The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 13, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 24. fill in IS llllil Over Firty Nbpobs Slot by Whiles for Bobbery. Slim GROWS WORSE. A Dreadful Condition Exists in This Unfortunate Texas City—Negroes Or dered Shot. Houston, Sept. 12.—A message from Galveston today tells of.rioting between tlie whites add blacks, which adds to the innumerable horrors of those already in the desolate city. CoDtlicts between law abiding citizens and negroes occur constantly, and fifty negroes have been shot, most of them for robbing tho dead. Gangs of blacks have in many cases driven the rescuing whites from their werk. Vigilant committees are being formed. Two thousand, ’hrec hundred _AU*L— have already been car ried in barge* an-i lamped into the gujf. Two hundred haye--bceu burled at Vir ginia f’oiiiL, aixl aco?€s of todies are buried at other points along the coast, fcores arc'etill coming ashore at Vir ginia Itawt. The dead are still stifling the streets of Galveston. A heavy pall of smoke this morning over the city tells of the fact that debris has been set on fire. 'he ruins are burned iu bope of : quelling the pestilence. Negroes Ordered Shot. Galveston, Sept. 12.—Last night for ty three negroes were caught in differ ent parts of the city robbing dead bod ies. They were tried by the court mar tial and found guilty, and have been or dered shot. Water and Ice Needed a Virginia Point, Texas, Sept. 13,—A bulletin received here today from Gal veston says the situation is growing worse in that city every minute. Wate r and ice aie badly needed, and it is ear nestly hoped that some will roach here within the next few hours. People are in frenzy, suffering from these causes. Scores have died sinco last night. A large number of sufferers have gone in -i sane. ALLIES MARCH Four Thousand Have Gone After the Boxers. Tien Tain, Sept. 8. via .Shanghai, Sapt. 11.-A body of four thousand ‘‘allies, including two hundred men of the Fifteenth infantry under Major Robertson, marched today against tl • cities of Shang Ute and Sien Tilie, where the presence of boxers threat ens Tien Tain region. General How ard commands the expedition. SUPREME COURT.! Civil Dooket For Brunswick Circuit Cases. The Supreme court civil dooket for the October term was announced yes terday by the olerk, and shows a large number of important cases for consid eration.' The docket for the Brunswick oir cuit is as follows: 1 Wayorjoss Air-Line Railway v. O’Berry. 2 Baxley Bk’g Cos, v, Carter, et al. * 3 Lang v. Savannah, Florida & Western Railway Cos. 4 Roberta v. Glass. -ay~ 6 R-diing t. Lennon. 6 Atwell Candler, gov ernor. / 7 Smith v. Owen. • ' 8 Carter & Ford v. Jqhnson, et #l, 9 Candler, governor, y. Kirkland. 10 Brunswick & Western Railroad Cos. v. Hardey & 'Co, 11 Florida Central & Peninsular Railroad Cos. v. Rudolph. I*. Denton, administrator, v. Ward. 18 OfTerman & Western Railroad Cos., v. Wayoross Air-Line Railroad 14 Brantley Cos. v. B*nk of Way oross. 1$ Anderson, et al., receivers, v Continental Insurance Cos. __. 16 Wukteta. Railway Cos. v. Beavers. ~''l7 Smith v. Turner, guardian. 18 Barrow,'et si., v. Mattox. 19 Miiburn v. Commiasiouers of Roads *od Revenue* of Glynn Cos. 20 Arnold v, Crowell, et a>. 21 Brunswick Book Co-, v. Tyrseh Cut THE COLORED BALL QA MR. .< ■ , It Was a Good One and WasSjMk "I*||a Largo Crowd. '** t || Fully one hundred whites and three hundred negroes were out at the fair • ■ > grounds ye tfrday afternoon to ace the ball game between the colored teams of Brunswick and St. Augustine. Both thfi teams ate good ones and the game yesterday was piayed in one hour and twenty minutes, resulting in a vic tory for the Brunswick club by a score of oto 3. Up to the seventh inning they had the St. Augustine club shut out. Another game will be played this af ternoon, and no doubt a large crowd of both whites and colored will go out tm see it. HOG CHUJ^tA And a Sure tpire for This Disease llelow, •' i' lias been rcyn:.-/' I to ffibliehed the following, and it is said to be a sure cure for cholera among hogs: One ball Sterling potash, three tea spoonsful of benzoine, lour ounces of borsx, one gallon of water. Mix thor oughly . Dose—l teaspoonful every other day until cured. Give in feed #f animal will eat. H not, give one-lialf teaspoon ful forced into the throat and stom ach. BRUNSWICK, GA. t THURSDAY Eli l'i, l’goo. i miis Nil ms. Jno.B, SfansMelflls Named For Governor. MM 1 llEUlli The Former Was Formerly a Warm EfilU Man—Later He Tied to Dickey Croker.-' ■ a- ; * & - -S' .Sftogß, N. Y., Sept. 12. -T|s Nkw York. democrats nominated their State; candidates today amid great euMktUti awn. Sfitfleld, of Cbetnu.g, was F. McKay, of Erie, t<)i£j*teuant-gov ernor. The formarly a Hill man, but is now one of ftroak er’a litutenaa.ks. some (ay a deal was mSihubeiispi tbeJiwtjJsau e, bat oßtliMir wHPfd rnU it. NEW JERkEY Trenton. N. .f,Spt. 12.-^ThfDemo cratic State convention bpoued here this morning for the purpose of cioApi natitg a full Slat eyelet aiff presi dential eieetori. ’’ V* ’• . ■** kept; wligans * New flaven, Coon., Sept. $- t H State oonvMgtitm of Republican clubs opepcd ifirjhis ditjr thie mornlog.-JEuII defegatitta are present, a featured the tneeting number cf delegates presuft .from Swedish or ganisations, Sperry^and others spoke, 1- CQLOBA'bo BEITOCifcTB.' Denver, Goto., Sept. Demo ’.■T’’ V-’ • ' fcl '’a ’’ ’ r-'H oratio State convention opened here today for the purpose of nominating State officers and elector*. The ma chine candidate* are expeotod to win out without oppoiitijM. ■ ■ / VupfflxKS IN UTAH. SedjpKke, Utah, Sept. 12.—Senator of Indiana, wae the etar speaker at a monster Republican rally here this evening. H STUMPING THE DAKXITAS. Huron, S. D,, Sept. 12.—Theodore Roosevelt arrived in this city this morning on bis stumping tour of the State. He was given an enthusiastic weloome. This afternoon he addressed a rnaesmseting here, and then pro ceeded to Brookings, where a monster welcome awaited him. MANY ALLIES KILLED. Berlin, Sept. 12.—A Shanghai tele gram, dated September 10th, says a mixed force of allies attacked the fortreasea of Hong-Tong, in the neigh borhood of Takn. Loss among allies is reported very heavy. * Mil intopMisittiiiitf For Weir Assistance mif mm givers Over. v ' i Fi% Tollars Was Sub scribed By WelU-fcilftWßr Citizens Up To Last Night. £ ■ , Ing very liberally Mayor Atkinson’s M f> seall to help the Teyas sufferers. The prodSamatisM was only issued yesterday morning, ind. up to last night'fStl 50 h'adr l:COU ahbsoribed, The situation in' is one *thal eaiia for. unbounded sympathy. Certainly, jnore Ikan one thousand por :*k aln that qity lost their Uvea in the 7F • ** storm. Half tho property has been de- Half the poeulatipn Is pen niless. Food and shelter are needed, and nnjess liberal help ifi promptly giv en ihr suilVring will bcgrcat. -si- AH amounts wjfl be, pub lished “fropj dayelo A? those columns, and aIF amounts handed iu . Fleming,. l ! Waff wfll be promptly for warded loThose in charge of the distri bution of funds. Following Is a list of those who iUbscribed yesterday JOpn Cl Green f 'i.W Cas & -V *1 00 11. -Randolph aOO Mrs. Mary 'Randolph 1, OOi Mrs. Matilda Greenfield 1.... ILOO ... • V’’ tw &■]< .....: soo M. i 00 Coney-xCj Fadfar 500 W. B. Fain.. '... 1 00 C. G. Moore 1 oO Miss Bessie Bruce ] 00 E. C. Butts. ' 50 Capt. T. G. Clark 50 Roy 80det.... 50 H. M. Miller & Son 5 CO J. W, Watkins 2 00 B. J. Butts 1 00 Miss C. Butts v -. 50 W. M. Tuppor 5 00 M . W. Mock 2.5 R. B. Wood 5 00 H. V. Adderly •... 1 00 Ed L. Stephens ...... 100 Howard Wsff 100 Charles Fleming 1 00 .1. A. Butts t 00, T. Lopez 25 I’. M, Farmer; - 1 00 Mr. Roberts 1 00 Cash . . . 100 W. J. Butts..... ~WLr,, 1 00 Total *SO 60 PARIS, ONTARIO, BURNING. Toronto, Sept. 12.—A terriflo fire ie ragiog in Paris, Ontario. It is feared there Is little hope of saving the busi ness portion of the town. MR. W. H. PRICE, SR., DEAD ■Well Known Gainesville. Citizen Passes Away fn Uuinswick. ,•*%.W,8. Price, Sr.,-a well' known citizen'of Ga,, passed away in this city Tuesday night at 11:15 o'clock of acute gastritis. Mr. Brice was connnocted with the Southern Railway as inspector of build ings and bridges. He was taken'ili'two weeks ago at the home of Mr. McCrary on E street, at which place he died. His wife, a daughter, Miss Ber tha, and two sons, Messrs. W. H,, Jr., and George G., wero with him until the en&w Mr. Price was born in Dablonega in 1346, therefore being 54 yenrs of age. He leaves a wife and eight children— Messrs. \V. H., Jr., and G. G., formerly f Brunswick, Misses Bertha, Mattie, Susie and Nina and Mr. H. T.* of Uainesville, His remains were shipped to Gaines ville last night over the Southern, and were escorted to the depot by Seaport lodge 68 and lodge 18 I. 0. O, F.j of this cit.v he Being an active < mctuber*ot Air Line lodge 04 I, O. O. F. of Gaines ville. •*' 'S. : !■ " IN GALVESTON. ■ Former Brunswiekiane May Have Been Deatrppil. - The many friends of lie. R. C. Ilaalebursr,Yfr. and Mrs. W. M. Ber ry mau and family, will regret to learn that they were in Cfalvestoff'at the time of the storm j and lived Yt the lighthooee. WhMher or not they es caped is not known, hut the fact that they !kVoß;Jiere. and near the light house, which was destroyed, leads to the belief that they are lost. Quite a number of Brunswiokians are relate to Mr. and Sire. Berryman, and they are oaing every effort to ascertain their fato. MRS. O RLE AN WHITE HOPPER, Music Teacher,. A and Rey nolds Streets, Brunswick, Ga. - • Former pupil of Carl Paelten, Bos ton; Harry Roe Shelly, New York city; Pror, Alex Gibson, New Hayen, Conn. Also holding certificates from Conserv atories in Conueecticut and Ohio; hav ing formerly taught in Bame. Interpre tative Technic, Terms reasonable and made known on application. City re ferences given. COCHRAN TO "SPEAK Waycross, September 12-Uoo. Arthur Emmet Coohran, democratic eleotor from the Eleventh district, will speak in behalf of Bryan and ilAmooracy at Baxley, September mb; stnEoJitf-too, September 2!Kb; at S'. MarfV, October 2fl. At Folkston,29;b Inst., there will be a big democratic rally and barbecue. Colonel Cochran will oover the entire district. THE OYSTER ROAST The oyster roast given last night by the ladies of the order Star wf 'i' an ■ quito a neat sum wasM^r PRICE FIVE CENTS. Anthracite Coal Workers Will Unit Work. ft HUNDRED THOUSAND 1. Coming at the Same Time Foreign Orders Are Pouring In the Operators Are Caught In Bad Shape. Indianapolis, Sep*. 12.—The United Mine Workers of America this evening declared a strike in the anthracite coal region. If the order is generally obey - i •; , ed, and it wilUbe, between a hundred and a hundred and' twenty thousand workerß in the mines of eastern Penn sylvania will walk out. The strikers are aware of the large foreign orders and they heye caught tho operators tn a bad shape. A REPRESENTATIVE MEETING. Bu=iue3a Men Discuss a New Eoterpriio A representative rdKt men was held .it to The on Cerlm a starch factory, aoj Mr VVade of the Southern Railway *1 V - .-. p. D. Arnold of Chi ment Brunswick, U is to manufacture starch out of * csstwyH a vegetable product which tlit 1 ibil easily produces, Should the f irch factory be located here mean that several thous and acres of land would baye to be planted to supply the demand, Mr. Arnold will spend several days here investigating the advantages of Brunswick for his factory’s location, and it is hoped he will decide to come here. TO HELP SUFFERERS. The Western Union Telegraph Company gives out the following “Free service is extended to all committees for relief of the Texas sufferers We do not have euffioient ✓ funds at Galveston, Houston or other points to enable us to make extensiye money transfer payments there there fore, we will also extend free eervioo on messages between banks transferr. lug money for the rel ef of the suffer ers. Parties desiring to make pay ments on tuoh account in Texas oan deposit the mousy in bank, obtain a telegram from that bank and to a bank at point of destination ordering payment and such message will be Transmitted free. We are willing and Hiffou* to do whatever lies in our power for the relief of Texas.”