Newspaper Page Text
The Mother of Consumption.
How this Dread Disease May be Prevented and
Cured - The Greatest of Specialists Writes
on the Subject.
Catarrh is the mother of consumption.
By this 1 do not mean that every case.>f catarrh de
velopes mto consumption, but I
do mean that catarrh when un
checked, and when given the
■l Tj proper opportunities for exten
a pion from its place of beginning,
HR Q which is tho na-al passages,
. i/ deeper and deeper along the
a* I ®?’ J breathi!'!.' tract, invariably euds
In Consumption of the Lungs.
: : v Catarrh seldom destroys any
A&tMftPL conelderahl*) part of the mucous
surface of the upper air pans
a^eßJ it inflames und congests
them, causing usually a euper
; abundant and offensive di9-
cnarge: out wh*n It reaches Uie intensely delicate
Ilninpof thehair-llke lung: tul>es and little limit cells,
the lnflamation aud congestion winch it causes.
CUTSSH these small air jioesages and, allowing the
putrid discharged matter to accumnlute, causes h rot
tmu away of the membrane, resulting in what we
call Consumption of the Lung*.
The tendeucy of catarrh, when it has once obtained
a foothold in uoy portion of the mucous membrane
which lines evory cavity of tho body, is to constantly
extend in every direction.
Catarrh in almost every Instance starts with what is
commonly known as cold in the head. This cold is
added to by another, because of some extra exposure
or weakening of the system and becomes chronic.
Nasalcatarafa is ihe result Unless a rudlealcure of
this condition is effected, the disease i>assos rapidly
to the throat, to the bronchial tubes, and then to the
lungs. .
Consumption cannot be cured. New lungs cannot
be made for a man any more than new fingers or a
new nose: but catarrh can be cured 111 all its stages
except this final and always fatal one. N
In an experience of twenty years, daring which
time I have treated mauy thousands of cases of al'
forms of catarrh. I have never yet failed to effect a
rudicalund permanent cure. The method I employ
is one exclusively my own, end tho remedies which I
use are prepared under my personal direction in wj
own laboratories.
Many people imagine dtoy have Consumption when
In reality the disease has not quite reached that
stage. 1 am treating and curing cases of this sort
every day. 8o long as the prt>cest of decay has not
legnn in ihe lungs themselves, I can make the patient
(Perfectly well and strong again.
Let me once more urge all catarrhal sufferer* to
begin treatment at once, for a month of treatment
now ts better than the three months later on.
I ahail make for the Dext month a specially low fee
for tho treatment of catarrh not complicated by
other diseases, making no extra charge for all med
icines, etc., that may be required.
Dr. Hatha way A Cos.,
JJd Bryan Street, Savannah, Ge.
Bloodworth &Jones
New Livery Stables
New Buggies
Fine Horses
Prompt attention given all
orders. Drayage a spat
Phone 24-3. E St.
Southern Railway Cos.
office of General Agent, Brunswick. Ga.
"Tor Savannah, W ashington and New York.
L Brunswick tUOam 9 o&pm
A i annah .10 30 am 12 50 am
a ■ \\ ishlugton ; 85 am 8 SO pm
Ar New York... . . &08 pm 8 2J am
For Jacksonville.
hrunswick ... 500 am 325 pm 9 (ft pm
Ar Jacksonville 925 am 740 pm 130 am
For Macon, Atlanta, l.oniHVille and Cincinnati
Lv Brunswick. .... (MO am 9 05 pm
A r Macon VIS pn* 8 00 am
Ar Atlanta . 350 pm 520 am
Ai Louisville. . . 7 50 am 7 80 pm
Ar Cincinnati 7 U am 7 40 pm
From Nevv York, Washington and .Savannah.
I,v Now York : ;opin I'am
L.T Washington.. 9 :>5 pin ll 15 am
Lv Savannah ... 315 pm 520 am -> 00 pm
Ar Brunswick. 025 pm 805 am 835 pm
From Jacksonville.
Lv Jacksonville. 185 pm
Ar Brunswick . 0 25 pm
From Cincinnati, Louisville. Atlanta and
• Macon.
Lv Cincinnati * 30 an s 00 pin
Lv Louisville 7 15 am 7 45 pm
Lv Atlanta . . 10 45 pm 12 tif pm
Lv Macon . 1 Ou am 2 80 pm
Ar Brunswick 7 10 am h 35 pm
When yt u want a rgoofi bottle of whis
;key, two tbings sfiould be considered —
quality and price. I carry a full line of
Paul Jones, Fremont and Peerless whis
key, Imported (Jin, California .Wines, and
he best of hipb grade beer. Also Cigars,
Tobacco and Pipes, Call on me when you
need anything In that line.
Monk and Oglethorpe Sts.
| wln;re after lnvetlng from fOg
to 190 for been educated
for position* BoofcV.jjjr*, Teleg.
raphers. and now rectKe from salary
per year. KentucfcyfLnjvjrsity awarded
Ms graduates, hide two
World’s E:posltk>mwid refers ta
cessful graduate*. this cheapen /nd
most Influential Luytbl*
out for reference Read partlc*
utars add res* only W. R. Smith. Ky.
Hhair R bals S am
Ciea'** , snd beautifies the hah.
Promotes a luxuriant groietii.
If ever Fails to Restore Gray
Hair to ita Youthful Color.
Prevents Dandruff sff*l hsir fsiliiig.
■Vjc. arid $1 •• 1 st lifngy^s.
Chairnnn duliignon Getting
Tilings in Shape.
Eleven Delegates to Repre
sent the State at Large
Added to the
Chairman F. G. dußignou of tbe
state democratic executive committee,
who has been in Atlanta for two days
working upon the appointment of the
eleven delegates to represent the state
at la;gs on the committee, has con
cluded bis duties in this line and an
nouLcss the following as ths list of
prominent Georgians added by him to
tbe oommittees:
First district, R. M. Martin, of
Hineiville; Second, El 1,. Wight, of
Albany; Third, Waiter E. Steed, of
Butler; Fourth, Frank M. Ridley, of
LaGrarge; Fifth, Jack J. Spalding, of
Atlanta; Sixth, J. R. Vanßuren, of
Griswoldville; Seventh, James M. Mc-
Bride, of Tallapoosa; Eighth, Hamit
ton McWhorter, of Lexington; Ninth
Charles L. Bass, of Clarksville; Tenth,
Boykin Wright, of Augusta; Elev
enth, R. G. Dickinson, of Homer
Tbe district delcgotes appointed bv
the committee that met here June 14,
named Georgians as the
members to represent tho districts of
tbe state on tbe committee :
First District —Frank Mitchell, of
Emanuel; J. H. Henry, of Tattall.
Second District—R chard' Hobbs, of
Dougherty; Jeff L. Boystgn. of Cal
Third District—U. N. Iloltxolaw, of
Houston ; J. A. Anslay, of Sumter.
Fourth Dietriot—ll. Warner Hid,of
Meriwether; George P, Munro, tf
Buena Vista.
Fifth District—J. W. Goldamilb, Of
Fulton ; L. L. Roan, of Campbell.
Sixth District—B. T. Blalock, of
Fayette; R. W. Roberts, of Baldwin.
Seventh District—J. it. Foster, if
Cobb; Sam P. Maddox, of Whitfield.
Eighth Distriot-J, 11. Skelton, of
Hart; 8. T. Wingfield, of Putnam.
Ninth Dietriot—W. A. Cox, of Piok
ens; Doc Carr, of Banks.
Tenth D.strict—John L. Culver, of
Hancock; Ira E. B’armer, of McDuffie.
E eventh Dietriot —James Bishop,
Jr., of Dodge; F. WiHis Dart, of Cof
By reason of their respective offices,
Chairman dußignoo and Vice Chair
man Ed T. Brown and Hon. Clark
Howell, member of the national exec
utive committee, are alio members of
tbia committee. This afternoon Chair
man dußignon ieued a call for a meet
ing of tbe or umiltce, to b held at the
Kimball henae at 10 o’clock a. rn. Tuea
day, Sep*. 11. At this meeting tbe
detail, of tbe campiigt), both state and
national, will be arranged.
SSOO Reward.
We wilt pay the above re war! for any case
of Liver Complaint, Biuk Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation or Costlvene** we
cannot cure with Liverata, the Up-to-Date
Littfe Liver Pills, when the direction# are
strictly complied with. They are purely vege
table and never fail to give gHtiafacLion. 2 c
boxea contain 100 pills, 10c boxes contain 40
pills, 5c boxen contain 15 pills.
stiKitea and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps
taken. If HR VITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin
ton and J tekson Hts ~ Cbieago. Jll. For sale by
Itrown Drug Cos. Bransw iek, Ga
§L -
Foley’s Kidney Care
ss a pure meditlae and contalnsln concentrated
form remedies recogbized by the moet skillful
of the medical professlok as the most effective
agents for the cure of kidney and bladder
troubles. W. J. Butts.
Order of Eastern Star to Give Ole
The ladies of the Order of the Eiat
ern Star will give a genuine Georgia
oyster roast on Wednesday next, be
tween tbe hours of 5 and 11 p. m., and
it is needless to say that the affair will
be a very enjoyable one and will be well
patronized. Tee ladies will also serve 1
coffee, cake, eto. For full particulars.|
see tomorrow's Timbb-Call.
Cures Blood and Skin Troubles.
Trial Treatment Free.
Is your blood pure? Are you sure of
ii? Do outs or ecratobes heal slowly?
Does your skin itch or burn? Have
you Pimples? Eruption.? Aohiug
bones or baok? Eczema? Old Sores?
Boils? Scrofula? Rheumatism? Fou
Breatb? Catarrh? Are you pals?
Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm)
will purify your blood, heal every sore,
and give a clear, smooth, healthy
skin. Deep-seated cases, like uleers,
cancers, eating sores, Painful Swell
ings. Blood Poison, are quiokly cured
by Botanic Blood Balm, Curee when
all else falls. Thorougfrfy tested for
thirty years. Drug stores $1 per large
bottle. Trial treatment free by writ
ing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Describe trouble. Free medical advice
given. Over 3,000 voluntary testimo
nials of curee by 8.8. B.
The Chamber of Commerce list ia
growing at a very rapid rate, and by
tbe middle of next week there will be
something lo the neighborhood of two
hundred names on it,
How Bright’s Disease Starts.
Indigestion, biliousness,blood poisoned with
urea and uric aold (which should have boon
excreted by tho kidneys), rheumatic pains in
nerves and Joints, causing Irritation of the kid
neys, then pains ovot tho aipall of the back,
mark sure approach of Bright's disease. l>o
not delay in taking Foley’s Kidney Cure, lor It
makes the kidneysrraht. Tako no substitute.
W. J. Butts.)
Paris, Aug. 25—(Special dispatch.)—
American whiskies received the offi
cial approval of the exposition today,
when gold medal was awarded to
Bernbeim Broe., Louisville, Ky„ on
their L W. Harper, whiskey. Sold in
Brunswick, Ga., by T. Newman.
No R“lief for Twenty Years.
*'l had bronchitis for twenty years,** said Mrs
Alinorva Smith of Danville, 111., “and at limes
have been bedfast. Jnevergoi relief until
bad taken Foley’s Honey and Tar. It l pleas
ant and give, quick relief, und is a sure cure
for throat and lung dlscaßca.” Tale nothing
ise. W. S, Jtutto.
If you eat without appetite, you
need Prickly Ash Bitters. It prompt
ly removes impurities tbat clog and
impede the action of tbe digestive or
gans, createg good appetite and diges
tion, strength of body and activity of
brain. W. J. Butts.
I will hold an examination for appli
cants for teachers license on Saturday,
September 8, at tho Mansfield street
school, commencing at 8:30a. m. This
is the last examination this fall.
G. J. Orb, C. S. C.
Chamberlain’s Cough Rsmedy a Great
The soothing anil healing qualities of this
remedy, its pleasant tasto and promat and per
manent cure* have made It a great favorite
with people everywhere. It is especially prized
by mothers of small children for colds, croup
and whooping cough, as it always affords quick
relief, and as it contains no opium or other
harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to
a baby as to an adult. For sale by Bishop#
drug store.
Bears the /p The Kind You Have Always BwgM
Chairman Ogg ) 0 f the county board,
tulJ a reporter some days ago that the
tax rate w.,uld probably not be re
duced. G Jtiniilering the large decrease
of the oouii’y's indebtedness, a reduc
tion could not be expeoted.
Cored of Chruaio Diarrhoea After 30
Years of Suffering.
**lf Suffered for thirty years with diarrhoea
and tbonght 1 was past being cured,” eays
John S. Halloway, of French Caup, Miss. ‘ I
J had spen so much time and money aud Buffered
I io much that I had given up aii;hopes of recov
jiry. I was so feeble from the effects of the diar
rhoea that I could do uo kind of la bore, mid not
even travel, but by accident I was per nitted to
find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
UDd Diarrh ea Remedy, and after taking sev
eral bottles I am entirely cAred or that trou
b’e. lam so pleased with the result tliatl am
anxious that it be in reach of nU who suffer as
t have.” For sale by Bishop's drug store.
Russell’s pliill and Feyer
Tonic is acknowledged to be
the Best on the market,
every, bottle guaranteed.
For sale by all druggists.
Henutp- la Ulooil Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from tho body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cnsonrels,—beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, sat'-' on guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
“I had a runnlug sore on my leg for seveu
years writes Mrs. James I'iprest of Chcppcwa
Falls, Wis„ “and spent hundreds of dollars in
trying to get it healed. Two boxes of Banner
Salve entirely cured It.” W. J. Butts.
The expert who has been examining
the city treasurer’s books has nearly
finished the work, but no statement
will be made until the next meeting of
September is Malaria's
Own Month.
Malaria is bad enough; Its children arc
Fevers Cured Pj m —,
non chill m nm ro
“Soldiers comprehend the horrors of a Fever
Stricken Camp miles away from the base of
.supplies. In such places Johnson’s Chill and
l over Tonic came in. You needed no Qtiinnio
or Calomel; use .Johnson’s Tonic, and you
would pull through.*’—(’has, F. Roden, Everett
City, (ia.
Sole K 'acturor, Savannah, Oa.
Having just returned from
New York I beg to inform
the public that I now have in
my stocK all kinds of lace
window curtains, lace bed
spreads, counterpanes, bu
reau scarfs, piano covers,
mantle scarfs, etc., at prices
to suit the public.
NOTE—In a few lay I will receive a full
line of Millinery Goods and having secured the
services of a first class milliner from New York
will be preparod to do millinery in the latest
Hustling young man o&n mike S6O
per montb and expenses, Permanent
position. Experience unnecessary.
Write quiok for particulars, Clark &
Cos., 4th ;&:lLocu*iStreets..Philadel
phia,; Pa.
pll are you feelinc badly? £ m
►Prickly ash bitterx ◄
W- .J Butts, Special Agents.
Pages of talk on our furniture stock would
give but half an idea of the beauty and econo
my found hefe • Why not
Visit the Store
and let the goods do their own talking and the
prices their own saying? More than an entire
train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed
on these floors since last you were here. See about it
No better time than now. Never were the pric e
on high grade carpets so low as at present. Nev er
have the patterns ceen so beautiful, the quality so
excellent or the price so attractive. Buy new car
pets now and make your home more attractive.
bach new season finds this department in better
condition to fill your wants. The principal foreign
carpet and rug centres have representation here.
We are quoting
Lower Prices Than Ever.
This is the amount that Charles Broadway
Rouss, of New York City, offered to have his eye
sight restored. Mr- Rouss is paying the penalty
of twenty years’ overwork and neglect of
pi’obably neglect to provide himself with suitable
glasses in the beginning. The rightAgasses would
have prevented the strain nerves
that for want of the aid have at
last given out. Is
who need your eyfts . ,; .L Examination
and consultation FPxEao*^
and Or*™^te Optician;
SIS Newer ' si.r^t.
• •
Inspector of Watches for Southern RaU£ ’lmo hy Wire da; . from Washington
Jno. Veruki
wines, Liquor,
Cigars, Etc.
Is now ready for business, We will sell you goods 10
cent less tnan original cost.
606 Monk Street.
~~ - 1 *"* '■ ■ —! 1
Coney & Parker
Coal and Wood, Brick,
Lime,[Cement, Plaster,'Hair,lShingles’and Laths.
Phone 18- %. , 525 Bay St.