Newspaper Page Text
1 ■ tr j - s
Kr.;/ t k %®f
I ! I '®L
AcfsPAdJcWt/y andJhompt/y;
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effectually
when bilious or costive.
/"regents in the most a ccepttilA form
the ]ajrative principles of plants
ten own to act most beneficially:
_ f r ° r safe by <frtt£fists ~ price SO*per
You don't need the doctor
for every little trouble, but
you do need in the house a
trusty remedy for times of
danger. Thousands are saved
by having at hand
* certain cure for disorders of
the Liver, Kidneys and Blad
der. Use It at once for lame
back, furred tongue, lost ap
petite and changes In urine or
tl a bottle, at druooUta.
at. tooia. mu.
MUTTS, Thp Druggist.'
wall Paper
502 Blonk St.
Cm be found in our displA
Trimmed hats,
or quickly developed in our work
raoi' from ttc Isrgs end beautiful
aJortment of M lliur-ry tijodg in our
litlin.riof artletic tartea and deft
flirera produce bate wbicb equal in
at; e and attractiver esi maDy of the
In h priced fmporitd tnodele.
, 4dr prices nre oot tbe least pleasing
P of onr offerings.
A Short Leeson on the M antns of a
Familiar Word, _
Disease is the opposite of ease. Web
ster detines dieeaie as “lsck of eae.
uoesß'tiess, trouble, vexation, disqui
et.” it is a condition due to some de
rangement of the physical organism
A vast ra*jority of the “dis-saae” frero
which people suffer is due to impure
b >od. Disease of this kind is cured
by Hood’s Sarsaparilla; which pun 11 s,
enriches and vitalizes the blood
U 'd’s Sirs-parilla cures scroiuia,
■ alt rheum, pimples cffl all eruptions.
It tones tbe stomach and creates a
good appetite, and it gfves vigor aod
vitality to the whole body. It reverses'*
the condition of things, gYViughealth,
comfort and “ease” in pltce of‘Mis
A cheap remedy for com?be and
colds is all right, but you want seine
thing that wij believe and cure the
o iet severe and dangerous results n
th nat and lung trouble, Mha>. tha
di? „Gc to a waimtr etc’ mere rcgula
ellncatt? Yts,"ifics: bin; If ret yo
alble for too; tl ru ir riitei itn iak
the only ltmedy ihat has been it trr
luced in all clvilived coimlriua with
success in sore throat and lungtroubles
Boscbee’s German Syrup, It not only
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
gorm disease, but allays inflamation
and causes expectoration, gives a good
o ght’e rest and cures tbe pattens
Try one qoltlo Recommended many
vears by aliidrew ;'>?*? in D,i world
-iaraple . J. Butts v and
Brown nrun,' CV>.
... MAIftryACTCRED 3JY...
nrxoTis tiik kaux.
The United Statqs of America, Eastern Divis
ion, Southern I>i*irict of Georgia.- By virtae
of h ordor or BiUe i6*u*d out of the Uuited
States District Court for ifce Sob them
nistrict of Georgia on the sixth day of
M ej>tombr. BXk), notlceiß hero by gireu that i
v ill a)l at public auction, for caeh, ott Monday,
the Hcveriteanth day of September, 1900, at U
o clock, a. ni. in front of the custom bouse in
savannah, Georgia, a; the suit of Middles on As
Company versus hark ‘•Carl von Dobelu,” .ami
at tJo suit ef -South Atlantic Towing Ooiwpkuy
versus bark “Carl von I'obein ’ the said bark
“Carl von Dol*ln # ” her boats, tgckal, apparel
and lurniiure, as she now lies in tbs port of
Ijruu*wi<'k. fla Purchaser to pay for |ap©*
and i evenue stumps.
< S. Murahal.
By Charles J. White, Deputy.
I Viiv 'U . Whitfield, S ilisay te Sawo-iV, Car-'
rani A Malinin, jrroftors for LI t)0 Bants.
GJSf >BC?I A—Uiynn dounty.
oy virtue of an'ordorp-f tbe court of Ordinary
of >*;iid county, wiU h& no <1 at public outcry on
the first Tue* lay in Octoiler, 190<L l©/ore' the
court Li use door in said county, between the
uhiial hours of sale, all that certain lot, tract
or n need of land lying and being in said slate
and county and in the city of Brunswick, and
be mg described accord in if to the survey and
plan of said eitv ma t©by George R. Jfnld* n.
civil engineer, in I:iT, a follow-, town: .2 1 -‘2
feet by *6 feet of the eastern l*i of old Town
lot number G 37, having the following ©ours©*,
I distanc e and mra-ure merit-: Commending at'
Ia point on the west rn Inc oi ( chraa aven
-1 lie 2;> feet, south of the southern lino of London
j street, and running thence ermb along 1 the
l western line of Cochraa aveimo ?,'i }-2 feet :
I thenc© running westerly at right angles 4 r, feet:
thence running north© ily at r.i .-mgies ’>2 1-2
feet, an<i tlienee easterly at right angk n r. feet
p, the point cf beginning. Said land bclongiag
to the estate of Amandi Hugh**, deceaseo.
Terms cash. This the 7th day <f '• •Dternbsr,
nwo. J. K. KNiBB,
Admini.-trator.Estats Arnaudu Hugh.
Stj'.ui; is hereby givaa that the under*!?nod
ii -.- Hp Led in in? of ordinary of -at i
count.v 1 *i ;c*ve to seU iaiui belonging to the
of LnJ-f.i Miriehan furtho payment of
<*! •; . .-aui a. phb'Uro vriil ♦ , heanl t the
reg.ilar t m u of the • onrt of oi mury for -aid
cour, to he held on the lirfet .M nday in Ohio
A 1 m’-nlMr upon the Eitaie of Bri ?Jt
Goorgia—Gtynn Connty.
Under and iiy virtue of a power of -ale con
ta neJ m that cert'sm deed tu secure deed
from Vide i F. Turner to the Amet.' tnßuild
ing !-<*n an 1 Toutrne saving! aksoclation of
Memphis Tennes-ea. wbr*h deed is r-oulcd n
Book N N . folio. 274 of tut record• of said
county, ref< rone#; to which dec i and record of
irime 1 had for *ll purpose-. Ghesaid Alfred
F. Turner having for more than -t\ m.Trith de
faulted m jnjtug :ho dues .ntoreat which
he in hi* stud deed to secure ' eht obligated
hi . -eit to |.-*y.) there will be sold before the
coor of the court bonne :n Brunswick, Georgia,
IMS* ween the legal hour + sale, on the first
Tuesday in October, Tkj, to the tugboat and
Lest binder lor cosh: That certain lot of lan •
in Brunswick. Georgia, and in that part of said
city of Brunswick know n aa Town Commons;
aud being tbe Western one-half of Town Uom
morn* I s>\ Number 140, /and improvements)
and in that block of lot-* located between
Wolf and Albany stmrs, in said city
To he Mild as the property of -aid A F Turn
er foi the purpose of laying the Indebtedness
secured by as id deed, principal being A,
beside* interest, duet, fine*, etc. Purchaser
pay• for titles, This August 31 it, 1900
By American Building lx>an and Tontine
rtavings Association of Memphis, Tennes
see, Attorney iu Fact.
Attorney for said Association.
GEORGIA, Given Comity.
w ill be sold before the courthouse door in
said county, on the tl'rst Tuesday in Ootobei*.
• w , U J tll(; legal hours of sate v td toe
nighcst bikahi for cash, certain property of
which the fallowing is a full and de
scripti >n, to wit: Taut certain undivided one
eighth interest of, in and to that, cei uiu lot or
tract ot laud lying and Iving In the City of
biun-wi k, county of Glynn ami State pf 4°°r
g!a, au:l known and designated ni the plan of
said town und eky as the eastern Ouc-liaif of
t own Cou mons lot uumber one-huudred and
u ty-s .x (Lhh,said lot- oneb-iindrod ami llfty six
tieiug honnUeilas mliowa, tbwif: O.n thc north
by H street, <>n the east by Albany, street, on
.hesouth Vy lt> number one imndrcd-dhd tift-y
--sevevUbTT). ititii t*n tlm est h.v WoU'strcet.
ALo. a certain undivided one half of. in >.ud
to that certmir ti'Art. lot or. paruel of land eitiW
j ated in the Statopf G orelc, c ktatyof Glynn,
j and City of Hi unsvyick. aiirt In thftt.Jortion M
the City of Hriuiswick kiraiyn ffs .Coia-.
: mcuis an and deefTttoAv &' C'iiow tow it;' The
western-om* lvaiLLX ’Town Ucmmibu lot iUwd
berpne Ufty -slx G-W.ahrt Ini
provum Jhe.ebu -Wvt of avciinbj
Also, a certain iriYdjviaua one.:u.iHlftlerortKrf.
rn aim tothai .poi;i ioa oi - hat eertam 4r'icl"LXv
oi pavedpf land in SsiUe Cf Gfebvgi'a' ffikL
county of Glynri, aid la thre-tr of
wick thcicfft, and ku-own ilofdgu itvd npon
tln.own c..pimoho iWh)i<>f said cHv \\% iliiftufir
taio aprt-bw. stei'n Qomur .section <if Town Con*-’
mous Apt nnmbor owe InnhdrctV I hijty f Lw'
j betW'ectf A iuhort and -Alban v^ntree'.;-. befog 1 ‘
ir*in ! slaj^. having c-nds iliiriy febt
jfcina.sHlea ni.h’ty ■■.(,) f which is mure nlhi
utefv'.boan-.fed as'- I <dlow s. toAvit: Ml shp hot;h.
by Tow;u-Conimoi: lov uumbei one hundred and
uVentv nine (1211) ninety feet, bn* ahe east' b<v
Aruhorst sUreut.thirty loot, on the. Riuth by tft©
southern portion of said lot nuiutfer ouc. hUu!-
drvM and tlkirty niuotv an i ou the west Uy
the eastern portion of.said lot number one hun
dred and thirty tliirtv feet;
Said property levied on as the property <b TL
I. Hitch to fti'tisfy im i\xci'utioi) fanned'from the
City Courkof Brunswick tn ana far,said C'ju.i\t<y
in favor *f Emiilish-Ajpericah LOan and Trust
Compauy against said K. TANARUS, Hitch; said prefp-,
riy being tn possession of JL T. Hi.cb. Levy
made ami rotiu’nod- to me In 11. S. Pyles, depu
ty sheriff. r\%
Also at the eaine time and place
the. following . dosenoed pr* per y wwtki
t hat certain lot tract or parcel bit nd situ
ate lying and being in the. city . i 8.-unsWick,
county of Glynn ami state of (bor a known
m<i described on Sum mo us map of .ltd city as
Dixy ill# lot No. J, end of Gordon a l south of
i’i incest reel 5. Levied on aa pr* pe ;y of estate
EL C. P. Dart, under and by volt* of an exe
cution isantpl FI. J Read, tax collector, for
state and county -taxes due for the year ISUS
amount of tax with interest ’ami toll
c s'.s. LAvy m;ide nnd returned lire by 11. S,
Pyles, deputy sheriff. ‘ 7
.Also at the -snoie time and plaPxv
the following ctcscrined property to-ivHi That
certain lot, tra t dr paicot ol Lind lying situutc
and being iu the city of Brunswick, Gls*ii
Cos. Ga..knuwu ami desert bod 6n Buldwin , i huip
made in the year of said city as the West
“in one fourUiof Old T*wn lot; N* 411. Levied
on as the property pi Lu : y Dray ton, under and
Uy virtue of an execution le ued by H. J.
Read, tax collector for state and. county tuxes
due lor the year I*l HI, ataouut of tx, |7 si w ith
mthrrfti and all Levy- madft andTeturned
tome by R. B Lyles,.deputy eiieriff.
Also at the Riuiie time and place, the
billowing de-eihbed That
coriiiin lot, tract or parcel of land lyiug situ
uie ami being in ihe etry df iirunswick, CQtiiUjr
of Glynn, “Stall/ 'of ’ Georgia, and knowu
Had described on Ba'uwiu's map of
-aid city, tuadc rn Mti yi.*ar ls;f.'
Did Town lut No. 47k. Lev ied op iis the prop
er Ly of K. M 1) n and children Under nsd by
virtue of au execuilou isnucd by XL J. Head,tax
collector, iyr state and county taxes for tlio
year Tkiw,amount of rax .ftfi.w, with lutorest
and all costs. Levy mmle Mid returned to mo
by K. f>. l*y les, deputy feheriff,
Also at the same time iunl place, the
follow ing described^property, to-w it:. All that
lot, tract ui saved of- lum! situate lying and
being in the ©fty of Bi;nswick,' conniy of
tJlynn ami state of Georgia, known as lot No.
727, iu t'ic New Town of said city. Levied ou an
the j.iopcTty of B Tomlin, under arid by virtue
<>f an execution by 11. J. Head, tux col
leeir, for state and county taxes' one for the
year lviEi, amount of tax, go. 47 with interest
aad all costs. ‘ Levy maao and jrned tome
by fl a. i’ytos, deputy shpritf,.
Also ut llio. sain© timt and pJnce, the
f.dlovi-!g dicfil)<l pptrpmty to-wit: >ll
that certain * lot or parcel of land
■dtuat© kno lying in Lhp dty of Bruny wick, in
ibe E.vanikvillc addidoY) thereto ahd known n
EvanHviiie lot No. IJ. J.cviedon a fhh prop
erty of H.K, under and by virtue oi un
execution-homed bj JI J. Iteitd-tax collector,
for state and count / taxes due for the year JEUt)
an omit of tax sl7.7.Vwith intoicst ami all cods
Levy made and retui mui to ina by JL > I'yjeH.
deputy AU4r,xr. -.
Also at the some tttoo and phicb. the
follow tug described properly to-wit: Ail that
lot, truct or i arcel of land situate lying and bc
ing in lha city of county of Gryirn
and irtate of Georgia, k cornu and described u -
the aoutlu-rn one iourtli of Old Town lot No.,
PH. Levied on as the property of Lois Godfrey,
undei and In virtu© Ot an Execution issued by
H. J.Rend, tax collector, for stale ad county
taxes due for the year lsft),amount of tax s9>i
with imm&at mid all c<wtn. Levy made and
retu tied to me by R. S. Pyles, floputy sheriff.
Also at the sauie time and place,
the foi lowing described property, to wit: All
i hat lot tract or parcel of laud situate lying and
b ing m the city of Brunswick, county uf
Glynn and state of Georgia, Known and de
hc jisßd a.-the i.oithtvest one fourth of Old
Town lot No bid Levied on as tbe property
of Eatr Masiin,under and by virtue of an
execution issued by ii. J. Heal, tax collector,
for 4 ate and county tax- s due for the year lauw,
•unOMii 1 of tax .* itii intercut and hU cos-.h
Lety made and returned tune by H. S Ryles,
deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described pivyeity lotvit: All that
lot or ira -t or pared ot laud ntutte, lying and
being in the. < ity ot Hi unswick, county of
Glyiui, slate of Georgia, known a? the norlh
\v *i, one-fourth of old Town lot No I<9.
led on a-the ] > ipoity of W. A. Jeter under
;iud wy virtue of an ext ern'on issued by H. J.
R* ud. ' i .v col lector, for state ami county tuxes
dee for the ve r IvS. Amonut of tax lUfi with
mtere-t and al cots. made and returned
to me by U. , Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Also t the same time and place, the
f- Slowing describo*! prope tv to wit: The leaa'j
hold interest In an I lo tlio sotuheast ouo-hftlf
of I - ,vni Com non- lot No. I*l !*i*tw eeu Stone
wall und Cochran avenues Levied ou as the
property of •lam , *B and ItaUu Bernier under
and Ev virtue of ab execution I-sued Fry il. J.
Head, tax collector, foi ntste and county taxes
duo f r the Amount of tax f.v.'b with
i merest and all co.-t-. Loy made and returned
t v me ov It. s Pv os, dtj uty sheriff.
Also at the name time and place
tbe followiug described property towlt: All,
ih it lot, tract or parcel of land .-ittKtc. lying
unp bring in (Ik* city ot l’.funswick, county of
G'ynn and stute of Georgia, In the New Town
of said city, being the northwest one-half or lot
No 'Mfo, levied on as tbe property of Elvira
Moore under and h virtue of an execution *
s-u*-1 by 11. J. R< ad, tax collector, for state and
county taxes due for the year i*i*% Amount ot
tax 15.75 with interest and al) costa. Levy
made and returned to me by R. $, Pyles, depu
ty sheriff.
Also at the same time and place*
one Peerless job printing pres-, chases and
roller*. Levied on and sold a- the property of
C, a. Leafy under and by virtue of an ex
ecution issued from Glynn Superior douri la
favor of A Kaiser A II other and against
•J. A. Leavy, principal, and R. R Hopkins snd
U. 11. Harvey security on replevy bond for M
principal,s7.24 interest and $21.2a cos*.
Also at the some time and
to the Ugheet hdil be.t bidder, the
follow ng dewrihod rc.l ,*?“5
provements thereon towit The undmd-a
one-sixth interest of I*. Dart in and to that
certain tracL lotor parcel of ,}JJ?J i D II '? ,^ l c *J jr of
Briin.wick nd known on ■ S, P „a .
said citv made in 1H37 aaO and Town lot wo. 17U,
said lot being bounded on tbe north by *
“treet on lb. et by Cdion trMt,Ud on tb
;; , V. Absolute Purity
—pale golden color—delicious hop
flavor —rich in barley —light and
IHpr refreshkig—a drink for the aged and
'vvifi -'for the children—the ideal family
*/■ beverage—-such is
1 J|
k i't m tf ,T 2 f* *
H Mso new AN
.;. m/M/jlmm • "Klog of *ll Bottled Beer*.”
ft stands alone for quality and is
recognized the world over as the
w| &>£ ‘ 'ml acmc °f excellence in brewing.
I' 9/j ! li Order from
WKMmBKi Hr’inswick \N holcsaU* \\ im* and iJ<|U<rOo. A
wdsx b\ Beynokle Btt“ecf. LovidJ on as the
propnny of bifit L defendant, V. Dart, to satisfy
!iH-er\funt-ion oti.t of the Superior court of Snid
county. Principal begidei interoat and
cost. Written notice or levy given defendant
ns ilured by 11 w . Levy made and-rcturue-1
to ipe by H, S.Pyics, dcpiHv sheri IV.
Mi riff Glynn Gonnty,<Ta.
■ ALo at”the suras titne and that, cor
dHiu other tract or parcel of land in the Town
liittniuma of Brunsw idk, Georgia, and known
S tm*-. western one half of Town CominoiiM lot
No. 71; said western half of said lot containing
,sxloo feet facing on Joiiaon street in Maid citv.
I.cvied on un the property or D. D. Cameron to
salisfy that certain mortgage 11. fa. In favor or
George lohneon for principal, beside •*
inicre-l sand costs. Written notice of lew
viyea defendant as required bv law. Levv
made and returned to me bv R. S Pyles. dei>(i
ly slibi iff. W. H. BiORUUO.
Sheriff Glynn County,Ga.
Will be sold before the court house door in
Vm In *\V f , lnn ! s , w,ck ’ WAywn county, Georgia,
r , ogal ,lollrß of - s ale on the Urst T ues
dnv in October, next, that certain lot or tract
or land situu’c. lying and being in the “'7 dis
tn.'l,... M , (iljnn eoUPty, Crorgla, and known
n pai t of Col n©l s Island,containing 45 acro.B
mote o/ less, boumlod north by Blythehaek
river and Y juicy Bluff crook, south by pari of
stud island, laid out in city lots, east by Rlythe
baek nvi*r, and west by said city lots aiufFan
cy BlulT creek. Levied on and old ns tho
property of the South Brunswick Railway
Company under and by virtue of a tax il.
sued by William A Wright, coniptroller-geu
,c*°<>rßja ‘j l favor of Glynn county Tor
Jfli.lKd taxes duo icr JHIH), and against saH rail
way uopipHny. This September (J. HKb).
W. H. BERRIK,Sherin.
Georgia-County of Glynn.
WHI be sold at public outcry before the ourt
house door of said county, on the lirst Tuesday
'* ! ) l t ? I Wi w l ,n ‘ ln legal lews of sale,
to twMgliilt bidder for cash, certain property,
of which the following is a full and complete
description c An undivided one-fourth interest
ot, in and to Jot number seventy-throe with
ibe improvements thereon, in the O and Town of
theclty of Binnswick, Glynn county, Georgia,
B pec tlie reap or plan of a,ld city md l.y
fieol'ifC ft. Baldwin A. I). imU7. Sahf p ro p nr ty
Imlwl ou an thtt property of liolling: Whitfield
in satr-fy an execution issued out of tlio .Super
ior ronrt or said county in favor of the I'.runs
wirk Saviiiica anr l Truat tjnrapony .gainst said
Itolluis Vi li tfield ami a. J. Said
liropnrtv Ijciag in ilio p...e,510n of Dolling
Whitfield, rid,Soptcmiiera tooth
W. If.ltKlUtlH,Sheriff
• *tiI4LAC SACK.
State of Georgia—Glynn Countv
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con
lamed In that certain deed to suture debt from
Delon liicc to the American Building loan
uml Tontino Savings Association, of Memphis.
Icnn. which deed is recorded in Bofik 1,. L , f„l
-io ib“? of tlio records of said county, rof'cieneo to
which fined and the record of same is had for
nil purposes—(the said Helen G. liiee having
for more thanU months defaulted in paying
tbp < aes and interest which she in her eaid
deed . secure debt obligated herself to pay,;
there will bo nol i before the door of tho court
lipu-a*. in Hi Ui#sw ick, Georgia, between the leg
al Inaifs of sale, on the first Tuesday in October
1000. to the bi' and best bidder for cash, the
following loti; of laud, (and the improvements
i hereon; described on uml in tho man and plan
of the city of Brunswick made by George it.
B Ild win, as New Town lots Numbers its 2, IPs::,
Js I. IKs'# and l*Sfi. To be sold as tho properly >f
said Hel'n G. Hlee for the purpo-e of paving
the indebtedness bCCun and hv suld deed; prim ,
pal being $477.51, be;id< interest, an d lines,
'•lst Wo!)™* 111 *** PUyH I,M titlUS - All,-N-t
*’• American Building Loan ami ToutbuiHav*
mgs Association, of Memphis, Tenn,, At
lorncy in Pact.
D. W. Kit AUKS,
Attorney for Mild Asaoeiation.
Goorgi a—Glynn County.
To ail whom it may concern: Henry O. Cur
•is having in proper form a -mied to me for
permanent letter* of administration on the es
tate of Samuel Curtis late or said county, toils
is to cite all and singular, the creditors and
next of kin of Sain net CurLD to b© and apt ear
al my office within the time afowert by law
and show cause, if any tiny can, why perma
nent administration Should not be granted to
Henry G Curtis on estate of Samuel Curtis.
Witness my hand and official signature this 4th
day of September, 1900.
Ordinary Glynn County, ha.
GKORGI A— Glynn Conn ty.
Whereas. Ella .1 Jennings, administratrix of
George W. Calvin c-tate, r< presents to the
court In her petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that she has fully ad mini tered George
. caivm’g estate. This is, therefore, to cite
all persona concerned, kindred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they c*n. why Raid ad
ministratrix should not be discharged from
administration, and receive letters of dismis
sion on the first Monday m December, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the Merchant*’
Produce Company, a firm composed of L. 'Lud
wig and C. M Phillips. is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. L. Ludwig will continue the
business, assuming all liabilities and selecting
all account* due tb ? late firm.
Brunswick, Aug. 81,190 j.
On account of be death of Samuel Curtis.tha
firm of Curtis,Carrera* & Cos., bjt mutual con
**nt hM been O aKREW
Service By Publication.
ST ATE OF GEORGIA-County of Glynn.
John Rogers, ) In Glynn Superior Court, May
„ . vs. } Term, l!K)o.
Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE,
it) the Defendant, Susie Rogers:
j on are hereby commanded to be and appear
at the December Term, next, of Glynn Superior
Ooiu t, to be lioldon at the court boose in
bounty, Georgia, on the
niPASt ? a3 l ,n December, 1000, and by Ten
(10) o clock of tlic forenoon of said date, then
IVJri ?i le l V tt, *Bwer the complaint of the plain
-1,1 al *ove stated case iu his Liuel for
W itness tlio Honorable -Joseph \V. Bennett,
in- 0f ,M. h . e ? Ul> Court of Glynn County,
this the lOtk day of July, 1000.
, t , 11. F. duBIGNOV;
clerk Superior Court, Glynn < ounty, Ga.
Male of Georgia—County of Glyhn. *
Mrs, Ella Markham I Libel for divorce; in tii©
Superior court of Glynn
vs, I county. May term, 1900,
■ Order to perfect service
Mai tin It. Markham | granted t said term.
To the Defendant, Martin B. .Markham.
i ou are hereby required, in person or by at
torney, to be and appear, at the December
J enn, 1600, of Glynn Superior court, to lie hold
en in and for said county, at the court house,in
Brunswick, Glynn count'’, Georgia, on the first
Monday in December, 1900, and you will be
tber© by ten .(10) o'clock, of the forenoon of said
1° .ft7wer the complaint of
the plaintlA Mrs. Ella Markham, in the above
r, ca *°’ 1,1 ker libcl for divorce.
v\ lt uess the Honorable Joseph W. Bonnet,
'i ll l*ciior court of ulynn county,
tills the 24tli day of August, leoo. 3
~ 4 t A. O. TOWNSEND,
Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glvnn
. County* Georgia, *
Attorney for Plaintiff.
siatc of Ueoj'gla-Countj of Glyun.
Mrs. Lizzie Bong j Libet for tlivoroe; In the
Superior tmurt ot Glynn
™| I county. Slav term, 100.
•||, „ . . , Order to perfect service,
1 nomas A. Long. | granted at *aid term. ,'
To the Dcfendaut, TBomas' A. Lotur
,'‘ ,u hereby required. In j,arson orl.y at
tr mi , J " l ‘" 6 aWß'ljer
“term, k)o,of the Glynn Superior court, to bo
holdon in and for laid eog„ty, at the Cr?
J l h T|2lj ] J, rur, s wlc, . c ’ Glynn county, Georgia, on
V s t, Mol ' ,:,a y December, 1000, and 'ydu
O’clock of Iho forenoon
o. Biiid day,then mid there answer tlm com-*.
pl ant o 1 the plaintiff, A1j“8. Liy./.ic Long in the
ub vo stated case. >n 2tatr divorce.
W uness IboXfonontLle fßmfkg\X Beiirmt,
Judge of the Superior court of (Tlyiiii county,
tula the 24tb day of August, UIU).
A. o, ToWNsknu.
Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn
County, Georgia.
A ttoi noy for Piaintill’ , >
•: r-r- v ~ -
bK.uvrcK iiv nrui.K ation.
State of Georgia—-County or Glynn.
•Vlrs. Edna Wylie Libel for divorce: la the
Superior court of Glynn
vs. county, May term 1900,
order to perfect service,
James Wylie. grained at said term.
To Hie Defendant, James Wylie.
You are h -reby required, in person or by at
torncy, t . be and appear at the December
term, 19 o. Of Glynn Superior court, to be hold
en la and lor -aid county, at the court hou*e,
in lii'iiii-,\vi , Glynn county, Georgia, on tbe
first Monday in December, 1900. and you will
bo there by ten (10; o’clock of tip*, forenoon of
sain day, thou and there to answer the com
plaint oi the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the
above stated case, in her libel for divorce.
'vUiico-lho /Honorable Joseph W. Bonnet,
Judge of the/Sujiartof cohrt of Glynn county,
this* the tottli day of August, 1900.
Deputy Clerk ot the Superior Cftr.rt, Glynr
County. Georgia.
Alto rnev for Ibalntlfi*.
STATK °F County.
Hie. federal Transport audl In Equity in the
Insurance Cos., et. a!., j Superior Court of
m a.t „ Vs /, l of aald comity
I iie Atlantic Cotton Cos., j Suit to enforce
et ' al. | payments to.capl-
The defendants, J. H. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C.
Schumacher A 00.,u copartnership A. Norden
Ac Go., a H. W. U. Edge. William
O. Allison and J B. Thomas,are hereby notified
ami rfequir*d to be and appear in person or by
attorney at the next Decern her, hhml torm ot
the Superior Court of said county, to be held in
the court house of sail county, at Brunswick
on the first Monday In December, next, and by
lo o’clock, ■. m„ ot Mai l day, then and there to
answer the plaintiff- in this action, as in default
thereof the Court will proceed as to juatic*
may appertain itneaa the Hon W Bon
net. Judge of said Court. Thia 27th day of July
1900. If. F. nr;BIG.NION,
Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos., G 7 *. '
Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Ko
turnable to Dccarnber
vk. Term, 1900, of Superior
Court of Glynn coun-
O. J. Freeman, ty, Georgia.
Tc the said defendant, (>. J. Fireman:
You-are hereby required* personally pr by
attorney, to bo and appear it the next term of
tbe Superior Court or said county, convening
on i he first Monday in December, 1900, then and
there to auHwer tae plal-uff. Clyde Freeman,
upon the merits of her petition t>jr diyorco filed
ago Inst you; a In default of aueh appearance
tbe Court will proceed as to juaneo shall apper
tain. Wltnass the Hon Joseph W. Benaet.
Judge of aaM Superior fouit, this 2Jd day of
August, 1900. A. O, '1 OWNHKNj/
Deputy Clerk Suiierlor <-onrt. Glynn Cos., Ga
H W. * Ally. ’
“A” tablets
or the m)jt Fatal and Frevalont of all and
eases are those o itfce KIDNEYS.
The Kidneys are two little sieves through
which all of ih© blood n the body must pass
once in every three, minuter, in a IIKALtETY
condition they ■filter all impurities into the
BLA DDER, thenc© out of the body. If DISK AS-
Kl) they clog and swell, deposit itiug URIC ACID
and other poison** into the system, causing
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if you have any of the above symptoms
Try them aud be convinced. Recent,disco very
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