The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 13, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. A MATCH. II Jove were what the rose Is, And ! were like the leal, grow together In *d or clinging weather, Blown Helds or Uower close*, Ureon plexMtre or grey grief; II lore were what the row Is And 1 were like the leaf. If I were what the words are. And love were like the tune., With double soiindjtod Single, Delight our lips would mingle Willi kiseca glad as birds aro That get sweet rain at noon; If I were wliat the words are, And love were like the tune, If youwere life, my darling, And I, your love, were death, We’d shine and snow together lire March made tweet the weather With daffodil an>l starling And hours of fruitful breath; x It you wore life, my darling, And I, youi life wore death. If you wore thrall io imow, And I were page to joy, - - * We’d play fogiirfaSnd seasons if, i hi loving looks and taeaums, And tears of night and tr orrow, - And laughs of maid and boy; II yon were thrall to sot row, And 1 were page to joy. If you were April's lady Aud I ivero lord In May, We'd throw with leaves lor hows And draw for days with flowers Till day like night were shady And night were bright like day; If you were April’s lady, And I were lord In May. if you were queen of pleasure And I were king of pain, We’d hunt down love together, Pluck out his flying feather Ami teach his feet a measure. And And his mouth a rein; if jou were queen of pleasure And 1 were king of pain, -►Algernon Charles Swinburne, Sit the taaay Sen lit teter e ton "KbtU in about tvo wooks much Iruj-tovi-a , n health. Mrs. O. W. Uoa'.oa nj Miss Rosa NEW YORK (SEPTEMBER I STATE , APPLES, Nice California Pears, Yellow Cling Peaches, Golden Drop Plums, And other Fruits, Arrive (oday. Also lirst New York Grapes of the season will arrive on Thursday morning. Send orders in early. NUB fir SIBIL THOS. LLOYD. Next door to Fleming .'c Waff’s. Coates bare loft Wy.bvllLy and ale now iri North Carolina. M rs, H. li. Raymond lain He-tlet • son v ile N. C.. where she w',ll spend several week", before returning to the city. '*• Dr. and Mrs 1. N. Bishop and MLs Ifattte Bishop who have recently been in Virginia, are now in Washington, from where they will go to New York returning to Brnnswick the latter pan of the month. A te’egram from Mrs. J. A, Butts, announces her safe arrival in New York after a pleasant sea trip. Mrs. Emil Fabian bag been quitu 111 bui ia improv nr, and *'ll q#ft again to tbc delight of many frltnf*. iJisn Uj'.zrl £}fjjilMil#’ej t *y/a abort ly for New York, where she wl 1 attend school. Little Ytse Laura Baker is out again after a month of feyer. MrB. hj. Warren is on Bt. Simon with ber sister, Mrs. Parker Bowling,whose little child is quite 11. Mis. Brows er Phillips, of St. Simon will spend In Allans, the guest of Mrs. L, 0. Boj and . Miss Rita McKinnon will rotura In two weeks from a trip to tho New Eng land state*. iWiwi inn Q-, Mrs. M. Eikau will re'urn Monday on the Mallory steamer from New York, whua she has purchased her fail ttock of millinery. Mrs. Eikau will ba accompanied by Miss Powell, who is remembered as head milliner of tbat. departine. t last year. Quite a pleasant party of young people spent several hours rowing on the Bay Tueaday evening, chaperoned by Mr. W. H, DeVoe. the crowd who enjoyed the trip were; Messrs. Leighton Bur roughs, Ofcrrlngton Cosby, Frank Bt;cey, LaVergne WhlUleld,Jim Bailey John Pace, Stetson Fleming, Willis Wilder, Malcolm McKinnon: Misses Hav.el N'ghtenualo, Irene Wood. Marie l DVos,, Emily Waft, Ethel Elliott. • - : ffV Mrs .J. J. Couoley, Misses Ethel and Kezzle leave tonight fpt Staunton, where Misa Kr o will enter school. Kittle Miss Margaret B robs ton haß recovered Ironi an lllr.ess of several days. Miss EilaCo'eman leaves on Friday for Floret and?, A'a., where she will ep nd the winter. * , • Mrs. C. 0. Mo. re lesycjjU-shortly for Maeou, where She will,, visi Mrs, J. C. Valmviay r Three Si-t rs of tli- S’.o Joseph’s pfjj ersrdyed In tjjm city viiUruay/*,] will have charge W, tl;! is located at present in the Emanuel building la the rgar ol the Catholic cbnrcb.' —o Miss WUUat" of Savaneab) pussod through LL* city Tuesday night euroute THE BRUNSWICK TIMES'-CALL. SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. to her home from a pieee.nt visit to her hi other, Mr. R. l. Williams on St Simon. Miss Berks Baker I.ft cn Monday fjr Duugla", wl er.f sh hr brother, Mr Cl iqj Baker. Mr. ai dMr ~ Joseph Mungbam tave returned from ihur wedding tr p acd are at home to their many friends at Mrs. Mann'S oa 0,-a ree. Mis* LuU McL ug li > left jcilsr day morning to visit Xt-la ivos fu Val dosta. THE BOOKS CLOSED. Those Whose Names Are Not Ou It Cannot Vote. The registrafion book* fer the Ooto ber eieotioo cluaed yesterday, and those who have failed to fiav* tkelv Wpot rots. cougt ef tbv contested ary In Jaoeytbe registration j ve/y Urge, that if with ihe hi tbs very few colored men registered, ixeept there from thel3so',b district, where a eon test for justice of the peace is on. barge nun igptn. attruuotnera say, paused the extreme heat this aummer, and doctors declare nearly all tho prostrations were induced by dis orders of tiie -tomaeh, (lood henlth follows good digcsllo*. Kodol Dyspepda fare digests vvhat you eat. If'you have indigestion or dy. peiwia it w HI quickly relieve au<l permanently cure you. W. J. Units. r A Minister’s Good Work, “I had a severe attack of bUioun colic! got a bottle ul Chamberlaln'i Colic, Cholera and lilarrlKrxrtomody, took two doaea and wax cn tirely cured.’’ ays ltov. A. A. Fwwer, of Ktupo ria, Kan. “My neighbor acro! thestieetwaa sick for over a week, had two or three bottle! o medicine from the doctor. He used them (or throe or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. f went over to see him the neat morning. He raid hia bowels were In a terrible fix. that they had oiri> long that tr was atuiost bloody dui. I askctUiim If he bail lrj.oi! Cham berlain's Colie, Cholera and Dlanbraa Remedy, and he said, 'No,’ 1 went home and brought him my bottle anil gave him one uoae; him to tale another doec in ntterm or twenty min utes if be iltd not find relief, bnt he took no snore, and was entirety cored. J tin ok it the best medicine I have ever tried Tgb'or sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. Mr, A, j. MeVclgL ts in the city, n.c worries of a weak anil h:k mother are only begun with Iho birth o< heT child. By day her work is constantly Interrupted an) at night her rest is broken by the w tiling oi th peevish, pony Infant. Dr. Pierce's Pnrorito Prescription makes weak women strong and sick wonieu well It lightens all the hnrlfona of maternity,giving to mothers strength and' vigor, which (hay impart to their children. In over thirty years of practice Dr. Ilerce and his associate stair of nearly a score ot physi cians have treated and cured more than half a million suffering women. Hick women are in vited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free of eiiurgo. Ail aorresposdMicv is strictly private. Address Ur. It. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. Our Greatest Specialist For 30 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully 'rested chronlo diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in lx) per cent, of all cases. Iu the treatment of loss of vital force* nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful* Dr. Hathaway's practice is more than doublo that of any other specialist. Oases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write 4am. today fully about iipur . H© makes no charge i.vr eaßS'iltaUonTvf advice, either at his of. flee or by mail. : J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryau Street, Savannah, Qa STOVES REF AI RED. Rice, the| stOTc doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy nJ sells second hand stoves, 114 Ba treat. September is Malaria’s Own Month. Malaria Is; bad enough: its children are worse; / dengue, Hemorrhagic, “Typhoid FJvejrf Cured By —v JQgp'S CHILL MS Ml M /Russell’s Chill and Feyer Tonic is acknowledged to be tlie Best on the market, / everyi bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. Julius ptto, of Macotv spnt yfster* day in the city. ChSttieiyajn’s Cough Remedy a Great j Favorite. and healing qualities of thl* remedy, ia pleasant taste and promat aud per jianent eurvahave made It a treat favorite with people everywhere. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick reltef. and a* it contains ua oylum or other harmful drrg, it may he given as cdsMently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Bitbiuiji drug store. wt •‘1 bad a running tors on my leg for seven yiars ” wxlleqlllrs. James Forest of Cheppew* Fail*, Vi'J*.,“and-pent hundreds of dollars in tryfag to get it healed. Two boxes of Banner •hive entirely eur*d It," W. J. Bu;t. Do you read what people say about Kood's SaipstaariMa? It U caring all forma of disease Bauaed or promoted by Impure blood. * Cured 0 f Cbtonio Diarrhoea After 30 Year* of Suffering. “If suffered fcr thirty rwwa wll* diarrhoea and thought I wa# priat tmtag Bored," says John 8. Ifalloway, of Frimih 'Camp, Miss. “I had sfien so much time and money and suffered so much thatY had given up all>ipe of recov ery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diar rhoea that I could do no kind of (abort mid not cren-lravel, Uu ’- by accident l wea per uitted to find a wertln of ChMalwriaba'a Col to, tlbolcra and Diarrhoea Remedy, amt after taking sev eral bottlea I amenjUrely cAred of that tvou bV. lam so pleased with the result that ! am anxious that 4be in reMix of all who suffer as I have.'" ter sale by Bishop's drug store. ■Yuat;re.*H**d ready to wear felt hate Mira Kate Slater. -• tu _________ JloeiMaa* - jsoiruu man can usake SAO per month a4 expenses. Permanent position. Experience uuneceseary. Write quick for particulars, Clark* Cos., 4tb A tjocna.Streets. {Philadel phia,Pa. STTBUKB EXCURSION RATES To All X.xxtaUj, Seaside and Lake Resorts Tia the Plant System. Tieketeiii a'e Jims’} Jo September :*>, with return tlfet “rlober 31. ia|fc Perfe-I pesmtilgei semtea. rmimai, K-per onaU taeSne. Fug mWwtßaw e nm oa ap plication. -<e*+. w. watks, ti. r. a, •f~- OrunsWsek, Ga. B.W. WRRSilfk tit,Savannah,<Ja Y SOREST AMD ULCERS. Some* and Fleers never become chronic artless the Mood la in poor condition is sluggish, weak and unable to throw oft the poison* that accumulate in it. The system ftiust bo relieved of the unhealthy tnaGer through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood hasbeen made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. 5.5.5. cure by first cleans ing and invigoi blood, building op the general healthlßMctnoving from the system a ntlNtmr no aim all morbid, efietematter. UPON When this has been accompHshedrjfclis. charge gradually ceases, and the sofflSk nicer heal*. It isihe tendency of these old" indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate psin, cannot i each the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. docs, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though vour constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diesel bodv. Mr. TANARUS, & Talbert, Lock Bex irinons. Mine, ?yi sl rear* sso inr lea A-om the knre t3 the fore was one solid set*. Several physicians treated me and I tusds two trips to Hot Springs, but folic (too redef. Iw* Induced to try 8. S. b. Sndlttaades complete cure. I have been a per fealy wsU taan ever ripcc." rtife i&t /Ste Is the only purely vrg oSa etable blood purifier known—contains no W- KJJ poisonous ruicerslt to 7W V min the digestion and add to, rather than relievo your suffer- If your flesh does not heal readily when scratehc-l, bruised or cut, yoor blood is in bad condition, ami ary ordinary sors is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write cmr physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CIX, ATLANTA, fiA. There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots' to waste, as there is no finished end to I cut off and throw away. When you i buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for j five cents, you have more to smoke, j and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. Ttifee Hundred million Old Virginia CHeroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price. 3 for 5 cents. a fi IPAN S tiboies doctors find 1 * A Good i ‘ _-,:r . j* , Prescription./ C for mankind : x I? ** .u l)e,ni,t, Gwecm. XntMrmx,' ' “ ’■V Mfw-Sia4, CcDeni Storm aad Butxn tttMuk pain, induce tires, um 4 mndomm lift A ■ 2** m * tler the m After, tpe wiA * vT mmmtwlt mma >r —* —T ibno m nalailox . . * r **‘ ***** l !■< 11 li Cos,. m(Sfncm aiZ. ir*aft WASHINGTON SEMINARY SSSs Macon and Baltimore Woman’s College Primary, Academic, Music, Art, Elocution and Business courses. Small classes. Individual work. Neff building. Home life. Pupils enter Vassar, Wellesley and Rjndolph-Mtoon , on certillcates. Next session begins September 6th. For illustrated catalogue ddress Mrs. W,T handler, Principaf.Llewlljn D. Scott, Associate Principal Bloodworth &Jdnes New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given al! orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. W R. SMITH’S COLLEGE. LEXINGTON, W, U wherv dtur-ejvn after titveating from Sag te Ho <tx tutt been •dMCMtfsl s BookVtcMr*. stW*rphcr*, Tek*. ! bow “•cc, rt fc’rooi ti.joo **!ary i per ye* , CHp&tna ewanird bu s rak>C two j World' l ;*• to thousjmd.TMNdT?* { cetwft.l v-' v thi# theaprft Zod 1 motii • Cuythl* • out bar mfrre k< Fci*s^^rt, lr>>t }/, .A, rt k ! ' ~bUY t*HE CEWuine 1^ SYRUPJFjfcs CALIFORNIA FIO SYPLP CB. FWNOTE THE WAMP, FROM A FORMER SOLDIER. “Soldiers comprehend the horrors of * Fever Stneketi Camp miles away from the tva*o of supplies. In such place-Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic came fa. You needed no <dimne or Calomel; use Johnson's Tonle, anj you -would pull through."—C nas, F. Rot kjj, Everett City, Ga. USE NO OTHER. IT KEEPS YOU WELL A. B. GIK A K DEAF, Sole Matftfactarer. Savannah, Oa Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway.. RICHMOND, V A.—Annual Conrentlon "ovrr erfign Grarul Ivodgt*, In<t*pendf*nl < dd Fellows, One fare for the roond trip. Tickets on sale Sept. 15-17, final limit Sept. 26. MACON. Ga.—Street and AgricnHoral Fair. For indivuliinla,one fare for the round trip. For military companies and brass biindjsHu nniforra, 20 or more on one ticket, |fi.9n for the round trip. Ticktts on sale Sept. final limit Oct. 21. 1.01 IsVILI.E, KY ,- Annual conrentioii col ored Oddfellows, Oac fare for round trip- Tickets oa aate Sept. 2SG 50, and Oct. I, final limit Oct 0. 0 ASHKVII LE, N. C.--Annual meeting Miaeis- Bippi Valiep Medical Assoc*intern. One fare for round trip. Ticket# on sate Del. 6-Ui, Dual limit Oct. 15. K ANSAS CITY'. MO.--.\ccount of Nation Con veuHoo of the Chrietian church. ticketwlll te -. Id to Kansa.# Otr, Oct. "-10. with final limit Oct. 2.5, at rate of one fare for the round trip, plug |4. CHATTANOOGA. TENN.~Clkioamau*4 and Chattanooga National Park Commission. Annual reunion of the Society of the Ynuy of the umberlaud, Confedcrat • Veterans > uih; annual meeting Nati'mal span -h War Veterans. One fare for the round trip. Ticket* on a*ie Octoben and , >Mth filial limit October 10,1000. • l,K\i NtiTi >N, IvY.—Kentucky Horse BrwileiV .'i^s > Septe,u,;er 30 ’ wUl ‘ ntt * tl J,n * ATLANTA, <* southern Interstate Fair* t >r in*ii\ i<tuaN, one fnre for the roundenp, : P ,u adunssion to the fair ’-trueaE ! i or' iHtary companies and bra-? :-Aiuia •In ufuforta, twenty or more on one tn i ozq ’ c 1 7^°r tui.c* in each direction p* r<* a pita. J I <.H VHLEBTON, ?#. ■ O.—Annual ConveaMon 1 .*.-•*< of Ymeric in Municipaiifie^Tone I tar •, ■ 1 ■ r the r ound trip plus Tickets on [ aie l pan i li, wiiii tlnmt liuiii Dc t AMERICIT?,GA,—Graud Lodge A. F. and A. Mnwng and Auxtlmry. One .rod one-third fa for the rouod trip. Tickets oa said > ptember ;jo to OeVber *2, with fiaid limit October r, IPOO. ****• : 1 CIBBER City, Ca.—Co’ored Cftropmening. | One and one-third fares for tbe round trip 1 ickets on Bale #*pG mbcr 27 and 30, with final limit October I, liXV*, .. .