Newspaper Page Text
The Brunswick Times.
Established 1889-
The Brunswick Call.
Established 1892.
■■ : " ■ ■
The Brunswick Times-Call.
ARTHUR H. XEAVY - - - - * Editor
BOLAND A. MULLINS, RosineM Manager
L it><)glettiorpeßiock,2llF!}tr<:t
Jr ' l *■ f lELKI'IIONX NO 81.
Subscribers are requested to notify tbe office
when they fail to got any issue of the Times-
Call. Attention lo this matter will be appre
ciated by tbepiibliaheia.
The Times-Call will be Delivered by
carrier or mail, per yoar. *5.00; per week 15
'cents. Correspondence on live subjects
solicited. Seal name of writer should ac
company same. Subscriptions payable in
advacae. Failure to receive paper should be
to the business office. .Address all
communications to
Brunswick, Oa.
In the death ot Arthur Siewall of
Maine American ship internets lose a
most prominent figure. Prom tbe ship
yard ot Arthur Sewall & 00., at Bath,
vessels have gone forth to ply on every
sea. The grrat concern was founded In
1828, but has achieved its greatest suc
cess under the man who has just passed
The democratic nomination for the
vice-presidency came to him, it is as id,
as a surprise in 1896, and it Is doubtful
if defeat occasioned much personal re
gret on his part.
He may have suffered regret that his
son, EJarrold M ( Sewall, was working
against him in tbe republican ranks, but
the patrTotisru in him must have caused
him lo accept without anger a situation
which \ol freedom of
11 u <
Ills homo Bnd^pM^HPV/^v-^H^:
pi' a. balile. amt lii
-A !'" i U'^IM|H
who fas helped ra>e of
American business Integrity by hi* as*-
..- ''' ■••***
ng lived.
i. "
The alties that now show a i;row\fe pA
en years of about 80 per cent showed a
growth of 50 per cent between 1880 and
1800. The cities of the country are not
growing ub rapidly as they once did,
and the rate of growth will be sti’l fur-
ther reduced in the present decade. A
growth of 20 per cent Is all the ave-age
city can re sonably expect in 1010, and
not a few of them will do well to hold
tbeir own.
The increase in New Orleans in the
decade just ended was 18 per oent. This
was somewhat disappointing, hut it was
much better than the gain in the second
southern town, Richmond. The Vir
ginia capital had 81,888 population in
1800, and it has now 85,050 a gain of
4.56 per cent only. 4ml yet Richmond
Is reasonably Jts tobacco
and iron working factories are in opera
tion, and it does not consider Itself by
any mean* a stagnant, much less decay
ing, town.
The truth is, southern towns should
not be compared with northern towns,
because the latter are fed and mul lplUd
ny immigration, and color prejudice de
prives the former of this source of pop
ulation. Southern towns must he judged
by themselves. They are not in the
stream of lmm'gration,
dspend for growth upon tnctories. The
more mills the more population. ,
The concert of tbe powers on the
Chinese situation is such sweet concord
as one would find in a boiler shop, a
sawmill or a whirlwind.
After tbe unmasking comes tbe argu
The professions of the Czar that he
fa as no des’gos of territorial acquisition
in China were eminently successful to
this government.
Acting on this imperial assurance,
this country joined Russia in asking the
powers to hata the a’licd powers vacate
'% Tnis slurred up the hornet*’ neM.
England has a’ways been afflicted
with Kuasopbobia, and when John Bull
learned that old autocracy bad joined
bands with tbe young republic, he took
a fit—a real diplomatic fit.
Consternation reigned in Berlin. In
deed, the Kaiser's ministers were so
taken with surprise that they begged
for time before replying.
And now the situation seems to be —
England, Germany, Austria and Ja
pan acting together on tbe policy of
vacating China and saving the empire
from dismemberment.
What a mixture' this is. and who
would hayo expected it two months
Ths Augusla Hera and says: “The Chi
nese war has already cost the cotton
mills of Austria #600,000, and no m m
can s y when the situation will im
prove. The mill men are anything but
chojrlul over ihr prospec*.” Wudiun’t
kcow it was so bad as that.
The movement to orgauiU a Cham -
ber of Commercj is one that will not
only help the business man, but all
daises and for this reason everybody
should anilst in making It a great suc
Most of the populists w 11 acceplGov.
Cur-dler’s invitation to return to tkeir
first love- the democratic party.
Mark Hanna will find that the demo
c-it hayea lilt'e money, too, and they
tiid aot get it from
Tho Tatis-Call glnotrroly hope* that
Bam Borehardt will win tbe UHUbo
rough county judgeship,
-Joe Wheeler, it Is said, will now boa
candidate for senator. General Joe
seems to hate a dull time.
Tbe iicwspaLcra devote more space lo
Roo ovelt >han he de-e-ves. Who cares
wbat lie sys.
And now Hieb-rd O uey, Cleveland's
secretary of state, i- out for Bryan.
Orovor, i.ext.
Make he uunoer.itio Tole In Glynn
county large. Evcr>h.idy should drop
In a ball. t.
Na if every man u.i make st i ast
one woman happy by remaining single.
Gm (..tintiston is going to take the
siuinp for Bryan anti Mt vensoa.
Augusta is haviut a warm mayoralty
Account Baptist Convention, Rich
mond, Va , Plant System will sell tiok
eta from Brunswick at rate of $17.75
for round trip. Tiokets on sale Sept.
10, 11 a'nrf 12, final limit Sept. 39. This
rate open to everybody.
In the Georgia paper, yesterday we
read the following:
‘•.Maeon, Ga.—Twenty-one of the rep
resentative business and professional
men of Wilkinson county came into
j •*W v A-*. <■
Macon today to see that a negro, Napo
leon Anderson, did nof~tack friends if
the United States commissioner should
bind him over on a charge of interfering
with United States officers
“Anderson had taken out' a warrant
for larceny against two revenue officers
passing through the county, charging,
them with stealing hie sugar *ane. The
officers gave bond, and then arrested the
negro, saying he had sought to interfere'
with tbe discharge of their duties.
“The white men of the county rose up
in arms and refused with forCe'to allow
tho negro to be taken away without due
• process of law. Tho officers gave up
the negro ancLcpme to Macon, taking
warrants for many of the white citizens.
These came in today and brought tbe
negro with them, and announced that as
the negro had livedatn exemplary life in
their midst, every dollar fn the county
would he used to see that he was not
imposed on. ¥
“’ffhe cases will be heard next week,"
Is this ndt enough, to convince any
fair-minded man that the southern peo
ple are the real friends of the negro?
We will nover see the day when tbe
sains treatment will be accorded a black
mannor h of the Mason aud Dixon
Deafness Oannot Bs Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafuees,
and that i* by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of ihe mucous lining of tha Eui
taghlau Tube. When this tube gets ln
fluEod, you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect herring; and when it is en
tirely o'osed. deafness is the ieult,and
unless the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing wi’l be destroyed forty*r.
Nine cases out of leu are caused by ca
tarrh, which is nothing but an tnflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Dali's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
,F. J. CHENEY & Cos , Toledo, O,
tSold by druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family PlHs are the best.
Those who want the best wort, at
the lowest figure?, should bring it to
this tffioe. On large dodger?, cur
prices and work wi'l make you a cuu
slant customer, if you will give us the
first job. King up 31, Rod a solicitor
will call.
Now York, £ept* 7.-1 bo foiiowiug table
nhcvws the range in pilots o! cotton for the dif
ferent months:
Opn. High. Low. Cloeo
0ct0ber....... IS . 9 42 913 92?.
Oecember. .. 8 r 5 9 so s *• w
.January ...... 82$ 1* 1 a9S .
April. 8 98 9 07 Si:? S 97
July 8-87 8 87 8 *7 8. b?
New York. Sept- 7.—The leading future*
ranged"its follows in the New Vmk Produce
Exchange today :
Wheat, No. 2.—open. lt!,rh. Ix>w. Close
Sept 7S 78 77 S-4 77 7-8
DtO. 80 3-3 80 1-2 80 -C
Corn, No. 2
Sept -2 . .. .. 45
Dae. 40 1-2 40 7.-8 40 1-2 40 s*B
Headache, biliousness, heartburn, indi
gestion, and ai! liver iils are cured by
Hood's Pills
by all druggists. 95 cents.
There are a great many people who
have heart sickness, who have no
chronic derangement of the heart.
When the stomach is diseased it may
affect many other organs, and produce
all the evidences of diseased heart, dis
eased liver or kidneys, -or disease in
some other organ.
The inexperienced [li S|lli[llli
practitioner treats • ;!VP
the wrong disease, j''N
and hence the con- rilMjF
I)r. Pierce’s corres
pendents; "Doc- y .Sy* s'#*f, aiHiS
tors could not help j
me.” S&uiti 'K; >
Doctor Pierce’s
Golden Medicttl b stiS
Discovery cures ff
“diseases of the Stgf3sfK *y f.jgj
stomach and or- -/ /lH
gaits’, of digestion Jru-wftf'' f/’.IH
and nutrition. It ' j \
increases the a, 1 g
siiuilative powers Km? '/ib y l
and purifies and wffi/ ' eIH ■
enriches the blood. Hf'^
When diseases of Hi
organs remote H 1
from the stomach II
are caused by the If ■ 1
stomach, the cure Hj
of the stomach re- W %l
suit* in the cure ■
of the other dis-1 * 1
eases, in heart,
dungs, liver, kid-1
neys, etc.
“‘Six years ago niy stomach and heart troubled
ate so "much I had to do something, as the
doctors could not hem roe,” writes Mrs. S. .V
Knapp, of San ,To‘e.’California, Box y*i "I
went to San Francises and. had treatment for
catarrh'df the stomach. ntid was better for
some time, tr.ttn U cSmc be.cU . i then used
Os. .Pierce> Cviii'CC Medical “hsccvrry and
■ Pleasant pellets ■ These medicines cured tny
stomach. Ino not hare the naiet and indiges
tion its I did. . It is very ha:<; for me to tell you
whs: I suffered-brft.** 1 comraeirced taxing
?r>ur valuable merlicine. I recommend it to au
he sufferers whom I meet.”
To ewe constipation use Dr. X'icrce *
Pleasant Pellets.
Mr. C W. Deming is in Valdosta.
Mr. H. Kaufman spent yesterday in
There WiH be no boat to St. Simon
Mr. Is.acCoben spent yesterday in
Air. P, 8 Farmer spent yesterday In
Another Job printing plant will
shortly open hsre.
Captain Duncan Wright now has
charge of th* pilot oflloe.
M-. J. H IJ l&rtermsn, of Wavitly,
waa in throity yesterday.
Mr, T. J. L'. Talk, of Macon, spent
yesterday in tbe city.
Mr. It. M. Spankiine, of Atlanta,
was in tbe city yesterday.
Mr. C. W. Kinehart, of MUcon, ie a
guest of lbs Oglethorpe.
AlleuV.FoOt- Ease, a powder. It etwee painful,
smarting, tiervotrafael untl ingrowing naiU.nml
iSstnntly taxes Hie stingnat of eorns and bun
ions, It’s the greatest romfrrt discovery of the
:t*r. AUeu’e Foot-Ease mate* tight or new
shoe* feel enap. 1* Is • certain core for vweat
inx.callous and hot, tired, aehitw feet. Tty it
tivmy. hf-jtlt tlrtiggists and shoe .-totes.
Br mail for He in stamps, Tri -1 package Free.
Addtcs., Allen s.Olmatead, Le Kuy, N. y.
G-t your job work done at tbe
TiMKs-Cai.L job office. IGaf work in
the City, l’ricsa ibe loweet.
To prevent consumption quickly throa
and lung trouble with One MlmiteCoupu t ut e.
\VJ Butts. ;'■>
Bearstke r ' lj Bought
A nice, tw,-atory bouse for rent—
in perfect order —ll4 N. Amherst
atree'. Apply to Mrs. Colesberry, 121
X. Amerkeret s’reef.
Cheap Rates via P ant System.
Hidin'end, Ya.—Annual aeaaiou Sovereign
Grand I-odge 1.0.0. F , September lf-aj, woo.
Tickets sold September 15, 15, IT, with final
limit September 2... at rale ol one fare round
Detroit, Mich.-■ Biennial conclave Knights of
Pythias, August iT to September 1,1900. Tickets
to 1* sold August 24, 85. SO, with final limit Sep
tember 5, at rate of one fare round trip.
GKO. W. COATES, D. P. a.,
Brunswick, ua.
B. W.. WEEKS, r.T. M„
Savannah, Ga.
Livery, hoarding and sale Btablea.
Finest turnouts In the city.
Te;. 9T. Newcastle St.
AMO Tl —IAT |S Tt— ig-
By Advertisers Who Use These Columns.
Quantity ad {unity of Circulation
{uititj and Oddity to Mefa
And We Give Both
also —.
When you van get them at*liome for the
same price and besides you [save the cost
of freight an 4 drayage.
and a message will receive prompt attention.
We don’t mind calling and talking the matter
over with you and giving you our estimates,
and if we fail to get your order that is our fault,
not yours.
The Times-Call,
209, 209 1-2 and 211 F Street.
- V-AA*WV v-^A.'.y-vW I AcvWiA<\ < WuvVVVVW
If you haven't time to write your “ad M let us know and
what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you.
i hat s our business, and we only change you for the space.