The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Km REPORT lid. of Will Tell Connell of His Mg. The City Fathers Will Hold an Important Session. The people of Brunswick are answer Expert BrsjV repj.r w on the ci’v treasurer’s b iok9 will be conveyed4o c uno 1 tonight by Mayor Atkinson,' and a full board will probably be present. Mr. Bray made a report Sa'urday night tot' the tinance oommittee, but nothing official hs been given out. The repobt tonight will be complete.' 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Irs Smith returned to the city je.-terdsy morning. Notiue is directed to the "‘ad” of Mr*. M. I kid elsewhere in the pspWr * v th s mjrnipjj.'' Mr. 1-uo has good stock, and is offering it at liv.ogpgf'ceY The Riflemen held a tpJSting in their Another big excursion will resoh the city today, .Congrefanaan Biautlej will leave to morrow morning for AVoodbine, where he will addreee a mammoth meeting of Camden oounty voters. •Messrs, Toni and Ford Fuller leave shortly for Obsrlestor , where they w 'l resume their studies at Porter opleg*. •* "St AVitlU Wilder leaves sbortlyfor - where he will haveare epo: .*;t4e ooaitiu, wsttl the E Ps ' ,ir '£ C'o,, fcsvirg b.'en promoted Jr ,m his present portion. One of the most important committees tb it on admioUtrat.on—vvae carelessly left out of yesterday’s library matter, aud is as follows: C. L. Candler, chair man. Mrs. Thomas Fuller, 11. M.King. G. J. Orr. Mr. If. ff! Stuitu, of Car.ersville, G , recently of Aidants, arrived in tbiteify yosterday, and has accep’id a position with the B-twa Drug Cos. 1 After He Comes 2 S he has a hard enough time'. Every- J jf thing that the expectant mother , Jf can do to help her child see should I J 2 do. One o£ the greatest blessings j she can give him is he .Ith, but to , *t do this, she must have health her- 1 fi self. She should use every means ' 4 to improve her physical condition. •s She should, by all n:caus, supply I; her: :If with ' Motlier 9^ i > f?v\ rlTCiili. : "a It will la a her , h.k _ cjaSitl through the cri-.s > K l easily and Ssh,. \ quickly. It is a * l mt which h '4 ; \ gives strength J "v ] and vigor to the Jj I l H —S VP' , 0W y"n u Hk l that th *k y .T-i * VSkgm stronger the lj muscles arc, kp — "y~j which bear the -l F " ' pain there will be. \ 3 A woman living in Fort Wayne, *j k Ind.. says: *' Mother' - Friend cl ! d p-aVoiciers for me. Praise GoJ f r <j B your liniment. ” £ Read this from Hunel, Cal. q " “ Mother’s Friend is a bie mg to 4 ► fill women who i.ature's J h ‘j.,. ,t • .-ov.Vh ” y ordeal M tx-.c.Jtn. y Get Mother's friend at tha J' dreg store. SI per bottle. , I THE BRABHEI l JORLO., j ! Atlanta, Ga. E Vv'rlte for our ito.t HluS.-" *.• Ibf ! H - MAT BUILD NEW ROAD Talk of a Line to Connect Valdosta and Nashville -An impo*tant railroad rumor comes from Berrien county, Georgia,'to the effect that the Gray Lumber Compttiy of Leluton aud Pi, abloom, Georgia, contemplates building a road to Nash ville, Georgia. They have had a line bu lling in this direction for several years, pri marily for the timber in this seotion south of L*>liaton, aid secondly to retch Valdosta If their line is completed to Nash vdle, it is very prohibit that steps will be taken to finish up the gap be.. tween Valdoita and that town The grays have two large lumber miils, one at Pioebloom and the otter at LUiaton, and the road from Val dosta to Nashville would opeu up an excellent timber seo’iph for them, as * well as a floe territory for the ohants in Valdosta"’”' TO START TOD AT Blood worth A . Will Begin Catting on thi O’Shatighenncssy Land. £ Fifty or seventy five men will bs f started to work this morning cutting crossties, cord wood and telegraph polos on the O’Bbaughcimessy 1and,12.000 acres Ih all, by Messrs. Bloodworth A Jones, who bavjji leased the land for five years. An ad appears io-Jlie want column of the Timkr Call this morning for men who are Vranted to do this work. By next week it is expected that two or three hunted will ba' working on the laud. They will start, th s morning about two miles from the city, just oflpcaite Pal metto cemetery. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPQH I’RUl‘rc E MARKET. New York. Sept, t > -'The li ail.og futdi'e, ranged a follow-ia the N.-w York l'roduce ExcUange today: Wheat,No. S,—Open. lll*],. clo'C ept SUI-f Ml 1-4 78 7-8 r 1-2 bee S3 1-I 821-4 (113-8 812 1 Ooru, No. 2 ' a.'Pt if, 1-2 4f.7-s 455-8 15 8-8 I>JC 11 5-3 41 <j-i 4' 3-8 41 5-8' NEW YiJllli COTTON. New York, Sep . U.-The following table sl> r 11: in pi i -of eotton for tin- (llT ferent monlbs; ’ Open. High. Lor. Cl se October. . 9VI 10 Sli i) 02 io 2 Oeeembvr 9 CO Dili 9 r,t y 94 January 9 53 9 95 9 52 9l April 9 (12 9 70 9 (12 9 SO J nly . 9 58 3 67 9 58 9 67 WiLTj STAND BY YOU j The “Oolnniljt* It f, vr' i.f,aortalcl of the ‘<v r’d” is ft wilt ' j • vhirr< j i Oct oorfid'i'Crt eai fit: <l, >. ec<. u e I ■it ban stool tba test ul jit. b, at:J m made f r -erv eß* wi*l ai icO’ra. the ColuQtbia “ad" in tbie i* u- Y!>. i’tovf. r s t he flatten ’ hi- dloiv a the clv • /••• #Ojku “Your runt hersandgrapd- MT Do;ter£ wijre ecarce and they b'trd at- .l .citie nervous prr,tr. tioc ht ftf. IWii etc. Tii*y ~sed August Flower to teat) out tbr • j era tied stop Jermf ulßUon of nml> u-ated food -ifuiate toe acaoe of 'hi Jtvar, stlmu.V j the action of t r.e cer • yj- and orgr.rlc lyst'm, and that i ft l they too it w r en reeling dull and oao with headache sad ol: tr act e. Yo; u y ’.eedafow do*-* of Green s Ae-”-. . ->t FI over. in -q.;-" form to rnck yot. 'riT'-'t ..ij nere >* nothing serioio * - ■'♦ji > fcott . a frugal r* or Brvrr Drue C F-; .• be rs every boueerclr! ma c ci e. !t ftffofdi iisr'.ftic relief THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL SEPTEMBER 13, 1900 REPORTED BEHIND IT It is Said Iht Ilc#st Owns the New Atlanta f \Paper. v :■ * r; " . All Kinds of Humors* Are Afloat In the Capital - City. v V ir A • ■■■'■ * *- • - , ~, * y;> ( *>■ It Is said that William R Beairst, of the New York Journal, gan . Fran cisco Examiner and Chlcagty'Aroer caa, is back'hsftbe new afternoon paper, th '‘Atlanta Daily jkewb,” Further it is said that Hears will purchase the Atlantt Journal, end that the name will go tut cnce, *■ \ Walter Howard, one oi the prime' movers in the,deal, was tor awhile city editcr’of th; New York Joucna’, ard wof Hearsl’b righ t hand'then. Many people believe that) was interested in ,h-> Journal r.cemly AH for reasons bes. known' not let this bo known. This Idea hhs. v gaiueJ grhetAeApim ■ Jrom •** & ; fkt Jo rmwof3psf|#A’s i ■'l •og^-j^pri.,mi occupy a'-odhspriueus ll(%TL“" the edi, lortal page each dav. 'Moreover thy paper runs, iargaly to lllus toon's, which is a well knftwn. -JV&rst pofley. The pictures ara.a 1 and are of the most ‘ Wjhc her ; :tbi% stoiy , the b Hief In Its gsPHlrfenesk 1 in Ail in .a. Shoul 1 Mr: the South hr would shake things vfjj 1 Itfissell’s Chill Tonic is acknowledge tiro he the Best the -’market, every cottle Toes are by all dEuggfets. 4 If you rat without a'pJ&M'te, you needTrickJy removcx’inipyritiie thst clog and im pede t,he a-oUpvtof the dtjeatiii urgtlns, or-at,es.good. SKDpetMgKf epd digpition, strength or body and tc'fVity of brain, W J, Bu'.ts. —”——■—- Have y lurCTbthA'cl. aneo and press ed by Jim Carter. aSti. —?!3LI -. . Mrs. Pinkham The one thing iff at quale* fins a person to give ad vice on jMif subject is c.Aimi'LfsJa experience creamskno wledge, x&f* other person has so meido an experience with female tiis hor such a record of suooess as Mrs, Pinkham has had. Over a hundred thou sand cases conio before her each year, Sotne per sonally, others by mail. And this has boon going on for 20 years, day after day and day after day. Twenty years of con stant suooess - think of the knowledge thus gained! Surety women ore wise In seeking ad vise from a woman with such cn experience, es pecially whan It Is free, if you are HI pet a bottio of Lydia E, Pinkham's Voyetahlc Gompoumi at once -then write Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, i always keep or; hand There Is no kind of pain l or ache, internal or ester- 1 nal, that Peln-Killer will i not relieve. , tOOK OUT FOR IVnrttQWS ATID'SUS- 1 SiITU7ES the genuine bottle' BEARS TtefE NAME, f j PERRY DAVIS & SON.' f-fi J’oisonoitH tolas touts resembling pihvhrooina have caused frcijuoai'B.Mthftthiyye.-tv,' ltfcenis to use only the genuine. nWrve tlie rmWacvre when youfaskTdr DeW'in’s TVittC HnAJUSn'lvt They am poisonous roumortorts: lieWiP sla 1 lie Only original tVitrii HiiaSl isnlve. tt 'F'saie n:UI certain cure for piles and all sf.ih disc ies j w <t nutts. 'I IMES-CALL JOB OFFICE. Tfuse who o ant'ih best w >rl , a' fie 1 ilgnrv, -uni,|d bri’n.- Pto ’his (1fi0.%, On larg,} dodgers, vur i prices and'work will make you a on ittyy, customer, if you will give ue li, ir , d >tfewSTroT^ will The 1 -eog-'esb:soerYfti lionf Of iho 01 id are tlie 1 gi'pal .food eagUftMßtag nations. >;, U o^ Vood well if voretrelagtli. if y ()l i*jAttot digest e t,. yon need Koilol l),yspepvi,L Core It you out. Vop nCpd pot diet y-mr '‘contains all of the qjjjfritaiua comb ued ' SSfcihd best known toniaS.auirwousti'uclives IjwlH Cvcn thgeeta all clawas ff food* Ut,a l>ot- Ue. *No other preparation wBI iteipis. it in hfamly rphevee and cures all dtonnooh troubles WJ Putts *" CHEAP RATES Tq, RICHMOND. Account Baptist Couvention, Rieh . -Tt ‘ tnoi . Plant jjystem will sell tip) - elt|ruti Brunswiek'at rate of $17.75 f df rownd'trip, sale Hopt. SO, 51 and 12, final limit Sc & 22. '1 his rate open to everybody. RtiPHeU’s Chill aud Fvr ■ * Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. 1 Itisserameo, Ga., JnneTS, J. ll.’Aic- Strengtem'nK Cordial auU Blood Purillcr i£>.thoa;est oiodu liK' nf ita kind juado, - u-p(l it and know it to lx* g-ood. (:. I*. i\U;i>ati' B-I. t’or W. J. the drupglst,. Ki ua lvi-na, the , TftfUcloßs Quinine Tonic, B ati fever—'2,'ic a tiottlo. For Bladder , Troubles use STUART’S GIN and j BUCHU. Wanted. " Arieeitu wells to drive at $250 each Rise and capacity guarantied" will also guarantee to complete wells it, ir, days. Call on 8r address A. IT. Bak-r, 205 Gloucester street. The emergency bags Sent by a church roclet to- Kouaaa roltllarei,, the Philippi,,,,, contained eraongtlio ne-eiFlti'.s „ box of DeWftt'a wild, ffazol Salve, Die welt In >wn cure for piles, in juries and ejclii U.*ea ea. 'ihe Imlln, look oar, loeblntr the original lieWitfa WUth Huzei Salve, knowing that an the conhierfeit nr,’ worthless. OV, J. Hutts. A SPECIAL I'Ol.Nl HU TO H'hUBI.WIVKB. Dried Smokeless Boneless Herring and a quickly fried egg rnnke a most acceptable "hot weather” breakfast pleasing to coog. r,leasing io appetite. I have the Herring, the ic-al "Katzcn Jamme " k nd, with true dyed-in-thc wool Ilavorlng, the. kind which wakes up the jaded afipctltc. It is absolutely boneless and in thin strips about 5 inches lonjf and half inch wide. A iar will make a mea' . Packed in glass jars, Try a jar now—-just the season for them. THOMAS NEANV, FANCY GKOCKR; Phone 11, 312 Newcastle Street. $47-50 Willi buy a Model 69Columbia Chainless Bicycle. $37-50 V .. . . . - Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25.50 r \ . .-.a''",: . •• . ' ' ' Wdi buy a Ladies .Cushion Frame Bicycle- This is something nice. Try one-buy one! sls OO tO $20.00 Will buy a good Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle, at the IPOWNING CO Summer Furnitu re, A clearance sa'e to make room for new goods. 1 l’-irlor t uit, 5 piercs, Worth S4O, now $29. 1 tlak R-fris-Hrator. w , r th S2O. now sls. 1 Ork B--d Rocm Suite, 8 pieces, worth $25, now $lB Hed Loaiges, worth $lO, row sl2. |g|gggfCOm' Centre Tables. 5 I cehts to $6. J- Ice Cream Fnoz rs worth $2.50 at $1 98. A larg, assort meat of Sideboard-, Cupboards Hr ill and Chairs. Wsr.. Ijf Prices Below the Market, ffjgjfr * e. mm. P%. BOWEN & BW”,| Of Exipk : ml Mawiil'Ac.tnrrra ,f (%nl, Til* A WISE. FHOYISION —Never be without some of onr \S im'-; ;m j Whisky in the houM? it is the befr for he nit 1 1 and hosmlalitv • The doctor piiscribes it and friends appiove it. Pure, rich, m llow. • PR. . DOUGIL-AS, -rr“ -Jluci! * '^■r w J=j!gßSLiJiijLißJ --y rr —rr: —-— rrrrrrr™'™'™ p 6ptt fe •' "i t/f J re'um''Vlr;\:L’ „ . t ,r: !;<• •<*•( r recuprtl.i; , ' Mj fO(Mi t.* .’-rdlMit c nltt). a:.r! % . \ \ have i /ei VWi*: .1.. i , ,:urf.'i tin..•(■ v ‘ *' * / *’' spuLXui ■‘*'!v';fVw : ....-t' l V-!!L!' t 11 PRICES TOkUT. T. MEWJUN, j C®T JL% 5