The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 13, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 11 Mil I HUT. Agent Pays Heirs of Mr, James A. Sap. II QtK SETTLEMENT. Proofs of Death Left Here Saturday and the Gheoks Came Yesterday Morning. Yesterday morning, agent J. B. Abrams, of the Phoenix Mutusl Life Insurance Company, Hartford , Conn., received cheeks aggregating SB,OOO for the payment of policies held by the late James A. Sapp, of this oounty. Mr. Sapp died September 4tb, just eight days ago. The proof of hX death left on Saturday, September 8 b, at 9;05 p. ia„ for the home (Aloe in Hart ford, and just four days from that date, the checks were in the hands of the beira, The Tiwks-Caix congratu lates the Phoenix agent on-the quick settlement. Two cf the policies held by Mr. Sapp were less than two years old. It is a Btrange fact that among the past eleven years, with nearly eight hundred thouaand dollars of insurance in force In this oounty, the Phoenix has never lost a single policy bolder here until the death or Mr. Sapp a .few days ago, although we have bad a Ef w fever epidemic, and a large sP. t?* Ms££SßSm&ltoll UUie ' re ,# ■ 'Y, s. methods of doing irdiirrments this compyM^lßE^o the insured. wants life ineorsnce, he cannot afford risk ; he studies the policies of tbs sev eral companies, and then insures m the one wbioh writes the best polioj, This alone accounts for tbe large vulg ume of business ibe Phoenix is doing business here. “We have lee* lapse policies than any company doing hueiueee in Brunt wick,*' elated Agent Abratua yester day ; and continuing, he etld, “You may attribute this to the fact that policy holders are yesisted by me du ring the Brat three years of the policy; after that time, the policy provides extended insurance without action of the insured for a stated number of years. Besides these features, our policies have special large induce ments, in the form of paid-up insu rance, cash and loan value*, which, in connection with the large annual divi dend* paid by ths Ptanlx, are often valuable assistance to policy holders ” Anyone contemplating life insu rance should call on Mr. J. B. Abrams, Ueneral Agent of the l’l <enix Mutual, and he will take pleasure in explain ing the various forms. Agood many consumptives would be cured and the vrornt casos comforted and relieved by ruing Foley's Honey and Tar. Suggest It to tkose afflicted. You etaould do this as; a friend W.J, Butte. Just received ready to wear felt hat* Mis* Kate Slater. OPENING OF THE SEASON. The Woodward-Warren Cos. Charms Jacksonville. In speaking of the Woodward War ren Cos. the Jacksonville Times* Union says: “H. Guy Woodward and hi* excellent company of performers opened the sea son at the Park opera house last night, sad his reception most flattering one. Before time for the curtain the S, It. 0. sign was displayed, and the aisles were fiikd with chairs, whiie standing room was soon at a premium. ‘ Mr. Woodward has been visiting this city for several years, and it is only necessary to announcement of the fact of his coming to fill the house. “The openiDg piece was A Gold Mine, a drama, in the presentation of which |w , ‘' -**‘ ** J Nat Goodwin made his reputation. Sdr. Woodward’s conception of the part can not pofsibly he improved upon, lie was in the piece from start to finish, throw ing his entire heart ami soul Into the part. The work that is called for in this drama is so entirely different from Mr. Woodward’s usual line that it was al most Impossible to believe that the rough-amt ready comedian could so tru ly set forth the part of Silas K. Wool cott In the Gold Mine as it should he done. .Hjjjjjih. however, was weil done and it is safe to say thqj this bright, ver satile young actor lies a bright future before him. “The support given by the different members nf the company was excellent, and could hardly be improved upon. Miss Bertha Houghton, s the Hon. Mrs. Meredith, has a true conception of the part, and the Same may be said of Miss Marie Da'o and Miss Lula Hum lay. Mr. Edwin Hougjiton, as Gerald fciordan, had a difficult part, but went through with it like the veteran lhat ho k U ‘ “The specialties were exCtMingly good, especially the Rumlcy sisters In songs ami dances. Chas. wt Milton, luono'ogist and singer, took well with the audience " Seats now on sale at Butts’ urug sore. SCHOOL Mil HE, Mieses Gilo’s select private school will open Oor. Ia 1 their residence. 70? E street. Thorough instruction is given io primary, intermediate collegiate depsrtmente. This institution of learning is of seven years* standing, and the teaohers are progressive, em ploying all ibe new and improved methods of lostruotion. VETERANS' RECNION. Alexandria, Va. Sept. 12,—The anuu al reunion of Confederates is being he’d at Fairfax Court Bouse today. The meeting is well attended. A special feature ii-Jftmeetlng of the survivors of result amend them being and Govern or Tyler. TMfc BRUwsw ICK. TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. tTh&Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood.- It acts ss a tonic, it regulates di gesUon.cnrcß dyspepsia and lends strength and tohe to tbe nervous Sys tem. ■ ltd# a inedtcine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by tbe mpst delicate Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nahvee soon succumb to it* wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price sz.ol). QUAKER PAIN BALM is tba med icine that the Quaker Doctor made ail of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rttrumatiam, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in.,fact, nil pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c, and 60c, ’ . QUA fCER WRITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEADING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cur% of tetter, eexotna and eruption# of „!he skin. Prioe. Silo a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PolhilTs Drue Store Farmer!, provide yourselves with Tain Killer at thia !eaon of the year, when oulie, obolertf morbus, dyeen tery, diarrhoea, efc.f way Uisable your hands. Use It in every easel#' the kind, but be tare that you truit to no other r c tnedy but the old, lonic tried Perry Davie which never (ailed. Avoid substitutes There it but one Pain-Kil'CT,- EVrry Davis’. Price 25c. and 6<)o. EXCURSION TO AMEJRICOS., For the above occav'oo the Plant System will sell round trip tickelalo Amcricus, Ga.. at rates o( one and one third fare, Tickets to be sold Sept. 30ih andJOct. with 3qa! limit Oct. 7tb. Money loaned oh personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Watkins “DELAY* AUK DAWJFBOtiS* ▲ small pimple on your face may seem of lit tle consequence, hut it ethowg your blood ia im pure, and impure, blood is what causes most of the diseases from which pooplo Miffer. Better heed the warning given by the pimple aud pu rify the litnod at once by tak in r Hood's Sarsa parilla. Tht* medicine cures all diseases due to bad bloos, Including scrofula and salt rheum The non-irritating cathartic- -Uood’a Pills. Ths Rumsdy for Stemaoh and Bowel Troubles “1 bavsjbeen in the drug business for twenty years,{and have sold most all of the proprietary modicincs of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcmeey for all stomach and bowel troubles,” says 0. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It ■fiords a quick and sure Iciim in a pleas ant form, No family should be without it, I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, Just received ready to wear fell hats Miss Kste Sla'er. DOES IT FA Y TO BUY CHAKP Mcheap remedy for coughs and 00IA.S is ail right, but you went some th|*c that wi- believe and cure the ipst safe re and dapgoidus results n threat and lung tropble, HI hat the dot Go to a warmer and mere regula climate? Yes, if possible; If iot pc slble for you; then in either esse tak the onlv remedy that has been Intro luosd in all civilised countries with success in sore throat and lungtroubles Boechee’s German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissue* to destroy the germ disease, but allays tnflamatlon and cause# expectoration, gives a good | night’s rest and cures the patient i Try one qottle Recommended maov years by all druggists lo the world (Sample bottles at W. J. Butts and I Brown Druuw Go CHEAP RATES PLANT SYSTEM. Account of the annual meeting of the Natioosl Association of Spanish WarVettrns at Chcttancoga, Tenn., Out. it to 11, the Plant System will sell tickets from Brunswick to Chaitacooga and return at one fare for round trip. Ticket* oh sale Oaf. 8 and 9, final limit Out. 13. Account of the K.ntucky Trotting Horee Breeders’ AarOeUiion, Lexing ton, Ky., Oct; 2 to 3, the. Plant System will seli ticket# from Brunswick to Lexington and return at one fare for tbe round trip Ticket* on Bale S-pt. 30 to Uc'. 1, Halved until Oct, 15 TO 4QIN THE MINSTRELS. "Mr. Bur Winton leaves on Octobtr s*t for Providence, R J., n h-rc he goes to J nn the Washburn Minstrel's band- Mr. Wioton baa many friends in tbieoity who wißfh him sucoeee ig his new venture. #ERA HOUSE. One Solid e-11 lifer fi Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. The Woodward- Warren Company Supporting tlie Eminent Cjsmadlati. 11 Hi. • In high class repertolr, (f L, dqwoeudg*, 910 npatairs.) Prices, IQ, 20,30 c Reserved seats on sale at Butts, Colored people can secure their seal's ot Carter s. GEORGIA OETEtIIYE AGC’t ■ . 1. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. A- Civil and criminal ca-ea attended to business strictly confidential. En quires con ducted with secrecv. L- J. L.E AVY TVI rtx=o<r L. J, Leav^kCo Auctioneers, Merchants and al Collecting Agent* Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to f!nl]*cti<m of Rente KIDNEY DISEASES are r (he most fatal of all dis eases. tm EY’Q kidney cure is a FULL I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. ~ W. J. Butts, th- Drugg'ist SCURF. YCJRSt.F , V- Ut* for Irritations </. ulcerations of n. a ( oun membrane*. JPamic#*. and not astrin or *mt In plain wrmppen Otrclar m< nqtnft [foooDROPSj Preparaiionfor As similating the Food andßegula - ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Imams /Children Promoles Digeslion.Cheerful ness arxlßesi Contains neitiier Opium.Morphme nor Mineral, Aot >J.vnc otic . Apr affJtdtirSMUEL PtTCHEJi lampion Seed' Mx.Setwa - UKkdUSJu * mRw; J Apeifecl Remedy forConstipa- Hon, Sour St(R|^h,Diarrhoea Worito ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Far- S unite Signature of &&£)*'. NEW* YORK. AI b miiii ll s old Jj I MS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, PLANT SYSTEM passenger department. ■ IV..READ' DOWN ~T ~ ' | KKAJ) Cp ■ •■/. .. so. n wo , j Time Table Mixed ! NO. 35 , l’s*ngrr j Mixed j KlTectlve Sunday. Dally. Daily Daily. Daily. May 2712:01 am | ;■■••• T 15*m.... B<opm... Iv Hntaawick xr 11 3Cpin-... to 15a Bi:.,ra aCO pm. ar Waynroes lv 9f,oPm.. 7 15a n... Vii pm... 10 wpo... It Waycroas ar 7 45p:n... 846 am... .. .. lsstspm... 145 am... ar Tifton It 5 Upti....| 1 15iur,.... IS lepm... 200 am It Timor. ar 6 10px>. : 200 am.... . . Stop® . 4 team... ar Albany 'v 4 48pm....'1*01air... j .11 SO pm... IS 10am... ar Satrantiab i? i obptn— . 2 lean .... 4 100 m... S Siam... ar Charletton It ... .... 11 15nm... IS SO am... 10 . pm. ■ ar Jacksonville Iv 7 45pm... .j 5 Mam 140 pin. Twin.. ar fhomaSTlile lv S 3'pm -.. 2 6 0 00pm. 8 COam ar Tampa It J 20am T OSpn ... V.A WATCROSS4 MONTGOMERY ;i; an. 15 00pm tIT Brunswick a; MSO am.... to 15 an> ; e Warn... 8 copm... ar Wayerosa h. 9 Man. . 7 la m ioso i 1 m SlO am ar Montpomery b I am. ,>.. ill Stem...lll Warn... ar B rmmpbain: l'i $ ?;*!“• * e Mam ... 7 b'pm... ar •' - - 1 J >" o3am.. l4 sapm .. saoam... ar W'dsvtllc (' ;■ i*P“V ,* ! 4 06pm ...I 7 or. am... ar Cincinnati I ■' “ ®*pm j7Up a .... 7 seam... nr at. Lcuis iv.ls2S.xm sMpm.. VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. —;. .'.j I loam. 6 tie i m l.\ jdrnnaw tea Ar 1140 P m 10 ft) am ill Mam :1210 am Ar Savannah JLv <OO rm * ,v ,ftlll i 459,m.. 018 am. tAr Charleston I.t ti soam • 4 ]*•*“ I' ' 823 Am T 25pm Ar Richmond Lv n pm JX IS i— 710 am ,1120 pm lAr Witch in*ton Lv ,BOf pm *■■ Bto am 1 li’3wn . Ar Baltinrore Lv 1 ■ ij SSSJ! i IIO r. 5 am •: Ar Philadelphia Lv .- 11 J* am l- • j 115 pm ]<J 58 a..i jAr Now York L\ Bwm . 2dpm j Diroot connection made at Warcroas with tbou. a Pullman SlecplngCaif fm Charleston. and all points North; also fo. MocLoaurv, Birmingh* , Nashville, Bt. Louis and all points Wast, , Reeling chair ca s between Waycroas and via Tboinaevili©. pv Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. QOIXG. Lr Poi^V*fiftJ° *►* P ,n Mon. Thura. Sat. Ar Key Tues. Pri. Sun. Lv Ki Wet Tue* Frl. Sunday Ar Havana 6 <X> a(B*fcl- Sat Mon W.B. DEXH VM General Supt Savannah, Ga Jno veruM wines, Liquor, Cigarg, Etc. Is now ready* for business, We will sell you goods 10 p*r cent less tnan original cost. 606 Monk Street. CJISTORir For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I t Signature of W rtpA Use La For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI CENTAUR COMPANY. N*M YORK CITY, - <N| RETURNING Lv Havana 2 HO pin Mon. Wed. and Hat Ar Ivor West 9 00 pm Mon. Wed. and mu Lv Kev Went 10 00 p. m. Mon. Wed. and 5at,,... Ar Port Tampa 230 am Tue. Thur. and un.. g*o. w. COATKS. Division Pa?. Agent. Brunswick, va. W. WRKNN Pats. Trafflf Mgr Savannah .Ga