Newspaper Page Text
Theßee Hire. The Bee Hive.
VT 1 . i * '■ ' ' ----- - -c —’■ ‘~ _ '~*'V — ;.:rr ——■-
ns in it Mr Mill soti ift li! 1 iwm (®-
ii wi m t mil!
Wash Press Goods
Tou can’t blame ue for not wanting to carry over any
Wash [Goods to next season— so buy these dainty
fabrics at per yard
others worth up to 20e
12 1 2c
ill Elds oi White in. ■
We have received another shipment at "itit* Halls,”
vlrtu|lly Factory Remnants of nice Khe-r Vic'oria
Lawn— remnun's run into 0 yard pieces; value In a reg
ular way loc to 12 per yard.
W e price them
per yard
: • ,8 l-3c.
The Bee Hive.
Phil S. Farmer, Proprietor.
CHUE HALL, Proprietor
can get tiifi bent the majrket affords by eating here
2IS qrant t.
’ttOLKSAIwi- *
Bacon and
, Brunswick, Georgia.
"WTe are noted for promptly in- Q |(jlj(s {()[
” troducing the latest designs
The John B. Stetson Company f||| (J[([ |(|W
is noted as well for the creation
of new designs in fine hats as for : utu
the manufacture of them. |lr'" , lJulll
Hen of Fashion and .
Refinement Mil
will always find among
111 M|.
a variety of styles which will Q[[ nlnUUllr
meet with their approval.
..... —t— ■~~
We open the season by
showing up our line of $3.50
Mens Shoes. No such va
rieties to be seenelsewhere.
See window.
Bed Spreads.
Eroßfathf, ( j*fl are overstocked, so'wg reduce the
pricel-j.MarsfcliUja.and Honeycomb ijuHia.iaU sLrts.
hemmed: •';v. . ", . > T3T <4 :> •• - •
\.l 48c nualitf 45c, J• T - ,-/■
• ■
’ 7e (i'uairty.Oyd. • * - PS
% - *- ?*
• %.L75 qtiiSnfy. gX). -
Wj&Jtr ;s
Seldom enough you caii briy good
Hosiery at a bargain. .. We tell o£a.
Ladies’Fast Black Hose, full regSStr'
made, Homslorf d'ye, every pair
guaranteed, per pair 4
25 Cents.
The Bee Hive.
213 Newcastle st., G.
ad verticil* m*nts ia this lil UriiMon
ert at tan umhnftu rate "f Ouir Cent a word lor
ouch inaeuion. No advertisement, howovor
•mall.lesa than Mlcem*. ( ah in advance.
WANTED:—GentIe bone for f unity
i use. Apply to J . VV. Watkins.
Ar i . -- ' 'jfH ’
FOE ,RE NT,—A nice,
house, oo J street. Apply to 412 it
* •'
WANTED—"To pi) re base a good
horse, suitable for bsefe. Add re** Is,
care TiaUCAU,
WANTED.—Youth to work in oono
misaioo house. Address, with refer
ence, “0: 11. D.,” care this offiae..
WANTED—To buy or
rent a typewriter; also to
buy a cheap seooml hand
safe. E- D. Wolffe,
J. W, Watkins will loan,
you money on personal prop* j
erty and real estate.
Bntha Tta Hind You Haw *im BoiiglU
Mr. W. J. Butts.lelt yesterday on
the Mallory line for New York.
Tho most dainty and effective pill. made are
DaWitt'l Little KSrly Kisers. They are urie
qoaled for all liver amt bowel trouble*. Never
gripe. W. J, Butts.
j Another shipment of those nice, large Yellow 1 ams.
New Georgia Syrup in bottles and cans.
The Famous Juicy Dove Hams.
I V 'Sm> AJ&. AS SKASpWy
Mapatfer Wdiff-? Has "Made Good S
t* - ‘V- *v i ' r i ,
Theatre goers will be delighted
with the biokings of Manager Wulffe
(or the (joining :e .”50.
I Mr, WoiffY” has Used great care in
; this ;prt|cular. Araoag the attrao
'Uvu* the fdlowicv:
i Sorrows of Ssiso, Creston Ciark.
l;Mr. Utejt Jl a nephew or Edw.n
Hvcp’h “The
j whktfb ia * .dfM&satiuo of Dickens’
. S 1 ck6rd Opera Com
••military . sa
-1 Whvte-ilag,” "A Young
y 4
: “EVU h epeuyieui'JpferoduoUon,
.Gilleß’s great war Seorat
ptfvict. 1 ” “The TbVee
“V.Tij Saatt-ffArikl damp,” a bjfl
Ascne’.- Herman, the magloias,
WalltlT Wnifside, io the l> R*d Cos
r °**' ’’ ! A u 0 M in.
tt wlifwseen from the ebevetbat
ferunswifiklanv are going to see some
,**&! good Attract one4
.Newnfilled rice meal, best
milk producer and feed for
stock on the market,
Ben Borchar.dt & Cos.,
Wholesale Groceri* and Pro
duce Dealers.
DeWUt’n Ljuta Early Rises* are ypotiipt.yet
atablc, pleruan;, penc'.tal, purlfytmr little pilM
v.-.j, i;,m- v ■ '
t j-4, •
&fr. Spbctleld Fraoklin left last
night to spend a few days in Mao on
'V W - • .* . - f
Have you u sen-* nt fuI.HVHSIn tU ro?ion of
y< r t<itnaeh after aattngT. It au jwu wiU
benefited by nytng Cbamberlaia’s StoniUcß and
LiverT ibleie. They also cure bcloblng aa
"ur atatpaoh. rtjov rogobite the twwala totj.r
Pries Me. SiM by BVrtto)!' t>rug Store.
1 '% .**' **"'——“ ■ *
TtS%.\trho ktteoded the sogtal of the
McKondree Methodist church list
night had a most*delightful tic**.
Half Ora World la ia Darkosn
as to (ho cniise of iBeIPIHWWWf! woaK
ntart totshat theirldiinef* with Fatej;* Jgt|K
m y Cat*-.-ie wuirtt em M boo; an* rrrirnt, I.'.wV.
nche, hemlneha and I'eewsautie pair.. woohJ
disappear/ W?J.,!nut*
Mr. Thomas O'CooOor, jr , will at
tend the Technologies! school rn At
lanta this fa I*.
Hirers, open or obstinate sores, settles nod
piles quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most
healing medicine iu the wgald. 'V. J. Butts-
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Mr. Frank D. Aiken ia spending
tome time in Ashvill* with ria family.
Large sun tpots, astronomers aay, caused tho
extreme heat this suiamer. and oocut* declare
nearly all the prostrations were induced by dis
orders of the .stomach. Good health follows
good digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia t'ore digests
what you eat. If you have indigestion or dys
pepsia It will quickly relieve and permanently
cure you. W.J. Butt*.
Disinfect Your Homes
Choloro - Naptholeuii,
A Safeguard to Disease,
We Sell in Any Quantity,.
.W J BUTTS, The Druggist
‘On tlie Corner/’
We Owe Mone>
and must have money to
meet our bills, therefore
it behooves us to push
collections with a ven- *
geance, which we propose •
on the first.
No more CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash.
Keep Cool
These Hot Summer Nights
m .riir-fcMrf... - r ' / .....
Out window suggests “ow. It is filled a
beautiful line of
Pyjamas and Night shis
From 50c to 51.50. See Them. -
jurist m DR ’ SOFFEH’S 1 Allays Irritation tin Dig. <ttoT
MS* 2? J M. (Teething PowderO J-E. TEETHINA Relive. the Bow*
AS A*/ ' . 4 Trouble, of tMMrea o<
Pffch? C° sts at Druggists, any u,e.
f Oril*3*UkTC. J. MOFFETT, M.D..BT. lUIS, V
-11 * ♦
We know it—Thousands
know it. But do yin knew*
/^Bl^% tha * the ! I
ftpsl "*ram; ’
whisky peer oflAil whis-
Ikutause it has a very fine aroma and l!av or -
Because it is THE WillsK Y'for Medici-
nal purposes.
Cincinnati, Ohio. '
H. V. Douglas, 208 \gent. ' j