future before h m.
Sufferers from this hsrrible malady
nearly always inherit it—not necessarily
from the parents, but may be from some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through several generations. This deadly
poison may lay dormant in the blood for
yean, or until you reach middle life, then
the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap
pearance—or a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other part of the body,
gives the first warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma
nently all the poisonous virus must be
iliniinated from the blood—every veatage
jf it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and
is the only medicine that can reach deep
leated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
disease never returns.
Cancer begins often In a small way, as the
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows:
A smaU pimple came on my law about an Inch
below the eayea the left aWe of uiy face. It gave
m no
continued foraome tmic*
when my Jaw began to VikZii 1 m 'Jt
swell, becoming very
painful. The (Under bj. MM
JtatlHtjrn, a, aaj
lI h. g. s. en'l dctenula.
ed to give II ala,: trial,
and It • lemarkable •' VM gJiSWP' k “
what a wonderful effect '
It badfromlhe very beginning • the aorebegan to
heal and after Ukfng a few bottlea disappeared
entirety. This Wax two years ago: thue are atl
no signs of the Cancer, and thy general health
jnnUnuea good.—Mas, ft. Suntan, Ij. Plata, Mo.
4% 4k is Che greatest of all
blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed
ikJB purely vegetable. Send
tor ottr free book on
Cancer, containing valuable and Interest
ing information about this disease, and
write our physicians about your case. W*
make no charge for medical advice.
Hates via Southern Railway,
After Mtu(l*v, Septa 2, Southern Riitnvay will
itiHuontinue MiUiig tickets toSpvlinueb at rate
of SI.UO fr tbe round trip, that being tbe last
Sunday lhi rate will be used.
M A CON, li A.—Ex enrstoa. 14.50 for tbe round
trip. Tickets on t-nU’ morrnug of A a gnat Sfr,
final limit Augult n\.
CHICAGO, lid.. —* Mat ion al Sncampment
iiraml Army ItepuWle, 424 to for the round
trip. Ticket* on sale August 25 27, final limit
.sept. B. Rtf' tickets with joint
aMriit before s* *r. 2. and <*n payment of fee
of 5® ecuts, an ©Mention <.f limit may W
obtained until fJapfc ?!•.
SAVANNAS*©A.— Gvorgia State Guards Eu
campinout for Rifle *ructiir. For rifle teams
iu uniform, five or move on e*ie ticket, on‘
far© fear tbe lourni trip. TickM ou -ai© Sept,
a, with Anal limit SepCU,
RJCHMONfI, \ A.—Qoe fare for thn found
trip, at count Annua! Convention National
Bapti-t Association foojored , Tn-fcets imnk’
16-12/Ariib dual limit Sept. 22, in elu
sive. 1
RICHMOND, VA.—Annuel Convention bover
ereign Grand Dodge. Independent Order ■ Al
Follows. One fare for live rnua.l trip, nckeis
* onsalo Bep:. M-H.Tlnal limit Wept. 20
MACON, Oa. —Btreet and Agricultural Fair.
For faro tor the round trip.
For military companies ami hra-s bands in
uniform, SO or more on one ticket, H.w> tor
the round trip. Tickets on sale Sept, ik-28,
Dual limit Oct. 21.
I-or lb Vll,l .F. KY,,-. Annual convention col
ored Oddfellows. One fare for round trip.
Ticket* on sale Sept. 29-30, and Oct. 1, final
limit Oot u.
ASHKVfLLE, N. C,~ Anuual mooting Missis
sippi Vallep Medical Association, ireolaro
for round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. ft-9, final
limit Oct. It.
KANSAS CITY. MO.—Account ot Nat km Con
vention of tho Christian CWtrcli, Uckvtswlll
he sold to Kansas Otv, Oot. 8-ld, with final
limit Oot. 2d, at rate of one fare fot the round
trip, plus (t.
TO All Mountain, Seaside and lake Resorts
Via the Plant System.
Tlckots on sale June 1 to September 30, with
return limit October 81, KWH.
Perfect pnssenger service. Pullman sleepers
on all trains. Full information given on ap
Brunswick, Ga.
B. W. WItBNN, P. T. M„ Savannah, Gn.
Cheap Rateg via Plant System.
Richmond, Va.—Annual session Sovereign
Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Soptcmler 17-82, 1900.
Tickets sold September 15, in, 17, with final
limit September 25, at rate of one fare ronnd
Detroit, Mich*--Biennial conclave Knights of
Pythias, August 27 to September 1, 1900, Ticket#
to lie sold August 24, 25,20, with final limit Sep
tember 5, at rate of one fare round trip.
Brunswick, Ga.
It. W. WRENS, P. T. M.,
Savannah, Ga.
Livery, boarding and eale ftables.
Finest turnouts lu the city.
Tel. 97. Newcastle St.
Cigar Dealers Like i
to have their regular customers smoke
Old Virginia Cheroots
because they know that once a man
starts smoking them he is “fixed,”
and that he will have no more trouble
with him trying to satisfy him with
different kinds of Five Cent cigars.
Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this
year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents.
pffifeWS tabbies
A Good
IN- -wJ r : 1
Prescription *_
m- % €
A for mankind
TANARUS for In mm. at DrvrH-ia, Ootm, Xr.txtjnaatv
’> Sllnaaia. KawwStanda, Slora* tmd karben
®h*p*. IW buiab pii* md,uai alary, uf yvatawg Ufa. •
Oa* lira rrdWt K, aat cr l f tht uw> mm wIU
S pay pood Tea r>plca and aat Htoawafl aaad. ,
Mt W mm* m addprna m roowad a< artea. _
Aaatwl Mffiwuaa (k, *
We can sell you a nice two
story dwelling for less than
$500.00. |
A small payment"* down and
balance SIO.OO per month. V
Macon and Baltimore Woman's College. Primary, Academio, Music, Art,
Elocution and Business ooureee. Small classes. Individual work. New
building:. Home life. Pupils enter Vasear, Wellesley and Randolpb-Macon
on certificates. Next leesion begins September 6th. For illustrated catalogue
address Mrs.W.T handler, Principal,Llewllyn D. Soott, Associate Prid^oal.